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9628880 No.9628880 [Reply] [Original]

How do STEM Majors find time to do all of the work and studying they do?

>> No.9629019

Not needed
Most people here likely either exaggerate about muh studying 20 hours a day or are brainlets who actually do that shit

>> No.9629226

>work not needed

but how do you pay rent, anon?

>> No.9629233

Why am I paying rent in college ?

>> No.9629236

Well, you're committed to that one thing. And do nothing else, really. I barely remember a thing from the 6 years it took me to get my physics degree, perhaps because I spent most of it sitting at a desk and cursing.

>> No.9629237

what, you sleep under a bridge?

>> No.9629259

College room and board is already covered

>> No.9631272

I wonder this, at university most engineers and physicist students just go out and get wasted very night, smoke weed, play CoD or football. Do very little studying. They must be ultra-intelligent.

>> No.9631341

can confirm. Stoner engineer here smoking dabs every day and still getting decent grades.
Sometimes its hard to stay motivated and I'd be lying if I said it never gets in the way of my studies but I think if I start reading more and actually dedicate time to studying instead of just learning by completing assignments I should be able to sustain this half-ass lifestyle.

>> No.9631353

Work hard, play hard, while making it look like you don't work very hard at all. Also, studying nonstop isn't that productive. And when you're in something which requires a lot of thought (at least for a math grad student like myself), you can think about problems while you're doing other things anyway. The other week I was quite productive with my latest assignment during an 8 hour drive.

>> No.9631366

Most of the time it isn't bad, but right now when I have two projects due soon I'm working 10-12 h a day for 2 weeks straight skipping classes and shit

Studying doesn't take any time. Tests require 4h over two days

>> No.9631372

I put it in maybe 1 hour/wk for homework+studying, and I have a decent GPA(3.5). I just go to class, attend tutorials and learn how to do the problems myself.

>> No.9631375
File: 87 KB, 1350x658, bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is not the issue, motivation is. You don't actually need to spend that much time studying. I was doing pretty alright with 2 hours per week (didn't bother with classes) and i'm not really bright (read, i'm a brainlet).
inb4 CS faggot

>> No.9631384

Oh and for work, i saved money and made a shit ton off crypto so I'm good

>> No.9631388

I imagine they get loans to support themselves when they are students.

>> No.9631398

how'd you know to pull out? or were you just day trading?

>> No.9631402

Most of these partiers are still in undergrad. its a filtering system. you only see 25% of them make it to the higher level

>> No.9631418

That's all? My differential equations homework assignments alone take me an hour a piece and there's at least 2 a week.

>> No.9631499
File: 94 KB, 192x187, 1364096089459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told myself I would sell when my moms friend circle found out about Bitcoin. Mid December, she told me her friends were talking about their sons making money off of it. Right after that I heard that I sold my entire stack.

>> No.9631501

damn, that's smart

>> No.9631513

I didn't include projects, but unless the hw is mandatory I rarely do it.

>> No.9631550

when is homework not mandatory? do you just do the minimum to pass?

>> No.9631943

Nonbrainlets do well in high school and apply for scholarships

>> No.9632381

It is STEAM now you fucijn retard

>> No.9632419

Low quality bait

>> No.9632426

Either be born to rich, educated parents who provide you with superb personal tutelage from a young age or be NEET for a few years while attempting to teach yourself. There's really no in between.

>> No.9632439

>There's really no in between.
Sure there is.
>be born to rich, educated parents who provide you with superb cognitive capacity
It´s very banal of you to assume that "personal tutelage" or anything else, really, weighs heavier than intelligence.

I´m from a nordic country where, supposedly, education is "free" and "available to all with the right motivation" (according to the official propaganda), but nevertheless nearly all students at the top engineering university come from at least a middle-class family. Similarly, nearly all students at vocational schools and vocational colleges come from less privileged backgrounds.

It´s almost as if the predictors of success, be it academic or economic, is largely inherited.

>> No.9632441

*are largely

>> No.9632442

>not getting a full ride

>> No.9632544

So, the answer is parents or loans. Either way you're paying, out of your inheritance or your future wages.

>> No.9634428

>Work hard, play hard, while making it look like you don't work very hard at all.

This. Stay on top of your work and you will naturally look like you don't give a fuck because you don't. You have nothing to worry about and there's nothing stopping you from going out with your friends every now and then. It's not hard lmao, I thought most people were like this

>> No.9634573

I worked my ass off to maintain a 4.0 for the first 2 years of university as an ME, then I realized it wasn't worth the stress and toll on my mental health. I'm about to finish my junior year and although I've gotten mostly B's and C's this year, I haven't failed anything and the quality of my life has gone up immensely. I mostly study abstract math, work out, and have sex with women from Tinder.

TL;DR academia is shit anyways, don't waste your time worrying about it.

>> No.9634685

We have higher IQs than students of other majors.

>> No.9634697

CIT is easy. No study needed. We don't even take calculus.

>> No.9634715

Just b smart

>> No.9634754

OP, please ignore this moron

>> No.9634990

>Algebra 1

damn bruh, I took that shit in jr high

>> No.9635141

MFW my shitty college didn't inform me that I didn't have to take MAC1103 and MAC1105 based on my previous accomplishment.
MFW my shitty advisers put me in AS instead of AA, effectively putting me a year behind my peers.
However, it did allow me to get extra grant money...

>> No.9635327

Just be smart lul forehead.

>> No.9635334

By sacrificing time spent socializing like a normalfag.

