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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9623623 No.9623623 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder if there's any point for me to be studying physics as I pretty much hate technology.
Most people see this as a contradiction.

To my disappointment I've noticed that the final product or application of every major scientific discovery ends up being something that IQ 70 normies use to make themselves dumber, lazier, fatter and eventually to fuck up our evolution even further. When the Internet was developed in CERN as a tool for scientists, it was great. I approved of it. But now it's just something dumb people use to connect, to form a global network of idiots to break the last remnants of any intellect on our planet. Ironically, imageboards are a good example of this. These anonymous shitsites provide you with a false sense of belonging and fucks up your brain's gratification system by giving you constant dopamine kicks from something that doesn't benefit you in any way. And this is just one example. Every scientific application apart from mass spectrometers and medical equipment seems to fall into misuse.
Our species will probably lose the ability to walk thanks to the Internet and funny maymays.

All this has made me understand the Amish. Those guys are smart as fuck, and I'm saying this as a theoretical physicist in the making. Development for the sake of development is our philosophy and honestly it sickens me. If it's not positive development in the long run, it's just change, and we're addicted to change. The human race is overly proud of its achievements (such as the Internet) that it cannot accept its flaws.
Everything these days is digitalized and put on the Internet and its analog counterpart from the real world is removed as "obsolete". This pisses me off. Today I heard you can't get my favorite physics formula book in physical form anymore, you can just get the app. A digicopy of a book should never, ever replace a real book. Paper is the best foldable, self-powering screen there is, if you kids understand it better this way.

>> No.9623641

Tell me where you're pursuing your undergrad education. Not sarcastic, genuinely curious.

>> No.9623656


I just want to understand the truth about the nature of existence.

>> No.9623665

Minor in philosophy or something.
We take one step forward with technology, but take ten steps back in terms of social standards.

>> No.9623685


I actually considered majoring in philosophy at first, but then realized it's a "science" that never comes up with any answers in anything.
Math is kind of philosophical too, but you can rest assured that it always holds true.

>> No.9623745

Coming to the end of my physics degree. I went in because I like the application of science to technology. It turns out that most scientists at university are just doing it out of interest, not because it will get us to Mars or make our lives better. If you want to keep yourself shielded from the technological side of things, it's easy enough, just specialise to the abstract options. Of course you can specialise in things like solid state which is more related to technology if that's your thing.

>> No.9623772


When I was a kid I loved gadgets and robots. Ended up being the abstract thinker kind of guy.

>> No.9623794


Read the Bible and believe in Jesus Christ.

>> No.9623806


Believing in Jesus doesn't mean you couldn't pursue naturalistic truths as well.
As a matter of fact, it's good to pursue the truth from every possible angle, even religious.

>> No.9623809
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I largely agree. Humans are domesticating themselves, and technology plays a major role in this. We keep becoming more and more removed from nature and we've become weak and sick. It is change for change's sake at this point, and we're throwing away the knowledge of our ancestor's purely for profit, i.e. to continue driving the endless cycle of meaningless consumption.

A notable example would be how we've just discarded traditional farming methods in favour of tech based farming, and as a result our food has become less nutritious, we have more issues with our teeth, and we're completely devastating the soil; eventually we'll run out of arable land if this continues.

It is noble to study science and math only for the pursuit of knowledge, but STEM has now become an attractive option for so many who just want to become cogs in the system. They just want money to afford our modern comforts, and the more comfortable we become the more pathetic we become.

>> No.9623842


the end products of science are only as good as those who use them

is that a big revelation???

>> No.9623877
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>> No.9624098

>not because it will get us to Mars

We shouldn't have a need to colonize Mars anyway.

We had THE perfect planet and we fucked it up.

>> No.9624115
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>> No.9624120

i feel you 10000% op
studied physics at cornell as undergrad. worked in industry for a number of years. now in grad school for computer science. do robotics stuff, but i basically dont give a shit about robots at all. the only reason im doing it is to get out of industry. and since im at a non-prestiguous school, the program isnt too competitive. this allows me to take math courses and pursue my interests.

>> No.9624129

this is very true. my research involves machine learning, like all other research these days, and because its so trendy its quite annoying. it attracts tryhards that ultimately want to be seen as smart by others and meme their way into silicon valley peasanthood.

>> No.9624137

But you can't ctrl+f a sheet of paper.

>> No.9624258

I totally agree with you, I am going to quit my engineering degree this very day

>> No.9624261
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>> No.9624331

have a read of this

>> No.9624372


Too be completely honest alot of it was out of just not knowing. In the end the majority of things humans have ever discovered was through trial and error. When we realize that pumping certain things into the atmosphere destroys the gas shield that protects us from high frequency electromagnetic radiation, it would be hard to figure it out without pumping those things. In addition, we can recover, we've been taking good steps for a few years now. Even China's splurging on more "friendly" energy solutions.

>> No.9624389

Posts like this are only ever written by bitter state U underachievers

>> No.9624406

>Most people see this as a contradiction.
I don't. Physics is true independent of any existing technology. Even though technology has been used as a means by which to test theories and discover laws, the study of physics is not necessarily the study of technology

>> No.9624535

I share your thoughts as well OP. The fast paced development of China and the USSR made a lot of Westerners skeptical about technological innovation, and hopefully over time we can begin undoing a lot of the damage to our society.

>> No.9624556

Pretty much bruh.

>> No.9626439

Go into biology and make a virus that kills dumb people if ur so smart and u hate them so much

>> No.9626456

>When the Internet was developed in CERN as a tool for scientists, it was great. I approved of it. But now it's just something dumb people use to connect, to form a global network of idiots to break the last remnants of any intellect on our planet.
100% agree

>> No.9626458

Jesus the amount self righteous assholes in this place. The funny thing is how absolutely wrong you are.

>> No.9626467

>grog no like shiny glass book
>grog want cave painting

>> No.9626475

what, are you talking about the pre 1989 era

>> No.9626560

t. luddite

>> No.9626621

>wahh you all think you're right and it's annoying
>btw you're all wrong and I know this as fact

>> No.9626701

Nigga they right. I just happen to like technology so...

>> No.9626712

Study ethics, which is a branch of philosophy. That seems to be what you're concerned with.

Then apply it to technology or whatever aspect of society you want.

>> No.9626715

Make technology that frees humanity. Not everything haves to be mind numbing tools that do anything for you