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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9647980 No.9647980 [Reply] [Original]

How do we destroy scientism?

>> No.9647998

Wait for the Bill Nye generation to grow up.

>> No.9648001

they did and they are still children

>> No.9648008

First, define "scientism". Then explain why it should be destroyed.

>> No.9648068

fucking stop making this thread

>> No.9648084
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>> No.9648092
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Actually teach them science with the math and tell them it has nothing to do with religion/politics.

Basically everything that happened in the "march for science".

>> No.9648101

>bipeds who identify as ladies
Does this include chickens?

>> No.9648107
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gj anon

>> No.9648153

Like all good jokes...
You take it too far.
You ram that son of a bitch like your mom through a hot pocket and you make them see the absurdity.
Either that or end up as a literal Arch-Magos from Warhammer 40k...

>> No.9648157

What is scientism? Do you mean popsci?

>> No.9648164
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>When people worship science so hard it actually yields 10,000 year old super beings.

>When the joke is taken so far it actually becomes a legit religion.


>> No.9648169

Facts have nothing to do with religion and politics? Maybe it's just your religion and politics that are fact free...

"Scientism" is just a buzzword you throw around when your precious snowflake beliefs are threatened.

>> No.9648175

>How do we destroy
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9648176
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>Basically everything that happened in the "march for science".
So you are against policy making based of facts and evidence?
Against defending the integrity of science?
Against a public support of science?
For cuts in research?
Maybe /sci/ isn't the board for you

>> No.9648200

Species are on a spectrum.
See http://i.4cdn.org/gif/1522496743618.webm

>> No.9648226

I think scientism would be better defined as the viewpoint that science is super smart people using their sciencey mental powers to create things that seem like magic and superpowers. That is, treating science more like magic and baselessly idolizing it while you have no idea what the term even means.

Ironically scientism is probably a net positive for science, but it's also annoying.

Also I think you're either being daft on purpose or just really daft

>> No.9648242
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>if you're against progressive bullshit you're against science

>> No.9648243
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To stop scientism, one must first define what "science" is. This is the job of philosophy, that thing scientists decided they didn't need any more...

>> No.9648263

>I don't want a scientific basis for policies, but trust me I'm TOTALLY for science!

>> No.9648276
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Thank you for justifying the existence of this thread, plebbit.

>> No.9648287
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>implying science == facts

Spotted the popsci kid.

>> No.9648290

>Ironically scientism is probably a net positive for science, but it's also annoying.
How is it annoying? It's not like "scientismists" are marching up and down in front of your house doing chants. The most annoying thing about "scientism" are the constant /pol/ threads about this non-issue.

>> No.9648291

LibTards at March of Science were displaying signs such as :
"Destroy the Patriarchy not the Planet"
"Diversity in Science"
"Expel White Males from Science"
"Black Lives Matter"
"Legalize Abortion"
"Islam > Christianity"
"Import Immigrants for Science"
"Homosexual Childs"

>> No.9648299
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>> No.9648300

Just the hard facts, goy!

>> No.9648304
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>> No.9648305
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>based on scientific facts and evidence
What about non-scientific facts and evidence? Not every field of inquiry is science and there's nothing wrong with that.

>attacks on the integrity of science
Scientific fraud is a real issue and is rocking in recent years with increased competition for grant money.

>encouraging public support for science
Science doesn't need the public.

>celebrating the value of science and scientists to society
We don't need circle jerks.

>encouraging diversity and inclusion in science
Yeah, the cancer killing academia.

>become more involved in politics
Yeah, the cancer killing academia.

>> No.9648309
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>> No.9648314
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>> No.9648315
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>> No.9648321
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>Science suggests that Trans identity is biological

>> No.9648325

What happened to the "free speech" you always pretend to defend? Or is it not free speech if you disagree with it?

>Scientific fraud is a real issue and is rocking in recent years with increased competition for grant money.
[citation needed]

>Science doesn't need the public.
Except that it is often funded by the public

>We don't need circle jerks.
Extremely rich coming from a member of the /pol/ bubble

>Yeah, the cancer killing academia.
>Yeah, the cancer killing academia.
As far as I know academia is still alive and kicking. And even if you disagree, they have every right to express their opinion, and those two reasons were the least agreed-upon on the list

>> No.9648337
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>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who still don't believe in evolution
>there are still a ridiculous amount of people (including the USA president) who think the climate change is just a hoax
>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think the earth is 6000 years old, was created in 6 days and that humans lived with dinosaurs
>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think vaccines cause autism and that antibiotics can kill viruses
>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think the sun orbits the earth, and not vice versa
>but, still, OP is mad about teaching people science because gay people scare him

fuck you, OP faggot piece of shit. you can't complain about "scientism" or whatever when most americans (and people from the world, overall) still don't know extremely basic science. fuck you and fuck your faggot retarded ass.

>> No.9648341
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Philosophy will defeat blind idol worship and save us once again.

>> No.9648343
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>Missing the point entirely and then looping back around to it

>> No.9648347

>I LOVE science
>neal de grass tyson is so great
>god I can't believe some people don't like science
>elon musk is the best, he sent rockets to space using science
>tesla into space, haha
yeah, this is most definitely not annoying

>> No.9648369

Never heard any of those except as strawman on 4chan about why "SCIENTISM NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED"

>> No.9648374

>viewpoint that science is super smart people
>scientism is probably a net positive for science

Absolutely not. This highly discourages normies from ever learning science in the first place, even freshman science, because they think they're not up to it. This is the same exact mentality that causes normies to run for help when their computer won't turn on without first trying to solve the problem themselves and figuring out it's simply not plugged in.

We should be telling them that intro science is very simple yet still remains powerfully applicable to understanding everything they see around themselves.

>promoting science education and scientific literacy among the public

How if they don't even know basic math? Telling them buzzwords about strings and memebranes, whiteholes and tachyon, many worlds and observer effects, and the like like popsci currently does is not only not helpful but very harmful. They don't learn anything they can use nor further build upon, they become bewildered, don't understand the difference between what's speculative and substantiated, and worst of all they start formulating new age hippy nonsense based on their misunderstands of QM and relativity.

>> No.9648376

>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think the earth is 6000 years old, was created in 6 days and that humans lived with dinosaurs
>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think the sun orbits the earth, and not vice versa
>but, still, OP is mad about teaching people science because gay people scare him

>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.9648384
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R-Remember when we did that thing?
That thing where we used to dress up in robes and fucking... Call science "magic" and shit and the normies... Kek... And the normies fucking paid us to learn how to do chemistry and learn "magic" codes and symbols!? And we had little apprentices we could kick around...
Those... Those were the best...

Fuck me I am drunk...

>> No.9648386

>>Scientific fraud is a real issue and is rocking in recent years with increased competition for grant money.
>[citation needed]


>> No.9648389

congrats on living in a box and complete absence of social media, then.

>> No.9648391
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Nietzsche was actually the first one to identify and address the issue of Scientism. In many regards, some people actually believe that science should take the place of religion.

