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File: 111 KB, 800x789, richard-dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
963274 No.963274 [Reply] [Original]

Dawkins would kill every Christian on our planet if he could, and you know it.

>> No.963281

>Dawkins would kill every Christian on our planet if he could
too bad god won't let him

>> No.963282

So would I

>> No.963283

Wouldn't we all, though?

>> No.963286

and i would too, your point is?

>> No.963289 [DELETED] 

kill? nah. segragate along with every other religious idiot till they all kill themselves? yeah probably.

>> No.963287


Sorry guys, Christians have to wait

Brb, Muslims.

>> No.963288

He's sort of like Hitler, but without all the good traits.

>> No.963295

kill? nah. segregate along with every other religious idiot till they all kill themselves? yeah probably.

>> No.963306

>He's sort of like Hitler, but without all the bad traits.

>> No.963313
File: 223 KB, 387x363, dawkins1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.963319

I don't know. I'm pretty sure Dawkins had sex with his mother.

>> No.963338

Yeah he probably would. Dawkins proves that Atheists have no morals.

>> No.963357

>implying religion has more morals then an Atheism

>> No.963371

Fuck you. I have gay sex with muhammad every day.

He also married a 7 yr old and fucked her when she was 9.

Islam is the light.. my ass

>> No.963381


>> No.963382

If by atheism you mean the popular atheism, or antitheism, then yes, atheists are far less moral.

>> No.963383

>implying it doesn't
Have you ever read ANY religious texts?

>> No.963384
File: 327 KB, 960x1280, her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.963405

Yeah, actually i did. Alot of it was about genocide and shit.

>> No.963407

I'm going to ignore this statement. I will not let blasphemers goad me into disgracing my peaceful religion.

>> No.963408

morals are unlegislated laws that you get killed rather than tried for

>> No.963420

Peaceful my ass. In the true interpretation of the Qur'an, all those who insult islam must die.

Fuck you, fuck your muslimness. Fuck your close minded anti scientific dark ageness. Fuck you 'islam is the light'.

>> No.963424


>> No.963435

Are you deneying alot of the storys of the aberhamic religions were about genocide? The idea of your god makes no sense.


>> No.963446

Why so much religion hate on /sci/? Why do you care when you could just be inventing the world over and over again?

>> No.963459
File: 88 KB, 520x494, Muhammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Islam is peace'

Here is the true likeness of muhammad.

>> No.963461

Because most people need to have someone to hate to motivate them.

>> No.963466
File: 40 KB, 460x308, Jesus fucking mohammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is peace

muhammad took it up the butt from jesus

How does that make you feel? The ones you love made fun of like that

>> No.963489


OK, why can't it just be MONEY to motivate you all?

I'm starting a company soon that'll turn all your grass clippings into fuel to put into your car. What have all YOU done lately?

>> No.963496

Your attempts to goad me into anger using blasphemy only shows your own immaturity, not exactly surprising for atheists. I will not be led astray by your kind.

>> No.963500


I use the Qu'ran as toilet paper.

>> No.963503
File: 98 KB, 235x247, Trolltread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.963516

Again, intolerance of Islam only shows your ignorance.

>> No.963522

>OK, why can't it just be MONEY to motivate you all?
...just wow
>What have all YOU done lately?
I drive my car as little as possible. I just negated your imagined achievement.

>> No.963532

You must be a retard. Print is a horrible substrate to cleanse one's anus.

>> No.963535

You know what, i don't mind you. You aren't threatening to kill me.

I apologize for blatantly attempting to insult you. Your an okay guy islamispeace.

But srsly, islam is no better then christianty. Religion can fuck off

>> No.963538
File: 78 KB, 600x953, mumbai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guys whatcha up to

>> No.963545

I only do it to piss them off. I normally use a wet wipe or something afterwards, get that muslim off my asshole

>> No.963547



>> No.963549


Insulting theistic religions. hbu

>> No.963571

I should have a tripcode for these types of posts:

"They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."
-Qur'an 4:89

"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"
-Qur'an 5:33

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
-Qur'an 8:12

>> No.963597

bitch u best be trolling
also BACON!

>> No.963598


>> No.963605


>> No.963632


>> No.963635


Our god is a loving god.

>> No.963640

And all of these things WILL happen. But it won't be done by us. It will be done by God. We are a religion of peace, but you cannot get angry with us just because you ignore God's calling.

