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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9605696 No.9605696 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be less intelligent to someone of the future?

>> No.9605701

Pretty sure people are getting dumber with time nowadays. Who knows how stupid the average person will be after 10 years.

>> No.9605703

Are you trying to comfort your ignorance with hope that humans become dumber? That's cute.

>> No.9605706

>hope that humans become dumber
Come on, anon. Everyone knows society as a whole is much more retarded now than it was 15 years ago.
Maybe things will improve, but who knows.

Besides, intelligence is not determined by the facts you know. It's determined by your brain's ability to process information.

>> No.9605708

Look at the nigger birth rates in Africa.

>> No.9605709

Fine. Really hope that they get smarter than the mutts like myself walking around this bitch of an earth, flailing in ignorance

>> No.9605716

What do you think is causing intelligence to become limited in the future? do you have any examples?

>> No.9605722

Mainly cultural reasons. Intelligence is not considered "cool" and a lot of people aren't willing to work hard to improve themselves.

>> No.9605725

Why do you post here?

>makes sweeping statement with no proof
>quickly disproves himself in very next sentence

>> No.9605735

>quickly disproves himself in very next sentence
People know more facts now than they did years ago. But that doesn't make them more intelligent.

>> No.9605745

I feel like 15 years ago is a bit of a stretch.. all the intelligent people lived on the planet 80 years ago

>> No.9605746

are you trying to suggest that we end white culture? I totally agree.

>> No.9605754

There's no such thing as "white culture".
There's German culture, British culture, Norwegian culture, etc, but not white culture.
Blame American culture if you want.

>> No.9605759

Only the white people that have no culture try to segregate our community into different cultures

>> No.9605818

more niggers

>> No.9605847

What's with the Patrick image meme. I didn't see it yesterday.

>> No.9605851

since when did everything need an explanation? just save the image to your computer for future use

>> No.9607438

Actually, if you take avg IQ scores as a reference, then overall IQ is rising because they keep moving the goalpost higher of what classifies for 100 IQ.

>> No.9607453

I'm already never the smartest guy in the room so I've come to terms with it. I just try to learn from and emulate my betters the best I can while making ends meet and focusing on my family and friends.

>> No.9607460

With all of technological crutches available, people's minds will atrophy.
I don't think people have gotten any better at math and they are still financially irresponsible.

>> No.9607875

are you afraid of the evolution of humanity or..

>> No.9607882

t. depressed and will suicide soon

>> No.9607907
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 879563C4-ED1D-435D-A740-3738C8DB946D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google the flynn effect you retard niggers and edgyfags. jesus this board is pure cancer

>> No.9607949

>technological crutches
Yeah before the calculator was invented all the peasants and farmers had to do calculus in their head! You might be proof that people are getting dumber though.

>> No.9607972

This. And they call this the "science" board...

>> No.9607974

>technological crutches
Those technological "crutches" you speak of enable humans to transcend mundane minutiae.

>> No.9607988

Everyone knows about the Flynn effect.
It is a mistake to assume the gains will keep happening though.
>but muh extrapolation
Everything looks linear on a small enough time scale.
Nobody knows if it will exponentially increase, stay linear, go flat, or decrease.
It might be worth the effort to figure out what is contributing to the effect and how possible societal changes in the future will impact the effect.

For example
A future with a lot of automation and freeloaders on a universal basic income wouldn't incentivize or require everyone to be smarter.

>> No.9608026

The peasants and farmers didn't do calculus after calculators either. You chose a poor example.

By "transcend mundane minutiae" do you mean people are able to remain ignorant.
It is usually the ignored minutiae that allows people to be taken advantage of. People don't read the fine print.

>> No.9608029

>legit retards on /sci/
I guess I couldn't expect much better on 4chan

>> No.9608031

Why do you think people will keep getting smarter?
By the lack of content in your post, you seem like the dumb one.

>> No.9608038

Because historically human beings have been growing more "smarter" as you put it. Just because the average person falls into popular pitfalls doesn't automatically make them a complete retard, maybe one day you will grow up and realize this.

>> No.9608040

>People know more facts now than they did years ago.

Having access to more information doesn't equate to knowing more information.

>> No.9608048
File: 43 KB, 1200x784, 1500883279432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowledge is only intelligence if I say so
lol ok

>> No.9608052

Humans ((("HAVE"))) been getting smarter.
is not the same as
Humans ((("WILL"))) keep getting smarter.

If the average human keeps falling for the same pitfalls for generations, it suggests that humans are not improving in intelligence.
Maybe one day you will grow up and realize this.

>> No.9608053

Knowing is not the same as understanding.

>> No.9608059

What you don't understand is that (a majority) people have always been as stupid, gullible, lazy, and hedonistic as they are today. The only difference is that we have the ability to take a picture and share it with everyone else instantaneously.

Are you trying to make a point? This idea that "knowledge=/=understanding" is entirely a meme that you tell yourself to sleep better at night.

>> No.9608062

Knowing facts is not intelligence.
The ability to apply/infer facts is intelligence.
While knowing facts does increase one's potential for intelligence, it does not imply that the potential will be fulfilled.

>> No.9608069
File: 753 KB, 953x1282, 1501642021333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowledge is only intelligence if I say so
hmm, ok

>> No.9608075

>The only difference is that we have the ability to take a picture and share it with everyone else instantaneously.
>The only difference
So you are either saying
1. People are not more intelligent
2. The ability to take a picture and share it with everyone else instantaneously means someone is more intelligent.

>> No.9608076

Define intelligent

>> No.9608081

I'm using the term as OP is.
Ask OP.

>> No.9608082

So you have no idea?

>> No.9608084

Neither do you?

>> No.9608086

I use the definition of intelligence as the definition of intelligence.
>the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
"an eminent man of great intelligence"
synonyms: intellectual capacity, mental capacity, intellect, mind, brain(s), IQ, brainpower, judgment, reasoning, understanding, comprehension; More
the collection of information of military or political value.
"the chief of military intelligence"
synonyms: information gathering, surveillance, observation, reconnaissance, spying, espionage, infiltration, ELINT, humint; More

>> No.9608116

I would agree with a slight difference.
Just because somebody has actions available for them to perform, does not mean they are intelligent.
You could put a toddler in a pilot's seat.
The toddler will have the ability to press buttons and pull levers (these are skills).
The toddler gains no intelligence by having these options made available to them.
The definition leaves out the proficiency of the application and gives no way to measure the degree of intelligence.

I don't think the ability to take a picture and share it with everyone else instantaneously requires much intelligence and is certainly a bad example to use for arguing that people are getting more intelligent.

>> No.9608126

This is probably the same exact argument made when the printing press was invented

>> No.9608326

I like it. If the next generation isn't better than us at everything, then we've failed as a society.