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File: 327 KB, 1000x750, Bullets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9625101 No.9625101 [Reply] [Original]

Could a bullet be developed that loses most if not all velocity after about 100 feet? I know there's some bullet materials that disintegrate when they hit a wall basically to prevent them from penetrating things.

Like it could kill to 100 feet and after that it just dies?

>> No.9625107
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, 0413674_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the technology is ready

>> No.9625121

No, there is no material sentient enough to know when it's traveled 100 feet. On top of that, there is no material sentient enough to annihilate itself after it's traveled 100 feet.

>> No.9625127

Well couldn't we design a bullet shape that slows itself down rather quickly?

>> No.9625129

That would entail putting a parachute on the bullet. Or perhaps making the bullet have a thruster opposite the direction of travel out the barrel.

>> No.9625135

There have been artillery shells with fuses that explode in mid air for a long time. IIRC the US military has bullets with chips in them that do this.

>> No.9625153

make the bullets out of jello

>> No.9625339

>No, there is no material sentient enough to know when it's traveled 100 feet.

>> No.9625358

Depends on where you draw the line for what is and isn't a bullet. You could certainly launch a device that activates a thruster or opens a latch that increases drag after a set amount of time (think timed fuse) though.
The dumbest post possible in this thread. Shame on you.

>> No.9625485

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.9625580
File: 45 KB, 660x870, 29b186ab-01af-449f-be0d-0d74db49d843..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put a mecanism that automatically activates after x amount of rotation (just like the fuses on HE shells and stuff), and massively increases the drag, like a retarded bomb.

>> No.9625582

make it out of 2 materials

1 outer coating that burns up at high velocity in controlled manner so at approximately 100 feet it the outer shell is all burned up

inner dense material, that burns up at high velocity extremely extremely rapidly so as soon as the outer shell is gone, the inner core self destructs

>> No.9625585

The three of you are actually Euro educated idiots. Please, tell me of a sentient material that disintegrates at 100 feet. I'm not talking about micro computers thay cause a bullet to airburst as that would defeat the purpose of a bullet that loses velocity. Fuck you three for taking dick harder than you took chemistry/physics classes.

>> No.9625590

Heat materials won't work. The bulley is already crazy hot before even leaving the barrel.

>> No.9625596
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>> No.9625599
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, n8umjWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one, retard.

>> No.9625683

American education everyone. You just need to desing a bullet that has very high air friction.
The problem is it might also get stuck in fleshy targets which is a big no no. It would also probally be expensive to make.

>> No.9625783

We already have this technology. It is mostly used for explosive rounds. It keeps them from blowing up too close to you and/or blows up the instant it senses that its entered through the opening of a window or door. You can simply set it to whatever distance you want. There's a couple different rifle systems that use this, some are not finished while others are discontinued for some reason even though they worked.

>> No.9625792

I'm curious. What rifle systems are those?

>> No.9625794


>> No.9625797

You could probably design the materials, shape, weight, etc. to drop off at a certain distance rather quickly (compared to most other bullets) but without some mechanism that alters the bullet it wouldn't be instant...even then, aside from actually directing the bullet downwards or reducing its velocity by some means or something, there aren't many ways to stop it. If you have something that 'shatters' it when triggered (by distance) the pieces would still travel quite a ways. It's hard to just stop all of it with no distance threshold. I guess you could go to great lengths with a specialised cartridge/bullet and all, but it would be far from a simple conventional bullet. It would be inferior, costly, error-prone, and fragile.

>> No.9625803

Yeah, penetration of air and penetration of people has a lot in common.

>> No.9626266
File: 139 KB, 640x360, gyrojey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse Gyro-jet, maybe? Fires like a regular gun, the rockets, facing forward, kick in after 100 feet to decelerate?

Would hate to get hit with one of those, though...

>> No.9626307

Yes. Light materials. Aluminium bullets are used for these purposes.

>> No.9626350

Imagine being this stupid

Also, imagine being this stupid

>> No.9626446


>> No.9626579

bird shot

>> No.9626637

We could do it, but it'd be pretty expensive compared to a regular bullet.

