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9661337 No.9661337 [Reply] [Original]

Why does so much biomed research go into meme shit like cancer and heart disease instead of brainletism which burdens a much higher proportion of the population to a much greater extent? Having a sub 130 IQ for your entire life is a lot more fucking disabling than getting a heart attack and a prostate cancer diagnosis at 78. Do intelligent people just innately hate brainlets and want them to suffer as much as possible?

>> No.9661373
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When people donate to fund disease research, their donation comes with the notion that the donation will be used to further research in the particular disease the donator wants.

For example, if I donate to the Cancer Research Fund, I donate with the notion that my money will be used to further Cancer Research and not research on heart attacks.

Now, to answer your question, the reason why we spend a lot more money in cancer and heart disease is because the people who donate, donate money to research those topics. And the people who donate are usually those with money to give, who are usually old people affected by those diseases or mid-aged people who have just lost a parent from that particular disease.

>> No.9661392

>Having a sub 130 IQ for your entire life is a lot more fucking disabling than getting a heart attack and a prostate cancer diagnosis at 78.
Why do you think that?

>> No.9661395

He is insecure and blames his "genes" for being an utter failure in life.

>> No.9662654

Because it goes against the SJW IQ denialist tabula rasa narrative and gets shot down

>> No.9663056

>meme shit like cancer

>> No.9663077

>Why does so much biomed research go into meme shit like cancer and heart disease instead of brainletis
In Nazi Germany, the Nazi scientists were researching how to raise German population IQ through eugenics and genetic modification.

But that kind of research was banned in West by (((anti-nazis))).

Although China is catching up, doing their independent research in this /pol/itically incorrect /sci/ence topic

>> No.9663079


Can't tell if baiting, but if you aren't I can personally attest to the fact that having an IQ of 130 or above does not automatically make your life great. Feynman's IQ was less than 130 and he got tons of puss and contributed a shit ton to his field. You don't have any excuses for your shit life; get over yourself and put some effort into it, faggot.

>> No.9663088

We need more gerontologists.

>> No.9663089
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>> No.9663274

Even people with sub 83 iq can do something. They are actually more trouble to bring along, so bringing them along adds a little extra challenge for the 100k people who actually do any work. The harder the struggle the better.

>> No.9663332

Why would you bother putting money into a dead end in like raising IQ? Computer A.I. has exponentially more potential to augment your intelligence and everyday actions then eugenics ever could. You can't eugenics a human into being able to perform millions of calculations non-stop for days on end without sleep or food and then subsequently transfer those calculations to hundreds of other humans in a matter of seconds.

Theres also the fact that all eugenics does is cause the IQ of the population to renorm. Meaning you would most likely still be posting this very same thread complaining about being a brainlet because eugenics wasn't good enough to prevent you from falling short after renormalization.

Also take into consideration that humans aren't the only species to get cancer and there are animals that can actually not get cancer. That is actually worth researching because that tells us some where in nature evolution fixed the cancer problem in one corner of the animal kingdom but never in the other corners.

>> No.9663341

Heart disease and cancer are problems, but I seriously think we don't promote ways to raise smart healthy adults.
Looking back now into how some of my childhood friends ate and slept is terrible. Things such as soda around age 5, and parents literally not enforcing a bed time. These are huge brainlet factors.

>> No.9663396


>> No.9663431
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Also because the people in the position to donate large sums of money to research tend to be more intelligent and unconcerned with brainletism themselves.

>> No.9663437
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>Raising average population IQ through eugenics
I'm sure eugenics is a meme anon.
Genetic modification and other technological solutions on the other hand can become legit some day.

>> No.9663446
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>Feynman's IQ was less than 130
You don't actually buy into that anon, right?

>> No.9663543

Because in developed country IQ of adults is based on genetics. Leaded gasoline reduced IQ, but it's already banned. The only things you can do to improve national IQ (in developed country) are eugenics and in future genetic engineering (also increasing high IQ migration and reducing low IQ migration influence average IQ, but don't change individual IQ). And eugenics is considered very unacceptable in the West.

>> No.9663609
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>Eugenics would lead to a better population
Yeah anon just look how dogs turned out, truly a pinnacle of form and not complete degenerate abominations at all.

>> No.9663610
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Through history, we bred artificially Animals & Plants.
Eugenics is just that applied to Humans, for better offspring.

Woman seek strong men. But not the smart men.
By forcing woman breed with smart man the offspring will inherit smart DNA.

The Jews used the same strategy through history. Jews forced their daughters to seek the smartest rabbi to marry. Not the Chadiest. so they got smarter over time. While christians were sending their smartest sons to become virgin priests in catholic church.

The dumb ones would be purged.
Eugenics policies seem cruel, but that's the most effective available now.

In future genetic engineering will be available. (CRISPR?)

>> No.9664109

>IQ tests are a reliable measure of intelligence except when I don't like the results
Nice mental gymnastics.

>> No.9664282
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Did you not properly read my post? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.9664483
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>eugenics is considered very unacceptable in the West

Society at large is giant eugenics program.

Be born poor -> can't afford good education -> low paying job -> can only attract low quality genetics from other brainlet female -> kids get shot/die of super aids due to low iq + environment -> repeat ad nauseam

Be born rich -> excellent education -> top tier job -> Stacy + kids -> kids proliferate -> ad nauseam

>> No.9664521
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Holy shit, as simplistic as your exposition is, it gave me an idea that I now want to fully explore and research. You're onto something anon, thanks for inspiring me. Very interesting.

>> No.9664526

Hitler would have gassed your faggot weeb ass.

>> No.9664540

>When people donate to fund disease research, their donation comes with the notion that the donation will be used to further research in the particular disease the donator wants.
If it is a charity, the charity is legally obligated to spend the money towards the goal the person donated towards. This is why nations like Japan said to stop donating money after their natural disaster. They didn't need the money and are obligated to spend it on that charity instead of going into areas that need the money

>> No.9664623 [DELETED] 

>Do intelligent people just innately hate brainlets and want them to suffer as much as possible?
If you were to cure brainletism, the now intelligent people would just become average. Disease research however makes the sheeple live longer while also having to spend money on their treatment, yet lacking the brain capacity to truly pose a risk of overtaking the elite.

>> No.9664729

Depends where you live, if you are in Somalia it's a heck of a lot tougher. But in America even a mentally challenged person can be successful. You don't get anything out of listening to successful people tho, just master the boring stuff about business. It's that simple.

>> No.9665020

Yes. You guys are like monkeys to us. We watch you all fumble about and laugh.

>> No.9665043

>I'm sure eugenics is a meme anon.
Eugenics isn't a meme, it just might have unforeseen consequences and is difficult to do in a way that's morally sound.

>> No.9665233

biomed researchers ARE brainlets

>> No.9665251


oligarchs don't need you to have a high iq. in fact, they probably would prefer if you didn't.