>> No.963645

>implying islam has a different God than Christianity, Judaism and the Baha'i faith

>> No.963649

You misspelled AWESOME

>> No.963650

so would I. What's your point?

>> No.963653

>implying we give a fuck about God's calling
hey faggot have you herad about something called tolerance? has your god herad about tolerance?

>> No.963655

Everyone, everyone, calm down! Listen to yourselves! You are arguing about fucking fairy-tales! Why don't we talk about something real, like the big bang?

>> No.963658


Your god is commanding you to slay those who outright oppose him and you willfully disobey his wishes in peacefulness. How do you rationalize this?

If I were your god, and you blatantly disobeyed my word to kill anyone who spoke heresy against me, and you didn't I sure as hell wouldn't allow you into my heaven.

>> No.963663

lulz misspelled heard

>> No.963664

>religion of peace

>> No.963668

You are implying you have an infinite knowledge of this person's religion. The fact is that you don't.

>> No.963670

>infinite knowledge of finite teachings/scripture.

>> No.963680

you misspelled mistyped

>> No.963682


I assume he's muslim, and while I wouldn't ever claim to have absolute knowledge, but the scriptures were quoted, I'm merely posing a question from those quotes based on a literal interpretation of said scriptures.

>> No.963684

PROTIP: Religion is not just scriptures.

>> No.963689

maybe, but it certainly isn't infinite knowledge.

>> No.963692
File: 104 KB, 540x650, wtc-9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's the religion of peace.

>> No.963693


The only defining factor any religion can have are it's laws, and these laws are directly associated with scripture.

>> No.963695

All religions are fucking stupid, so shut up and deal with it.

>> No.963701
File: 25 KB, 358x512, 1267949387390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based on a literal interpretation

>> No.963702
File: 89 KB, 1172x1554, kane2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology of peace!

>> No.963703

smartest fuckin thing i have read all day.
Anyway who the fuck is the guy in the guy in the pic OP delivered sauce ?
I dont find no Dawkins in google

>> No.963704


>> No.963707

Engineering is the religion of peace?

>> No.963712

please be joking.

>> No.963713

that's a horrible fucking show

>> No.963714


Any other interpretation is a dodgy one. If you don't assume that everything of scripture is literal, than you can't assume any of it is.

You don't get to pick and choose, if you can rationalize that noah's ark was just a fictional story, than you must also rationalize that Christ being gods son was a fictional, and non-literal and interpretable story.

>> No.963721

I do not point it out whenever a Christian blows up an abortion clinic, or attacks a homosexual. I do not point it out whenever an atheist murders or rapes a child. Just because a few extremists do something unspeakable does not make us evil. Although I'm not sure that pedophiles and murderers are a minority among atheists.

>> No.963722

It's Richard Dawkins. He wrote The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion among others. Also has a (Phd?) in evolutionary biology. I think.

>> No.963724

With a 95% confidence interval I can say that engineers designed both the WTC and the plane that struck it.

>> No.963725


No because no. Nice argument bub.

Please enlighten me.

>> No.963730

I think the problem is when it stops being just a few...

>> No.963735



If serious, please fucking seclude yourself from all outside human contact as to not infect the gene pool, or minds of any other persons.

>> No.963740

Your either trolling me, or are incapable of seeing things non-literally. He was being sarcastic in implying that the muslim extremist that blew up the WTC were practicing a religion of peace.

>> No.963746

I have seen nothing but anger coming from Atheists tonight, whereas I have shown only tolerance. I have been a good witness tonight. You have done nothing but show that your religion is one o hate and intolerance.

>> No.963749

You're a fucking idiot (obviously, since you are a muslim)
If an atheist rapes a child, he didnt do it in the name of atheism. When muslims blow up buildings, they are doing it for Allah.

Also, Muhammad fucked a 9 year old so I wouldnt talk about pedophiles if i were you.

>> No.963750

YOu are commiting a logical falicy.
Christian blows up an abortion clinic in in the name of Christianty.
When an "atheist" murders or rapes a child its is not in the name of FSM or anything like that.

That the rapist is an atheist is unrealted to his crimes, and you suggeting he killed people in the name of not beliving in a god, well thats just crazy.
But what can be expected, you're just some extreemist religous nutjob making all religion look bad, keep up the work.