Now, before you tip your fedora like pic related and start *reacting* to what I just said, think about it. Religion served more than one purpose -- it did not exist solely to claim that we sprouted out of God's imagination 6,000 years ago and that we lived with Dinosaurs, which are all falsehoods. It also existed to unify large communities, give some sense of what is righteous and what is wicked, ect. Nietzsche correctly predicted that the death of God and religion would cause a 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater' effect.

Science is great for objective inquiry, but it cannot ever make a value-based statement. Science can never claim: "this is good," but it may say "this is." Scientism is when a bunch of brainwashed, illiterate peasants start worshiping science, assuming it can make judgements on what is "good" and "bad," yet it has none of the redeeming qualities of religion, as mentioned earlier. In reality, these statements on "good" or "bad" are coming from the mouth of whatever media producer is pushing it, and they will believe it, because they mistakenly believe that "science" has spoke to them, like God.

>> No.9648395

I went to the march for science and I didn't see anything like that...

>> No.9648416

>It also existed to unify large communities, give some sense of what is righteous and what is wicked


>> No.9648420

>As far as I know academia is still alive and kicking.

Killing not killed.

>Engineering education has been infiltrated by a “phalanx of social justice warriors” who are steadily corrupting the field, according to a Michigan State University professor.
>“Instead of calculating engine horsepower or microchip power/size ratios or aerodynamic lift and drag, the engineering educationists focus on group representation, hurt feelings, and ‘microaggressions’ in the profession,” Wichman adds.
>Citing the Purdue University School of Education Engineering as a case study, Wichman claims that “engineering education” schools increasingly focus on concepts that are incompatible with the actual discipline, such as “empowering” students and “reimagining” engineering as a more “socially connected” field of study.
>Riley aims to “revise engineering curricula to be relevant to a fuller range of student experiences and career destination” by incorporating “concerns related to...social responsibility,” focusing on “de-centering Western civilization,” and “uncovering contributions of women and other underrepresented groups.”
>In addition, she has taught classes addressing topics like “racist and colonialist projects in science” and using “feminist and postcolonial science studies” to study engineering issues.”
>“Riley’s purpose seems not to be how best to train new engineers but to let everyone know how bad engineers have been,” Witchman remarks, reminding readers that this is just one example of the creeping influence of social justice theory in engineering.
>Wichman, who has taught engineering for more than 30 years, worries that the growing influence of social justice in engineering programs could have major consequences for the field, such as a mass exodus of students who don’t wish to be “indoctrinated” that could present enduring challenges to the discipline.

>> No.9648421

>t. roastie

>> No.9648427

>Two Seattle Pacific University professors contend that “white male privilege” is the primary reason that few women choose to study physics in college.
>Rachel Scherr and Amy Robertson, both physics professors at Seattle Pacific, argue in the October issue of Race and Physics Teaching that physics instruction is currently unfair to women because “white male privilege pervades the discipline of physics as well as the classrooms in which physics is taught and learned.”
>“Physics strongly values male-socialized traits such as independence, competition, and individual victories,” they write, adding that “objectivity and rationality themselves, the foundations of scientific ideology, are also male-socialized traits.”
>The authors also assert that science has been used as a tool of racial oppression and colonization, which further hurts minorities in STEM and physics classrooms.
>“Historically, the questions that science has addressed have disproportionately advantaged White people, motivated by colonial expansion (to improve land and sea travel, mine ores, manufacture and farm for the benefit of Europeans living in Europe and in colonies),” Scherr and Robertson claim.
>Since the STEM fields were built on male privilege, it comes as no surprise that these fields perpetuate male advantage, they argue, saying that the field of physics is “laden with masculine [and, we would add, White] connotations on a symbolical level.”
>“For example, conceptualizing Nature as governed by laws can suggest that it is ruled by a lawmaker, who is often implicitly conceptualized as a male authority,” the professors complain.
>Ultimately, they say that physics professors must help to redefine the concept of "science" in the interest of social justice, proclaiming that “If our aim is, in part, to disrupt White and/or male privilege within physics, we need to be willing to open up the space of what counts as physics."

>> No.9648429

>Anecdotal evidence by some guy writing for the guardian
>More anecdotal evidence
And I wasn't asking about the existence of scientific fraud, I was asking about the claim that it was "rocking"

>> No.9648430

>see, this entire continent wasn't unified throughout all of modern history!
>conveniently ignores the Roman empire and the spread of monasticism and subsequently the spread of Western European Christianity
>conveniently ignores the fact the religious wars did, indeed, unify nations to fight under one creed

I thought this board was supposed to be high-IQ?

>> No.9648431

>how to destoy scientism?
step 1: define scientism

>> No.9648433

How about you just stop following those people on social media if you dislike what they say?

>> No.9648439


>> No.9648440


>> No.9648455

>A newly published academic journal article argues that science educators must do more to combat “whiteness” and “White ideology” in the classroom.
>While “the [science] culture attempts to be unbiased through peer reviewing and consistent methods and methodologies,” this interpretation “falsely makes us believe that science is an objective enterprise and transcends culture,” the academics assert.
>“For many scientists, we are convinced that objectivity prevents an oppressive culture because discoveries are independent of identity,” they observe. “Consequently, we unknowingly spread whiteness ideology.”
>“Ann Ryan (2008) argues that the history of European colonization and conquest influenced contemporary attitudes of valid knowledge, and much of the way western nations teach science erases the values and culture of indigenous people,” they continue. “Therefore, our science is out of touch with the experiences of our students of Color and, instead, represent post-colonial discourses of White power and control over people of Color via forcing the internalization of Western science knowledge.”
>The article is specifically critical of the belief that “science and how we approach experimentation and constructing scientific explanations is unbiased,” arguing that the very assumption actually encourages bias.
>“This way of knowing science in the absence of other ways of knowing only furthers whiteness and White supremacy through power and control of science knowledge,” they maintain. “As a result, our students of Color are victims of deculturization, and their own worldviews are invalidated, such as described by Ladson-Billings.”
>In addition to their criticism of whiteness, the scholars also attack racial “colorblindness” by referring academic literature that dismisses the tool as another “form of racism.”

>> No.9648461

>it did not exist solely to claim that we sprouted out of God's imagination 6,000 years ago and that we lived with Dinosaurs

You're so fucking retarded.

>Nietzsche correctly predicted

More like he was summarizing what happened the french revolution.

>> No.9648466
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Not him but
>being this mad

>> No.9648470

>What happened to the "free speech" you always pretend to defend? Or is it not free speech if you disagree with it?

Criticism isn't taking away free speech. Holy shit you're retarded.

>Except that it is often funded by the public

Scientists don't go door to door asking for donations. Neither do most other public workers.

>>We don't need circle jerks.
>Extremely rich coming from a member of the /pol/ bubble

Yes yes, everyone disagreeing with you is /pol/.

>> No.9648474

are you implying that rome unified countries through christianity, and not by strenght? and that being united to kill for religion is somehow "righteous"?

you were just talking out of your ass. christianity was used as an excuse to start wars, kill people and to persecute minorities and free thinkers, conveniently called "heretics". the "good and bad" dichotomy christianity uses is just a tool to oppress people. it always was.

>> No.9648477

>" Scientism is when a bunch of brainwashed, illiterate peasants start worshiping science, assuming it can make judgements on what is "good" and "bad,"

You live inside your own small little world, don't ya?

