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9607531 No.9607531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm more intelligent and educated than everyone in my family, extended family, and close friend group.

Why can't I figure out how to get a girlfriend, yet they can do it easily? What is the science behind this? Where can I read about what to do? Why is it the one illusive topic that I can't just read about and manage to understand it?

Thread for the discussion of the science behind getting a girlfriend

>> No.9607546

Incel shit is right around the corner >>>/reddit9k/. We chad.

>> No.9607557

>'m more intelligent and educated than everyone in my family, extended family, and close friend group.
>can't get his dick wet

Either autism, or you're just some prick of average intelligence who thinks his brains will make up for all his other unredeeming qualities.

Go back to /soc/

>> No.9607563

you're probably ugly

>> No.9607572

>Either autism, or you're just some prick of average intelligence who thinks his brains will make up for all his other unredeeming qualities.
Why do you assume this? Any time anyone complains about being unable to get a girlfriend it's just assumed that they're an asshole with a bunch of unredeeming qualities

Can you justify this hypothesis based on the small amount of information you know about me?

>> No.9607585

1) You think you're smarter than everyone around you
2) You are asking 4chan for advice on how to get a girlfriend

>> No.9607592

Have you tried to get a gf?
What have you tried?

>> No.9607601

I don't "think I'm smarter than everyone around me" in the way you're saying it. It's kind of obvious when I'm the only one in my family who doesn't work for minimum wage or in manual labor, and the only one who went to college, or reads books. Yet they manage easily

Tinder, internet

>> No.9607617

Anyway since nobody's taking the thread seriously and is instead just insulting me, here are my speculations:

>Male sperm is abundant
>Female eggs are rare

>The evolutionary playground will reach an equilibrium whereby rarer resources are harder to acquire than abundant resources by necessity
>This inequality in the ability to acquire female resources results in females being able to apply harsher standards to male suitors because they can wait anyway, and choosing the wrong mate will result in a large resources expenditure while pregnant for a long time. There are no such downsides for males
>This results in females evolving to be picky and judgmental, and males evolving to be forgiving and open-minded when it comes to choosing mates
>Despite the fact that we life in a nearly post-scarcity society, these deeply embedded psychological tendencies live on, and females have the upper hand in relationship by many orders of magnitude
>The desire for males to appeal to females causes them to disproportionately side with females in disagreements despite the fact that often an unbiased observer would conclude exactly what I've described
>Therefore this female sexual privilege goes largely unnoticed by society, and at best something to joke about rather than something to criticize
>Any critical statements regarding this phenomenon carry harsh social judgment due to the aforementioned male bias towards espousing viewpoints beneficial to females, in hopes of acquiring females

>> No.9607622

>I'm more intelligent and educated than everyone in my family, extended family, and close friend group.
>I don't "think I'm smarter than everyone around me"
wew lad
also internet dating is a no-no

>> No.9607623

Are you deluded enough to think girls give a fuck about whether you're smart?

>assuming you're ugly
They only care that you're smart enough to go into an area where you'll make lots of money and they can parasitically leech off you while they cheat on you with no remorse. This applies especially if you're in an age range where girls are realizing they need to hook a host soon because their looks are degenerating.

>> No.9607627

>waaa why is nobody taling my incel cancerous shit seriously
Please kill yourself before you become elliot rodgers 2.

>> No.9607635

women are more picky because they are more vulnerable. women need to reproduce young. men can wait. so a woman who picks a low-status man is taking a huge gamble.
>men are more forgiving and open-minded
bull. shit. men are the ones who divorce their aging wives to marry 20-year-olds

>> No.9607636

In any group of people it's possible for there to be one individual who is smarter than the rest, and it's also possible for that individual to be aware of that fact. Why is it so socially unacceptable to point this out?

Incel cancerous shit? These are basic sociological observations. How about you address my actual points instead of just insulting me and telling me to kill myself. You're definitely the problem here.

It's funny that you attack "cancerous incel shit" while simultaneously trying to convince me to commit suicide. Clearly you play no value on ethical virtues and instead value... something else, I'm not sure. Maybe hypothetical strong-man posturing online? I guess you think it's cool or funny to tell someone to kill themselves for trying to figure something else? Fair enough but you're a bad person.

>> No.9607643

Even women who don't plan to reproduce are just as judgmental and picky. And this vulnerability is largely a non-issue in a modern society with law enforcement available at the touch of a button. Furthermore, if this were a serious issue they would select for unimposing and non-aggressive males, and we all know that they instead do the exact opposite.

And women initiate the majority of divorces and according to some studies cheat more often than men, they just get away with it more because they're natural-born lingual manipulators.

>> No.9607645

we do not live in a "post-scarcity society", it's a serious burden to have children today and even more so to give them some hope of a future

>> No.9607649

because they actually try or have lower standards

>> No.9607650

>I do think I'm smarter than everyone around but it was RUDE of you to point that out
wew lad
keep pushing those goalposts

>> No.9607651

I never said we live in a post-scarcity society, but thanks for misquoting me. I said we live in a "nearly" post-scarcity society, since starvation deaths are very rare in western society in comparison to indulgence based deaths.

Thank you for misquoting me, I never said it's rude to point anything out. Are you illiterate? Please provide a quote.

>> No.9607654

higher cognitive ability means higher propensity of neuroticism and higher risk of basically any psychological defect.

