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9649930 No.9649930 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific reason why girls are so stupid?

>> No.9649934

They aren't, but:
Men have 175 trillion neocortical synapses and women have about 110 trillion.

>> No.9649937
File: 109 KB, 900x900, bro_nan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a very very very very very long history of never being held accountable or responsible for anything, not even themselves

>> No.9649948

if that's true it could be attributed to girls being the selective sex for the variational sex (males). this explains the okcupid data of males being attracted to girls on a bell curve but girls mainly being more strongly attracted to the more attractive males

>> No.9650108


>> No.9650698


>> No.9650765

Do you have the DOI of a peer reviewed scientific paper containing such information? I'd like to take a look

>> No.9650771

because women are hot so they don't have to think

>> No.9650785
File: 872 KB, 2394x1725, 1522735126682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls have smaller brains on average.

However the Girls with the Big Brain Phenotype are much Smarter than most males.

>> No.9650798

You do know that the form of the head doesn't equal the size of the brain right?

>> No.9650811

Ime they're not stupid, they just have different insanity to men and tend to have broad awareness rather than narrow focus.

>> No.9650820

The form of brain, not only the head.
Because there is a disease called hydrocephalus which the brain case is filled with water (cerebrum spinal fluid) and the brain is smaller & compressed.

Insted the Head must be filled with gray and white matter.

>> No.9650824

How come I think more like a woman than when I was born a man?

Did someone recently go through a breakup?

>> No.9650840

Slightly lower IQ on average but not a big deal.

>> No.9650855

t. Woman

>> No.9650863

>How come I think more like a woman than when I was born a man?
Are you gay?

>> No.9650892

>think like a woman
I hate to go all sjw on you but gender roles don't exist. Genders (two) exist but stereotypes aren't important for the real world. They're just funny sometimes.

>> No.9650893

I heard u are women
Post Bob's

>> No.9650900


Very slightly lower IQ on average, however a significantly lower spread of IQ. There are much less female retards and female geniuses compared to males. Hence why at institutions of higher learning, where high intelligence individuals are highly overrepresented, women are will be highly underrepresented.

>> No.9650908

>I hate to go all sjw on you but gender roles don't exist. Genders (two) exist but stereotypes aren't important for the real world. They're just funny sometimes.
The SJW stance is that gender roles exist but they are socially constructed. "Thinking like a woman" is a thing, because our culture and upbringing have shaped it (beyond the slight hard-wired biological differences).

>> No.9650920

why develop your thinking if Chad can take care of you?

>> No.9650931 [DELETED] 

>gender roles don't exist.
So do you have menstruation with cramps and bad mood in a monthly basis.
Are sex hormones and Chromosomes just social construct? Really?

>> No.9650935

>>9650892 #
>gender roles don't exist.
So can men have menstruation with cramps and bad mood in a monthly basis.
Can women beat men in Olympic sports.?

Are sex hormones and Chromosomes just social construct? Really?

>> No.9650942

Gender roles and biological sex aren't the same thing, but the 3rd wave feminists thing that BOTH sex and gender are constructs, whereas the 2nd wave radfems believe that only gender is a construct but sex is real (there is such a thing as "male" and "female" but not "masculinity" or "femininity").
The Radfem TERFs are smart and cool, the 3rd wave intersectionalists are a bunch of morons.

>> No.9650943

Gender=/=sex you fucking idiot

>> No.9650949

I still disagree (not who you replied to). Masculinity and femininity definitely exist as does sex but gender roles don't. Like so if a females is masculine or a male is feminine that's fine.

>> No.9650963

>believe gender is a construct
How is this a point of belief? By definition the word gender is used with respect to cultural and social differences.

>> No.9650967

>gender roles dont exist
So you dont think there is a societal pressure on men to not cry?