>> No.9648497

its not high iq but you are still to slow to understand

>conveniently ignores the fact the religious wars did, indeed, unify nations to fight under one creed

how do you explain the cisim of christianity? shia and sunni divide? protestant and catholic divide? The holy wars dont sound like it united very much

>> No.9648506

>Neither do most other public workers.
Every single public worker lives on the government teat. I.E. leeching off taxpayers.

>> No.9648531

Aw, did mommy drag you to church again this week?

>> No.9648548
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awesome rebuttal, christfag. you don't sound retarded at all

>> No.9648566

>>>9647980 (OP)
>Philosophy will defeat blind idol worship and save us once again.

Kek, I can't take anything seriously when I hear the word philosophy.

>> No.9648568

>apply Science to the world
>somehow a bad thing

>> No.9648574
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>> No.9648588


How have you not realised that's exactly what "science" has been used for in modern times?

Do you think those who benefited from controlling/oppressing people with religion haven't also been doing it with "science" too? Real science available to all is one of the best assets against oppression, so of course it needed to be co-opted by those that it threatened.

A major part of this was to turn science into a religious/cult-like institution. Instead of natural science that uses physical experimentation on real physical objects, it has been turned into purely "theoretical" (aka theological) science, that doesn't follow the pure scientific method, and instead relies on conjecture, belief and appeal to authority.

Theoretical science is also dogmatic, and not open to criticism or alternatives. Part of this I imagine is that governments are only going to fund the "science" it wants to fund, so if you want a career in science, you have to study and endorse the science that actually gets funding. Of course, the science that gets funding is almost always useless and never progresses humanity in any way (see the LHC for example).

>> No.9648601
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Including the letters s, c, i, e, n, c and e does not magically make an other wise off-topic post somehow on topic. This is pretty clearly a political discussion, rather than a discussion of science. As such, it belongs on a political board. It is unfortunate that 4chan does not have a good political board, but that sad fact does not make this discussion on-topic here either.

>> No.9648620

Your thinking sure is free from the constraints of historical facts.

>> No.9648643

>A major part of this was to turn science into a religious/cult-like institution. Instead of natural science that uses physical experimentation on real physical objects, it has been turned into purely "theoretical" (aka theological) science, that doesn't follow the pure scientific method, and instead relies on conjecture, belief and appeal to authority.

What the hell are you even talking about? Please, provide me with an evidence for this nonsense.

>> No.9648648

the historical fact is that christianity have always made the world an objectively worse place. and thinking people can only tell good apart from evil because of religion is moronic as well.

>> No.9648660
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Wow, you can cut the autism in that post with a knife.

>> No.9648674

>Wow, you can cut the autism in that post with a knife.
Is that supposed to make any sense?

>> No.9648675
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>christianity have always made the world an objectively worse place

>> No.9648686

It's too late, the ideology has already poisoned the well and it will always have to be dealt with. One thing you can do to reduce it's power is to stop fucking talking about it though. Factions justify their existence by pointing to oponents and saying "SEE, the white Nazi religious elite are oppressing meeeeeeee" then BuzzFeed writes an article about why x faction is literally smashing the [insert establishment faction here]. Just stop being a faggot about everything and get back to work, peasant.

>> No.9648687

Confirmed for being completely historically illiterate and an agenda-driven edgelord. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about

>> No.9648694

The world would have been even worse if it weren't for an imaginary death god to punish the king for his sins. We are growing out of religion now but it was an absolute requirement to reach an industrialized society without collapsing into total despotism and and constant collapse and consolidation of new power structures, each more brutal and pragmatic than the last.

>> No.9648695

I bet those cunt are jewish

>> No.9648699


>> No.9648740
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There's a reason the Catholic church have had such a close relationship with "science" and "scientists". Pic related.

>> No.9649109

this is 4chan, not your church. we're on a board about science, no less. this is definitely not the place for you to preach your silly beliefs

>0 arguments

>> No.9649116
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You know the only way

>> No.9649147

stop telling normies about science. it's the only hope.

>> No.9649151

this is 4chan, not your FFRF safespace. we're on a board about science, no less. this is definitely not the place for you to preach your silly beliefs

>> No.9649165

Then move to the Middle East or North Africa, free for over a thousand years from the influence of big bad man Christianity. It just must be a wonderful place that's vastly more scientifically advanced than our Christian western society.

>> No.9649222

Eh, I don't think it's really fair to attribute the scientific progress of the West to the presence of Christianity.
The Middle East was doing pretty well until they decided it was against Islam.

>> No.9649237
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>>0 arguments

Stating your disparaging opinion isn't an argument either.

>> No.9649246

are you fuckin gay or something?

>> No.9649286

Only one way: disregard fake results, irreproduceable nonsense, tiny sample sizes, "science journalists," and political correctness.

>> No.9650232

That says more about you than the guy youre replying to

>> No.9650284

I like Bill Nye. As a children's entertainer from the 90s.

>> No.9650298

>The Middle East was doing pretty well until they decided it was against Islam.
The literally just borrowed their knowledge from the Greeks without advancing any of it. All of the forward thinking Muslin scholars were critical of some tenets of Islam, and most were persecuted far more harshly than people like Galileo.

>> No.9650354

wtf? are you implying the middle east hasn't made advances for science, or that the advances westerns made was due to christianity? are you that stupid?

i think that jews, mesopotamians, chinese and ancient greeks must all have been christians all along too.

>without advancing any of it.

Educate yourself or go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.9650387
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>> No.9650406

>an engineering prof got buttmad about ess jay doubleyoos
who gives a shit

>> No.9650411

>without advancing any of it
ya i mean who needs algebra amirite

>> No.9650480


>> No.9650483
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>> No.9650508

> le fedora *tip*
It may be true that you can't derive a "should" statement from a fact, even Hume knew that, but that doesn't mean we need to lie to obtain moral judgement or make shit up just so we can feel righteous. Religions carry a lot of baggage with them and teach lessons that more in line with village chieftains than the modern world (inb4 le current year meme) and we should consider that what we preach should be what we actually believe in.

Maybe, as a religious man, you can't fathom the idea of relative morality, or the existence of morality sans an authoritarian God. But, you know, the question comes up: Why the fuck does God teach these values? We either come to a pragmatic conclusion that denies the necessity of God, because we can use that conclusion to justify the value, or we come with an arbitrary value that seems totally meaningless to us.

The harm of religion, in my opinion, greatly outweighs any good it might do. Dogmatic thinking, inflexible morals, division of groups, and an unhealthy sense of superiority over the unbelievers. The issue with popsci and "scientism" is that they too are dogmatic ideologies. True science teaches that nothing is set in stone and that nothing is for certain, which is why these Bill Nye soyboy faggots need to get over their retarded assertion that both sexes are equal - but only in some ways, mainly ways they deem acceptable - and that all races are also equal - again, only in the ways that they see as acceptable. This is the madness that needs to stop, but we don't need to lie to ourselves to do it.

You have opened Pandora's Box. At the bottom of your heart you know they're right, and that there really is no true religion. God is dead, and there is no reviving him.