>> No.963754

oh you want to start pointing fingers now faggot?
You talking about pedophiles?
god look at the 9 year old girl who died of internal bleeding because she married a 27 year old sorry but isnt that being a pedophile?
or the 12 year old girl who divorced her 81 yr old husband Saudi arabia
OR the massive protests in yemen to establish legal age of marraiage to 16 cuz they were un-islamic
haha im just going to mention. Beheadings, Sectarian ethnic cleansing Shia/Sunni, Armenian genocide.
I think that with this on mind there's more than enough proof to conclude that most if not all muslims are
sorry i just dont have any fuucking tolerance about pig fuckers like that

>> No.963757

If you follow islam then you belive that god's prophet was a child rapist.
Or is 9 old enough for you?

>> No.963758

Well, from my 12 years of catholic education I was taught that the bible was a source of religious truth, not historical or scientific truth; that the writings must be understood in the context in which they were written. When you begin to cherry-pick quotes from scripture (or anything really, including science) you can conclude some rather absurd things.

>> No.963760


I don't tolerate blatant irrationality and ignorance anymore than you tolerate someone blatantly taking a piss on you in public.

I don't hate you, hell I'm sure you would have turned out a great guy and a great asset to society were you not raised being forcefed religious bullshit from an age at which you had no prior experience or conceptions about reality.

I don't hate the religious people, merely the religions.

>> No.963764

Atheism isn't a religion, for the last time. It just means you don't believe in any gods. Either you don;t understand what atheism is, or you have a vastly different definition of religion than most people.

>> No.963767

Care to explain the difference between the bible and the Greek myths of Zeus and Apollo? Isn't "religious truth" a euphemism for fiction/mythology?

>> No.963784

The encyclopedia of religion's most current definition of religion can encompass atheism as a religion because of it's social culture and experiences.

>> No.963790

Science has killed more people than religion.

>> No.963791

>Atheism isn't a religion
Actually, as most (or at least the ones you see) practice it as antitheism, it is a religion.

Not collecting stamps is not a hobby, but trying to convince every fucking person in the world that you don't is a hobby.

>> No.963792

It has dogma, prophets, extremists, faith. All the hallmarks of religion.

>> No.963795

How can something without belief, worship or faith be a religion?
Thats just stupid.

>> No.963798

And it can encompass you as a faggot because atheism isnt a religion and doesnt have "culture" or "experience". Did your priest tell you that or what?

>> No.963799


Normally I would agree that context is key, but this is religious text were talking about. This is THE book of the all knowing omniscient god, and this is his only book. He wouldn't make wording blunders, contextual blunders, or qualifiers for his perfect word.

>> No.963800

It has none of those things , unless you are twisting the meani9ng of those words.

>> No.963806

[INSERT ANY RELIGIOUS GROUP HERE] would kill every person who doesn't believe the same thing as them on our planet if they could.

What's your point, OP?

>> No.963811

>Isn't "religious truth" a euphemism for fiction/mythology?
The stories told in religious texts could be described as fiction/mythology, but a 'religious truth' is a standard by which one should live. I don't know how you could call that fiction/mythology.

>> No.963812

hey faggot answer this >>963754

>> No.963813

That's actually true only of Muslims, not any other group. Their holy book explicitly commands holy war and converting/subjugating/killing all non-Muslims.

>> No.963815

He couldn't make anything that could be removed from context either, otherwise how could the book be a reflection of his perfection?

>> No.963820

So the deity itself is purely fictional then?

>> No.963824

What you are is an anti-theist not an atheist.

>> No.963825

Amurrican spotted.

Crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? And that's just Christianity.

>> No.963831

I do not answer blasphemy and blatant attempts to draw me to anger. Perhaps you should accept Allah into your life, you will be much more at peace. Even with your past sins, you will still have a chance at forgiveness.

>> No.963832

No, I'm an atheist, not a "antitheist", I'm just explaining atheism to all the idiots on here.

>> No.963834

Have you ever read the Bible or talked to evangelicals? Doing either might change your mind!

>> No.963841

He3 can be both
So you won't answe or can't? Is your faith so thin it cannot hold up to a few simple questions?

>> No.963848

Idiot detected.

Christians today are fairly harmless and no religious group other than Islam is fervent and insane enough to "kill everyone on the planet." And I'm not amerikkkan either.

