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9645823 No.9645823 [Reply] [Original]

>physicist: 20,000
>mathematician: 40,000
>programmer: 400,000+

How do we fix this?

>> No.9645840

start with citations

>> No.9645843

stop browsing

>> No.9645856
File: 9 KB, 170x255, 7db9f95a6869da77a68749b8365758b2--morning-coffee-good-morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US dept labor

>> No.9645863

By learning to program?

>> No.9645871

>yet another retarded cs major thinks you need to have a cs degree to be a programmer

>>>/g/ is that way

>inB4 muh 100k starting therefore you're wrong mantra

>> No.9645894
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2018-04-04 17.10.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol those statistics are not even accurate.

>> No.9645905

Where do you see a dollar sign in op you fucking brainlet. thats the number of jobs

>> No.9645906

>programmer: 400,000+
Unless you're Gabe Newell, you're lucky to make double minimum wage. That's only going to get worse. There's nothing easier to outsource.

>> No.9645907

*for people who can find employment as physicists

>> No.9645914

Try doing something useful that people will pay money for. No, your paper with 0 citations isn't useful.

>> No.9645915


>> No.9645939

My Physics professors told me that their first payment as a reasearcher in Uni after PhD was 1800€/month

that's like the same as a trash collector

>> No.9645962

>chemical engineer: 32,700
>plumber: 480,600+

>mechanical engineer: 288,800
>mechanic: 749,900+

>civil engineer: 303,500
>construction: 1,396,950+

>electrical engineer: 324,600
>electrician: 666,900+

Of course there will be more brainlet jobs than nonbrainlet jobs

>> No.9645980

Commence Operation Colonise Mars.
(but for real this time.)

>> No.9645997

what about doctors? do they deserve their money?

>> No.9646255

not true.

I make insane money as do a lot of people I work with and know working in IT. We are pretty mediorce at it too.

>> No.9646330

Government regulation cucks all of us in their case.

>> No.9646357

Engineers are basically a superset of physicists/mathematicians, so you should be counting all engineering jobs, which pay way more than CS jobs.

>> No.9646377

not true CS pays more.


Not only that but CS is easier to learn and far faster to learn.

>> No.9646406

That list is depressing. Maybe 3-4 of those jobs belong there.

>> No.9646505

>collector of trash degrees gets paid the same as a trash collector
News at 11

>> No.9646520

Creativity is more valuable than knowledge (monetarily at least). Assuming those figures are true the programmers making real big money probably invented a hot app or something, while big-brain CERN autists operate doohickeys for government handouts.

>> No.9646535

Well said anon!

>> No.9646876

Thanks for the original comment
Made me laugh

>> No.9647015

I should've became an electrician, fuck.

>> No.9647077

how are they a superset, a subset they are not a superset.

>> No.9647080

They don't cover application details

>> No.9647085

mathematics > physics > engineers

>> No.9647563

Unironically this. If you flood the job market, salaries will go down.

I'm a programmer and I'm sick of this shitty tech industry. It needs to implode.

>> No.9647621

There aren't any STEM jobs that require a university degree. It's always been extremely competitive to get into the job market, and until you do you have to work for fuckall until you get lucky and receive enough recognition.

A STEM career is almost, but not quite as bad, as trying to make it in art.

>> No.9647634

>so you should be counting all engineering jobs, which pay way more than CS jobs.
This hasn't been true for years, also CS =/= programming.

>> No.9647709

T. Industrial electrician AMA
>Should've went for compsci after school

>> No.9647717

More CS majours obviously, that should down their income

>> No.9648934

>How do we fix this?
Physicist here, with PhD. First off you need a PhD to get to the interesting stuff. Next after a few years in academia and industry switch to patent law and move that decimal point at least one position right.

We are always looking for physicists since that is what is most in demand in our line of work.

>> No.9648949

Nobody is going to pay you to use the pumping lemma on a job. You're destined to be a code monkey working on log in pages in ruby on rails.

Real programming jobs will go to people with technical skills that CS kiddies lack.

>> No.9649086
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>programmer: 400,000+
he actually believes this

bro programming is shit and there will always be a guy from India willing to do it for less than you because he would rather drive down the value of your labor than go back to his home country.

>> No.9649149

Fearmongering. I work as a software dev with a bachelor's in CS. I'm not that good, but when my company has tried to outsource work, it ALWAYS ends up coming back to guys like me because your average code monkey without a degree will always write garbage code that can't easily be modified or optimized, two things that are always on the roadmap for a business.

>> No.9649156

You don't. Profitably manufacturing physical goods depends on economics of scale, effective logistics/supply chains, and lots of capital. These things hugely advantage large companies with well-established business models catering to predictable demand.

Software can be expensive to develop, but the barriers to entry are way lower. You can start a software company in your garage.

>> No.9649197

>write garbage code that can't easily be modified or optimized

And how would a cs major help in this? Coding is a trade that you only get good at with experience. Taking classes on lambda calculus isn't going make you a better code monkey nor will knowing how to reduce SAT to Hamiltonian paths make you better at optimization.

Going to college for cs to become a programmer is as retarded as going to college for ChemE to become a plumber. Anyone here can become a plumber, mechanic, or programmer if they put in the time to get the wide (but very shallow) body of knowledge.

>InB4 bbut-but my uncle once tried to do his own plumbing after watching a YouTube video and it was a cluster fuck. Therefore you need dat degree.
Stories of people with half ass knowledge prove nothing.

>> No.9649301

are you? Do you need more than PhD. My brother is a Physics PhD and is working in non-related field and hates it. Legit he has PhD from a good university.

>> No.9649307

>get science degree
>become programmer
>$200k/year starting
>use money to fund science research

>> No.9649308

Fix what?

>> No.9649442

This isn't true at all, I had a control engineer position and an electric drive/propulsion position by end of fall term senior year. So did the kids in my class who absolutely did not deserve a position. I took controls, great field to be in.

>> No.9649460

Very true, non of the CS undergrads could cut it at some controls firms in terms of an accurate understanding of theory and what were modeling. Honestly I would have done better to go into a Math degree and then worry about EE somehow. For where id like to be in 5 years, a math degree is much more usefull.

>> No.9649500

And sometimes non brainlet jobs are more important for society. We don’t need many brainless who fuck around and learn useless things. We just need a few of them who are interested in learning about USEFUL things.

>> No.9649554

change the definitions
t. politician