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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9611158 No.9611158 [Reply] [Original]

oh vey, this will be fine in 15 years from now.

It's not like we're running out of resources.

>> No.9611173

We are not running out of resources, our consumption is growing. But so is our efficiency at producing. If there is a problem an entrepreneur will solve it and if they don't their out of business.

>> No.9611177

>finite resources are infinite
ok dumb capitalist retard.

>> No.9611470


>> No.9611477

you claim to know everything and can't even spell

>> No.9611506

>consumers gonna consume

people like you are the reason humans are a failed species.

>> No.9611511

>metals disappear after you drop them in the wrong trashcan

>> No.9611577

Yeah, humans bad, Gaia punish bad humans.
This board is /sci/ not /religion/
When cost of extraction will be higher than recycling we'll recycle 100%.

>> No.9611582

after u breathe air iit is no longer breathable

>> No.9611585

it will never be possible to recycle 100%. Maybe 90% or higher, but not 100%. There will always be loss, or leakage out of the system.

>> No.9611593

>ever running out of resources.
>in a approximately infinitely large universe
nigga what?

>> No.9611599
File: 90 KB, 776x866, 1359281421722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World population is 20 times the US
What the fuck is the military doing? They have one job, killing foreigners.

>> No.9611601

>>metals disappear after you drop them in the wrong trashcan
If they're so dispersed in the residues stream, it becomes anti-economic to reclaim them. Then they effectively disappear.

>> No.9611612
File: 85 KB, 323x366, no_nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>59 years

Nukefag shills will ignore this.

>> No.9611615

>assuming global consumption = global production
that's a wrong assumption tho

>> No.9611934

>it becomes anti-economic to reclaim them
If that's the case then the quantity readily supplied of resource x must be greater than the quantity demanded by consumers. If quantity demanded>quantity supplied (that is, without having to be "reclaimed") then the price of resource x increases until is is economical to reclaim resource x.

>> No.9611945

Enriched uranium is a man-man product. We will surely make more in the next 59 years. Uranium ore on the other hand is more plentiful than gold and silver and lots of other metals.

>> No.9611956

So we are out of germanium, gallium, hafnium, and rhodium? Or am I reading this wrong? And we only have 2 years supply of indium left?

>> No.9612023

→implying military spending doesn't produce science as well.

>> No.9612059
File: 66 KB, 500x333, 1520898481260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if I buy a bunch of, lets say, indium, will I become very rich in 4-13 years?
because right now electronics aren't even that expenssive

>> No.9612068

Corporations aren't people, get the fuck off my board BHP
>Ethics, rational self interest? you mean that religious fundie wankery?

>> No.9612075


It's like saying you're going to run out of ass paper permanently because there isn't any left in the bathroom cupboard. Just go and buy more.

Likewise with germanium, existing sources are fairly low, but there's no reason to think there isn't more ore lying around. We will just go and find more like we did the last time it ran short.

>> No.9612149


Holy fuck why is it that economists cannot understand the simplest science principles like conservation of mass?

Probably because economics is not science and also partially because they are literally fucking retarded mindless consumption machines willing to believe whatever horseshit fantasy they have to in order to continue stuffing their faces.

>> No.9612151

well, not exactly true. one responded. but I don't think he's capable of understanding numbers.

>> No.9612157

>this mad and still wrong, all the while redditspacing

>> No.9612159

>t. consumer
> nom nom nom

>> No.9612180


Do you genuinely think that we have identified all remaining resources of these various minerals? Do you really think that when they say x amount of years left, they mean that we know the location of every last bit of the stuff in the entire Earth's crust, and that it will all be gone in x years?

>> No.9612190

Do you really think logistics and cost of extraction is not a thing?

Do you really think that there will never come a time where said resource is simply too far away from population/food sources or too finely dispersed to be economical to recover?

I bet you do, because youre a fucking economics zealot. Your entire world view operates under the assumption that 2% inflation (i.e. 2% population/consumption growth) per year for all eternity is ideal. That is totally at odds with fucking high school level science whether you like it or not

>> No.9612205


>Do you really think that there will never come a time where said resource is simply too far away from population/food sources or too finely dispersed to be economical to recover?

Of course there will, pinhead. That time will come eventually, and by the then we'll be mining asteroids.

The point I'm making is that your shitmobile chart showing "13 years left" for Indium and "29 years left" for Silver (!) is incredibly misleading, deliberately so, and I can only advise you to shoot yourself at your earliest convenience.