>> No.9650974

If gender and sex aren't the same
Then to ender gender inequality in STEM is simple
Just half on men start identifying as females.
And problem solved

>> No.9650975

Gender roles do exist and they are partially socially constructed. I mean for fucking real you never heard boys don't cry and all that shit about what is manly and what is not? That is the socially constructed part of gender roles. General women airheadness and perceived stupidity comes from that too. Most are sheltered, pampered and encouraged to turn their brain off, rise of sjw and modern feminism actually hurting them more than helping on average.

>> No.9650977

If gender and sex aren't the same
Then to end* gender inequality in STEM is simple
Just half on men start identifying as females.
And problem solved

>> No.9650987

That doesn't make sense at all to me. Masculinity and femininity are based of the very gender roles you're saying don't exist. The definitions of masculinity and femininity have been different for different cultures and time periods.
It used to be masculine to wear high heels as a man in Europe.
In Ancient China, is was masculine to be shorter than your wife, men were supposed to be smaller than women.
In ancient greece, it was masculine to fuck teenage boys during military training.
None of it's real, we'll all be better off jsut saying "those are the XY males and those are hte XX females" and everyone can just do what they want and we drop all this "feminine" "masculine" stuff.
I don't give a shit about cultural and social differences about gender in the same way I don't give a shit about cultural differences in the belief about unicorns. This is only ever used as an argument to justify the cultures of third world brown people shitholes who treat women like garbage because "durr durr it's just their culture!".
The roles and expectations exist, but what they represent is made up. There is nothing innately "male" about being stoic or not crying, it's an oppressive set of behaviors to force people to act a certain way because of how they're born.

>> No.9650991

And to end gender inequality in Nursing profession which is dominated by females is simple.
Just by half of Nurses start to identify themselves as males and problem solved.

>> No.9650994

>rise of sjw and modern feminism actually hurting them more than helping on average.
The whole point is to eliminate societal pressure to conform to socially constructed gender roles. The only way it's doing more harm is when people focus on the really dumb ones to make the whole cause look bad.

>> No.9650999

there are things that are objectively masculine/feminine, independent of culture
Like having a big dick is a masculine thing

>> No.9651007

Yeah but they going about in a very fucking wrong way antagonizing a lot of people in process. It could be done in a better way without going full retard in process. Hell early feminism waves did exactly that already.

>> No.9651008

The whole point of what we're saying is that because gender isn't real but biological sex is, there is no such thing as "identifying as a man" or "identifying as a woman" because there's no such thing as being a man or woman other than having XY or XX sex chromosomes.
No, it's a male thing. In ancient Greece, having a small dick was the epitome of masculine beauty, just like in Ancient China, being small was masculine.
None of this shit is real, the only real objective measurement is "does it have XY chromosomes and produce sperm gametes? It's male. Does it have XX chromosomes and produce ovum gametes? It's female".

>> No.9651012

>The whole point is to eliminate societal pressure to conform to socially constructed gender roles.
When presented with an egalitarian society, women will increasingly flock towards stereotypical "female careers", while the opposite holds true in less egalitarian societies. Case in point: Scandinavia/India.

>> No.9651018

that just means culture can be retarded sometimes

>> No.9651019

>because there's no such thing as being a man or woman other than having XY or XX sex chromosomes.
But that´s objectively wrong. Biological differences (which exist) translate to differences in cognition, which translates to genetic predisposition to certain behavioral patterns.

>In ancient Greece, having a small dick was the epitome of masculine beauty
It was considered unnecessary to depict large penises in works of art. You clearly have no idea what you´re talking about, and instead prefer to make up things that seem reasonable in your mind.

>> No.9651022

they are just meant to be cumdumpsters, all they live for is sucking in as much DNA as possible

>> No.9651032
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Not all girls.

