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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9641525 No.9641525 [Reply] [Original]

As David Hume pointed out, all of our conclusions in science come from induction rather than reason. Induction is fundamentally flawed and is no basis for anything rational. For example, how many tests do you need to perform before you confirm a theory? What if you perform 100 tests and claim it's confirmed, yet the 101st test would have disproven it?

>> No.9641527

then you make a new model
this is how science works

>> No.9641529

That's why math will always be better than any of the "natural sciences" that blindly assume they are right without justification.

>> No.9641531

You can never prove any model to be right, they are all just guesses

>> No.9641533

>scientific method
No such thing.

>> No.9641539

>make bullshit guess
>take experiment
>coincidentally get correct to 19 decimal places
>Luck. There was certainly nothing genuine to what they said
In a world of so many possibilities, the chances of making a theory, getting predictions right by coincidence, is astronomically low. It's much more likely there's weight to what they said

>> No.9641545

But you are missing the main point of the scientific method. Making theories about nature is fucking hard. The only way to sift through all the fucking bullshit people came up with was to make them relate it to reality in one way or another. This is why philosophy is bullshit, but physics isn't. Without a bullshit meter philosophy is doomed to failed

>> No.9641558

Likely is very different from certainly, and correlation does not equal causation.

>> No.9641562
File: 39 KB, 198x320, 36B3B090-C8CE-4400-842A-FF217420FB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>induction is flawed
How is Philosohy 101 or Intro to Phil os as I treating you, sophomore?
Now, ask yourself this. If you had to bet your life on someone's deductions given their definitions or axioms, or the inductively arrived at fact that the sun will rise tomorrow, which would you bet your life on?

>> No.9641573

I would feel much more confident in betting that the sun will rise tomorrow, but that is because humans are wired to trust induction. What I feel should have no effect on what we say is certain. Your example is equivalent to saying we should trust our emotions over logic.

>> No.9641583

So that anon nailed the philo 101 comment lmao. If you want to have a "but dude how do we even know" conversation this isnt the place.

>> No.9641584

Scientific method, and science in general don't claim absolute truth. This was known long before hume.

This, however, doesn't preclude us from knowing anything, there's just a caveat that science can only be certain to a degree.

Tldr: humes arguments are tautological bullshit

>> No.9641585

it's a good thing literally nobody in science is trying to prove a model right. only trying to disprove them

>> No.9641588

As I pointed out, all of art is based on conception.
>Am I profound thinker now?

>> No.9641590


>scientific method
>sci·en·tif·ic meth·od
>a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

>> No.9641599


>> No.9641605

Hume would have changed his tune if he could watch a recording of the moon landing on a smart phone.

>> No.9641612

Hey guys just so you know I actually completely agree with the scientific method I just have to write a paper arguing against Hume and I figured I would get many more responses by pretending I think it's bullshit. Thanks for the contributions.

>> No.9641615

wow you really showed us with your creativity and ability to think
are you the next euler?

>> No.9641620

FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY IS THIS SUCH A HARD CONCEPT FOR PEOPLE? The law of gravity isn't a law because "It works every time" the law of gravity is a law because "it works every time we've tried it." Any non-brainlet will tell you that science is only ever about disproving something. You can never truly prove something, because you can set up the theory and try it again.

>> No.9641622

It's not a distinct and limited algorithm though. It's more like a broad guideline.

>> No.9641628
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>Scientific method
Only autists hold absolute views of anything. Science is a living process and discussion is always active and every field has it's own rules and principles that can change. The problem of induction is only a problem as far as a scientists holds to certain paradigms.

>> No.9641641

>be OP
>think the scientific method is a waste of time
>writes post about said thoughts built entirely by scientific method based technologies and theories, running on a force that cannot be seen and is only proven using inference

wow op, you are a special one

>> No.9641708

Oh look, another freshman who took one philosophy course.

>> No.9641736

Is this the new "I was only pretending to be retarded"?

>> No.9641809

>David Hume
>Eighteenth-century philosopher
GTFO philosophag

>> No.9642028

itt. triggered scienshits pissed that mathematics and philosophy are more fundamental and important than their inductive scientific method.
Math > philosophy > science.

>> No.9642037

>my field is better than yours
You came up with that on your own?

>> No.9642045

the scientific method is the only thing that self confirms and biologically ingrained into our most fundamental behavior. fuck off philtard

>> No.9642051

how does it feel to prefer your imagination like rationalists told you to, instead of being an empiricist?

>> No.9642071

how does it feel to be a stupid dipshit?

>> No.9642079

>Probabilistic models are not rational
Your position is not rational.

Also, science is both inductive avid deductive. The problem of induction is a problem of the physical world, not science.

>> No.9642083

Certainty about empirical matters is impossible. But thanks for admitting that achieve gives us likely answers, thereby admitting it is rational.

>> No.9642562
File: 15 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math > philosophy

>> No.9642632

Clearly we're on to something with induction, everything science has come up with using it works incredibly well.

>know the speed of light precisely to within 4 parts per billion
>know how far away the Moon is to within a few centimeters
>have microscopes powerful enough to view a single atom

>> No.9642677

>durrr it must be right because its worked before
Bet you're one of those neural network "it works so who cares" fags

>> No.9642680

What is more important than the utility of your theory?

>> No.9642876
File: 805 KB, 320x240, CA6D4B1A-F72F-432D-9D32-3F42E5ED8F6C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy sophomores don’t understand that the axioms of any deduction are incomplete and based on whether they work. In other words, they are produced and validated inductively.

>> No.9642896

induction problem still applies to models

the point is discussing logic and proof. not heuristics and intuition. this is what philosophy does - challenge intuition with logic and see what kind of conclusions we get or what kind of problems there are because we are fallible. obviously science seems to work but it is a good debate on whether we can think of its theories as truths etc, or if the method is truly rigorous.

>> No.9642902

but I doubt you would be making this measured statement about what science can and cant do without his arguments.

>> No.9642913

induction is not the opposite of reason and rationality you maroon

>> No.9642992

Or maybe one test is better than none, one hundred tests are better than one, one million tests are better than one hundred, etc.
Why are brainlets so obsessed with perfection?

>> No.9642996

Math works in proofs anon, not reason.

>> No.9643001

>Missing out on massive gains because you're afraid of not being guarenteed 100% perfection.
Absolutely disgusting, "people" like this should have their personal technology seized and get forcibly relocated to a more suitable can't know nuffin environment like subsaharan Africa.

>> No.9643003

Reichenbach’s response to Hume is one of practicality. We can’t be sure that our universe is uniform in that the future is like the past, but it’s worked so far, so why fuck things up now.

>> No.9644384