>> No.963849

epic troll thread

>> No.963851

>So the deity itself is purely fictional then?
No. The deity is a source of religious truth. It is not a physical thing. It cannot be proved/disproved. It is not worth consideration. What you must consider is the truth. Right and wrong.

>> No.963857

I don't talk to evangelicals and I'm sure most don't want to murder everybody. And Christians don't actually read or give a shit about the bible.

>> No.963859

My faith is strong. Strong enough to know that such a post does not need to be responded to, or even read.

>> No.963860

What you just said makes no sense.

>> No.963861

Every time you try to explain your 'atheist' beliefs you further confirm your anti-theist status.

>> No.963863


So allah will forgive my sins? What if they were blatant sins to anger him? Or is it simply because I was ignorant. If yes to any of the above, that would also infer that I can after having converted act in any godless manner I please, and simply ask for his forgiveness, out of ignorance.

If no, then anyone who isn't raised muslim isn't truely forgiven and saved.

>> No.963867

>It is not worth consideration
Given that the entire religion and all of its ridiculous commands are centered around this deity, that's pretty strange

>> No.963868

Seriously? what, becasue science drove the development of swords, bows, crossbows, guns, missiles, tanks bombs, and nuclear weapons? So it's science's fault, not the people who used said weapons? I guess that's rather convenient, becasue by the same logic, God created science, so all of science's faults fall directly to god.

>> No.963870

How do you know it is not worth responding to if you do not read it?
Why are you unable to respond?

Your faith is blind and has likely stunted your understanding of the real world, I pity you.

>> No.963871

I thought u didnt got mad faggot thats what you said you have allah for right?
Also you talk about being progessive and fucking bullshit yet you hypocrite cunt cant accept the fact that what i fucking putting in front of you is nothing less but the truth
Everybody except a muslimag can see that.
Mulsims criticize murder and pedophile and how fucking immoral they are I agree. But when it comes down to them it aint fucking wrong because their "religion" not only allows it but if taken literarily commands it.
Prove me wrong faggot

>> No.963874

I wouldn't expect someone else to understand it. It requires rejecting the entire theist/atheist dichotomy. Few can handle that.

>> No.963875

I was just explaining to one moron that atheism isn't a religion. That's all.

>> No.963880


It's the same god dam thing.

>> No.963881

FACT: Your atheism is a religion

>> No.963885

Are you suggeting a way to belive in a god/gods and not believe in a god/gods at the same time?

>> No.963886


Based on what?

>> No.963888

>Christians today are fairly harmless
>Control mass media
>All other news channels suck Fox News's dick
>Sarah Palin is a likely candidate for president 2012

Death or not, that's pretty dangerous.

>> No.963891


Uh huh. Sounds like a pretty dandy belief system.

>> No.963892

Look, pal, either the god exists or he doesnt. You're making it sound like he's a fictional character used to tell moral stories. Anyway, Biblegod routinely commands genocide, murder, rape, slavery, etc. so I don't know why anyone would want to use that particular book of Bronze Age mythology for anything resembling moral truth.

>> No.963893

Dude I'd fuckin kill an assload of niggers too.
Not regular black people who care and try.
But worthless pieces of human garbage.
Actually there is trash from all races.
You guys know what I mean.

>> No.963896

At this stage atheisim cannot be a religion, it lacks all of the major reguirements, you could make a shaky case for it being a school of thought but thats it.

>> No.963897

I said I am not easily drawn to anger, and when I am, it is short lived. Though I must admit, the atheist monsters in this thread have me on the edge. As for the rest of your post, it devolves into name calling and other immaturities, more proof that you are no older than say, 16?

>> No.963901

>ridiculous commands are centered around this deity
No. ALL of these 'ridiculous commands' are actually centered around man and his desire to control others. There is only one command from a deity: respect the rights of others.

>> No.963903


Atheist monsters?

Christians are just as repulsed by your sickening religion as the atheists.

>> No.963904


No religion unchecked is harmless. It lays foundations of fiction, blind faith, intolerance, and misconceptions for youth at influencial periods of their life, which spirals over generations to be a controlling, bigoted crusade of zeals

>> No.963905

Just don't let your anger last long enough for you to blow yourself up in rage, ok?

>> No.963907


Nigger you just went beyond retard.