>> No.9651037

That doesn't make sense.
>But that´s objectively wrong. Biological differences (which exist) translate to differences in cognition, which translates to genetic predisposition to certain behavioral patterns.
If this were true, there wouldn't be either cultures with vastly different standards nor individuals with vastly different behavior. The brain is more plastic than hard wired.
>It was considered unnecessary to depict large penises in works of art. You clearly have no idea what you´re talking about, and instead prefer to make up things that seem reasonable in your mind.
I'm not making any of this up. You're the one clinging to 'masculinity' and 'femininity' which are the ACTUAL made up shit. Your projection is pitiful.

>> No.9651046

Yeah it does.
>masculinity and femininity objectively exist
>gender roles don't exist (eg. a man isn't necessarily masculine)
All problems solved without resorting to insanity.

>> No.9651051

She mistakes mass with weight in that video. But overall, she does a good work.

>> No.9651064
File: 33 KB, 739x415, images(59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, it's a male thing. In ancient Greece, having a small dick was the epitome of masculine beauty,
Ancient Greeks from Athens were degenerate faggots. The true Greek masculinity standard were the Spartans.

>> No.9651071

>just like in Ancient China, being small was masculine.
Wrong. Chinese men are taller than Chinese Women. Chinese are just smaller than westerners.

>> No.9651085


The female womb miscarries males easier, so therefore male fetuses must have slightly higher quality to be born. Hence like 1% higher potential from the outset. Then since most information is contained on the X chromosome, men have a higher spread in genetic variation, producing more geniuses. Thirdly, society rewards boys/men more akin to their performance than women, pushing men toward self-improvement. Finally, the brain reacts to androgens by increasing the size of the cortex (esp the visual cortex), forming more synapses, and by rewiring the mid-brain to be more responsive to strong stimuli. This responsiveness to strong stimuli is why men have tunnel-vision mode, can endure more discomfort, and are more ambitious.

>> No.9651103

>If this were true, there wouldn't be either cultures with vastly different standards nor individuals with vastly different behavior.
There aren´t, either. Men in every country adhere to macho culture - it is simply observed in different ways in different countries.
>The brain is more plastic than hard wired.
You can teach a children lies, but that doesn´t change the brain structure of said child.
>I'm not making any of this up
Yes, you are.
>.You're the one clinging to 'masculinity' and 'femininity' which are the ACTUAL made up shit.
Science says otherwise.
>Your projection is pitiful.
>t. shit-for-brains liberal-arts dropout SJW

>> No.9651140

I like her channel.

>> No.9651152

>There aren´t, either. Men in every country adhere to macho culture - it is simply observed in different ways in different countries.
This is a blatant lie.
>You can teach a children lies, but that doesn´t change the brain structure of said child.
Your physical brain structure changes all the time with different stimuli.
>Yes, you are.
No I'm not, neuroplasticity has been proven at this point.
>Science says otherwise.
Science literally doesn't say shit about masculinity or femininity because they aren't objective things. They differ across times and cultures and they are products of language. It's not real.
>t. shit-for-brains liberal-arts dropout SJW
I study mathematics you fucking brainlet.

>> No.9651162

but the implications of science
being big and strong and having a big dick and lots of children is definitely masculine

>> No.9651169

So can pregnancy be masculine?

>> No.9651175

Pregnancy is not masculine or feminine it is physical trait of being a female.

>> No.9651186

>female exists
>femininity doesn't
femininity comes from female, it's a logical extension

>> No.9651196

>pregnancy isn't feminine

Cognitive dissonance at its finest. Kek

>> No.9651213

Both exist. Female is what you physically are and come with physical traits such as having vagoo, tits and being able to get pregnant. Feminity exists too but it is built by society at large, there is nothing inherently feminine about liking pink, sewing or wearing accessories, cosmetic and heels.

>> No.9651220

I think the sensible thing to say it's that femeninity seemd to exist, as behavioral diphomorphism exists cross culturally, but there isnt really a predetermined set of personality traits, because societies have evolved massively different.

