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9661169 No.9661169 [Reply] [Original]

If we all would eat healthy food, fresh fruits and vegetables and mostly fresh chicken, we wouldnt need to work as much and still have the ability to profit from the technologies.

Eating healthy means we dont need to produce all the processed foods. Just look at supermarkets, their are thousands of processed foods. Their are literally billions of people who work in the production of these foods. The transport, the factory workers, managers, graphic designers,...

Also healthy eating leads to being healthier which means we would need less doctors, less dentists, less pharmacies, less drugs, etc
Also heathy eating has a positive effect on your psychology.

Now we use these billions of people who work to produce some garbage food and distribute them in producing useful things, like technology. Result is that we need to work less hours.

Working less hours has a positive effect on your physical and psychological health because of less stress.

Also people will look healthier and wont need as much cosmectic. So also the cosmetic industry will plummet.

Now thats just with eating healthy food. If we would erase all the useless jobs we would also need to work less.

Seriously, are most of you people retarded? You are all chasing the money and destroying yourselves while we could all live healthier and work less.

What is it about working yourselves to death, eating garbage that makes you physical and mentally sick and live a miserable life that makes people want to live that way? I know most people are fucking retarded but seriously most of you should kill themselves for being absolutely retarded.

>> No.9661196

This is just intelligent people taking advantage of
1. Capitalism
2. The fact that most people are lazy gluton sacks of shit with no impulse control.
Nothing wrong with making money off of stupid people. If you don't refrain from eating meat and processed foods you are an objectivelly unintelligent person.

>> No.9661202

Explain to me how people raising their own crops and chickens and the logistics behind that outdoes the current factory farm model in terms of hours spent working. I'll wait.

>> No.9661223

Who said anything about raising their own crops?
With technology we can have huge chicken farms etc.
And instead of using all that good healthy food and transporting it to factories where it gets processed etc, we just deliver the food directly to the supermarkets and eat them.

So millions of people wouldnt waste their working potential producing garbage shit.

Also ressources would get saved. Just the amount of water needed to make one liter cola that is literally poison sickens me.

But I dont want to take advantage. I just want to live a family-health centered life working only 5 hours a day while still having the ability to use fun technologies.

>> No.9661244

How does one eat an unprocessed chicken?

>> No.9661249

Kill yourself you fucking retard

>> No.9661266


>> No.9661271

Chickens are a total waste of resources as is all livestock

>> No.9661272

>If we all would eat healthy food, fresh fruits and vegetables and mostly fresh chicken, we wouldnt need to work as much and still have the ability to profit from the technologies.
we'd have to work more to compensate for this drastically increased food bill

>Eating healthy means we dont need to produce all the processed foods.
eating healthy does not mean government imposed regulations on what can and cannot be produced. Further, moderation is key. Also, you mention all the employees of this industry - what happens to them? what happens when every states agriculture infrastructure (or lack thereof) is suddenly a matter of life and death?

>Now we use these billions of people who work to produce some garbage food and distribute them in producing useful things, like technology. Result is that we need to work less hours.
ok, nevermind, I've fallen b8. Damn.

>> No.9661278

You literally are not smart enough to get it. But what should I expect from /sci

>> No.9661297

The joke is a lot of food in America have additives that make it more visually attractive or flavorful to the point of addiction. You would literally have to reform the entire food industry to fix the overweight and health epidemic going on in America.

Then you have assholes like >>9661196 who blame people for being unknowingly tricked into liking bad food. Then are okay with captilism fleecing them and later on bitch about them being idiots who drain the healthcare system of resources when they know damn well why it's happening. The entire system for the food industry is rigged and Americans wonder why their health is bad compared to other countries.

>> No.9661341

... a newly-discovered subatomic particle?

>> No.9661342

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

>> No.9661367

>unknowingly tricked
This excuse worked 50 years ago. The information is widely available today on the internet and it has been repeated ad nauseum for decades in the media. People who have shitty diets only have themselves to blame.

