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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9629241 No.9629241 [Reply] [Original]

>when you realize you could have studied something that's not only easier but more employable

What did I just waste my youth on?

>> No.9629252

Meaningfulness seems to be proportional to difficulty and lack of fun. So you wasted your youth on something meaningful

>> No.9629303

But I'm going to graduate and be super unemployable and stressed out

>> No.9629541

what did you study anon?

>> No.9629565

>he fell for the stem meme

>> No.9629567

>if only I had ___
>then I'd be good
That's an original thought

>> No.9629575

Theoretical cs

>> No.9629615

What would you have rather studied, applied cs?

>> No.9629629
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>mfw I got a business degree and earn 80k a year as a lazy middle manager
I can understand the appeal of STEM but it's business that runs the world and people fluent in business get to order the codemonkeys with computer science degrees around.

>> No.9629630

Stats maybe , that shit seemed way way easier
Or maybe chemistry because that has some fun puzzles but it's not mind breaking commitment

Most people think my degree is fake and I despise the tech industry anyway

>> No.9629635

What's the problem? If you enjoy mathematics, or physics, or computer science, it's arguably the best jobs on the planet
You get paid to have mental masturbation all day and learn about the world

>> No.9629643

>people in science and mathematics judge each other by their social position
No, people in science and mathematics judge each other by their intelligence, capability, and knowledge. Knowledge is the meterstick they measure each other by. Why the fuck you think people dedicate their lives to math and physics for?

>> No.9629646

Based on this meterstick you're essentially a nobody in the eyes of scientists, as ignorant as a nigger from Africa.

>> No.9629649

Does it matter how knowledgeable you are when your career trajectory is pretty much becoming an actuary who needs to update spreadsheets on risk for management for the rest of his life? There's a reason a lot of STEM jobs are filled by Indians, it's largely rote work. Any grand dreams you have of being a respected intellectual are delusions

>> No.9629676

t. retard

The majority of CEO's have an engineering background as their degree, enjoy being a pencil pushing retard who maxes out at 85k/yr

>> No.9629681

Is that supposed to be bad? 4chan is so delusional when it comes to salary

>> No.9629689


I agree with the merit aspect of the argument but people often forget a very critical point: social skills. Intelligent people often fall into the mindset that the most capable and skilled person should be in charge. They forget though that no one likes working an arrogant asshole no matter how right they are. In fact, I would say high intelligence is actually a hindrance if you're too open about it.

>just someone who watches the VP of the company with basic math skills order around people with much higher academic achievements.

>> No.9629701

The people who actually do the work are often the most incapable of managing a project. Just look at all the kickstarters that have failed because of artists, designers, programmers, etc pledging to create a product and then completely mismanaging it and ending up creating nothing with all the capital they collected.

>> No.9629704

This. They're probably still in college thinking they'll be making 250k+ immediately once they're finished.

I make a little below this now it's plenty. If you need more than this and you're single then you're always going to be poor.

>> No.9629719

Not always. I think the best people are the ones that can do the work. But then again the worst managers are the people who can do the work and try to apply the same rote approach to management.

>> No.9629728

You don't understand people who genuinely enjoy knowledge and rigor and truth just for the sake of it. Who gives a shit about your job I study mathematics because it's beautiful I don't give a a shit that there aren't a lot of jobs.

>> No.9629773

I could literally give two shits about my future salary as long as I love what I do and am not dirt poor. I am just lucky that my major has some decent job prospects.

>> No.9631069

>order computer science degrees around

yeah no, software engineer managers were software engineers themselves once, you'll order the sales department around may;be but if a company has a non technical manager leading technical people they won't last too long.

>> No.9631108

Well. I did physics, slaving away for almost 7 years, while one of my best friends did english literature. I worked my arse off week after week to solve problems, she just listened to the lecture and that was all there was to it.

Now she's the one with $70k debt and a hard time finding a teaching position, whereas I'm debt free and have jobs thrown at me.

Then again, I'm pretty much dead inside, so hard to say who's won.

>> No.9631127

>and I despise the tech industry anyway
This so much

>> No.9631133

she'll be dead inside too soon enough

>> No.9631185

At least you didn't become a NEET at 16 and wasted six years of your life doing nothing.

>> No.9632702

Wrong, and I’m saying this out of own experience

>> No.9632785

>t. someone who has never actually worked in software development
Software engineers might be the managers of project teams, but they report to higher level managers who are generally business majors with MBAs.

>> No.9633356

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that. Private sector labs and cyber security firms are CS all the way up, or STEM. I'm pretty sure I know more about this than you considering my wife and D&D group are in those positions.

>> No.9634122

and on the outside

>> No.9634150

Yeah. Let's pat ourselves in the back.

>> No.9634243

>What did I just waste my youth on?
Idk. What did you study?