(To clarify, I mean the gods world religions set out - I'm agnostic to the idea of there being some nebulous creator-deity that made our universe, but it is arrogance to claim to know him.)

>> No.9650543
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>OP is mad about teaching people science because gay people scare him

Well in fact nowadays. SJW Teachers are turning kids gay instead.

Teaching Little Kids Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Bestiality and other degeneracies.

Calling such Faggotry "Science"

>> No.9650547
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Why the FUCK would we want to stop a belief system that makes suckers give us TRILLIONS of dollars to spend on our cool toys and pet projects? Are you high?

>> No.9650549

>implying they're ours
on unrelated note, nice wendy

>> No.9650554

> I don't own my phone and shit
> yeah but the EULA says XYZ
You BUY it so it's YOURS

>> No.9650560
File: 570 KB, 2048x1536, Scence-marchf4581a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9650568

Can real scientists all just agree that these people are fucking lunatics? Don't confuse "scientism" with actual science, or rationality. It's more like scientology - a cult of insane retards.

>> No.9650709

Gender refers to a human social role, usually linked with whatever genitals one is born with. Chickens are not a human social role, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.9650722
File: 50 KB, 568x540, images(54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I identify my self as a big black rooster? Born as human. Because as SJW say, species and race are social constructs like gender, so not real and fluctuates like a fluid according to Muh feelings.

>> No.9650736

My post literally says you can't, holy shit you are retarded

>> No.9650737

gender never had a definition besides sex until recently

>> No.9650749

All these SJW gender bender bullshit didn't exist in Academia 3 decades ago.
SJW bullshit started in Academia when leftist 60's hippies boomers started to teach in community College which Brain washed millennial, which then overtaken even Ivy league Humanities departments later on.

>> No.9650752

yeah that's why it's bullshit
If you wanna identify as something else you better have some kind of genetic fuck up

>> No.9650769

>teaching kids about homosexuality is telling them to be gay
If you believe you can be tempted into homosexuality then you are already at least bi

>> No.9650776

What the teachers are trying to teach kids is "try/experiment to be gay/bi"

But that is a recipe for STD & AIDS epidemics in Kindergarten

>> No.9650821

Yeah lets shame bi/gay kids or pretend they don't exist. Just like abstinence-based sex ed education has worked wonders.

>> No.9650833

The question is why teach Homosexual sex to little boys who can't even get an erection yet?
How? Pedophilia, fingering and dildo riding?

>> No.9650835

>How do we destroy scientism?
Vote Republican

>> No.9650851

Republicans as Trump still support SpaceX, Medicine, Pharma, Tech, Physics & Math.

Trump is only cutting funds for things like Gender Studies & Global Warming.

Flat Earthers are just a loud minority, most Republicans support NASA. Democrats choose feed Africa over Space.

>> No.9651067
File: 235 KB, 788x450, 1521451183229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't. Scientism is correct.

>> No.9651077

>Flat Earthers are just a loud minority,

Nope, after reviewing the evidence, most top scientists now state the earth is flat (because it is).

>> No.9651092
File: 57 KB, 640x812, 1520876172597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists, in general, hate science.

>> No.9651110
File: 46 KB, 288x358, 1521501103366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chickens are not a human social role

Why do you hate transpecies people?

>> No.9651381

Holy shit you fedora tipper -- control yourself. I am not a "religious man," and I am actually arguing that morality is relative, brainlet. For someone preaching about dogmas, you certainly think dogmatically.

>> No.9651387
File: 949 KB, 2162x1209, dsc_0318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by decentralizing research and development

>> No.9651433

That image made me cringe at the person who made it or thinks it looks "cute"

>> No.9651440

>Flat Earthers are just a loud minority

They don't exist. They just troll fedoras dumb enough to believe they exist.

>> No.9651453

i've literally never met a leftist who thinks like that. on the other hand, I've met plenty of climate change deniers and evolution deniers who vote right-wing. also, young earth, flat earth and "vaccines cause autism" nuts are all right-wingers.

>> No.9651462

It's not meant to be cute.

>> No.9651464
File: 151 KB, 500x701, french-feminist-luce-irigaray-calls-e-mc2-a-sexed-equation-she-25624581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met a lot of leftist race-denialists.

>> No.9651472

Whatever you think it is, its still cringy wanna-be-fascist-weeaboo trash.

>> No.9651475

So have I. That means you aren't in a position to say that only leftists deny science.

>> No.9651479


The globe model is one of the core tenets of Scientism.

If you believe the globe model without proving it to yourself first, then you are a follower of the Scientism cult. All scientific experiments to find the shape of earth will prove a flat earth.

>> No.9651481
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x741, 1513501469371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9651482


What do you mean by this? Most leftists agree that races do exist, but the differences aren't large enough to be genetic nor categorically useful other than for superficial qualities, like skin colour, type of hair, eye color, etc.

But if you're going for the alt-right angle that "niggers are dumbers xD" then this isn't science at all. There is no established link between these superficial traits, and non-superficial traits like intelligence or friendliness.

>> No.9651493
File: 253 KB, 400x400, 1520981014306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Shlomo, don't get triggered. We can all be friends.

>> No.9651497

Holy shit rlmao that is some quality delusion

>> No.9651502

>getting this mad

Look, im sure the liberal God of creation ensured all evolutionary divergence in homo sapiens was only skin deep... You emotional child.

It would be nice, wouldnt it? We could 'fix' all of our problems with education, funding, policy, ect. But we can't because our differences are more than skin-deep. Grow up.

>> No.9651506

Its gotta be satire lol

>> No.9651507

Why do you cling to degenerate Chinese cartoons? Everyone knows only children and autistic pervs enjoy them. Are you ashamed of the culture your grandparents practiced?

>> No.9651509
File: 116 KB, 679x960, 1520899742831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime characters represent the apex of Aryan beauty. This is why the jews (and other promoters of entartete Kunst) hate anime so much.

>> No.9651514

No? The Jews want good wh*te goyim to indulge in the cartoons.

>> No.9651516
File: 27 KB, 480x400, 1520888327906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you ashamed of the culture your grandparents practiced?

The jews corrupted all 20th century Western Art.

>> No.9651519

Why don't you respond to

>> No.9651529

So let me get this straight: Jews and your goytoy grandparents are responsible for your avatarfagging and shitting up a board with degeneracy. That made me think.

>> No.9651530

lmfao. you're the only one getting mad because your retarded redneck ass is being btfo. Any apparent cognitive differences between races seem to be due to differences in environment (e.g., upbringing, education, socioeconomic background, etc), general health (e.g., nutrition, health condition, etc), and opportunities, but not genetics.

If you think there are cognitive differences based on race, then present us your evidence (no /pol/ infographics, pls)

>> No.9651531


>> No.9651535

all borders should be abolished. nationstates were a mistake

>> No.9651540

I wonder who could be behind this bai- I mean post.

>> No.9651545

globalism is endgame but only in the far far future, right now humanity is too retarded for such things

>> No.9651548

I really liked 4chan better before t_d came here.

