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9631258 No.9631258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Science needs to be STOPPED.

>> No.9631264

Fake and gay.

>> No.9631277

It's because of (you) shit like this exists
(you) clicked on shit like this and now it turns up in your feed
it's (you) who felt it was worth giving this more attention by sharing it here even though every sane person knows this text is the result of once has been (and still is) called a mental disorder.

protip: ignore it, dont click it, dont share it

>> No.9631283

While I've experienced time dilation first-hand from psychedelics, it isn't well understood. This would be cruel and unusual punishment and may not even be unpleasant depending on what happens during those thousand years. Also fake and gay.

>> No.9631291

Where can I have of those pills

>> No.9631304

Perhaps it doesn't make you "feel 1000 years" it just makes you go fucking insane and then the doctors say "oh look he went crazy from being in his mind-prison for so long" but really its just arsenic dissolving your brain

>> No.9631321

after 1000 years wouldn't prisoners get institutionalized and be unable to adapt to society outside the big brain house?

>> No.9631340

>send-me-to-a-black-hole-orbit pill

>> No.9631424

>take a drug that makes you experience 1000 years in less than a day
>now have all the time to think about everything for ten lifetimes
>reach CHIM IRL

Wow. They just killed themselves.

>> No.9631428

Sounds like some badass matrix drug that makes you see the world in slowmo, making you an instant god at any video game or sport.

>> No.9631456

Obviously fake but this would be awesome and probably immoral.

>> No.9631478

>1000 years in a matter of 8 hours
Sounds like a fun weekend. I'd take it.

>> No.9631490
File: 78 KB, 900x600, 1521911484866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take magic time dilation pill
>go to have sex with a prostitute
>all the sex you could ever want in an hour

>> No.9631494

I would take it for curiosity raisins.

>> No.9631507

Lmao, nigga, I would love such a pill, imagine having enough time to get your shit together and finding what you truly want to do with your short existence.

>> No.9631509

Imagine stacking it with DMT or some shit, why do anything in the real world when you can live 10 lifetimes per day inside your head?

>> No.9631556
File: 88 KB, 780x520, F U T U R E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just shoot drug dealers and other scum desu

>> No.9631576

Yeah I saw that episode of Black Mirror too OP

>> No.9631594
File: 91 KB, 1280x851, 97C5B0E1-6331-44C3-B30F-C64B1878863A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready boys?


>> No.9631596
File: 121 KB, 514x719, 1520729785552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that bleach episode where that guy got poisoned with time dilation and had to watch himself get stabbed for 10000 years?

>> No.9631600

I forgot the episode but its when the captain gave the dude a super soldier pill or something

>> No.9631672

nofap millennium will be achieved
first psychopath to get this will take over the world the following day of his release

>> No.9631682

Nothing new. What is DMT?

>> No.9632005

> implying you didn’t commit a crime
> implying you aren’t already on that pill

Have fun for the next 1000 years OP.
I’m just a figment if your hallucinations

>> No.9632019



>> No.9632058

That isn't even the point of serving prison time.
It's about rehabilitation. Not the amount of time you spend locked inside the institution.

Who the fuck even wrote this shit?

>> No.9632063

>each thrust feels like it takes years
Not sure if want.

>> No.9632069

Who is to say you are not in a prison right now? Can you really trust your senses?

>> No.9632074

>need to save money
>decide to cut corners
>give criminals a drug that fucks with their perception of time
>makes them think 1,000,000 hours have passed in 1 hour
>every criminal dies of an extreme grand mal seizure
never change, burgers

>> No.9632079

That pill needs to be LONGER


One second should last 1.5 pico years!

>> No.9632103
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>> No.9632217
File: 61 KB, 864x648, 90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally the plot of an episode of Deep Space Nine

>> No.9632257

What would be the purpose of a 1000 year sentence?
A person undergoing such a punishment would undoubtedly be more mentally unhinged afterwords than before.
A bullet would probably be cheaper and more effective than that pill.

On a broader topic, what is the purpose of prison?
Is it to rehabilitate people or to impose a harsh punishment that serves as a deterrent?

>> No.9632273

Both presumably.

>> No.9632329

A) a for of rehabilitation
B) deterrent/punishment
C) isolating dangerous people from the public
D) """morally""" acceptable excuse for dehumanizing other humans and legally be allowed to do ti prisoners what would otherwise land you in prison

>> No.9632477

anyone reading this now could already be on the pill and have long gone insane, imagining the whole universe

>> No.9632507
File: 276 KB, 780x1024, 1522269778199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I have read prisons originate in religious tradition where a holy man would isolate himself from society for long periods of time so he may reflect on life and the decisions he's made in it. Hence the word penitentiary.

>> No.9632524


>> No.9632527

Prisons and penitentiaries are different things. You are correct in that penitentiaries were originally religious: the purpose was to send criminals there so that they could find god and repent. Find penitence. They were usually ran by priests.

However after a few decades and after the realization that criminals remained scum, penitentiaries became regular prisons.

>> No.9632578

Protip: quit the (you) crap if you don't want to look like a redditer who thinks every post needs to be validated with a like or thumbs up, but all we have is (you)s so you think that's an equivalent. It isn't. You're just not comfortable with validating your own thoughts.

>> No.9632582
File: 195 KB, 970x545, Rick-and-Morty-Alternate-Jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These assholes are thinking waayy too small

>> No.9632587

I want that drug so bad, being trapped in my mind for 1000 years is the most fun i can imagine, no reality to bother my delusions.

>> No.9632652

>It's about rehabilitation

>> No.9632654

>broken pajeet english

>> No.9632668
File: 84 KB, 800x800, jellyfish_brainlet_wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are life sentences

>> No.9632686

blablabla sadly I forgot to sage this motherfucking loser thread