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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 405x405, 1390342043_biggie_smalls_image_018_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9590711 No.9590711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last week my math prof totally could tell I was high bro. This is the price you pay for wanting to sit close to the front and center row, but i dont care, i want the best seats. However He looked mega pissed last week. Will I ever smoke weed before that class ever again ? Not likely.

>> No.9590720

fuck off junkie

>> No.9590722

I'm pretty sure my discrete math prof is high when he comes in

>> No.9590730
File: 13 KB, 204x247, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an abuse of the term junkie, completely diminishing the value of it, junkies are people stealing tv's to buy crack, people who smoke weed are hardly violent or fucking crazy, get gassed you straight edge loser

>> No.9590872

kys junkie

>> No.9590890

I went to every class higher than a kite either weed or xanax. It was the only way I could focus on what was going on and not be so bored out of my mind. my last semester of college I was taking 3 bars a day and still managed to graduate early with great grades. your professor probably knew but maybe he didn't. who gives a fuck just learn the material

>> No.9590981
File: 283 KB, 598x499, 1521014741706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow im the stoner and im supposed to be the one that lacks effort or intelligence, you sir, are a Low IQ ape

>> No.9591003
File: 277 KB, 460x441, 1516779204808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is now a thread about superior ability of math and science under the influence of specific drugs such as marijuana and stimulants.

Clearly many drugs improve performance of the mind in different ways. Clearly the superior mind is carefully an elevated consciousness with dosages of marijuana, and stimulants such as coffee

in conclusion, straight edge brainlets are fucking losers that are jealous of weed smokers that get better grades than them, fucking losers ! >>9590872

>> No.9591014

>>>>> >>9590872

>> No.9591040


>> No.9591049

Also you're a straight edge fucking loser, not my problem whatever is up your ass that you have a problem with weed smokers gaylord

>> No.9591080

Also a great example of how creative and intelligent my critics are - just about on par with sub-optimal internet bots. You certainly elucidate your potential and capability in life - not far from the gutter of rancid toxic waste

>> No.9591101

Always remember when you think you're so much better than students around you for not getting high, there's likely what you see as "junkies" around you that are a billion times smarter than you and get way better grades than you , but thats okay some people feel that way because winners know they're losers

>> No.9591109

But let me tell you, I love triggering fucking straight edge fags because you think there's some sort of merit in not getting high, when in fact its the other way around, that theres more merit in getting high, and then doing even better than what others do, sober, because they, in essence you straight edge jealous gay lords, fucking suck and really are the fucking loser - but you obviously cant see it like that because youre simply too stupid to see things from different views like the small minded idiot you people represent


>> No.9591125

>he literally talks to himself online because he has no friends IRL and no one cares about his thread


>> No.9591168
File: 42 KB, 348x319, 1509267193033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has to make judgemental statements about strangers about social activities, indicating self-projected insecurities

SADder ! Try again Loser, i just wanted to own that fucking idiot and thats about it - looks like you wanted to join the graveyard, fine by me goof