>> No.9651561

globalism is human race's endgame since rome. christians were the first people to try and make the whole world follow only one culture

>> No.9651566

>Jews will consolidate their power but only in the far future
>Theyve been scheming and consipiring the last 6000 years in secrecy
>but they are the subhuman, not me!
>we will fight them with epic anime swastikas!
This is too good to be made up ahahahahahaha. I bet you'll call me a jew next? I'd pay to see your ancestry

>> No.9651569

See >>9651548

>> No.9651570

I'm a shitskin fgt
fuck nazis

>> No.9651580

I agree. Nuke this thread.

>> No.9651609

I'm someone new. Not the guy you were replying to previously. You follow?

Its hilarious how you cannot reason without conjuring up some caricature in your mind. I am not a 'red neck.' I'm a mathematician and I can already tell I have about 30-40 IQ points on you.

As for your evidence, the heritability of IQ is well-established (~0.76, on par with something like height) as well as the IQ disparities between races. If you really have a hard-on for getting intellectually destroyed, I could find some sources for the latter but I'm phoneposting right now.

>> No.9651616

Respond to what? I'm not that same guy.

>> No.9651618

>let me just pretend im a new person

>> No.9651625
File: 26 KB, 720x204, IMG_20180406_141829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) wot?

>> No.9651626

>he has difficulty comprehending this
Scientism has the most lowly followers.

>> No.9651631

>I'm a mathematician and I can already tell I have about 30-40 IQ points on you.
This is autism

>I could find some sources for the latter but I'm phoneposting right now
And that's when your autistic post completely lost all value.

>> No.9651639


Yawn. You liberal creationists are so predictable. Typical science-denial.

>> No.9651668

There are also anti-vaxxers of the hippie variety.

>> No.9651707

>Of course, the science that gets funding is almost always useless and never progresses humanity in any way (see the LHC for example).

What the fuck are you talking about, are you saying that is not a progress for humanity?


>> No.9651719

Can you elaborate on what are trying to say? Your image not showing quotation marks makes it even more convoluted.

>> No.9651720


>> No.9651727

I honestly wouldn't mind it

>> No.9651763

>links to a content-scraper pop-sci rephrasing of a 13 year old journal article.
You need to work on your sources. I actually agree with you—there is a difference between races in IQ and it's genetic—but do better.

>> No.9651786

this is a good post

>> No.9651791

Here's the abstract of the actual article.
>The culture-only (0% genetic–100% environmental) and the hereditarian (50%
genetic–50% environmental) models of the causes of mean Black–White differences
in cognitive ability are compared and contrasted across 10 categories of evidence:
the worldwide distribution of test scores, g factor of mental ability, heritability, brain
size and cognitive ability, transracial adoption, racial admixture, regression, related
life-history traits, human origins research, and hypothesized environmental variables.
The new evidence reviewed here points to some genetic component in
Black–White differences in mean IQ. The implication for public policy is that the
discrimination model (i.e., Black–White differences in socially valued outcomes
will be equal barring discrimination) must be tempered by a distributional model
(i.e., Black–White outcomes reflect underlying group characteristics).
No one who isn't memeing thinks there is some genetic and some environmental component, and this article is far from proving le high iq mathematician phone poster's datum of 0.76, though there are many articles and texts that use that number based on separated zygotic twin studies.

>> No.9651797

>le is-ought gap
Was always a political expedient and still is one. What is obviously determines how we reason about what we ought to do.
>There's an infinite abundance of food so we shouldn't fight over food
>There is a famine and only about 100 calories per person per day of food, so we ought to fight over it to survive

>> No.9651834
File: 636 KB, 2220x1683, Citizen-Einstein[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay so I forgot about the rap video, that's still the only thing they've done to advance humanity.


This will be too /tinfoilhat/ for many here, but the major religions have been infiltrated by secret societies who use them to control the populous as well as a front to get away with misdeeds.

The same has happened with science, many of the figureheads were members of secret societies (freemasons particularly). They knew that in order to control a large quantity of people, you needed them to surrender to an authority, God being religion's method and theoretical science/scientists being science's method.

They also knew that those who were drawn to science were more likely to have rejected the idea of a God as depicted in mainstream religions, so they needed to create a Godless religion. A Godless religion is even better for controlling people because not only will you blindly accept what the preachers of that religion will say, you will also feel far more worthless and insignificant. This is why there's a push in modern times towards science rather than religion, hence the Scientism we are witness to today.

If you know anything about freemasonry, you would know that the handshake in pic related with Einstein and the Catholic priest Georges Lemaître is a freemasonic one.

>> No.9651844

Ok, new question:

How do we destroy conspiracy theorism?

>> No.9651863

I mean, pretty much this. Feel however you want, but conservatives are basically living in a world of constant, shapeshifting delusion. That come from their pathetic inability to deal with their own fears.

Wow a rushton paper funded by the literal neo-nazi pioneer fund (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Fund).). Surely this research is objective and falsifiable. Such pure """facts"""".

>> No.9651870

try and inject as much math as possible into scientist circles and they'll naturally lose interest and move on to some other cult

>> No.9651871


Define "conspiracy theorism"?

>> No.9651875

criticism is not anti free speech, it is also free speech

>> No.9651879
File: 2.04 MB, 1024x783, 1518220925499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm with Beady eyes.

>> No.9652151

>he's still mad

The 0.76 bit was in reference to heritability.


>not knowing what a study that analyzes other studies is

Can you actually argue against any of the studies mentioned in the analysis? Or are you just buttmad?

>> No.9652158

turbo cringe

>> No.9652196
File: 102 KB, 1644x1370, 1518770406351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9652213

>are you just buttmad?
You're the one citing pop-sci and replying to the wrong poster, anon.

>> No.9652219

you fucking 'let

>> No.9652229

>all studies on race and IQ must be pop-sci because reasons


>> No.9652234

>Surely this research is objective and falsifiable.
Yes, it's very easily falsifiable. And it hasn't been because it's not false.

>> No.9652249

Seeing a screencap on /pol/ is not "meeting"

>> No.9652254

Ive met professors and students that legitimately believe race does not stem from genetics in any non-superficial way.

>> No.9652269

Define superficial

>> No.9652337

Suppose that superficiality means only cosmetic.

>> No.9652340

Presumably something alone the lines of "race is only skin deep"

>> No.9652342
File: 2 KB, 38x32, Benisshirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9652344

[math] \mathbb{BENIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD} [/math]

>> No.9652409
File: 120 KB, 729x600, pol crossposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were given an entire containment board to shit up. Why can't you stay there and leave the rest of the boards in peace?

>> No.9652410

Gender doesn't exist as a concept statistically distinct from sex

>> No.9652415

That have never gained mainstream endorsement while the right-wing has presidents who subscribe to everything described except for flat earth.

>> No.9652431

the sad thing is that there actually is a non-/pol/ angle to discuss the OP from

>> No.9652433

Beyond cosmetic, it's mostly in the immune system and drug reactions.

>> No.9652447

>except for flat earth

Because the globe earth benefits all governments.

>> No.9652466

your pic is retarded idek

>> No.9652619


Did a Catholic priest come up with the big bang theory or not?

>> No.9652698

>brap posting
based pole needs to stay

>> No.9652861

I dunno

>> No.9652864


with the wholesome goodness of quaker oats!