>> No.9651240

No but there is something feminine about have big tits or soft skin etc

>> No.9651260

And no beards

>> No.9651368

>it's an oppressive set of behaviors to force people to act a certain way because of how they're born.
So you agree that gender exists as a cultural concept.

How can you be this retarded.

>> No.9651742
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Pretty idealistic anon. At my university 55% of students, including both undergrad and graduate, are women. Shows that mediocre intellect is all you need these days. Also note I'm at a top tier school. The days where only the most intelligent came to university are dead and gone. T.T

>> No.9651810

> Shows that mediocre intellect is all you need these days.
Acquiring a master´s or bachelor´s degree never required a great intellect, anon.
>The days where only the most intelligent came to university are dead and gone. T.T
They still attend university and still grab the PhD spots that most students (read: brainlets) cannot compete for.

>> No.9651888

From what I've heard most people basically get their doctoral thesis "ghost written" by their advisor...

>> No.9651907

>At my university 55% of students, including both undergrad and graduate, are women
Yeah but have you seen some of the courses offered? You can get through even """reputable""" schools with a shit major while being a complete fuck up. College enrollment also means nothing, if that were the case black women would be the most successful people in America.

>> No.9653491

Actually no, Paul Broca, the guy claiming that about women, Jews and black people, turned out to be wrong.

>> No.9653494

The iq test is a bit biased in some subjects where the testee has gotten a bit of training by doing similar stuff. Men just happen to do more things that require similar thinking skills as the iq test.

Once you adjust for that the difference dissappears

>> No.9653551

Isn’t that becuase men have more muscle to control?

>> No.9653554

Women have been getting more bachelors than men sense 1981, this is easily googled.
Yet in high school women still got extra help and it was all "we need to get more women into college”. It is fucking retarded, socitiy has been throwing men under the bus for 45 years.

>> No.9653574

Yes. Western Europe marriage patterns were such that a significant number of men never married (often the dumbest) yet monogamy was relatively strictly enforced, which in time led to greater variance in intelligence in men and lower in women (since men selected for beauty in women, not smarts).

This is noy so elsewhere. Eastern European women are smarter than Western European women, because in eastern Europe historically you had almost 100% marriage rates for men. Over time this resulted in equal variance in intelligence among both sexes.

>> No.9653576

> a significantly lower spread of IQ.
Only in North-Western European women and populations descended from them (like US whites).

>> No.9653578


>> No.9653579

They're the same thing you brainwashed fool.

>> No.9653581

if true

>> No.9653588

The part about eastern European men and women having the same variance in intelligence is a fact (some studies, for example a recent one in Romania, found that women there have a _higher_ variance in cognitive ability than men). The why of it is my own theory (different marriage patterns between E and NW Europe, which is another well documented historical fact, but the link between this and the variance in IQ hasn't been studied yet).

>> No.9653594 [DELETED] 


>For the first time since the Census Bureau began collecting data on higher education attainment, women aremore likely to have a bachelor’s degreethan men.

Last year, 29.9% of men had a bachelor’s degree, while 30.2% of women did, the bureau reports. A decade prior, in 2005, 28.5% of men had bachelor’s degree, while only 26% of women did

>> No.9653598

are those the only two cultures you've studied for this and i assume the rigour of that iq document was sound. as well this would be a recent development or over a long period of human history? do you think the time frame is viable?

>> No.9653599


>For the first time since the Census Bureau began collecting data on higher education attainment, women are more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than men.

>Last year, 29.9% of men had a bachelor’s degree, while 30.2% of women did, the bureau reports. A decade prior, in 2005, 28.5% of men had bachelor’s degree, while only 26% of women did

>> No.9653600

It is not I think an accident, for example, that the only woman to receive a Fields medal is not from western Europe (or a WEurope descended population) but Iran, and that the other lead woman candidate to get a Fields this year is Ukrainian.