>> No.9612228

>he's befuddled by the 2% inflation rate target

>> No.9612234

>That time will come eventually, and by the then we'll be mining asteroids.

Do you also believe in a great sky fairy, to come swooping down and save you from your own gluttony?

fucking consumer. nom nom nom. believe whatever the fuck you have to to keep your conscience clear, weakling.

>> No.9612237 [DELETED] 

SpaceX will save us with asteroid mining, r-right guys?

>> No.9612239

Fuck man... are you ever stupid....

>> No.9612242


What exactly is the point you're trying to make, with your chart full of lies of omission?

>> No.9612245

its not my chart dumbass.

>> No.9612247

i guess that settles it, we're gonna have to genocide a continent, I nominate Africa

>> No.9612248

What's the consequence of this? A drop in standard of living after centuries of constant increase? Oh nooo

>> No.9612251

>attempt to derail conversation to keep others from noticing my inability to provide an argument
>but can't figure out how to green text
>just end up looking like a retard instead

>> No.9612252

We should conserve.
We can also find more if needed.
Ok then.

>> No.9612255

>people are still replying to that omomom retardo bait

>> No.9612256

>lies of omission

sweet bro. way to invent a new definition for the word lie.

>> No.9612486

There are two narratives

1. Humans are extremely adaptable to changes through innovation and technology and will be able to handle most problems that face it in the future
2. Humans are lucky to have made it this far and will probably be destroyed soon by nuclear war/over population/super virus/peak oil/climate change/etc unless drastic measures are taken


>> No.9612859

>2. Humans are lucky to have made it this far and will probably be destroyed soon by
>nuclear war/
Not a life extinction event
>over population
The over part will die, the rest will survive
>super virus
That's really bad, but probability is quite low. What species do we know was wiped out because of that?
>peak oil
We use less of it. Less energy unless we use nuclear, the economy would suffer but we would still be here.
>climate change
Not a life extinction event

>> No.9613125

>if they don't their out of business
Which also means in this context nobody is able to come up with a means to boost production.

>> No.9613147

>resources will deplete on Earth
Did you ever heard of recycling?
Did you ever heard of asteroid mining?
Did you know that Mars is full of minerals?
And Saturn 's moon Titan is full of natural gas?

>> No.9613161 [DELETED] 

drop a nuke in Africa or India.
Problem solved.
Can I haz peace prize now? King nigger got one.

>> No.9613173

Nothing will happen, people will adapt somehow, by new products or changing theie behaviors. You seriously underestimate the adaptability of humans and life in general

>> No.9613189
File: 92 KB, 479x433, 23456575432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never heard of this, therefore it doesn't actually exist
Quit posting.

>> No.9613190
File: 56 KB, 902x451, lie of omission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This word "invent," I don't think it means what you think it does.

>> No.9613191

If you don't know what lies of omission are, you can be manipulated just as easily as someone who doesn't know what regular lies are. Are you from pol? Most of what's there that isn't a regular lie is instead a lie of omission.

>> No.9613193

Another word for "landfill" is "resource bank."

>> No.9613196

>Corporations aren't people

Standing by for you to name a corporation composed of anything other than people.

>> No.9613225
File: 13 KB, 366x138, multistrato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charts like that are nothing but a fraud, usually ideologically motivated.
Extrapolating in such manner we could prove anything we want.
The reality is technology is quite flexible, we always discover new ways to do things.
Decades ago water pipes were all steel or copper, then we used polypropylene, and nowadays we use pic related.
And if by any chance there is a specific tech we can't mass produce anymore we'll have to live with that unless we find a substitute.
No disaster and no final explosion, sorry hollywood.

>> No.9613281

climate change
>not a life extinction event
u wut m8

We as humans are 9 billion gorillion monkeys. Slurping down our entire ecosystem to replace it with bare ridden neighborhood homes. We are excelerating earth's extinction like the eruption of a super vulcano would.

Surely the data was based on numbers they taught were pretty realistic. This problem has seen before when adressing the world's oil reserves. Even in 1970's they taught they would run out eventually and the reserves would running out. However America's already starting with fracking of oil and gas so it kinda run out? because they are using more extreme methods to recover low quality gas and oil.

Why not curb the population and adress woman equality and help family planning?

>> No.9613290


>> No.9613333

>We are excelerating earth's extinction like the eruption of a super vulcano would.

Yes, exactly. Super volcanoes erupt, life goes on. Diverse and adaptable species (that's us) survive them and go on.

