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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 597x669, science499880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9617055 No.9617055 [Reply] [Original]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NPC47qMJVg&t=119s [Embed]

>> No.9617074

Pop sci faggots is not "modern science"

>> No.9617095
File: 70 KB, 600x198, science_TM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern science

it looks like its the same shit honestly. Michio Kaku isnt even a brainlet regarding his specific field.

>> No.9617762

He isn't wrong.

>> No.9617787

thats right he's terribly wrong

>> No.9617797

this is what happens when you let women into science.

>> No.9617808

>touching your glove with your bare hand

>> No.9617937

More like Michio Kaka.

>> No.9617999

>Multicultural tolerant scientific society

There are three related things wrong with this. First, science as we know it is a European creation. It just is. It comes out of European culture and history. Second, tolerance is inherently an Enlightenment idea that has its roots in Christianity. Finally, thirdly, many of the cultures that people like Kaku include in their idea of multicultural don't believe in the prior two things. They don't.

I think Kaku has watched too much Star Trek and Star Wars. Those are also Western cultural artifacts.

>> No.9618004

>screenshot twitter and cry alt right SJW tantrum threads - now on the science board

>> No.9618005

Unironically, the only forms of society that will want to become Type 2 or Type 3 cultures are Fascist. Star Trek is the dumbest idea in the world.

>> No.9618121

Popular science and instagram/twitter "scicomm" are pure cancer. Modern science is shit because of the publish or perish mentality and lack of funding. Also, the fees for journal subscriptions are waaaaay too high.

>> No.9618125

I'll add the need to be cited. This creates a perverse incentive to either fall in line with the group, say things you know others will cite to support their own views, or troll, essentially be just controversial enough to get responses for the sake of getting responses.

>> No.9618258

>sjw activists barge in university lab with a camera and steal lab coats.
>Autist shy asocial lab technician walks over to them and while stuttering quietly tells them they shouldn't be here.
>sjw activist loudly and aggressively tells him to fuck off.
>lab technician quietly walks off and carries and working pretending they aren't there.
>Activists take photo.

>> No.9618259

So it's like 4chan

>> No.9618318

yes. holy fuck except for 1% of outliers everyone working in academia is useless and produces 0 scientific work. its like in brave new world with alpha++ guys theyre smart but create only useless results

>> No.9618319

What's wrong with that? Do you have an extra layer between your hands and your gloves because you are so special?

>> No.9618341


Anyone wearing a labcoat is a data collection drone, not a scientist.

>> No.9618351

Thank God this faggotry doesn't exist in Engineering and only soyboy science.

>> No.9618353

my philosophy teacher my community college liked to play michio kaku transhumism videos

>> No.9618371
File: 314 KB, 1024x768, scienceTM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes. holy fuck except for 1% of outliers everyone working in academia is useless and produces 0 scientific work

glad I didnt pursue that path after my major.
I have met one person who refers to himself as a SCIENTISTS and who isnt a bugmen tier shithead.

>Thank God this faggotry doesn't exist in Engineering and only soyboy science.

true, but engineering isnt as romantic as it used to be, I see no dam being built and the same goes for codemonkeys. Idk to each its own.

>> No.9618376
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>> No.9618378
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, scienceTM_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at their self satisfied buggish expressions and try not to puke

>> No.9618392

>Bill New York Exchange
I keep seeing this meme everywhere I still don't get what it means

>> No.9618400


There's so much wrong with your post and perspectives.

Science as we know it is a culmination of many influences, ideas, and peoples which were not all exclusively European - to somehow draw a emergence of science to something that was inherent in European culture is blatantly wrong. It would be interesting to know what you deem as 'European' culture anyway without resorting to false cliches and racist stereotypes that denigrate others and have been debunked and denounced by people who know and study a great deal more than you.

Tolerance as a concept has been practiced in numerous diverse cultures and societies before Christianity was even in existence and was implemented in practice well before the enlightenment. It is funny that you would take 'tolerance' as a point of pride in the Enlightenement and European ideals when post-enlightenment the colonial powers showed a tremendous amount of tolerance plundering other societies and countries for their own gain and leaving them in destitute and worse conditions. What tolerance was their with British colonialism and her subjects, with Europes scramble for China and Africa, Nazi Germany, Soviet gulags etc etc.

>> No.9618405
File: 133 KB, 1539x788, SCIENCE1513111025682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are three related things wrong with this. First, science as we know it is a European creation.

Science is primarily a European, cracker westerner creation. Primarily influenced by Aristotles empiricism and in 16th century systematized by Bacon in his Novum Organum.

Leftists academics are cocksuckers!

>> No.9618406


also almost a uniquily western idea that is being used against westerners - white guilt etc.
Comes directly from post-christian mentality

t. pol

>> No.9618502

>weird shit touches your glove
>touch the weird shit on your glove with your bare hands

>> No.9618522

The irony is that SJWs have an extreme animistic and anti-scientific worldview.