>> No.9661405

>I'm not fat, I just have more glutons than you

>> No.9661431

capitalism doesn't value morality, only man can, it even tends to be immoral because it's easier to profit over people ignorance. All you can do is promote education and righteous companies.

>> No.9661438

>less jobs is good
>processed food is evil

>> No.9661444

I have a condition that's similar to the opposite of being a supertaster. I can still taste food but the intensity of taste is highly diminished. In blind tests I've discovered most of the taste I do get is my brain making up the difference (can't differentiate spoiled milk from fresh milk unless told which is which). A lot of people act like it's a curse or disability but I think I won the genetic lottery. I eat healthy and it's easy because it makes no difference to me since I don't even enjoy the unhealthy food more.

>> No.9661446
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things taste good because they're calorie-dense, it's pretty much that simple
Make healthy food calorie-dense and I'll fucking eat it

>> No.9661450

But I'd argue that super tasters are more inclined to healthy food, because anything overly processed has nasty tastes. It's the sub tasters who seek out stimulation from doritos and other intense snacks, or never feel satisfied with chicken and veggies.

>> No.9661463

Are you dumb?

Processed food is often made from the shittier food. If anything, processed food reduces waste.

>> No.9661575
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>> No.9661585

virtually everything is poison anon

>> No.9661595

You literally have half a dozen major problems in your grand scheme. To name a few:
Rights and Freedoms

>> No.9661598

This isnt 100% true. It is significantly cheaper to eat garbage food in America, given how much of america is poor af combined with the poor already making more poor decisions on average and you get an epidemic. Its not sensationalism when people say that in America there are people in prison intentionally for the 3 meals a day.

>> No.9661603

Dank unqualified statement that doesnt reconcile with reality. Less jobs is good depending on the exact economic situation and processed food is terrible because people are awful and will always abuse any system they can.

>> No.9661605

what makes you think that you are not retarded yourself? you ask a very stupid question and clearly dont understand science

>> No.9661617

>eating healthy is expensive
You've been meme'd.

>> No.9661633

>Nothing wrong with making money off of stupid people
There is something fundamentally wrong with that, you could read up on gene expression and
figure out how taking adventage of stupidity is wrong because bad habits inprinted in susceptible individuals are imparted onto their children.
It's violence.

>> No.9661673

You have no reading comprehension, I said its cheaper to eat garbage not that eating well is expensive. A big mac is around 2 dollars and represents around 600 calories, a chicken breast is around 250 and closer to or more than 5.

>> No.9661682

>bad habits inprinted in susceptible individuals are imparted onto their children.
It's violence.
Morons will breed morons regardless of their circumstances.

>> No.9661684

caloric density man
cabbage is cheap as fuck but there's like nothing in it
you have to eat like 50 heads of cabbage before you see some nutritional benefits

>> No.9661699

Human beings are in conflict with phenomena greater than them, and these conflicts are rarely ever resolved. At best there will be a temporary compromise that's disadvantageous to the human but allows for its continued existence, however miserable it may be.

>> No.9661704


>> No.9661722

No, I mean things like material circumstances and runaway ideology.

>> No.9661842
File: 125 KB, 960x645, oldfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but cabbage is just part of the equation. you add in onions, carrots, potatoes, $1/lb meat, etc. and slow cook it. so you end up with several meals of quality food. essentially, it's the old way of cooking that's been proven to keep people alive. we're seeing the side effects now of everyone getting meals from wrappers and packages.

>> No.9662017

Now add the cost these ingredients together and the effort that is needed to cook it all properly. That alone makes it nor worth it for majority of population, nevermind that it will taste horrible and you will be dead sick of that stew 2nd week of eating it.

>> No.9662041

>Now add the cost these ingredients together and the effort that is needed to cook it all properly
They're all really cheap.
>nevermind that it will taste horrible and you will be dead sick of that stew 2nd week of eating it.
Why do you have to eat it every day for weeks? And the taste is a subjective thing.