>> No.963912

Actually there are several places in the bible where the deity commands murder and genocide, and as for commandments, he orders all sorts of stupid crap like not eating certain foods, wearing certain fabrics, etc.

>> No.963913

Syas the man whos religion supports blood prices stonesing and honour killings.

>> No.963914

I'm an atheist and I think the OP is right. Dawkins and guys like Jerry Falwell are just two sides of the same coin.

>> No.963919

You seem like a pretty thoughtful dude, which is why I'm sad you have to deal with these people. But then again I guess you kinda ask for it posting on 4chan. I actually wish we were face to face so we could have a good civil argument.

>> No.963920

The Christians are nearly as bad.
Those who blow themselves up in the name of Allah are no Muslims.

>> No.963921

dawkins is just as bad as the christians and muslims.

>> No.963922

What the hell is wrong with my keyboard?

>> No.963925

And now you put your trip back on.

>> No.963926
File: 104 KB, 350x450, 1237978753247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God loves you, and you should love him back!

>> No.963928

If you don't need to believe that god will come over and have a beer with you, yes.
Belief/nonbelief is irrelevant. Only the truth is.
>Look, pal, either the god exists or he doesnt
You are trying to use your definition of 'exists' to prove something that cannot be proved.

>> No.963929


>Those who blow themselves up in the name of Allah are no Muslim

Yes they are and you know it.

>> No.963930

No TRUE Muslim would do that, right? idiot

>> No.963931

Ok what's a trip, I've never caught on to that.

>> No.963938

Funny, I was pretty sure humans wrote the bible.

>> No.963939

No. They are not. Muslims must evolve if we are going to survive in this new Atheist dominated world. We do not win souls for Allah by killing and violence.

>> No.963941

This seems closer to what I believe, only with less of a superiority complex.

>> No.963943

You must be retarded and/or Christian. I'm asking you whether this god is just a fictional character used for moral stories or if there actually is a magical superbeing watching over us. I won't even get into the issue of you having no proof.

Does he exist? Yes or no?

>> No.963951

No shit. If the god is real he commanded those things. If not, he's just a fictional character. (obviously)

>> No.963954


>atheist dominated

You're a moron.

>> No.963955

I like that thinking. You can also stop trying to force religion in to our governments. I know they've never really be truly secular before, but your not helping the cause.

>> No.963960

>god is just a fictional character used for moral stories or is there actually a magical superbeing watching over us

>> No.963972 [DELETED] 

I do not agree with those who try to force Islam into anything. If it happens as a natural process then I am fine with it. But the controversy over Sharia Law in Europe and things like that I do not agree with. We must back off until we are accepted.

>> No.963966

Your logic is severely flawed.

>> No.963969

So would you like to spell out exactly wtf it is that you believe? Does he exist or not? How can I make myself clearer?

>> No.963975

Yet you do by refusing to respond to valid arguments? And yes calling you out on your double standards and strawman attacks are valid arguments, they were not kindly worded by valid.

>> No.963976

I do not agree with those who try to force Islam into anything. If it happens as a natural process then I am fine with it. But the controversy over Sharia Law in Europe and things like that I do not agree with. We must back off until we are accepted.

>> No.963979

Want to explain how?

>> No.963980

>How can I make myself clearer?
define 'exist'

>> No.963982

You cannot have an entity that both exists and doesn't exist, and you cannot have one that is neither.

YOu're batshit insane, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.963988

This is very sensible. I like you. Why can't more people be like you.

>> No.963989

What the fuck

–verb (used without object)
to have actual being; be: The world exists, whether you like it or not.

>> No.963994

Thats a pretty fucking basic term. Why not ask us waht blue is and then what colour is?

>> No.963995

lol, here is your logic

if you made this quoted post you are a faggot, if not derp

>> No.963999


Thank you. Holy shit.

>> No.964005

So calling all those who do not belive in god monsters is how you do this?

If you want to be accepted turn your disgusting comments towards those who kill in the name of both you and your religion, they are your enemy if you truly belive what you just said.

>> No.964010


Arguing semantics doesn't make your point any more valid.

>> No.964011

Youre fucking retarded.
>The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
IS this character real or not? Wtf?

>> No.964012
File: 16 KB, 251x326, Erwin_Schrödinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.964019

>IS this character real?
you still dance around words. real, exists, yet you refuse to define them in concrete terms.

>> No.964024

Arguing against semantics doesn't make your point any more valid or mine any less.