>> No.9653603

this explains a lot

>> No.9653608
File: 60 KB, 500x416, C4B4813B-33E7-489A-84CD-EB3E8B0EDFBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get that trash?
It has been well known, and from different sources, women get more degrees from men sense 1981.
>for the first time...
>women aremore likely to have a bachelor’s degreethan men.
I guess that is including all the old fucks from the 1950s when most women did not get degrees dying off, but that is a slipply sentence becuase THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POINT THAT WOMEN GET EXTRA HELP IN SCHOOL BECUASE “WE NEED MORE WOMEN IN COLLEGE” DISPITE THE FACT THERE HAS BEEN MORE WOMEN IN COLLEGE FOR 35 years.

>> No.9653610

Significant change can happen in 20 generations (500 years) yet these marriage patterns are over 1000 years old. (The cultural diversion between the NW marriage pattern and the E marriage pattern happened during the Dark Ages.)
There is not a lot of rich data on IQ outside Europe or European-descended populations. The fact that such differences happen in such closely related populations is interesting food for thought though. The fact that women clump at the average is sipping into popular culture by now, yet given the data we have it only seems to be true for certain populations, and is not a human universal.

I know people have began to investigate this in China and Japan as well, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out there.

>> No.9653611


>> No.9653614
File: 124 KB, 942x523, 793B218D-C072-4B17-80E7-69A0D8AD352E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here,
And stop deleting your posts. There might be more men around with degrees, if you count all the old fucks, but women are awarded more degrees every year than men, and that has been true sense 1981.
Of course almost none of those degrees are in math or anything hard.

>> No.9653619

so then how do you interpret inherited intelligence? father to son with a lesser degree of father to daughter?

>> No.9653625
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>Of course almost none of those degrees are in math or anything hard.
Yet again, this seems to be the case only in North-Western Europe or populations descended from NW Europeans.


>> No.9653629

They're smarter than men

>> No.9653630

Stronger heritability on the mother's side.

>> No.9653636

which makes sense in terms of x chromosomes and at least some intelligence coding on the y chromosome that would be strictly (but modified) gained from the father. do you think a variation in this heritability or perhaps a different distribution of "intelligence" genes on the sex chromosomes could could explain or account for these differences?

>> No.9653650

These are interesting findings actually. Do you have more supporting data to support the main hypothesis? As an anecdote, at my university (top 10 in math) all of the female faculty, graduate students, and even undergraduates have been Oriental.
Even so, the top mathematicians from even Oriental countries are male by a large margin.

>> No.9653666

as well since i'm pretty ignorant into eastern culture but could a cultural motivation (effort or perhaps women being encouraged to pursue academia more) influence your results? i know i've seen the jewish motivation into trying hard be an influence for the ashkenazi dominance. as well Emmy Noether is, in my opinion, the smartest woman in existence and she was german. alternatively, Sophie Germain was french and too did things with energy (put the 1/2 into kinetic energy to make it dimensionally consistent). i know these are anecdotes but i hope this information will help your theory

>> No.9653676
File: 86 KB, 900x651, 41380_2017_1_Fig1_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To date I think none of the studies have found any cognitive ability related genes on the Y chromosome but we have found some on the X. I expect that this pattern will hold. There are only something like 60 genes on the Y chromosome.

However, according to the best and most recent study "peaks that were identified as being associated with education on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18", so the mechanism might be more complicated.

Look up "A combined analysis of genetically correlated traits identifies 187 loci and a role for neurogenesis and myelination in intelligence" (posting the doi or a direct link keep triggering the spam filter for some reason, even if I break up the links)

>Do you have more supporting data to support the main hypothesis?
Not a lot I'm afraid. This is something I've looked at only in my spare time. There's not a lot of data available to begin with.

>> No.9653678

that data also showed that while men were attracted to women on a bell curve, they only messaged the prettiest ones.

>> No.9653681

>i know i've seen the jewish motivation into trying hard be an influence for the ashkenazi dominance.
Ashkenazim overrepresentation at the top in intellectual fields is most likely due to recent selection for intelligence. I don't think culture has as large a role as you'd imagine.