>> No.9652885

I don't believe in religion but goddamn you are retarded if you think that christianity has not benefited anyone in any way

>> No.9652892

hello, here is your (you) you wanted

>> No.9652906
File: 34 KB, 450x244, skulls by race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9652340 >>9652254
>"race is only skin deep"
The bone structure is different across races you know.

Forensic Cops can't identify the race of a skeletal remain just by looking the Skull bone structure.

>> No.9652909
File: 147 KB, 320x320, Race skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9652340 >>9652254
Also notice that Black skull is smaller and more ape like

>> No.9652915


I didn't say that race was skin only deep, I was using such quote as an example of what race being superfical would be, you illiterate mong

>> No.9652916
File: 30 KB, 444x259, races_skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9652340 >>9652254

Black brain size and skull shape is between Whites and Chimpanzee

>> No.9652934

MORE like how do we destroy Free marketism

>> No.9652937
File: 493 KB, 618x572, Black vs Monkey IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks between Whites and Chimpanzee
Actually some monkeys are smarter than some blacks

>> No.9653390
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x6080, fisheyecompliation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern scientists use ridicule and personal attacks to create a herd-mentality cult where anybody that disagrees with the herd is cast out as a total retard.

The religion of scientism focuses hard on making you feel insignificant, that you live on a spec of dirt that got lucky enough to orbit the sun in an infinite, ever expanding universe you will never explore.

If the earth is flat and infinite, that redefines everything.

>> No.9653394
File: 236 KB, 884x886, actors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even in OP's pic, bill nye is holding a fucking sphere

Just more propaganda. Brainwashing is made through repetition

>> No.9653396
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, esacgi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10


>> No.9653400
File: 283 KB, 1280x500, copypasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is photoshopped because its its its... it has to be"




The big question is obviously... WHY?? Why does it HAVE to be shopped? We take pictures of saturns rings, but not of our OWN EARTH???
If you're going to collage/composite, then COMPOSITE! Don't fucking copy/paste, thats FAKING AN IMAGE!

If you copy and paste, thats now an artistic rendition, not a composite.

>> No.9653401
File: 95 KB, 562x599, spacexfakecar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1965 NASA BUSTED - Stop Motion Animation Revealed



Spacex photoshop


"You could tell its real because it looks so fake"


Proof SpaceX Changed & Edited Their Live Stream Falcon Heavy Launch


>> No.9653434

We don't. As long as it rules, magick is a super secret club (no girls allowed) and no one will think to police it.

>> No.9653564

>everything that happened
Could you be more vague and open-ended?

>> No.9653591

That's just dust on the camera, if you look carefully at 15:50 when the camera moves, you'll see that there are only 5-6 stars, the rest is dust stuck to the camera

>> No.9653609
File: 154 KB, 240x181, kill_it_with_fire-simpsons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we destroy scientism?

Science is good and should not be destroyed. However, it's retarded cousin, pop science, should be uttered destroyed.

>> No.9653617

The last part rings very true. I’m thrilled many people are excited about science but unfortunately those with agendas use that to against them. The media pushes shit like “study says muh diversity” and idiots treat it like gospel

>> No.9653632

The problem isn't using science to push an agenda. If the science is valid and the agenda consistent with it, then it should be used in policy.

The problems arise when people misinterpret the science, which happens all the goddam time.

>> No.9653634
File: 66 KB, 1011x377, Bill-Nye-the-pop-science-guy--friend-to-sjws-everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakdown of difference between science and pop science.

Science: A formalization of "I don't know the answer to that question, so let's find out for ourselves". A method of objectively discerning the laws of the natural world (pure science) and how to apply them for useful purposes (applied science).

Pop science: A series of leftist-friendly presumptions about the world that is dogmatically accepted as self-evidence axioms without any regard for even the most basic aspects of the scientific method.

Pic related

>> No.9653645
File: 85 KB, 460x405, 1513822342190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like liberals but /pol/'s conspiracy theorism and psued-skeptics are much worse, giving birth to steven crowder tier people

Science as a whole does'nt really have enemies, aside from dogmatic religious zealots or luddites. However, science cannot fill the void of religion, something else must instead, and we have yet to find it.

>> No.9653652
File: 42 KB, 740x400, Communism-Improve-the-American-Voting-System-Joseph-Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem isn't using science to push an agenda. If the science is valid and the agenda consistent with it, then it should be used in policy.
>Implying the people deciding what science is valid don't have ulterior motives and won't distort or outright lie about science for their own purposes.

Just take what Stalin said about voting and apply it to science. It explains shit like "study says men need to wash dishes for healthy marriage" or "gender is a spectrum and the age of 10 is old enough to give consent to take hormone blockers." The science in pop science is only paper-thin window dressing to hide the obvious SJW pandering.

>> No.9653661

>It explains shit like "study says men need to wash dishes for healthy marriage" or "gender is a spectrum and the age of 10 is old enough to give consent to take hormone blockers." The science in pop science is only paper-thin window dressing to hide the obvious SJW pandering.
You're referring to sensationalist media articles that are about a scientific study, not the study itself. So again, misinterpreting of the science.

>> No.9653965
File: 431 KB, 1444x1249, cordycep fungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Cordyceps fungus is like, REAL ZOMBIES?!?!?!?!?!
Isn't science cool XD

>> No.9654005

God, why couldn't Nye just fade into obscurity like every other children's science teacher instead of becoming such a fucking hack in a desperate bid to stay relevant. Why is he even doing this shit? Does the Illuminati have his daughter held hostage or some shit?

>> No.9654024

>Why is he even doing this shit?

>> No.9654425

Since the flat earth has become popular, the damage control is coming out. Scientism in overdrive. It's hilarious how transparent this is. You can smell the bullshit coming off the "astronauts": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj9d_au33lk

If flat earth had no merit whatsoever, they wouldn't need to do this in the first place.

>> No.9654443

Yes they would, because they are pissed off at how stupid you are.

>> No.9654455
File: 19 KB, 320x339, 53EB6CBD-9A9E-4110-82C2-B23D8718754D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9654467

anyone who accepts a person's results off of blind faith, due to the authority the scientific process asserts (math, lab coats, and bow ties), rather than truly understanding what is being presented to them.
Anyone who ends up basically saying, "I don't get it, but yaaaaayy science!"

>> No.9654468


OK, if you think the earth is really flat and 2300 years of science, not scientism, is wrong for saying its round, do this experiment for yourself.


Keep in mind, this is impossible according to the flat earth model. And you can confirm all of this for yourself.

>> No.9654472

I always laugh when I hear buzzwords of /pol/. They are the very thing they hate.
The difference is the other side is nicer. So fuck /pol/.

>> No.9654522


>there are still a ridiculous amount of people who think the climate change is anything other than variance

top zozzle

>> No.9654547


Sure kid. There would be much easier ways to convince people the earth was in fact a globe. Instead we get propaganda.


I don't see two sunsets in that video, but it would make sense on a flat earth as well. The higher you go, the less dense the air is, therefore the light can pass through it for further distances.

Also, the higher you go, the further your horizon becomes, hence you can see further as well as seeing over things that may have been blocking the light at lower altitudes.

