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9609186 No.9609186 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we heal cancer?

>> No.9609196

cancer cells trick the body into thinking they are the body's own cells, which they are in a way, so the body does not identify cancer cells extirpate the execrable cells.
>body's failure to identify cancer as cancer

>> No.9609199

and why can't WE? :(

>> No.9609202

edit: Thank you for your answer

>> No.9609206

We can. There's more than one cancer type. Blood cancers ha e a very good prognosis these days for example.

>> No.9609214

we can. it's called surgical removal. If all cancers were detected at a level where they were non-metastatic and surgically removed, you wouldnt have cancer anymore (unless constantly exposed to a mitogen like asbestos)

>> No.9609223

so why do so many people die?

>> No.9609232

Because cancer isn't an illness

>> No.9609414

Monoclonal antibodies and gene therapy is the future

>> No.9609462

Because cancer doesnt want to die either

>> No.9609465
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Cancer is extremely aggressive. Depending on what cancer we're talking about, it can reach the late stage in weeks, which is the case of melanoma (skin cancer).
Some types of cancer are very slow, so if you detect them in time, you can remove the focus and cure the cancer e.g. cervical cancer.
Surgery is effective in early stages of cancer.
Pharmacotherapy is not specific enough for cancer and destroys a lot of healthy tissue (this is why patients receiving chemotherapy lose their hair).
When cancer reaches late stages, it metastizes aggressively (cancer cells reach the bloodstream and takes root in a lot of organs).
When a cancer metastizes, the only way to cure the cancer is by removing ALL the metastasic spots. You can not leave a single spot untreated.
Because pharmacotherapy i.e. chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy is highly unspecific, the only way to destroy all the metastasic spots is to destroy almost all the healthy tissue surrounding the metastasis. This is equivalent to killing the patient.
Genetic therapy i.e. CRISPR is shedding some light, but it hasn't even entered experimental phase on humans.
I hope I answered your question.

>> No.9609468

What kind of cancer do you want to heal?

>> No.9609492

>that webm
why u gotta do me like that

>> No.9609499

cancer is just too complex

>> No.9609524

idk, but it kill'd dad, grandpa and one cousin
wish me luck

>> No.9609743

Because Cancer is caused by mean cells

>> No.9609748

not enough faith

>> No.9609755

Have we figured out how to fix *damaged* cell chromosomes that don't give them the signal to stop dividing? Actual question

>> No.9609937

That's what CRISPR theoretically does. But it hasn't been tested yet in actual patients.

>> No.9610497

Cancer cells are self healing, that's the problem.

>> No.9610535

Some cancers are very treatable. "We" can't heal them because we did not go to medical school. Some people can cure some cancers.

>> No.9610579
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Seriously anon? Hang in there dude and get tested regularly...

>> No.9610614

t. brainlet. Removing non-metastatic tumours wouldn't eradicate cancer.

>> No.9610631

because it's not a sickness, its a consequence.

>> No.9610855

well cancer isn't really one disease. sure at its core its just a cells replicate uncontrollably, but how to stop them varies from organ to organ as well as person to person. Liver cancer in patient A can be much harder to treat than brain cancer in patient B, and will have different 5 year survival rates

>> No.9611115

Too much damage to their structural DNA within cells and stem cells.

>> No.9611167

Guys seriously look up rick simpson cannabis oil, it cures most cancers.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmYNLNF7NBw&t=698s

>> No.9611184

Companies keep killing people who discover the cure

>> No.9611924
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>Why can't we heal cancer?

Because it's the natural response of the body to damage which sometimes kills the host.

The sad news is we have kids before we get cancer (exceptions exist) so there is no selection pressure for cancer to disappear.

>> No.9612010

> Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)21:43:37 No.9609
name of anime? pls

>> No.9612014

not sure why that greentext happened