>> No.9653684

Noether was Jewish.

>> No.9653689

Jews selected themselves through a strict religion centered around reading and writing , causing the people with lower cognition to turn to Christianity.

>> No.9653905

>From what I've heard most people basically get their doctoral thesis "ghost written" by their advisor...
They still have to defend their thesis in an academic setting. If they´ve done none of the work themselves, their attempt at gross fraud will be revealed at the point in time.

>> No.9653909

>As an anecdote, at my university (top 10 in math) all of the female faculty, graduate students, and even undergraduates have been Oriental.
That has more to do with the fact that most Asian women live in a poorer and less egalitarian society; they are forced to fend for themselves, while western women piggyback on the welfare state and strong economy.

>> No.9654009

Incubator gender meant to nurture young and die thats all. Men do everything to ensure the tribe survives women are just slaves.

>> No.9654406

by girls do you mean you? ask your mama

>> No.9654431

Women in college go up, birthrates go down. Society doesnt need women to be intelligent. Society needs women to breed.

>> No.9654552

That would most certainly not imply the varience hypothesis for Oriental women as described earlier in the thread. Perhaps on average it would have an effect, but not at a top institution, for the people selected are at the top at their field.

>> No.9654767

i'm aware of the banking/math selection the ashkenazis did i'm just saying it's naive to put it all on genetics

relating back to this. is there a possibility the more intelligent males would be more attractive in nw european males or is this still mostly due to having good genetics therefore good intelligence

>> No.9655190
File: 532 KB, 900x668, 1522232388481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come I think more like a woman than when I was born a man?

>> No.9655201


Yes. The scientific reason why girls are so stupid is that none of the attractive ones are willing to have sex with you.

>> No.9655222

are you a woman or just supremely ignorant?

>> No.9655232

A lot of it is because they aren't challenged growing up and their culture revolves around conformity rather than exceptionalism

They understand their main job is to look hot, and if they are hot they are going to coast, not push themselves

>> No.9655252


I'm in agreement with the premise stated by the OP: it is the case that girls are stupid. I simply identified the scientific reason for their stupidity.

Nor would any victory be claimed if you were to observe that the above is some version of Arguing With Holes. After all, that would just prove again that girls are stupid, which I agree with. Rather, more simply and to reiterate, the reason why girls are stupid is because the attractive ones do not want to have sex with the OP.

The image choice which an OP elects to use often betrays a subliminal desire, which is at cross purposes with the language of the post. Often, the OP will write something directly or obliquely opposed to the visual suggestion of the image file, in an effort to negate the image choice that they end up using. Notice also that the OP indicated "girls", as opposed to women generally, and chose an image which can clearly be construed as a young female student. Who is stupid, as we've established.

>> No.9655267

you are autistic
it's a well defined language thing that girls is used in the place women in quite a lot of places and lo and behold it's in french too. anybody who isn't so far up their ass with insecurity would see this thread and either think about that iq distribution with males being both higher and lower and/or the lack of women in some stem fields along with a lack of presence in prestige among a significant amount of fields

>> No.9655366

>oh what's up priest marx

>> No.9655836

>Perhaps on average it would have an effect, but not at a top institution, for the people selected are at the top at their field.
What makes you believe that the distribution of top female talent at a prestigious university would somehow include equal parts oriental and caucasian females? If the average attendance rates in their home countries differ, the distribution of top talent will also differ.

I don´t understand your argument.

>> No.9655850
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>How come I think more like a woman than when I was born a man?
Hmmm ...

>> No.9655888
File: 9 KB, 225x225, turdflingingmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9655954

I have a feminist colleague and I want to show this to her, what do you think her response will be?

>> No.9656080

Higher representation of IQs at the statistical mode, relative to men.

Relative psychological preference for openness proper over intellect (the arts over ideas).