>> No.9613358

But we lose bio-diversity anon that's the whole point
if we could solve this I dont care how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, hell put it a 1000ppm

>> No.9613797


So when someone doesn't add some detail that you find pertinent for whatever reason (whether it be because of an honest mistake or intentionally to keep the message concise and simple for regular people to understant), they're actually being willfully deceptive and evil.

You're all quite mad. I can see the mindset that got regular people just a few generations ago to burn women alive for witchcraft in your posts - bunch of primitive psycho cunt consumers.

>> No.9613821

Ah yes, the species that managed to house people in space, devoid of every resource, including oxygen, will not possibly be able to cope with an extra ten degrees of heat.

>> No.9613822


>> No.9613834



>> No.9613839


>> No.9613840

You're a growth.

>> No.9613846

You're about as smart as this guy

>> No.9613854


>> No.9613864

ok ok. fair enough. you win. whatever you say man. please stop now.

>> No.9613867

Just try not to be such a growth, ok?

>> No.9614264


>> No.9614377
File: 117 KB, 960x2350, ORNL-U-sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uranium can be extracted from seawater for not much more than conventional mining (well, twice as much as regular uranium ore, but raw material costs are a rounding error in nuclear power's price) and with oceanic uranium constantly being replenished by continental erosion, there is enough uranium for millions of years.

>> No.9614442

Yeah right keep digging up that radioactive waste consumer pig nom nom nom

>> No.9615071

>what is a shortage

If the price of smartphones suddenly goes up 3000% there's going to be problems.

>> No.9615091

you fucking twits need to be slapped hard by angry old men. my god this is disgusting sophistry
>whenever it comes time to panic we’ll have the space treasury to raid free of charge
another word for speculation is fraud
t. doesn’t understand physics or ecology

how the FUCK is this tolerated on this board? do none of you study ecology? do none of you study evo-bio or physics or meteorology? Climate change is an extinction event, climbing into domes and mining asteroids will not save you from the Earth turning into a hot dumpster coated with fucking acid

>> No.9615137

No don't go and throw around that honest mistake or "keeping the message concise and simple for regular people to understant (sic)" hahaha fucking idiot, a normal person would go google "lie of omission" and then respond accordingly, but instead you're worthless and likely go through your day to day life like this, blaming other people for your own shortcomings. Take a minute and think about how shit you are, incapable of learning the simplest of concepts despite having decades of development and innovation at your disposal to access entire libraries worth of information in a second, instead resorting to damage control even though your error was anonymous and could easily be forgotten if ignored. YOU CAN'T EVEN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WHEN NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. That's how weak you are.

>> No.9615833

What problems?

>> No.9615838

>climate change
not science nor math

>> No.9616310

sounds like the poor widdol consumer is mad cuz someone called out his fat food encrusted face.

Don't you have some resources to consume in order to trophy hunt some endangered species somewhere? Maybe cut down a 1200 year old tree to finance your new audi?

gross consumer

nom nom nom

>> No.9616420

>hurr durr

>> No.9616484

>If there is a problem an entrepreneur will solve it and if they don't their out of business.
Some problems simply do not have solutions. So people go out of business, and there is no alternative or replacement and the technology in question is lost. That has a knock-on effect, taking out many other sectors.
"The market will fix it" is a very local solution to a global problem: local/global in the mathematical sense, not geographically.

>> No.9616734

absolute lol

>> No.9616895

I dont get it.

>> No.9617037

How can humanity survive without smartphones?

>> No.9617082

Yes, we need to spend more on black women in science.

>> No.9618489

10 degrees? lol we are almost heating up 2 degrees and sure we will be able to produce food still. But what if we killed of all bio-diversity and sustain ourselves of mono-crops. I will tell you one virus could sweep us out of the earth. Banana crops were almost swept clean out of this earth luckily bio-diversity saved the plantations (again).

This is where the fucking media is so full of shite. Oh look at the fucking prince and her dandilee fucking princess oh how sweet life is such a paradise. Meanwhile companies will turn every stone to get what they want, monetary gains for whatever it takes. And the people stay dumb and uninformed and uninterested while their only source of food and income is being shattered.

In the near future: Oh vey goyim you people consumed all oxygen so we should put taxes on the consumption of ur oxygen. What do you say? Companies destroyed all ecosystems and our natural oxygen supplies? Sorry can't hear you over the gasping for air for 20 billion netflix watching retards who work in bitcoin mines.

Sure we will go to space. And you will work your whole life slaving away because we must get that last bit of minerals on a planet millions of kilometers away.

