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9641666 No.9641666 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread sharing brainlet stories relating to chemistry?

I have an inorganic chemistry exam tomorrow, and I was in lab and decided to pop quiz one of my friends next to me and asked them to recite the type of metal and its ligands for Wilkanson's catalyst which is something we need to know for the exam. He didn't even know that Wilkanson's catalyst was a thing, so I figured maybe he forgot that Wilkanson was the name of the complex. Fine, so I ask him what's the metal we use for the symmetrical hydrogenation catalysis reaction we need to know for the exam. At this point shit takes a turn for the worse. He responds with bromine. Fucking. Bromine. How could you possibly be a senior in chemistry and be under the impression that bromine was a transition metal? His next guess is almost as bad, he asked if it the metal was magnesium. I mean seriously? Do you not know how the periodic table is grouped and why it's grouped in such a way? Magnesium can form a maximum of two bonds, meaning it is utterly incapable of hydrogenation, even without all the non-reacting ligands necessary to stabilize the complex. I just cannot comprehend how he's absorbed literally nothing from the class in the past two months.

>> No.9641672

Wow I am so happy I didn't choose to study a natural science and instead did math.

Unintuitive memorization like that , blow my brains out

>> No.9641683

OP here, I also want to turn this thread into chemistry stories general, which may or may not relate to brainlets.

This next one's pretty nasty. So I have to share a locker with some short, fat cuck who likes to be 'student professor' during lecture. What I mean by that is that he constantly shouts out dumb comments trying to add on or to correct what the professor is saying. The professor is too nice of a guy to tell him to shut the fuck up, so this has been going on all semester long. Anyway, he wasn't (isn't) drying his glassware after using it, which was a small pain for me because that means that I have to wash it at the start of every lab. Whatever, it takes two minutes to do an acetone rinse so it's no big deal. But I'm definitely not going to bother drying glasses if he isn't going to. Now apparently this pissed him off because he tried walking into my lab section last week to come yell at whoever shares locker 13b with him. My based TA told him to get the fuck out and wouldn't let him into the room. He spent the next three hours prowling up and down the hallways carrying a Swiss army knife.

Today he kicked things up a notch. Instead of lazily leaving things wet, he didn't even wash the glassware. Wet glassware is one thing, but dirty glassware is a larger pain in the ass. I was not going to let this fat retard win, so I went into the drawer and threw out all his samples he needs to hand in to get graded for his lab. There were four samples I threw out, which means four zeros out of 15 total, effectively ruining his chances at getting anything better than an 80 in the class.

I'm excited to see what happens next, considering he has no way of firing back at me. It should teach that fat dumbass a good lesson.

>> No.9641693
File: 16 KB, 400x382, wilkinsons catalytic cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not "unintuitive" memorization. Every part of the complex you can check to see if it makes sense. The complex needs to have 18 electrons, and it's oxidation state has to match to the ligands. You know that hydrogenating an alkene produces an alkane, so you know exactly what you're making and what you're starting with.

There is an element of memorization, but none of it is unintuitive or without a given reason. Pic related is what we have to know, and it's not a difficult mechanism at all if you understand the rules that govern the chemistry and why they're there.

>> No.9641701

>the bond order of a metal-carbonyl bond is between one and zero
>well is it one or it zero

>> No.9641716

I'm probably just tired and being dumb. I'm sure you would say the same thing I did here >>9641672 if given the math I'm studying that you haven't.

I don't know things I don't know.

>> No.9641777

Childish asshole

>> No.9642862

fuck autistic pieces of shit like you and also fuck idiots like that guy

>> No.9642874


>> No.9643112

You sound like a nightmare to work with

>> No.9643230

>considering he has no way of firing back at me
lol you likely just fucked yourself.
>only 2 people share a locker
>samples left in one of these lockers goes missing
>person who had their samples thrown out clearly wouldn't have done that themselves meaning the only other possible person with access to the locker did it
>tell TA that the person he shares a locker with (you) removed his samples
>TA now has to report that shit cause most schools will view that on the level of you cheating in the course

>> No.9643237

ITT: OP becomes homeless

Roaringus keximus maximus rax.

>> No.9643252

posting in a troll thread

>> No.9643643

>he doesn't dry off the glassware after he's done
>i decide to stop drying if there's no reciprocation
>he comes to my lab section trying to start an argument
>he gets told to fuck off by my TA
>next day he leaves gunk all over the glassware because he thinks this will make me do what he wants

But according to you throwing away his samples is not a reasonable response to his behavior.

>> No.9643652

He wasn't supposed to leave his samples in the drawer in the first place, and in the unlikely event they talk to me about it I will simply claim that I don't know. They'll assume he lost the samples before they assume I threw them out.

>> No.9643851

There's always a math fag reminding everyone about the bad memory meme in every thread. Math majors are literally vegans.

>> No.9643853

>Second year
>Coordination chem, group theory, MO theory, materials
>Second professor takes over class to teach Group and MO theories
>Datong does a pretty good job [kek if anyone knows this lad]
>Covers σ-σ* & π-π* relations on an component vs energy plot
>Time for second term test
>Datong's section is one question worth 50%
>Drawl a representation of butadiene using only π MOs
>Class average is 35%
>Spends the first half of the lecture we get scores back explaining how we are collectively mentally absent from class
>Non-obvious solution when only exposed to energy diagrams /w out schemes

>> No.9643860

What shit university do you attend that allowed both you and your lab partner to enter? You sound like you came straight out of one of those degree factories for socially fucked Chinese students.

>> No.9644283

why so tilted?