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/sci/ - Science & Math

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962082 No.962082 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone watching Superhuman currently on the History Channel?

>> No.962091

no but I was watching the documentary on God vs Satan

wtf, before it was actual history and science and now they moved onto religious history.

>> No.962096

You do realize that there isn't any proof that supports the non-existence of God, right?

>> No.962097


>> No.962107

>You do realize there isn't any proof that supports the existence of god, right?


>> No.962108


>> No.962109

In my perspective, there is no proof that supports the existence or non-existence of God.

>> No.962113

I'm watching porn on the internet. This guy is fucking this sheep. Same thing right?

>> No.962116


>>implying that the bible proves its existence

Also, giant spaghetti monsters, how can science prove it wrong?

>> No.962118


>> No.962125

I have no proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists thus I would not get in the way of your right to believe whatever you want to, because when it's YOUR personal belief. You're never wrong.

>> No.962128

>turn tv to history channel
>see american pickers

>> No.962134

I know I'm never wrong. Thanks thought for making sure everyone else knows that. Would you suck my dick. My gf gags too much.

>> No.962137

Depends what you define as "god"

Do you mean the Christian god? The sheer numbers of fuck ups and shit that makes no sense in the bible is disproof of that, mhm.

If your just talking about a cosmic deity that somehow sparked life and set off the big bang, then: theres no proof at all either way.

BUT, the basic idea of "God" is a new one. If there was a "God" we'd see evidence of it. Which there isn't any.

Thats like the tooth fairy, theres no proof for or against.. But theres no good reason TO believe in dat shit

>> No.962146

Typical atheist asshole.

>> No.962154

Spoken like a true atheist asshole.

>> No.962159

When will you scientists realize that you can and can't prove that God doesn't or does exist? This is why it's called FAITH. God, you guys are hella stupid.

>> No.962172

Obvious samefag is obvious.

That anon spoke it in the nicest way possible. The Christian god is completely illogical, and contradicts itself constantly. Deistic gods, however, are not illogical in concept.

>> No.962179

I laugh when you failed to provide evidence to present your case.

>> No.962181

does believing in Santa make him exist?


>> No.962183

Damn it, why do you faggots have to turn every damn thread into a Atheism thread

>> No.962184

Present what case, exactly?

>> No.962186

I'm not Racs, you fucking asshole.

>> No.962190

I actually thought i was being nice... =(

>> No.962195

>does believing in Santa make him exist?
Maybe it does.
How did you manage to come to this conclusion?

>> No.962196

Nice typical christfag butthurt,
also lolling hard at demanding WE prove god doesnt exist.

>> No.962204

This is why scientists and atheists are just as delusional as theists are.

>> No.962209

Wrong. Believing in Santa has no effect on whether or not he exists.

>Does believing in Santa make him exist?
No. It doesn't affect his existence at all.

>> No.962219

Someone is a non-believer thus he has never saw him.
You have to believe in order to know he's there, moron.

>> No.962217

It's delusional to not believe something without evidence?

I can fly, you know. Prove me wrong.

>> No.962216


how does some fucking fat ass fit his ass down my chimney that is less than 1.5 feet wide?

I don't have one,


>> No.962232


Confirmed for troll, everyone move on, nothing to see here.

>> No.962236

I hate tripfag trolls =(

>> No.962237

then how does believing in god make it exist?

>> No.962238

Why is he a troll just because he told you off?

>> No.962243

Let us help this lost soul.

>> No.962246

Either that or he's an idiot.

He thinks that believing in Santa makes Santa exist, or more likely to exist.

He also called an atheist an asshole just because the atheist stated the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS that Jehovah, by its very nature, is contradictory and illogical, and that the Bible itself is filled with MANY contradictions.

>> No.962256

/adv/ is so much smarter than /sci/, it's not even funny.

>> No.962273

/sci/ sure got told by this one thread.

>> No.962285

Samefags. That thread doesn't even discuss atheism, really. Her boyfriend is a douche. I've seen cases where people will say "become a Christian or you'll lose me."

>> No.962291

lol Atheist is mad.

>> No.962294

I like how atheists think they know everything, but in reality they don't.

>> No.962295

I dunno man. I do the same exact thing, just not nearly as blunt.

I can make a good argument, i can even make the argument look like a normal conversation, and i can make the conversation interesting too.

If your smart, you can easily manipulate anyone close to you to think anything you want them to.

>> No.962297

The point of science is to discover more, because we openly admit that we DON'T know everything.

Where are these trolls coming from, anyways?

>> No.962302
File: 129 KB, 700x300, 1268104203943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.962308

There is plenty of ways of winning an argument.

If they spout the words...

>God works in mysterious ways.

They automatically lost.

>> No.962310


>> No.962324


>> No.962331

I actually had a Christian try to win an argument and then justify his use for such bullshit. I warned him to accept his loss before this turned violent. Fucker didn't listen so I proved why Christians are weak little bitches too.

>> No.962335

This a thousand times over 9000.

>> No.962345


Seriously, can we make this a rule? like put it into latin and call it a logical fallacy or something?

Thats literally the most annoying phrase in the human language.

>> No.962365

It IS a logical fallacy, but I don't know the word for it.

Reducto ad absurdum or something like that?

Reduced to absurdity?

>> No.962371

>start thread about superhuman tv show
>in one post, becomes an atheist/theist arguement.

Ohh /sci/, your so predictable.

>> No.962376

I don't care if you just thought of that, i'm using that from now to forever.

>> No.962382

Yeah, this >>962097 anon was the first to realize the thread had no hope left.

>> No.963563

I like how atheists think they know everything, but in reality they don't.

>> No.963567

Know more then you, faggot.

>> No.963674

>implying you do