>> No.9607655

>Thank you for misquoting me, I never said it's rude to point anything out. Are you illiterate? Please provide a quote.

EDIT: that was directed at this post:

>> No.9607659

women who don't plan to reproduce are still bound by evolutionary instincts and cultural pressure
vulnerability means women want strong, high-status men to protect them and provide for their family. a low-status weakling puts their genetic future at risk (besides providing poor genetic material for their offspring)

>> No.9607662

seriously dude your autism is showing. you need to get out of your bubble of friends, do some physical exercise, find some hobbies. break out of your comfort zone. your personality is a disaster.

>> No.9607667

My personality is a disaster? I'd say many of the posters in this thread have exhibited severe personality defects, I'll list them here:
>Propensity to try to convince others to commit suicide when they say things they disagree with
>Fabricating false quotes, attributing them to someone, then attacking them based on those fabrications

I do physical exercise anon, why have you just assumed that I don't? I have plenty of hobbies. And my personality is fine. So far I'm the only one in this thread having a calm discussion, everyone else is just insulting me or telling me to kill myself, and insulting my personality with no evidence.

All off-topic posts by the way, since this thread is about the science behind finding a girlfriend

>> No.9607674

This either is b8, you are just some frustrated nerd or you seriously shoul look for help. Either way, this thread is obviously offtopic so fuck off.

>> No.9607679

Your reply is completely disconnected from any of the content of the post you're replying to anon. I literally see no correlation between what I said, and your claims that I "seriously need to look for help"

You obviously have a low IQ

>> No.9607684

I don't think you understand how to talk with people in general or where you are on the internet. Conceivably you may have a propensity for autism?

>> No.9607691

If my behaviors indicates that I have autism then it's clearly a personality boost, not a defect. The fact that it's typically used as an insult is irrelevant.

>> No.9607699
File: 106 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you want a gf you're gonna have to stop seeming autistic my son.

>> No.9607700

So if I want a girlfriend I need to start telling people to kill themselves, and do that thing where I quote people but I change words so it looks like they said something they didn't say, then laugh about it when the person is trying to be serious? These are the types of positive personality traits that will let me get a girlfriend?

>> No.9607703

Compared to how you are now I think that would be an improvement in terms of being able to attract women.

>> No.9607704

Autism is characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. You clearly suffer from this. You've admitted yourself that you can't have a relationship and you're failing to interpret basic social cues even in this thread. I can't imagine how painful it would be to have a non-scientific discussion with you in person.

But lets get back on track. To get grils you need social capital. Why would someone want to date you, apart from your intelligence?

>> No.9607714

If that's the case I have no interest in doing so since clearly they have incorrectly calibrated value systems

I have no trouble communicating with people, it's the other people in this thread who are intentionally obfuscating the conversation with insults and literal false quotes. I'm communicating very clearly and in an unambiguous way. I have no communication issues, sorry to inform you of that.

And because I'm a person and they're also a person. What do they have that should convince me to date them? Why do I have to prove myself and they don't?

>> No.9607720

You have very pronounced difficulties in reading between the lines in conversation which is once again a marker of autism. Speaking with people is about easily recognizing implicit meaning. You are speaking very clearly, but in a very awkward, stiff way that no normal person would speak.

>> No.9607722

Step 1: develop a likeable personality
Step 2: get physically fit

>> No.9607737

If you're smarter than everyone around you, why do you need to point it out, it should be naturally understood, why do you need validation, feel the need to put others down or just in general insecure. I don't remember the last time I was walking in the park and a tree has screamed at me "HEY, IM A FUCKING TREE!"

>> No.9607742

Why do you take it personally?

>> No.9607754

I haven't done anything you've just accused me of doing though, I don't even know where this post is coming from.

>> No.9607758

>I have no trouble communicating with people
you communicate like a robot. when someone tells you to kill yourself they are using hyperbole, they are not actually suggesting you end your life. You need to infer why someone would use that language based on the context of your conversation. Not all intent is explicit stated. you also seem to be closed to ideas that don't align with your ontology - a defining mark of a brainlet

>I'm a person and they're also a person
If the only requisite for a relationship was being a part of the same species then why would sexual selection be an established biological phenomena?

>What do they have that should convince me to date them?
a vagina

>Why do I have to prove myself and they don't?
cause your a man

>> No.9607768

They say that if you change yourself, Everything around you will change. but that's a complete lie. They're just forcing you to compromise, by feeding you a convenient little fib.

>> No.9607801

You instantly looked at the insults and ignored the point. You're problem is, you can't seem to get woman, you seem to think that intelligence correlates to it, while also comparing the people around you and wondering why you can't get when you're clearly more intelligent, maybe you should be looking for more intelligent women, whom most likely can't be found in your current social groups.

>> No.9607809

My thoughts don't make make sense, jealousy is unhealthy.

>> No.9607880

You're insulting me for my supposed inability to communicate with people, yet everyone in this thread seems incapable of communicating without insults. When I point them out, that's also considered by you people to be a personality flaw

As far as I'm concerned, literally nothing I could have said within this thread would have resulted in a positive outcome - you made up your mind and nothing will change it because you're not engaging in an evidence-based analysis of the situation

>> No.9607910

You're probably ugly and won't lower your standards

>> No.9607922

You're probably unpleasant to interact with.

>> No.9607935
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>Where can I read about what to do?
Get a waifu.