>> No.9626775
File: 33 KB, 550x430, beanbag_550x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /k/ to /sci/.

>> No.9626816

With a sufficiently heavy bullet launched at a sufficiently slow speed, yeah

>> No.9626821

Didn't read enough. Just stick a firecracker fuse on the bullet and you're done

>> No.9626865
File: 154 KB, 640x853, FD2F8C8B-E139-4B0A-9DD9-EC0DA41A64F2-18535-000030A6FD6E555B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd basically have to get it to blow the bullet.

This is tricky to make for a bullet considering how much you have to work with.
Basically this>>9625135

I'm from /k/

>> No.9626964

I want it to be lethal through the first 100ft, I know there's foam/rubber/taser bullets

>> No.9626983

12-gauge target shells (for shooting skeet). At short range, the pellets are basically a pre-franged frangible bullet, but because they're so small, they lose speed quickly as they spread out and grab their own air. Not a bad home-defense round.

You could make a really good range-limited round if you built a small explosive charge into a frangible round, such that the fast-burning fuse is ignited when you fire the round.

Other way around, chum. It's a sufficiently light bullet launched at sufficiently high speed that's deadly at short range and loses it quickly in the air.

>> No.9627050
File: 119 KB, 1281x1235, ballistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could a bullet be developed that loses most if not all velocity after about 100 feet?
Yeah it just has to be a very low density bullet with a very high drag shape.
i.e. lead (or even depleted uranium) is used because the density allows it to continue 'penetrating' though the wind resistance.

>> No.9627056

It's also easy to make bullets with lead, especially in the musket days.

>> No.9627122

I should say, the trouble with 12-gauge target (or birdshot) is that it doesn't transition quickly from deadly to relatively harmless. It's a long, smooth curve between blowing a hole the size of a quarter through a person, wall, or whatever and just bouncing off your skin, with plenty of range where it's both unacceptably ineffectual against an opponent with a gun yet unacceptably harmful against a family member or neighbor.

Still, one of the better choices for devastating knockdown effect at in-home range, yet unlikely to kill anyone who's more than one room away.

>> No.9627159

Is there a better Stupid Ass Gun than the Gyro-Jet?

>> No.9627178

High Density and High Drag. Try researching tungsten if you live in a mining area they use tungsten all the time for equipment and you could get scraps.

>> No.9627395

>very high air friction
And it loses all sense of accuracy.

>> No.9627477

>American education everyone.
>very high air friction.

>> No.9627502

like shotguns in call of duty?

>> No.9627628

You could probably do something with a bullet's geometry that changes the drag coefficient in subsonic from what it is in supersonic. I don't know enough fluid dynamics to comment but maybe something that increases turbulence in subsonic is possible.

>> No.9627860

HAHA WTF Nr5 is that a real bullet?? What would that be good for? Penetrating 25 people in a row? Maybe it is what OP is asking for. A bullet burning up from friction after 100ft.

>> No.9627870

FN 5.7

>> No.9627892

That's a standard machine gun round.

>> No.9628429
File: 26 KB, 618x208, am-32-blue-german-bullets1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9628666
File: 308 KB, 1000x766, IMG_0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There already exists ammunition that retains very good ballistics but low penetration, assuming that is the aim. Hollow point, black talon, RIP cnc copper projectile. If you're asking if you could make a round that "shuts off" after traveling 100 feet, well, if darpa can make a self guiding bullet already then I'm sure the technology exists, it would just be prohibitively expensive.

>> No.9629453

That's pretty freakin cool. In a sciency sort of way.

>> No.9629459

A gyro-jet type round that had penetrative power from it's rocket, but was too lightweight to do much after the fuel ran out; could that work for OP's requirement?

>> No.9629469

OK, but that does not answer >>9627860
What's it for?

>> No.9629779

Only the Illudium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator. But try finding ammo for one of those..

>> No.9629788

The penetrative power is from the force of the projectile
that doesn't go away once the acceleration does

>> No.9629853

If you are asking about the .17/.50 BMG it's a meme round where people neck down a .50 BMG for fun, no gun fires it, all the necks have different angles same with the case length because people hand turn them. They are usually empty or filled with sand for heft.