>> No.9662045
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>Nothing wrong with making money off of stupid people.
This would be true if stupid people didn't make up a large percentage of the workforce. Actively contributing to the physical and mental degeneration of the working class, knowing full well they cannot act responsibly on their own, does inflict society-wide damage, regardless of class.

Imagine if we fully automated our workforce and some company actively spread malware among the robots. It's not just "intelligent people taking advantage of unintelligent agents", it has other negative effects that are detrimental to much more.

That's basically what the tobacco, alcohol, sugar drinks industries are doing and

>> No.9662063

>waah I don't want to eat my vegetables
lmao you're probably 18-25 but you still haven't grown up past 6 if that's how you unironically feel about stew, you fuckin child

>> No.9662066
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>> No.9662081
File: 157 KB, 640x960, meals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i certainly didn't mean it as a blanket solution. we just live in different times. there is a cost of time + skill. most people today will have no interest for that reason. however, with minimal knowledge, the cost of the raw ingredients will always be low and the nutrition will always be high. so given access to a kitchen, it's an option to any level of income, especially if fast food is affordable. it just means giving up some modern convenience or instant gratification of random cravings. also it's not as if it's limited to just stew--that's just a timeless example.

>> No.9662094

cost of ingredients is ~1/8 the cost of fast food for the same time scale

effort? you can cook many portions of food in an hour and then you have many meals in less than the average time it takes to drive to some disgusting fast food place

>it will taste horrible
only if you're illiterate or have no arms. cooking is terribly simple

>> No.9662117

Vegetable stew objectively tastes very fucking different from the usual shit people eat nowdays, that is without accounting for shitty cooking, and you will cook it shitty at first.

Sure you can eat healthy and it will sustain you much better than junk food, but eating itself won't bring any joy to you, you will need to exercise an effort just to do it for quite awhile, nevermind the effort of actually making it. You are very naive if you think people with shitty 9/5 jobs would trade fastfood and junkfood for eating healthy in such way.

>> No.9662139

Those are all excuses, I don't give a shit whether they will or won't do it, but I sure will judge their bs reasons for being children and getting pizza and ice cream every night instead of having enough energy to scrape something together at home knowing that living like this now will help them in the future. It doesn't taste good enough or being tired after work are not adult excuses.

>> No.9662212

>but eating itself won't bring any joy to you
Spoken like a true greasy fattie.

>> No.9662288

>Scientific reason why most, even intelligent people, are so retarded

The worst part is that there's a very simple and widely understood scientific reason for what you're saying: we have a lot of traits that were really really advantageous on evolutionary timescales but that are actually a disadvantage in a technological world wide civilization. The problem is that this last stage of humanity is extremely short compared to the tens of millions of years that evolution takes to make even simple changes so we didnt have time to adapt. But also, it may very well be that technology makes evolution stop, in the sense that biological survival of the fittest is no longer the main factor on who gets to breed, now there's a lot of intelligence involved. Intelligence that if taken out of the equation would leave you with very inferior beings

>> No.9662302

yeah but you can make healthy processed food
the processing isn't the bad part, it's the cutting corners

>> No.9662316

Being a retarded idiot who would do whatever to eat high calorie food, do at least effort as possible and impregnate the girl with biggest tits and biggest hips (objectively confirmed to assist in better baby quality) are the things that made us a good species.

Being "smart" and "rational" provided almost no benefit for 99.99999% of human existence, and even today from an EVOLUTIONARY point of view its still a bad strategy, retarded niggers who wear no condom have 50 children and only 10 or 5 of those will die in a gun fight, overdose or from aids.
On the other side you have smart rational people who study is responsible does their job eats well excersise blah blah blah... those will maybe have 1 or 2 children... tops 3, and that is at age 35 for the male and 29 for the women right after they finish their phds, they are risking and they are risking the worst possible breeding conditions and will probably have a miscarriage or two.

so the simple siplest explanation is that from an evolutionary point of view its still terribly more advantageous to be a dumb creature ruled by few strong and simple impulses.