>> No.9618543

>Faith in science
>In science

>> No.9618551
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look at their snobbish selfsatisfied expressions, how does one become such a total human snob?

>> No.9618557

Leftist brainwashing.

>> No.9618601


>> No.9618632

>Getting angry from looking at people who look happy/satisfied
You must be a great person to have around

>> No.9618713
File: 83 KB, 672x960, billnye1828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill New York Exchange


>> No.9618758

>march for science, ireland
>anti-trump posters
Why are liberals across the world so obsessed with Trump? How does marching against Trump in another country have any bearing what so ever?

>> No.9618761

>show me the data
They would literally gasp and rage if racial data for IQ's was shown.

>> No.9618774

>low level lab techs
>not the equivalent to code monkeys

>> No.9618777

>show me the data
>*shows data*
>no i don't like that data reee

>> No.9618825

That data has been showned to be inconclusive or not representative at all.

>> No.9618865
File: 851 KB, 2970x2400, race79434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That data has been showned to be inconclusive or not re

activist liars like yourself should be banned from science

>> No.9618916
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not an argument
(but a very nice strawman)

>> No.9618983


Would you live in a black-majority neighborhood or a white-majority neighborhood (in the US)? Surely low time-preference and high child investment must be a feature all population groupings share.


t. someone who spent a few years in skid row and saw that, even in abject poverty, there was a difference between how "races" dealt with problems and who they blamed.

You will not see an asian homeless person blame whitey. Remarkably, they attribute their homelessness to mistakes with either drugs or gambling. What do you think black homeless people say about their condition? The world caused it all and they were good boys stuck in a bad system.

>> No.9619029


>> No.9619134

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9619173

Would you rather live in an affluent low-crime black neighborhood or a trailer park full of white trash and high crime?

The skin color isn't important.

>> No.9619202


According to USA crime stats, I'd be safer in the poorest white majority neighborhood than the richest black majority neighborhood. So I'll choose the trailer park. Not even joking.

>> No.9619210


>> No.9619211

I specifically said a low crime black neighborhood vs a high crime white neighborhood.... You choose higher crime?

>> No.9619220

Just know it's all bullshit. We've gone through it a million times here and it keeps getting posted.

>> No.9619223

>Modern science
>Chicks in a bio lab

Do you really think this is science?

>> No.9619246


You don't understand. The poorest most redneck white majority community has less crime than the richest (average $800,000+ income/yr IIRC) black neighborhood.

>> No.9619248


Is it science if I implant my biological material into their orifices?

>> No.9619249

>The skin color isn't important.

Stop using the skin-color fallacy.

>> No.9619254

Why did the industrial revolution not happen in Asia? Why did they not even have wheels in the Americas when Europeans had modern arms and navigation? Why is Africa to this day a wild desert with primitive stone-age cultures everywhere, where it didn't get modernized by Europe?

Of course in the 21st century the cultural influence is spreading and the next center may be South Korea or Japan or some other place in Asia. But do not forget that everything that is modern: science, technology, cosmopolitan and liberal values, came from Europe elusively.

>> No.9619280

There aren't many low crime black neighborhoods. The few that exist are primarily made of rich well educated Nigerian immigrants. Rich well educated Black American neighborhoods have high crime.

>> No.9619283

These are all liberal cliches that everyone knows aren't accurate. The Chinese don't even care about Chinese lives. The only livable parts of the non-Western world are highly Westernized.

>> No.9619310
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IQ be rayciss the paper.

>affluent low-crime black neighborhood or a trailer park full of white trash and high crime?

white trailer trash. they have less crime than rich black hoods.

>race has been debunked by SCIENCE, also check your white privilege wite boi

more info dump coming soon if you interested. courtesy of /pol/.

>> No.9619317
File: 1.13 MB, 1338x1789, iq and hdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone surprised by pic rel?
total racist pseudoscience I know, but never forget, white trash conservatives are less inteligent than white liberals, that is why white trash live in trailer parks.

>> No.9619324

>The few that exist are primarily made of rich well educated Nigerian immigrants.
This proves that blacks aren't naturally violent, retard.

>> No.9619326

He's talking about touching the outside of your glove.

>> No.9619330

Pseudo-science lovers BTFO by flat earther: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SznaMGoMR9Q

>> No.9619336
File: 45 KB, 400x468, meisa-kuroki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Asians are the master race. They have the highest IQ and are not inbreeds like the jews.

>> No.9619394

>low-crime black neighborhood
That only exists in your immagination

>According to USA crime stats, I'd be safer in the poorest white majority neighborhood than the richest black majority neighborhood.

