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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9656282 No.9656282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is video game development the most scientific job in the world?

>> No.9656285
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If you are going to murder a thread with another shit post. At least make it a fun shitpost.
Get fucked and die in a fire

>> No.9656286


>> No.9656289

Name literally one scientific field that can't be exploited and/or explored in depth in video games.

I'll wait

>> No.9656290

A real life vagina.
Get wrecked nerd.

>> No.9656299

being a productive member of society

>> No.9656311

>be productive member of society
>die anyway
Yeah no

>> No.9656314
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Better said that it is an art infused with science.

>> No.9656319

It's more science than art though, you could get as many artists as you want and you still wouldn't have a game unless someone made a computer and someone coded the game.

Games also take a lot of credit for pushing technology forward. Sadly not many people realize this.

>> No.9656324


Name literally one scientific field that is exploited and/or explored in depth in video games.

>> No.9656332
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Collision detection
Fluid physics
Intelligent agent behavior
Cellular automata and state machines
Neural networks and self-learning AI
Terrain modeling
3D math, 4D math, non euclidean geometry
Particle simulation

>> No.9656335

data science

checkmate, retard

>> No.9656348
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1200, Fushiwara.Aki.full.391777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem resides in men and women like Da Vinci.

Who primarily see themselves as artists and their science a byproduct of their persuit of art. See what I mean? Science is but a core truth or principle in the material world. The renaissance brought it fourth due to the persuit of art. To them these truths and their art were one and the same.

>> No.9656366
File: 147 KB, 600x1094, black_mage_by_jedi_art_trick-d4smmpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computing is more science than art...however making a game and appeal requires imagination. Flexabillity. Ultimately. Struggle. However. If you are a monumental evil genious... You give the stones conciousness. Then make them suffer for you. Eternaly screaming. Just like our sun.



>> No.9656372


>> No.9656399

That is not science. That is barely engineering.

>> No.9656405

Games are the ultimate form of art and science, thereby making them man's greatest achievement

>> No.9656408
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>> No.9656409
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>That is not science

>> No.9656411


>> No.9656417

Virtually anything can be SIMULATED in a videogame. That doesn't mean it's scientific or reflects reality.

I can write a game where magic works or portal guns do or coyotes are unaffected by gravity until they notice they're not standing on anything.
The "physics" is limited only by the programmer's imagination.
So f*** off with your brainlessness!

>> No.9656423

>Virtually anything can be SIMULATED in a videogame.
Good. You understand this. The next step is understanding that this teaches us about our own reality.

You need a relatively high IQ in order to make that logical jump. Good luck.

>> No.9656426


>Statistical Probabillity.

Pick one.

I will believe you on the day you show me a portal.

>> No.9656428

Even if we never make portals, it gives us new math and ideas to play around with. After all without inspiration science is meaningless and destined to fail.

>> No.9656432

Do you believe science has a limit?

>> No.9656433

No, if it had one it wouldn't be science

>> No.9656446


None of this is done in depth as you've pretentiously claimed and half of this isn't even done in a scientific way. Try harder next time.

>> No.9656465

titty jiggling physics is the pinnacle of thousands of years of collaborative research

>> No.9656469

>video game AI

>> No.9656535

How would you prefer those arguments described?

>> No.9656537
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>None of this is done in depth as you've pretentiously claimed

>> No.9656543


I told you to try harder, not give up.

>> No.9656544

I'm not saying game developers are master scientists

But you have to realize that you can push science to its limits just by implementing a simulation and passing it as a videogame

>> No.9656562

It can be. It definitely uses the most computational power.

>> No.9656565

HOLY SHIT 4D MATH?????!?!?!?!?!