Relative psychological impulse to enthusiasm over assertiveness.

Relative psychological notion toward agreeableness, in opposition to disagreeableness.

So they have less interested in ideas, are more likely to be of average intelligence (rather than notably dumb or apparently smart) and are prone to euthusiastic agreement rather than principled debate.

Pretty obvious senpai. Women are just fun people, not so autistic as us men.

>> No.9656094

>The true Greek masculinity standard were the Spartans
That's a myth perpretated by the spartans themselves.

>> No.9656104

>I have a feminist colleague and I want to show this to her, what do you think her response will be?
Depends upon the type of feminist.

>> No.9656112

>is there a possibility the more intelligent males would be more attractive in nw european males

>> No.9656114

>are more likely to be of average intelligence (rather than notably dumb or apparently smart)
Only verifiably true in NW Europe and populations descended from there.

>> No.9656168


Yeah, like MY DICK!!!

>> No.9656185

> more muscle control
> like my dick

> muscle
> dick

>> No.9656193
File: 259 KB, 640x640, 1523133581820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gender's don't exist
>Except they do!!!!
t.retarded anon

Your "argument" is totally utilitarian based on subjective values created by the way(surprise) you were raised. You are a little unmanly bitch that should be sent to war to turn into a real man by the standards of yore , but in this feminist society, you were raised to believe that being a faggot is the right thing to do, based on the wrong a idea that just because the idea of masculinity and feminity is no inherently and permanently engraved in our genes, then it is good, moral, right and duty to suck as much dick and be a total and complete faggot like you are.

The funny thing is, for women to be equal to men, men have to be feminized. And gender is a social construct, but women still need laws and help from the state to be equal. If feminism was just about equality, women would be equal to men in almost every field from the moment they got the same negative rights as men.

>> No.9656197

IQ 100 is a norm, not stupid.

>> No.9656201

any scientific reason why op doesnt understand gender

>> No.9656205

Aren't all flatearthers and creationists men?

>> No.9656241

You are not comparing them with males.

>> No.9656279

Is the average Asian female smarter than white males?

>> No.9656296

Aren't all atheists men too?

>> No.9656300

Spotted the brainlet

>> No.9656301
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, 1519270654991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iq test is a bit biased in some subjects where the testee has gotten a bit of training by doing similar stuff
>Men just happen to do more things that require similar thinking skills as the iq test
>Once you adjust for that the difference dissappears

>an IQ test, although not entirely accurate, is a barebones method for predicting intellect and general success in science (to a point)
>men do more pattern analysis, computation, and general critical thinking on a day to day basis
>men overwhelmingly succed in fields where this type of mindset is required (STEM).
>a substantial (not all of course) portion of the women currently in STEM need their hand held by men or are tasked with some simple repetitive job that doesn't require much forethought.
>Its unfair that men are better at these things so lets change the test so that women are equal.
>If we completely ignore the results of the data, you can clearly see there are no differences between male and female thought patterns.

>.t progressive brainlet soyboy

>> No.9656304

They're very intelligent in their own way, which is different from male intelligence.

>> No.9656308


>> No.9656309

EI doesn't count

>> No.9656316

>IQ 100
>not stupid

>> No.9656320


ITT: hkv teenagers

This anon is slightly on track. >>9653681

The reason is simple: you will fuck literally anything. She will not. Men who are strong enough to kill you or attractive enough to cuck you will fuck anything of yours that is out of your league.

Therefore, men have more sexual selection pressure on them. Women mainly have sexual selection pressure to be qt. And natural selection mainly for being able to bear children successfully.

>inb4 wat is seckshual selection
GIYF faggot

>> No.9656337

that dick-softening cat lady voice.

>> No.9656340

You're actually a fucking moron lol. The first post itt stating men have 65 trillion more neocortical synapses is exactly in line with what you're saying in this post yet you include it as a "wrong" answer.
Don't try to act smart when you aren't smart, faggot brainlet.