>> No.9654584

>What happened to the "free speech" you always pretend to defend?
>Mocking somebody is the same thing as denying them the right to embarrass themselves.

>> No.9654678


>> No.9654759

I think you've misunderstood the is-ought gap. It doesn't mean that you can't base your judgement of what to do in a given context on the context itself. That's absurd. What it means is there's no way to rigorously derive a moral imperative from context -alone- and you must involve a prior value system. "We ought to collectivize agriculture as a response to the famine" depends not only on the claim "collectivization will help the situation" (is) but also on "we ought to take action to prevent people from starving in severe circumstances" (ought.) There are only right and wrong ways to act relative to an objective you're trying to achieve. The context does not choose objectives for you.

>> No.9654780

You're a fucking chicken afraid of progress.

>> No.9654798

>I don't see two sunsets in that video

The sun when from being just below the horizon to a sliver just above the horizon for the person standing up. The difference is more pronounce with a drone or skyscaper. A drone with a camera easily prove or disprove flat earth.

>but it would make sense on a flat earth as well. The higher you go, the less dense the air is, therefore the light can pass through it for further distances.

Experiments can be designed to rule out alternative hypothesis but at some people, if someone is just hellbent on beLIEving, then no evidence is good enough and any ad hoc excuse will do.

Air density changed far more due to temperature than an elevation change of six feet. So, does that means you can look out the window on a cold winter day and see a blurry world. Also, there is no terrain blocking the sun over the ocean if someone is watching the sun set on the beach.

>> No.9654801

Anyone concerned about the future of humanity would worry that future engineers won't be competently taught.

>> No.9654845
File: 1.90 MB, 720x576, sun bigger smaller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can get the same effect much more clearly by zooming into a "setting" sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oBmNe13AVE

>Air density changed far more due to temperature than an elevation change of six feet. So, does that means you can look out the window on a cold winter day and see a blurry world. Also, there is no terrain blocking the sun over the ocean if someone is watching the sun set on the beach.

The densest gases are going to settle on the surfaces of the earth. The oceans not only have these dense gases on top of them but also water vapour and other gases at the bottom of the oceans rising out of them into the atmosphere. So there's a mix of things that light has to pass through at that level.

In terms of terrain blocking things, the flat model requires all bodies of water to be contained as curving water is impossible, so the further away the sun gets the more likely it will be blocked by the water's container.

>> No.9654860

No one on 4chan believes in a flat-earth, bud. Okay? No one.

And we have Bible literalists here. (I'm one of them). God made the Earth round. It says this in the Koran. Deal with it.

>> No.9654861

Most ant-vaxxers are actually democrats this is because there is a ton of overlap between the anti-vaccination camp and the organic food camp they think vaccinations cause autism because of inorganic materials that are in vaccinations.

>> No.9654874

>No one on 4chan believes in a flat-earth, bud. Okay? No one.

Argumentum ad populum.

>God made the Earth round. It says this in the Koran. Deal with it.

Argumentum ad verecundiam.

>> No.9654904

>Most ant-vaxxers are actually democrats
This. Most of them are women too[1]. Trump is the exception rather than the rule, and several conservatives disagree with him on the issue (Prager once said people who rejected vaccines were a problem).

[1] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1418406?journalCode=rics20

>God made the Earth round. It says this in the Koran.
"Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created? And at the sky - how it is raised? And at the mountains - how they are erected? And at the earth - how it is spread out?" (88:17-20, Saheeh International)

>> No.9654975
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Pic related

Also, the sun appeared to "shrink" as the camera zoomed in (odd feature since objects are suppose to appear larger when magnified) and went to from just touching the horizon to having a gap between.
The P900 has an anti-glare auto correction feature. When the youtuber zoomed in on the sun, the anti-glare features kicked in and added to the illusion that the sun moved up the horizon.

>> No.9655012


When the sun has completely "set", its light is no longer able to pass through the atmosphere and hit the lens of the camera. The camera cannot zoom in on light that is not there.

>The P900 has an anti-glare auto correction feature.

I can't find any evidence of this.

>When the youtuber zoomed in on the sun, the anti-glare features kicked in and added to the illusion that the sun moved up the horizon.

Nonsense. It's perfectly explained by perspective, the closer something in the sky is, the further it gets from the horizon.

>> No.9655056
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Scientism means the assertion that scientific knowledge is the only kind of knowledge that has value. In philosophy scientism is seen as the ultimate brainlet ideology because it is basically a dumbed down form of logical positivism. The best example of logical positivism is Russell. Take for example this debate between him and Copleston:
It is evident from the first few minutes. Copleston posits ideas relying on at least some degree of direct ontology and philosophical intuition, yet russell simply stonewalls every one of them by asserting that they don't exist because he thinks that all logic must be as devoid of direct ontology as possible. He thinks this because he is a mathematician and can only view metaphysics through the lens of formal logic which is insufficient to adjudicate such matters.

>> No.9655068

>>The P900 has an anti-glare auto correction feature.
>I can't find any evidence of this.


>When the sun has completely "set", its light is no longer able to pass through the atmosphere and hit the lens of the camera. The camera cannot zoom in on light that is not there.

It is still passing through the atmosphere on another part of the Earth.

>Nonsense. It's perfectly explained by perspective, the closer something in the sky is, the further it gets from the horizon.

The sky stretches into infinity. The horizon is just the edge of the portion of the Earth that is visible from a given reference point. There is no distance per se between the sky and horizon.

>> No.9655114


That's an anti glare screen protector that you would have to buy separately. You said there's an "anti glare auto correction feature" in the P900 which is completely different and suggests it computes it internally rather than being external hardware.

>It is still passing through the atmosphere on another part of the Earth.

Yes but the camera can't pick that light up.

>The sky stretches into infinity. The horizon is just the edge of the portion of the Earth that is visible from a given reference point. There is no distance per se between the sky and horizon.

When you look out at the sea, the horizon line is where the water and the sky meet. But you wouldn't say the water is at your eye level, nor is the sky lower than you, that's just the convergence of perspective.

>> No.9655461

Superiority complexes in any form must die

>> No.9655482

kys pleb

>> No.9655484

No, it's literally violence and my life is now in mortal danger with you in the same board as me.

>> No.9655513

Scientism is when science conflicts with my religion, and this must be stopped.

>> No.9655542
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"my religion" also includes atheism.

>> No.9655554

How could science possibly interfere with atheism?

>> No.9655564
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>> No.9655566
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>> No.9655569
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>> No.9655579

its not really blind faith though is it, sure you should never just accept things purely from being told, but we have systems of education, degrees, phd's etc, so we know that if someone has a doctorate or such in a certain field, they have probably put some time and effort into learning about what they are talking about. we have peer review and other such methods that mean you arent just taking a single guys words for something, you can be fairly assured that when a field reaches consensus about something its probably highly likely to be true.

ive never studied aerospace engineering, but I trust that the people that design planes have, so when i get on a plane, i feel fairly confident that barring some freak occurance, the plane will not explode on the runway, its not "blind faith" but its trusting that the systems we have in place to get what we know about the world to be true are working.