>> No.964025

no im actually a 22 college student who almost converted into Islam (because of gf she's from Morocco) but after a little digging and after several threats my gf and I recieved from her OWN fucking family (She was my reason to convert) I declined to decline. Now me and her are happy Baha'is away from her idiotic minded and ignorant mislimfag family.
and im sorry I cant help but notice that you are trying to act all fucking mature and shit yet you havent been able to bring any personal answers at the topics i have menetioned before
1)Age limit protest in Yemen
2)woman protest against "islamic" laws in Afganistan
3)muslimfags who think its ok to marry 9 year olds
4)Armenian genocide
5)radicalised kids actually blowing themselves up
6)9 year old dying of internal bleeding after first time with her 27yr old husband
Arent most muslims more inclined yo be
2)protected pedophiles under their law
3)murderers and even more murderers

>> No.964027

Avoid the question. Claim victoly.

>> No.964029

Jesus FUCKING christ. You know what the fuck exists means. I gave you a goddamn definition here:>>963989

You must be trolling. No one can be this fucked up.

>> No.964030


Ever heard of a dictionary?

Why are you asking for definitions of words?

>> No.964032

Hmmm I think this is what he means. He's coming from the thinking that the debate for or against the existence of god(s) is a purely metaphysical one, therefore, there can be no proof in the physical world. He has thus essentially retracted from the argument, and can be though of as a more classical atheist. Meaning, he is without belief on either side, rather than the more common positive assertion of disbelief commonly associated with atheism today

>> No.964034

It exists in one form or another, what he is talking about is more mathamatic than anything, problitys and such.
Because is can exists, it is the state in which it exists that is in question (and the particle/wave)

>> No.964036

The question had allready been aswerd.

>> No.964040
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Hey guys, I'm off to bed.

Anyway, I was just trolling you.

Let this be a message to /sci/, and to my fellow atheists about just how trollable you are. You have to learn not to rage everytime someone mentions religion on 4chan, learn not the rage everytime someone presents a dumbass illogical argument, because let's be honest, this is the type of shit religious people say every day, and if we rage over it every time then we'll be dead by the time we're 50.

That being said:

>> No.964041

But exsistance in a metaphysical form is still exsistance.

>> No.964043

Cool, now define being.
OSHI- /sci/ grew a brain.

>> No.964044

So, basically, none of you have the faintest idea of what the fuck you are talking about when it comes to god?

>> No.964048

lol, that's kinda funny, because you were actually kinda reasonable towards the end, and I actually like what you were saying.

>> No.964049
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Hang on, you made yourself look like a crazy nutter and we're the stupid ones?

>> No.964050
File: 70 KB, 500x375, agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Atheists: http://blog.nihilarchitect.net/archives/132/atheism/

>> No.964054

No, Im not the one rambling about nonsense and asking for a definition of 'exists'.

>> No.964055

True, but I think what most people are asking him is whether he's saying god does or doesn't physically exist.

>> No.964056
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I'm absolutely not sure

but I know what Christians would do if they could get away with it!!

>> No.964060

>but I know what Christians would do if they could get away with it!!

Sex in a position other than missionary?

>> No.964069


"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." ~ Plato

Atheists raging is always a good thing.

>> No.964075

This entire article is bull. Just another edgy hipster trying to make sure everyone knows he's agnostic and TOTALLY NOT jumping on the atheist bandwagon.

>> No.964076

>thread empties while everyone looks at blog

>> No.964077

I think you misquoted me.

>> No.964082

Then he sould ask that.

>> No.964087

Someone needs to learn how to format a web page.

>> No.964093
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Inquisition and Crusades weren't Atheist inventions

>> No.964096

> implying that Dawkins isn't a mere few years away from finishing his final solution and doing just that

>> No.964100


No one seems eager to refute him.

>> No.964101

hey son if you really trolling then dont forget this is /sci/ we are here to trully attempt a "smart converstaion" this isnt /b/. Im sure though that if you would have tried that over there you would have better results WAAAY better.
with that being said no you didnt trolld anybody.
Nice try though

>> No.964103


Boring agnostic is boring. At best that shows that we don't no everything. Which atheists admit. We're not the ones making up shit based on religious books.

>> No.964105

But that graph is.

>> No.964112

Eventually Dawkins will die. Someone will take his place.