Don't bother me with ur spacecraft fetishes. We barely can contain what is happening on our own earth so we will populate other planets with our shit right?

People are housed in space? They will never sustain themselves except when they learn to eat literally their own shit.

Well for what it is worth it. Fuck our whole economy is based on fossil fuels and digging up minerals. Sure we can recycle a lot but where do we get all the energy from?

>> No.9618503

lol /pol/ much?
How is ecology not science?
Global change is a subject which covers a whole lot of science, oceanography, ecology, climate models etc.
There is also a hefty amount of math involved but he everyone has something to say about it and isn't straight forward as the meaning of numbers itself. The numbers itself speak for themselves that's why numbers in research will often be also a matter of viewpoint and opinion. So no it isnt as rigorous as math or physics because it gets all political if people are talking about the world instead of just a small subject that can be measured and controlled by everyone.

Which the church said that the world was infinite so we shouldn't have to worry about overpopulation and overconsumption right?

Bless America

>> No.9618512

Everything is going to tank so fucking hard. I should get a gun.

>> No.9618519

>Why not curb the population and adress woman equality and help family planning?
How do you prevent an Idiocracy scenario, where the most intelligent, forward planning and environmentally conscious people fail to reproduce, essentially willing custody of the world to successive generations of wasteful morons?

>> No.9618520


>> No.9618528

>Do you really think logistics and cost of extraction is not a thing?
If it goes up, the price of the final good will also rise.
>Do you really think that there will never come a time where said resource is simply too far away from population/food sources or too finely dispersed to be economical to recover?
If we run out of a resource, enterpreneurs will find/create a replacement. There is no resource that is inexpendable for human life that isn't air/water(and we aren't running out of them anytime soon), any other resource is replaceable one way or another.
>Your entire world view operates under the assumption that 2% inflation (i.e. 2% population/consumption growth) per year for all eternity is ideal. That is totally at odds with fucking high school level science whether you like it or not

>> No.9618537

>Why not curb the population and adress woman equality and help family planning?
>Why not erase all liberties and give an autoritarian state more power?

>> No.9618538

>nom nom nom i'm a porky cozoomer i comzoom evrryting nom nom oink oink

>> No.9618546

what would be a global solution for you?

>> No.9618599

give people the liberty to abort their baby they maybe don't want
Give women the liberty to stand up against gruesome fuedel practices
Try to stop the onwards of population growth that will fuel more hunger, war, drought and space etc.
>lol no too much authority dont take away our liberty to ruin everything under the sun we just want to multiply!

Should you have to liberty to ruin it for other people then why not vice versa?
I think you thinking of liberty as the privileged state you have achieved by colonization, slavery, poverty and destroying ecosystems then yes.
Also I'm dutch so my country is also to blame for the destruction of earth's ecosystems.

>> No.9618634

that's a shitty and uninformative fucking chart

These predictions openly don't take into account recycling, nor progress in recycling. They also assume a constant consumption instead of a dynamic one. This is stupid since the rise in the consumption of one material can be the result of the lowering of the consumption of another one, for example.

Also the information is just organized stupidely.

I'm genuinely triggered.

>> No.9618721

A worldwide proletarian revolution

>> No.9618726

>oh vey
>Oh vey
It's "oy vey" you autistic retards, what the fuck is wrong with you? How do you even get "oh" from "oy?" They sound nothing alike.

>> No.9618792

Agree. Not even a commie pinko socialist or whatever but this is realistically the only thing that will fix this problem

>> No.9619169

dont pretend to be me.

its my meme

there can be only one [developer of this meme].

>> No.9619176

although I must say excellent use of the letter z and the oinking

>> No.9619251
File: 111 KB, 900x805, a-man-and-3-children-sit-around-a-fire-tom-toro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civilization will wither away due to resource shortages
>our knowledge will advance but we won't have the means to apply it
>we'll be stuck on this rock forever left to ponder the mistakes of our ancestors
Is there a more depressing thought?

>> No.9619688

The thought that you're such a brainlet

>> No.9620585

we won't run out of resources in the next couple of centuries, probably ever as we move away from obsolete technologies

>> No.9620596

>we won't run out of resources in the next couple of centuries, probably ever as we move away from obsolete technologies
If BFR works, it'll be essentially impossible to deplete elemental resource stocks.

>> No.9620965

>conservation of mass

>> No.9620979


>> No.9620988

All houses are made of building materials
Therefor houses are building materials

>> No.9621025
File: 71 KB, 645x1024, 1493595098971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the retarded commie is still here