>> No.9655583

not seeing how this answers his question

>> No.9655591

I was in error about the correction feature. But the sun did get smaller as the person zoomed in. This video does a better job explaining it.


>> No.9655602

these don't answer the question at all

>> No.9655761
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>> No.9655786
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>huuuuuuuurrrrr duuuuuuuuurrrr people need religion to be gooooood, even though christians spent 2000 killing for their religion huuuuuuuur duuuuuuuuur

>> No.9655797

>why teach Homosexual sex to little boys

Literally nobody is doing that. Stop being retarded.

>> No.9655817
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>teaching Homosexual sex to little boys
>Literally nobody is doing that.
Have you not seen yet?




>> No.9655826
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You blokes are alright.

>> No.9655842
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>Man as featherless birds.

If woman can identify themselves as chicks and bitches?

Why a male human as myself can't identify as some animal species such as a bull.

>> No.9655939
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>>9650709 >>9650722
>Big Black Rooster

Big Black Cock*


>> No.9655969

Teaching kids that homosexuals exist is different from teaching kids to suck dick. None of the links show people teaching kids "homosexual sex"

>> No.9656209

Youre retarded and you dont even know it. My grandfather was a free mason, and no, they dont conspire agaisnt the populous or anything, its basically a more serious fraternity for adults, not some all powerfull , evil sect.

>> No.9656252

>Religion automatically makes someone good
t. no one, not even the hickest of all hicks

>> No.9656258

>Well in fact nowadays. SJW Teachers are turning kids gay instead.
>Teaching Little Kids Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Bestiality and other degeneracies.
>Calling such Faggotry "Science"

Surely you can provide actual evidence for this tehn?

>> No.9656267


>> No.9656276

are philosofags on /sci/ just proxy christfags?

>> No.9656292

But anon, anyone who truly loves wisdom loves God, the wisest being in the universe

Personally, I identify as ponykin

>> No.9656297

What's the harm in letting people have their silly little mythologies? At least they're not killing each other in the name of science yet, unlike many other religions I can think of.

>> No.9656596

why is everybody here against pop sci? I understand that it can warp someone's perception of what science is, as well making them treat it like some being that is always correct (eg. " 'science' says so therefore it's true"), but otherwise it just boils these massive papers and concepts into simple and broad terms, teaching anybody enough of the subject to use it practically in daily life. Whats so bad about that?

>> No.9656670

christfags are sad because people don't want to believe in the magical jewish zombie anymore.

>> No.9656684
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Leftist are summoning Slaanesh daemonettes to teach children.

>> No.9656710

People need ethical principles to live by and to serve as a foundation for society and its laws. There's a reason many are beginning to refer to themselves as "christian atheists".

Without a foundational anchor you end up getting the insanity of Western Europe.

>> No.9656717


>> No.9656743

>but otherwise it just boils these massive papers and concepts into simple and broad terms, teaching anybody enough of the subject to use it practically in daily life

How is teaching normies about QM, string theory, and GR without math while completely skipping over the basics of newton's mechanics giving them anything other than buzzwords to incorrectly use?

Popsci is no longer about educating like it was in the pre-1970s. It's all about making the most trippy far out statements you can.

>> No.9656747
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Oh wow, you're an atheist? That's so amazing. Like everybody knows that making that opinion is like totally the greatest intellectual achievement like evar. And like all those totally original funny names you called Jesus like brilliantly destroyed all christfags. Now lets us go off to >>>/reddit/atheism where we can have our egos further circlejerked by our fellow enlightened friendos.

>> No.9656785
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>ethical principles can only come from religion

Yes, that must be why christianity borrowed most of it's principles from greek philosophers.

>> No.9656832

>le epic leddit meme xD

lmao, do you think 4chan is a christian website or something? why are christfags so threatened by the existence of non-christfag? "waaah waah people don't want to follow my death cult :( waah waah". grow a pair, for fucks sake

>> No.9656904

>large lips

>> No.9657055

The belief that science can answer mystical questions, provide meaning or prescribe morality.
Basically when people treat science as a surrogate for religion.

>> No.9657061
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>atheist pride
>logo is some dude worshipping something

>> No.9657070

The ones that dont really stand up to reason, yeah.
Platonism is essentially a cult.

>> No.9657092 [DELETED] 
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Yes brainlet I know that you can be a freemason and not some evil illuminati type, but there's no doubt there are lots of members in positions of power/authority in all fields and there has been for a long time.

>> No.9657115

>lmao, do you think 4chan is a christian website or something

>> No.9657134



Kek I can't take someone seriously after they blindly dismiss philosophy

>> No.9657292
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Call 1-800-FFRF-GIB and donate today.

>> No.9657314
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>making kids dance to your mental illness is teaching them it exists
Will making kids suck a cock be equivalent to teaching them it exists too?

>> No.9657328

>they said something I don't like or mean to me
>they must be Christians jelly of me freethinking!

You're the one that keeps bringing up religion when no one else was. Take you're lel-edgy catchphrases back to >>>/reddit/.

>> No.9657348

You are aware that the Greeks were pagans, right?

>can't mention Jesus without getting butthurt you're being converted

You're literally just like the dark ages strawman of people being afraid of being corrupted by Greek pagan thought.

>> No.9657405

>Legalize Abortion
Sounds like a scientifically informed opinion desu. Those who oppose abortion typically are religious.

>> No.9657489

>posts on 4chan

>> No.9657517

Teach science in a more philosophical framework. Or at least teach some philosophy or history of philosophy (It is genuinely abhorrent how awfully neglected this is in the UK).

>> No.9657545
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No, it's antiscience. DNA tests confirm, it's not her body.

>> No.9657550

"Philosophy of science" is where most of the incorrect brainlet beliefs come from. All of Popper's works should be thrown out.

>> No.9657618


Hmm. Well, i guess it increases funding for research and space agencies?

>> No.9657637

More likely it will only increase funding for feminist technoscience and the like.

>> No.9657703

Greek gods were amoral. Greek religion had very little to do with greek philosophy. Thinking morality outside religion, this is kinda what philosophy does. We're not in the middle ages to think that everything revolves around the magical space man. Also, most of your post is just nonsensical.

>> No.9658460

Its still an informed opinion. One video of some dumb South African student doesn't invalidate post-modernism, nor does post-modernism even say "everything a social construct". Post-modernism is a broad thing, but the idea behind it is that human perceptions are flawed, and our ideas about what's "objective" can be heavily influenced by our beliefs and biases. It doesn't say "you can't know anything" or that "everything is a social construct", its critical of the modernist perspective that science and one grand economic or social theory is going to save the world and is 100% objectively right, and that the world is more messy than that. Scientists like to obverse subjects, but post-modernists like to observe the researches.

>> No.9658539

>Greek gods were amoral

That's just your opinion dude.

>magical space man

Do you think you're making some sort or argument or demonstration that religion is silly by using funny names for god? You're just coming off as incredibly childish and autistic.

>Greek religion had very little to do with greek philosophy


>We're not in the middle ages to think that everything revolves around the magical space man

Your post is just nonsensical. Stop acting like everyone disagreeing with you is trying to drag you back to church.

>> No.9658825

Using scientology, the science of knowledge.

>> No.9659140
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