>> No.9656341

>muh girls are sexually selective
>they only have sex with most dominant males
>my pure innocent waifu only got railed out by 20 dudes in college because she was confused

This is some next level beta delusion right here.

>> No.9656349

That's literally not what it says. It says men and women sexually select for different things. If you disagree, you might be a homosexualist.

>> No.9656356

Show me in that post where it says I said those people were wrong. I didn't. I said they were hkv teenagers trying to justify their wizardry.
Anyone who isn't a total loser can find pussy, it's just a question of realistic expectations and being mad that women select for different things than your Super Rational® calculations say they should is a large part of why you would probably be happier co-jacking with your autistic buddies instead of dealing with a woman.
I literally don't care that women are different and have a more compact IQ spread. It is not their function to be geniuses. It may be in the future as roles change, but there hasn't been enough time for that to change population dynamics.
Have a nice day, cuntdestr0yers

>> No.9656359

It's absurd to think women are more sexually selective than men. Maybe that works in your Darwinist utopia where everything is reduced to biological urges but the reality is women are complete hedonists and will fuck you as long as you don't sperg out in front of them.

>> No.9656404

i guess social intelligence and knowing how to deal with people doesn't count as being smart among these autists; i'd argue that being interpersonally smart is the at the top of the hierarchy of smartness

>> No.9656494

>you will fuck literally anything

>> No.9656499
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>> No.9656549
File: 525 KB, 880x440, 1514324404667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is Alt-Right, dude.

>> No.9656585

ive met chicks smarter than most guys

if a guy were to inject estrogen it would change him a lot and vice versa

>> No.9656624

their brains mature a lot faster then male's cause there isn't much up there to develop.

this. they're slaves to their biological imperative.

>> No.9656636

women use their physical beauty to buy their way into a man's success. low intelligence men are slaves to society and a lot of them don't even get to reproduce

>> No.9656644

spot on mate.

>> No.9657248

You missed my point: it is that Oriental women attend at all. That a fair portion do so is an indicator of Oriental female variation, as if there is no such effect we would see all of these women crowding at the lower tiered universities for mathematics, like the Occidental ones do.

>> No.9657319

None of what you're saying contradicts what I'm saying. But over the entire population the *different* things that men and women select for do matter.

>> No.9657845

Your mum fed you soy milk as a child. Kill her.

>> No.9657855

How is that a good thing?

>> No.9658196

It is a good thing.

>> No.9658205

Unless you are an anti-science leftist/SJW, of course.

>> No.9658207
File: 24 KB, 300x407, albert-einstein-grand-20-2_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the intelligent nw european males more attractive according to your theory or is the attractive genius just genetics

>> No.9658215

you utter mong
some of the posts you responded to were in support of an equal or at the very least smarter female. do you not know how to read or are you just retarded. 10/10 btw :^)

>> No.9659305

Alt-right babies are autistic as fuck and she's probably just an attention whore.

>> No.9659341

ITT: virgins

>> No.9659382

That's because male brains have more gllia.

>> No.9659409

Brain size also isn't linked to intelligence. The Sperm Whale's brain is the size of a tractor for comparison.

>> No.9659413

>Arguing with holes

>> No.9659419

Maybe, if you consider sociology a science.

>> No.9659420
File: 1.15 MB, 742x845, 1514320674932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony is that she looks like Anne Frank.

>> No.9659518

They are more selective. Women could fuck every single day if they wanted to, despite not being in a relationship. They do not because they are more selective, which makes sense since they always, even before they became humans, had to carey the burden of pregnancy.

There are less female idiots and less gifted females. Probably a consequence of the Bateman principle to a certain extent. Also, as an aspect of the openness to experience personality trait, males are more interested in ideas while females are, on average, more oriented towards aesthetics.

>> No.9659985

Stop with the truth bombs anon, some people don't take this bombing lightly.