And Christians will probably still be there, counting themselves in the billions.

i.e., stuff will remain the same

>> No.964113

religion = nuts
atheist = nuts

both can't prove whether god exists or not. humanity is sad.

>> No.964114

refute? shit I can't even read it. the paragraph are 10 times wider than they are long. I don't care if a crack-addled whore has a grand unification theory.

>> No.964125
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>> No.964140

no proof exists either way. It's not that humanity is unable to find the proof, or too lazy. It just isn't there.

>> No.964141

Its also correct.

>> No.964142


>Implying most atheist aren't agnostic atheists
>Implying most agnostics aren't agnostic atheists

>> No.964154

Why do agnostics only acknowledge the Abrahamic god?

Are you agnostic about Voodoo? Scientology? Egyption mythology?

Do you think the sun might actually be a guy in a chariot?

Burden of proof is always on the person making the claim.

>> No.964157

Funny term to use in describing a graph with no y-axis units, but the graph of technological advancement vs. time has been made (or at least approximated) and it looks similar in that it is exponential. The middle ages aren;t as exaggerated though.

>> No.964166

Did you misquote? Also, $cientology is a scam not a religion (like most evangelical christian churches).

>> No.964168

Since when do agnostics acknowledge the abrahamic god? Maybe you should read up on agnosticism.

>> No.964171

You know exactly what I mean.

They always scream "You can't prove God doesn't exist!" but they only ever refer to the Abrahamic god.

>> No.964176


For agnostics to be truly agnostic. They have to accept that the flying spaghetti monster has just as much chance as any other god.

>> No.964187


>> No.964191

Oh, I see what your saying. It's getting late, harder to read things right.

>> No.964199

Exactly. That's the only reason I pay any attention to Pastafarianism. It's like the Nordschleife track to test-drive your bullshit theories on.

>> No.964213



>> No.964215

I never thought about it this way. I just put it off as another parody religion (not that I don't sometimes participate in such things), but I never considered it as a valid philosophical tool.

>> No.964229

As I understand it it's essentially the teapot in the sky argument with a more comedic bent to it.

>> No.964245

It is, but it's a more useful tool since Pastafarianism has "followers" who don't break character. Very useful when thinking about real religions.

>> No.964253



Ramen brothers.

>> No.964256

<span class="math">NO \times 3\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow 3[/spoiler]

>> No.964265

Why not? By definition you're not committing a yes or no to ANY religion. Pastafarianism must therefore be taken into account. To flatout deny it is to betray your own convictions.

>> No.964281

>not committing
>must therefore be taken into account
did you even read what you wrote?

>> No.964285
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>> No.964287

Yes. Which part didn't you comprehend?

> ANY religion
> includes Pastafarianism

Is it too hard for you? Should you even be in /sci/?

>> No.964299


Yudkowsky reference?

>> No.964301

Erdős was here. Graham is faggot.

>> No.964306

And this is a bad thing?

>> No.964362

Yes, Dawkins is a bad thing.

>> No.964366

How so?

>> No.964372

Because he disagrees with me. That is my rational argument. Do I belong on /sci/ with you guys?

>> No.964383

Because genocide should be looked at as a bad thing?

Isn't genocide one of the REASONS atheists hate religion so much?

>> No.964387

I think you're taking OP's statement a bit too seriously. Dawkins doesn't *actually* want genocide. But you're getting all upset as though he does. Take a deep breath. Buy yourself something nice. Calm down.

>> No.964592

Hey, did I make it in time for troll thread?

>> No.964595

Lets just abolish religion, problem solved.

>> No.964616

you do realise that if religion was abolished something else would just take its place, its not religion thats dumb, its people.

>> No.964623


You mean like consumerism?
oh wait...

>> No.964708


>> No.964723

Seconded for truth.

My dear islamic friend, but can you see how your intolerance of intolerance for islam is no different than the intolerance of those you percieve as intolerant of islam.

It is like you are both right. Theres a rampant display of intolerance going both ways. Come with me, I promise the world is a brighter place by seeing why that is.

>> No.964735

I think we should just go back to worshipping the Sun.
I mean ffs, if you're going to worship anything, you may as well worship the entity that breathes life
into our system and creates beautiful auroras.

>> No.964738
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>> No.964777

this threat is pure fail

>> No.964782

I would too, OP. Well except for those who have critical thinking, of course.