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9628591 No.9628591 [Reply] [Original]

I am afraid smoking weed has negatively impaired my cognitive ability, irreversably. I started smoking around 17 or so, but I was never a stoner. Just an ocassional joint with my friend now and then. I continued smoking on and off up until now (21), but somewhere inbetween noticed that I don't get jokes anymore, I have to read certain things multiple times to get the meaning and such things.

I'm afraid this was due to weed and this I noticed a couple of years ago, around 19 or so. I'm not sure what to think of it but I'm pretty sure I fucking hate myself for it.

>> No.9628598

Fuck off retard

>> No.9628600

AFAIK it usually only does permanent damage if you use it chronically. If you really have only been smoking on and off (which i'm interpreting as once or twice every few weeks or months) then it could be due to other things. Have you changed your exercise or eating habits?

>> No.9628602

Do you eat right, sleep right, hydrate and exercise frequently?
>No, you don't.
Check back when your cations are balanced, you have a surplus of b-complex and a resting HR of under 75, dumbass.

>> No.9628616

Well, I've been smoking on an off mostly but sometimes I've had periods where I'd smoke for an entire week or so, then I'd stop smoking altogether for a while. Once it lasted for a month (smoked every couple of days) but then I quit for a longer time. That was around 19 iirc.

Yeah I'm afraid I might've overdone it and fucked myself up. I haven't changed my habits, they're pretty much the same. I'm in uni now studying mechanical engineering and any new concept introduced at first I don't seem to grasp and can't follow the professor, but everyone else around me seems to get it immediately. Then I get home, watch one or two vids on the topic and immediately get it. But that might not be related since I usually focus on writing down what's on the board more than actually grasping the concept.

>> No.9628617

PS any memory difficulties are almost certainly a dysregulation of calcium, zinc, magnesium and folate, all of which are critical to NMDA/AMPA function in the hippocampus and tone of peripheral nerves generally. NMDAR/AMPA receptors are also the most impacted by THC and its relative molecules, and similar schizomimetics like ketamine in low doses. The effects of deficiency compound any alterations that may be present from your THC use.

Most people are critically deficient in magnesium and need to constantly juggle it from their bones, so I'd start there before assuming you lobotomized yourself.

>> No.9628624

Nope I don't. But as I said my habits have largely stayed unchanged, apart from a worsened sleep schedule due to traveling to uni daily, but the symptoms I've described started before my sleep got worse.

>> No.9628638

>I'm in uni now studying mechanical engineering and any new concept introduced at first I don't seem to grasp and can't follow the professor, but everyone else around me seems to get it immediately. Then I get home, watch one or two vids on the topic and immediately get it. But that might not be related since I usually focus on writing down what's on the board more than actually grasping the concept.
That's pretty normal - I bet more than half your class doesn't immediately get the whole of it either.

>> No.9628644

No, that's retarded. I'm 31, have smoked cannabis every day with few exceptions since I was 18, and I've been doing fine holding down a software developer job at the same large security company for the past 9 years. If cannabis impaired cognitive ability in a signficant way I would have been out of a job a long time ago.

>> No.9628645

OP I'm also 21, I started smoking at 15, and pretty much began using harder drugs from then. In the last 6 years i've also been a user of xanax, LSD, mushrooms, ketamine, amphetamines, DXM, mdma, alcohol, and a lot of other substances I can't think of right now. I do think i'm probably slower than I would've been normally, but nothing so severe as what you describe. If you're really worried about your health, I recommend you exercise and eat healthy foods. Lots of fruits and nuts and veggies and I think you'll find you function just fine.

>> No.9628674

When I was in physics I felt lost, I thought “wow everybody looks like they’re getting this and I’m not.” I had to watch videos and do lots of examples before I got it. I got 99 and 98 on 2 of the exams and the class average was a 60 or something, people were getting 20’s. Point is Everybody tries to look like they understand it but they’re just as lost as you.

>> No.9628684

I smoke weed every day, and am a licensed attorney. Maybe it has different long term effects for different people, but that doesn't seem especially likely.

>> No.9628697


I started at around 12-13. Tons of real drugs too but I also read or ponder a lot to keep the wheels turning as I think that's what really undermines ability...if they stop that is.

>> No.9628708

Honestly (and I have no source for this), I think it's pretty hard to fuck up your innate intelligence. You can give yourself a fucking speech impediment and still pick up new information at around the exact same level as always, from my experience.

Think of people who are missing a limb or something... very rarely does it actually slow them down much. Yeah, everything doesn't work as picture perfectly as before, but there are plenty of people with one arm functioning damn near as well as they were before. Your body compensates extremely well. It is harder to hurt actual function than you believe.

>> No.9628712

This is exactly the same thing that I am experiencing, it's scary.

>> No.9628715

Don't worry OP, you're a degenerate stoner, you were never intelligent so nothing has changed

>> No.9628744
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Lil Pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang
Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang (Gucci Gang)
Spend three racks on a new chain (huh)
My bitch love do cocaine, ooh (brr)
I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name, yeah (yeah, yeah)
I can't buy a bitch no wedding ring, no
Rather go and buy Balmains (brr)
Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang (Gucci Gang)

>> No.9628786

I started at 14, smoked weed everyday ayy lmao for 7 years, and have not smoked for 4 years now. I read a couple of studies on this, and what you say was one of the confound variables; when they retested IQ down the line the people whose scores dropped hadn't touched a book in years. There was also a twin study which didn't show a change in IQ between sets of twins; one who smoked frequently and another who didn't at all. But I'm biased I want the research to say I didn't fuck myself up... :(