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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9654474 No.9654474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happens after you die?

>> No.9654479

go back to >>>/lit/

>> No.9654484

Why don't you find out for yourself?

>> No.9654488

why /lit/ in particular?

>> No.9654492

because they like lamenting about death

>> No.9654493

Your body decomposes and the nutrients it holds are released back into the earth for all creatures to benefit from. The atoms which made you are returned to the ether to become another life form, object or to become part of or very atmosphere or universe we find ourselves in

>> No.9654499

i am not lamenting

>> No.9654505

god I wish that was me

>> No.9654515

the girl or the one holding the gun?

>> No.9654525

You're dead.
That's about all that's known for certain.
Everything else is fantasies to get people to accept their lot in life and obey orders from their rulers. People feel better if they think the bastards are going to burn forever.

>> No.9654529

Everybody fucking dies and that's it has its own form of universal justice though

The real horror comes in the belief that some day in the near future this last form of equality might be broken - imagine George Soros' 100,000th birthday celebration

>> No.9654557

Hopefully the legacy you worked so hard to achieve lives on and makes a positive difference in the world by improving the lives of others and your children go on to live happy, successful, fruitful lives and raise their children to be capable of doing the same.

Seeing how you're on 4chan though you'll probably just rot in ignominy leaving nothing in you wake except for piss, shit and the countless lives you've diminished with your bitter demeanor. Maybe someday someone will browse the archives of /sci/ and see that one incorrect answer on an IQ test you so ruthlessly defended and chuckle at your stupidity, but that's the only smile anyone will ever make on your behalf. Sorry.

>> No.9654562
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Why not >>>/x/ ?

>> No.9654594

Why does /pol/ obsess over George Soros?

>> No.9654599


>> No.9654601

They're envious of his conscience.

>> No.9654606

>manipulates and crashes the UK economy on purpose for profit

>> No.9654607

What happens when you fall asleep?

>> No.9654612

nothing he did was illegal by the rules of capitalism

>> No.9654615

How does this make him a man with an enviable conscience?

>> No.9654618

you reincarnate as a gun-fellating trap

>> No.9654620

he did nothing wrong, just played the game by the rules.

>> No.9654623

one man in the morgue will have sex with your dead body

>> No.9654625

don't waste your time on retards. they're literally too stupid to learn or understand definitions, let alone more complex stuff like math and science.

>> No.9654627

finally, i will lose my virginity

>> No.9654629

You dream?

>> No.9654630

He put millions of people out of work or into financial distress to enrich himself. You keep saying what he did was legal (which is questionable itself since he's been indicted for insider trading multiple times and his response is usually to just cease operating in that country and go somewhere else instead of validating himself at trial) but you're also arguing that he has a strong conscience when in fact he's an extraordinary greedy sociopath

>> No.9654633

Not always

>> No.9654634

From your perspective, you are a bag of flesh and bones connected by a network of nerves which are controlled by a central network of neurons. it can probably be modeled by a computer. If a one-to-one simulation of you is created and subsequently killed, what happens to its living configuration? the information is lost to an increase of entropy. popped, like a bubble. gone forever as time marches on.

Might as well live while you can. might as well tear through the jungle like animal instead of laying down like a rock. might as well travel the stars rather than muck around in our own fishbowls, lamenting death and existence on a (insert race) (insert tribal activity) forum.

>> No.9654641

>Not always
Factually incorrect. Humans dream every single night.

>> No.9654642

how can you prove that the neural activity during sleep is a dream when the alleged dreamed doesn't remember? other shit could be going on

>> No.9654643

>He put millions of people out of work or into financial distress to enrich himself

so do millions of managers and investors everyday, as part of the system we live in. soros is nothing special.

>> No.9654644

Get the fuck outta here already, brainlet


>> No.9654649

Really? What did you dream of last night?

>> No.9654651

Ah. Are financial managers and investors renowned for their high morality and conscience in general?

>> No.9654654

You forget what you've dreamed AFTER you're awake.

>> No.9654655

wasnt me. im not saying soros is a person with strong conscience. i say hes no worse or better than millions playing the same game of financial capitalism.

>> No.9654658

So how did you know you dreamt?

>> No.9654665

I imagine it's very much like when you get put under anesthesia for surgery and you wake up feeling like just a second has passed. If you really did die and somehow got resurrected it could have been an hour or a millenia it would still feel the same.

I'm pretty stoked about it, will be nice not having to be conscious and having to worry about your existence

>> No.9654673

I won't need to remember anything because I'll never wake up. I'd experience the dream while its happening.

>> No.9654683

Well surely you remember something

>> No.9654699

The chemicals for memory storage are released after I wake up. So if I never woke up from a night of sleep where I wouldn't remember what I've dreamed I'd still ''remember'' my dreams.

>> No.9654711

So you accept the biological interpretation of life?

Well then you have it, scientists discover no brain activity in dead people. No brain activity == no thinking.

>> No.9654735

>So you accept the biological interpretation of life?
Never said I didn't. You proposed an incomplete hypothesis about after-death experiences and I pointed out a logical hole in it.
What I propose is simple: consciousness is not physical therefore is rational to assume that it can exist independent of matter.

>> No.9654752

>Conscience is not physical
So brain activity is a hoax?

>> No.9654761

Now you understand why your argument sounded incomplete. The brain is active when we sleep, therefore it should continue to be that way after death, as you said in >>9654607

>> No.9654765

>a qt3.14 will never ask you to put a gun in her mouth
Why live desu?

>> No.9654771

Since brain activity has no impact on consciousness, it shouldn't matter. What matters is how you feel, when you're asleep, you feel nothing. The same is when you're dead.

>> No.9654781


>> No.9654782

>What matters is how you feel, when you're asleep, you feel nothing
What? But that is just false. You dream when you're sleeping.
>Since brain activity has no impact on consciousness
So we can be conscious without our brains being active?

>> No.9654794

>So we can be conscious without our brains being active?
Idk desu

>> No.9655421
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>> No.9655429
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Because he wants to atone for his sins by helping people with dark skin from "shithole" countries, and /pol/tards think shitskins are the true enemy rather than the very people that are cucking them

>> No.9655489

legal = good
please commit suicide

>> No.9655811


>> No.9655996

The gun itself