>> No.9631262 [DELETED] 

Just tie a hundred foot long string to each bullet and tie off the other end to an old tooth or something. Or change the length of a hundred feet to be much much longer than what everyone uses today.

>> No.9631266 [DELETED] 

Make the bullet ninety nine feet long so it only has to travel a foot.

>> No.9631284

>Just tie a hundred foot long string to each bullet
came here to say that

>> No.9631465

You could make one, similar to the arming mechanism of an RPG or other rocket launchers that don't arm until a certain distance is met, but you would probably need a big bullet and some explosives to blow it up after reaching the 100 ft point.

Plus, if you fill your bullet with microprocessors, it gets pretty expensive and way less dense. Probably better to just hollow points or try not to spray bullets into a place you don't want them to go.

>> No.9631705

Have a mechanism that activates after as many spins, destabilizing the projectile by deploying an air brake.

>> No.9631733

You put a timed fuze that activates when fired. The fuse can trigger whatever, including >>9625107

>> No.9631750
File: 7 KB, 474x190, 762mm_tracer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could simply have the round burn up as it travels. A ridiculously scaled up tracer round could do this.

>> No.9631839
File: 322 KB, 1230x1024, ATGM_Stryker_firing_a_TOW_misile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 feet

Ammo that contains a thin wire, much like what remote wire controlled missiles have, which is only 100 feet long. The instant the wire is cut the bullet explodes.

>> No.9632779
File: 231 KB, 600x600, 1521482320829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it like in special ed?
See >>9625783

>> No.9632800

Why would a bullet that gets stuck in fleshy targets be a nono? Are you one of those people who unironically uses the term dumdum bullets? Eurofags get the weirdest ideas about guns, I swear.

>> No.9632805

Only the government can put tungsten in bullets, if you do it the ATF will shoot your dog.

>> No.9632881

Yes the bullet should be slow enough to fall on the ground after 100ft, but pointy/heavy enough to kill even at slow speed

>> No.9633038
File: 72 KB, 631x757, 1512414988837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The penetrative power is from the force of the projectile
>that doesn't go away once the acceleration does

> Force of the projectile doesn't go away after the acceleration does


>> No.9633069

By your logic bullets that are just launched out of a gun shouldn't even scratch you, since there are no forces that act on them
Congratulations, you're retarded

>> No.9633412

>Attach 100' diamond nano wire to each bullet and to the gun
>Shoot gun
>After 100 feet the wire runs out and the bullet is forced to stop
>Reel your bullets back in

You could even refire your bullets after you're done.

>> No.9633461

That was a shitload of talking to say, "I bought 250 rounds of plastic training bullets for $50."

>> No.9633464
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my logic, it's Newton's. The expanding gases from combusting gunpowder provides the initial force acting on it, with a vertical component from gravity (aka "bullet drop"), and antiparallel component from air resistance (why bullets slow down over their flight path and eventually start to tumble). This doesn't even take into account the deceleration of a bullet when it hits something and the forces produced therein.

>> No.9633473

You're confusing the need for acceleration with the potential from momentum.
You're retarded.

>> No.9633478

I'm not the one who said force is present with no acceleration, the thing I was originally replying to wasn't referring to momentum.

>> No.9633491

the tissues of your vital organs exert a force when they impart negative acceleration on the bullet

>> No.9633640

A bullet with an airbag on the front that deploys after 90 meters.

>> No.9633768

You must be socially retarded if you can't deduce that since that anon used the phrase penetrative power, which has little to do with the physical definition of power, he didn't mean force in the literal d/dt p sense. Given the context it's obvious he meant momentum and all you (and I, appearantly) are doing is arguing semantics when we all agree as to the physical phenomena at work.
Tldr we all mean the same thing, let's stop being autists

>> No.9634417


The Gyro-jet is not moving from momentum imparted to it by expanding gases while in the barrel of the gun -- it is a rocket,under acceleration while in flight. I'm wondering if the rocket gives it enough acceleration to punch a hole in you with a bullet that is lightweight enough to not do much to you once the fuel runs out.