People tend to use troglodyte (which literally means cave dweller) as a way to say someone is outdated and dumb, but the truth is there is no measurable genetic difference between those and modern humans

>> No.9662333

All throughout human history food was always more than just a fuel source. The only difference is now even the workdrones can taste and enjoy food in itself, while back then it was privilege of nobility, rich merchants and kings.

>> No.9662401

dunning-kruger tier post

>> No.9662412

could you point out even 1 thing wrong in everything i said?
cause i know im right and youre wrong so im gonna educate you for free: next time make sure youre not obviously and objectively wrong before offering a free insult with no explanation

>> No.9662423


If we nuke America the obesity problems are solved, seriously, how its so hard to eat LESS? It cant be hard to not do something

>> No.9662438

if you nuke any major city obesity problems are solved since the world economy will plunge and we will be scavenging for cockroaches to live

>> No.9662439

try telling 4chan to fap less

>> No.9662470

the first human who figured out he could put something sharp on a stick instantly had a colossal advantage over his neighbors for gathering and securing resources.

there is one tiny instance where intellect served a huge purpose for humans.

i thought that up before even finishing reading your reply.

your post is full of holes, and you'd have realized that if you had the mental capacity to think at the same time as typing.

>> No.9662480

True but that means humanity needs only a few minority to do the brains, the majority only needs to obey and reproduce

>> No.9662495

military intelligence is one very VERY reduced part of intelligence. Most smart people ISNT military oriented.

Ghengis khan was closer to an animal than to a smart man it was extreme agression which made him impregante half asia, not being intelligence oriented.

A true example of a human with intelligence oriented profile was socrates... he was killed with no children while he was too busy drawing circles on the floor.

MAybe you could argue that a little intelligence is very advantageous, but just the one that lets you have crops and pointy sticks and shit...

but still, most of the people who will reap those benefits are still geneticimpulse monkeys

i dont refute the idea that that will change in the future.

but that is only when either all humanity becomes intelligente or an intelligent super race of humans hell bent on out reproducing the idiots arises, if not impulse monkeys will keep winning

>> No.9662501

needless comment. those who think are simply better off than those who don't. as shown from my simple example.
we could generate more examples by thinking of improved methods for farming or gathering or scavenging.

the meaning behind my posts wasn't at all focused on "military intelligence "

>> No.9662502

Eating healthy means we produce less.... Why is that a good thing? Why is losing your job because demand disappeared a good thing? Like I get living healthy on an individual level, you feel better and you live longer and healthier but on a general level I think an incentive to cure and alleviate the health problems create is a good thing, we might be able to consume that which tastes good and is cheap but also doesn't ruin your health. When everyone starts eating healthy this incentive is lost.

>> No.9662510

>demand disappeared
quintessential Luddite post. demand doesn't disappear. it goes to different places. western societies have become more advanced and efficient at an ever increasing rate, and yet people aren't starving in the streets by the millions. why? because demand that was focused on something necessary can now instead be focused on something novel

>> No.9662516
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>"military intelligence "
those words combined don't make sense

>> No.9662517

don't' look at me. i didn't bring up the phrase, dogmatist

>> No.9662519

I was talking from the situation of an individual that works in the unhealthy food industry, from that perspective demand disappeared. But you are right the change in demand can be capitalized on. Still more sick people means more of a demand for medical tech. So it might be good if people that you aren't relying on are unhealthy.

>> No.9662524

he's joking about a megadeth song, you heavy metal illiterate

>> No.9662527


>> No.9662532


Foreign life forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed foretold but who'd suspect
The military Intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense

>> No.9662597

>Ghengis khan was closer to an animal than to a smart man
It's time to stop posting now.
And Socrates had two sons.

>> No.9662602

>And Socrates had two sons.
WOAH, 2 sons, agains 20.000.000 what a great advantage being smart brought him

>> No.9662611

Learn to admit to being wrong, you embarrasing child

>> No.9662620

embarass sounds close to embarazado which is spanish for being impregnated

which is something that dumb people get to do a lot more than smart people.

Like seriously, nowadays in the grand scheme of things do you think being smart helps you reproduce?