>> No.9635528

I don't, I spend all my time goofing off and being depressed. Then 2-3 days before the exam I try to study, have a mental breakdown when I realize how fucked I am, and try my best to cram it all in. I usually get 80%% but I know eventually it won't work anymore

>> No.9635542

You just b urself xd

>> No.9635717

Do you guys use tools like Anki to help you with your study?

>> No.9635830
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I simply missed out on 90% of the MTV type college activities which left me plenty of time for academics. No big loss, it's not like I got invited to those types of parties and outings anyways.

>> No.9635951

Don't post on here all day.

>> No.9635981

You think these people actually exist? Brainlets who somehow bothers getting into STEM and then spends 20 hours a day studying only to be shit at their job because all their colleagues who are actually gifted outclasses them with little to no effort?

>> No.9635983

It's the age-old question; do I chose to be the beggar of kings, or the king of beggars?

>> No.9636047

>they just get by
Ahh yes, thats why the chinks study all the time and get the actually good positions unlike those retards who just get by with their "superior intelligence" and die as below average peasants.

>> No.9636106

>retards with superior intelligence die as below average peasants
You make no sense at all.

>> No.9636135

Your reading comprehension is embarrassing and you just quote whatever you feel like. If you are lazy then that's a brainlet feature because you don't have the will, energy and concentration to do actual brain demanding work. Almost anyone who has ever contributed in science spent most of his time on it. I'm sure Grothendieck would have contributed with his superior intelligence if he just did mind atrophing activities all day.

>> No.9636137

>t. brainlet who thinks grit can outweigh talent
you keep thinking that bud, you're in for a rough awakening thou

>> No.9636169

>le smart but lazy meme
Everything is getting dumbed down every year intentionally and your intelligence and even hard work won't get you anywhere. You let that happen even though you were aware of it and soon you will have to pay the price.

>> No.9636178

>Algebra in 2nd year

>> No.9636205

>le smart but lazy meme
That's a whole different thing. What we're discussing here is the futility of getting into STEM by those lacking the mental aptitude. Someone who's lazy and smart is, although it may seem unfair, preferable to someone who's stupid but ambitious.

>Everything is getting dumbed down every year intentionally and your intelligence and even hard work won't get you anywhere. You let that happen even though you were aware of it and soon you will have to pay the price.
What are you on about?

>> No.9636222

>be me
>government pays my bills
life is good

>> No.9636260

>getting into STEM by those lacking the mental aptitude.
We are not even close to the point where science is so complex that its arcane to anyone not in the 1%. Even actual dumb, slower people can be taught science and do just fine. Its obvious that not everyone can achieve greatness but were far from science being that advanced. You talk about genetic difference but not compare their lives because even a small difference can completely change your path.
>What are you on about?
The future, science is just a political tool and when enough "people" get power it may not be needed anymore.

>> No.9636291

>being proud of living in a nanny-state
Enjoy those high taxes and authoritarian laws, dumbass.

>> No.9636635

>Parents pay for university & rent
>Work during the summer to cover other expenses
Its rare that the parents of intellectually gifted people are failures

>> No.9636641

or, you know, scholarships offered for non-brainlets

>> No.9636730

yeah everyone here is on scholarship and are genius and live in the same country

>> No.9636740

I'm not saying everyone is a genius with a scholarship. I'm just saying it's kind of silly to be baffled as to how someone could get room and board without mommy and daddy paying for it.

Not having a scholarship is one thing. Not knowing that scholarships even exist is quite another.

>> No.9636747

I’m barely holding on...

>> No.9636780

You're delusional if you think STEM is some field which only the best get in. Trust me man there is a lot of dumb people in the STEM fields.

>> No.9636836

they don't work more than 8 hours a day usually.

>> No.9637160

I'm sure you took groups, modules, rings and all that jazz in junior highschool
That's 2nd semester you blind brainlet.

>> No.9637171

just don't play video games

>> No.9637195

>Started first semester aspiring for 4.0

>Ace everything except Calc I

> Go to proffessor to check on exam

> Grading doesn't even make sense

> 2/10 for correct answers, others unmarked an not accoubted for

> Manages to eventually persuade proffessor to take a second look

> "Hmm.. yes it seems like you have studied well beyond the material of the class and could maybe get graded higher, but you don't seem to explain enough and I have to grade uniformly"

> Litterally 12 dense pages explaining even "trivial" lemmata

> Prof looks at me expecting my reply

> Realise it isn't worth the effort, smile, say thank you and give up on "muh 4 gpa"

>> No.9637232

scholarships in undergrad
TAships, RAships, and fellowships in grad school

if you can't do either of those, and you don't have a rich daddy benefactor to fund your education and your lifestyle then you might as well give up with STEM because you won't survive the job market

>> No.9637242

>i'm salty that i couldn't get a scholarship so no one else must be able to!!
jesus christ that's sad

>> No.9637248

education is free here mutt i don't need it, but rent is not

>> No.9637257

listen buddy

>> No.9637260

no wonder you don't have scholarships; you're terminally retarded

>> No.9637263

>peanutbrain gets mad and resorts to name-calling when his inferiority is exposed

>> No.9637269

>play the smartass to impress the other neckbeard
keep quiet mutt

>> No.9637276

oh okay so you're just trolling
stay mad while the smart and hard-working among us enjoy the fruits of our success

>> No.9637288

i don't know anon, it's an anonymous board after all.

>> No.9637295

>wonders how STEM students manage their time
>is mad when the answer is provided because it exposes his peanut brain
Why do you do this to yourself? It's unhealthy.

>> No.9637305

It doesn't actually require much studying as long you don't half ass it.

>> No.9637321

>tfw bought into LTC near ath
i fucking deserve to lose my money

>> No.9637340

how i'm mad ? you just assumed that and i'm not the OP