>> No.9619398

>ywn be a scientist trolling for (You)s

>> No.9619403

Kys famalam senpai

>> No.9619417

This board is so shit, there are like ten leftypol shills.
> yes sure data shove that negros are violent savages, but this black guy haven't killed anyone today so checkmate raycist love science fuck trump

>> No.9619428

Then give a source to that because you're making a tall claim.

>> No.9619430

He cannot stop doing what he is paid for.

>> No.9619451

Slight exaggeration, but Chetty's new data basically shows that.
"Black men raised in the top 1 percent—by millionaires—were as likely to be incarcerated as white men raised in households earning about $36,000.
Guess how the lugenpresse is spinning this?

>> No.9619459

What about white men raised in the top 1%?
Celebrities get incarcerated all the time.

>> No.9619467

Income is correlated with incarceration. Liberals are right about that. They are wrong in its explanatory power. Rich blacks go to prison more often than poor whites. But the rich of all races don't go to prison as often as the poor.

>> No.9619476

That's because they post bail. How about the frequency of serious charges laid vs income?
I'm guessing it's somewhat parabolic with the highest frequencies at the lowest and highest socioeconomic statuses.

>> No.9619503
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>> No.9619525

No one denies that crime statistics show that black people and black communities commit much more crime given their percentage living in those communities. Or maybe some dumb can't denies that, but as you say, the data is out there. The problem is not that the black community is in trouble but why? And considering that black people don't show any sort of clear genetic variation the predispones them to act like this, there are alternative causes which are equally valid, that is, historically is much more likely that someone who is black has a poor background. And while
is true, a lot of rich blacks still have those backgrounds so culturally it makes sense they are not going adhere to normal "white" societal conventions. The thing is, that while IQ supposedly to Show potential, thinks like disseas, diet, exercise or even just going to school has been shown to be correlated. The gap has narrowed before https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289613000895?via%3Dihub and maybe it could keep doing so if strong cultural changes are present. The thing is, changes that you see between two communities in not enough to conclude that there are biologically, different races and it's a ducking mess so isolate all the variables that come. While liberals shouldn't deny that the black community is in trouble that goes, at least today, beyond pure racism, there is no compeling evidence to talk about races as proper biological categories. It's actually not scientific at all to draw out conclusions of correlations and trends without properly controlling for anythings that can give an alternative explanations. The best study is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Transracial_Adoption_Study which yes, kinda gives evidence for it, but there were still a lot of factors that missed, and after all there was some improvement. This could also mean that maybe in average, people with black acendance maybe will have lower average IQ, but it's still not clear.

>> No.9619599

You'd have to take getting caught into account. I'm not saying the rich don't commit crimes. I just doubt they get arrested. White collar crimes probably have very low detectability.

>> No.9620468

4chan is run over by /pol/ newfags, you can't expect anything else from them.

>> No.9620579

wrong they are communist

>> No.9621021
File: 1.07 MB, 1208x941, science_racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a white supremacist board?

>> No.9621032

Rip/sci/ this has become pol

>> No.9621099
File: 196 KB, 500x835, 2017-the-year-pol-is-more-diverse-than-huff-post-13270366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's racism. /pol/ is the more diverse board on 4chan.

>> No.9621104
File: 109 KB, 625x785, Hitler WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here, faggots.


>> No.9621107

No you dipshit

People having different feelings than you doesn't make their area of expertise a meme

>> No.9621116
File: 976 KB, 962x2179, race differences mega compilation IQ and wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's several charts that show that income level doesn't have much effect on IQ.

>> No.9621136


>> No.9621139
File: 56 KB, 632x528, 1520881035644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fags, all boards have become nazi/antifa, to blame pol for everything is just ignorant

>> No.9621149

>everyone speaks the same language, dresses the same, listens to the same music

ok mr. scientist

>> No.9621190

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9621194

found the /pol/itard

>> No.9621230

Read the papers that the charts have been cherry-picked from. You are the lowest scum, spamming shit you have no fucking clue about.

>> No.9621241
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>> No.9621245
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>>9618351 >>9618371
>Thank God this faggotry doesn't exist in Engineering and only soyboy science.
Environmental Engineering is filled with SJW Women & Faggots.
And they call themselves "Scientists".
Climate / Environment "Scientists".

Architecture and Biomedical Engineering also have a lot of SJW & Fags.

>> No.9621248

Why there is no Harry Potter?

>> No.9621251


>> No.9621386
File: 69 KB, 498x281, 46162889862333296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Architecture and Biomedical Engineering also have a lot of SJW & Fags.

the most prestigious it is the more pretentious fags youll have. psychology used to be a respectable scientific racism field until wammen and fags took over and now hold the lid on it on group differences fields, same with anthropology until (((Boas))).

>> No.9621389
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how do we stop nuScience?

>> No.9621394
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The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.