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9588068 No.9588068 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

Jesus Christ, just talk like a normal fucking person for once...

>> No.9588080

Stephen Hawking (left) passed away, leaving behind a hyperdense intellectual vacuum (right)

>> No.9588085


Of course this black science man had to use a picture of him next to sperglord...

He just needs more attention...

>> No.9588103

>*flicks through the photos to find one that he looks the best in*

the classy thing to do would be to just have a photo of Hawking and a simple but heartfelt eulogy with no meme science talk involved

>> No.9588117


He's autistic tho...

don't expect him to know any decency. The degenerate made a whole show off the back of Carl Sagan just because Sagan helped him a few times.

Pathetic scum. Black people should know to shut up.

>> No.9588123

To be entirely fair, it's perfectly accepted to use a picture of yourself posing next to the deceased to pay homages and show you were close, especially for the celebrities. Precisely to show you've always been a fan of the guy and dispel the idea that you're a bandwagon jumper.

>> No.9588195

There are smart black guys though. Like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JUN9aDxVmI

Black science man is just a pathetic pseud that portrays everything that is wrong about the pop culture.

>> No.9588445


Funny how they all have some white genes....

>> No.9588448

intel makes monitors now?

>> No.9588451


I'd like to add that this guy looks more arabic than black.

Look at that hooked nose.

>> No.9588465
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>Man posts poetic physics related tweet to honor deceased physicist
>Retard makes a thread mocking said person for "not talking normal" and turns it into a race thing
>Other retards agree with thread

/sci/ is a shithole and containment website. I wish most of you the worst.

>> No.9588481

>poetic physics

retard, talk like an actual human being and stop trying to make science quips.

>> No.9588511
File: 577 KB, 736x851, 1495744225-nmczxz9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#funny #reddit #SCIENCE #clapsback #lol #atheism

>> No.9588519

It's like he wants to prove he is very smart and knows a lot of scientist shieet every f****** time. Oh man.

R.I.P Stephen.

>> No.9588521



>> No.9588527

Big boobs over there.

>> No.9588531

Hawkings making an appropriate face for once.

>> No.9588556


>> No.9588588
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_Ren+¬_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. All of it.

>> No.9588595


>> No.9588597

Fuck you you fucking cunt I hope you die in a fire. Nothing personal you just took my dubs.

>> No.9588599

What he meant was that his death left an intellectual black hole in his wake, because he researched them. That's the thing. Take it or leave it. Jesus.

>> No.9588605
File: 74 KB, 1283x631, Capture+_2018-03-14-09-38-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothin personnel kid
Prove it

>> No.9588625
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>> No.9588632


>> No.9588635
File: 120 KB, 638x801, 4A427337-4229-4D04-BAC4-373E467912A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black science man really makes me think

>> No.9588683
File: 47 KB, 965x549, ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit false flagging for me, I got caught, it's just a joke

>> No.9588692

The star (left) collapsed, leaving behind a black hole (right)

>> No.9588697

Double digit ape hooper

>Muh intelligent black kang

The man is a farce and a fraud and not fit to wipe away Hawking's spittle

>> No.9588709


The gypshuns used ekwayshuns n sheeeit to build stargates n sheeeit

>> No.9588722

There was nothing racist in his statement. It was a criticism of his rhetoric and nothing else. The fact that you perceived a statement of fact, that he is, "a black science man" as a pretext to strengthen your already weak argument against him as an easy bait and switch racist remark speaks more about the quality of this board than the rest of the garbage in your post.

>> No.9588820


>I title my thread "BLACK SCIENCE MAN"

>Somehow I'm "racist"

He is black, is he not?

>> No.9588825


This isn't even remotely funny.

>> No.9588856

Why isn't every white scientist. White science man?

Also, he never even called you racist, he you turned it into a race thing. Why do you have racist in quotation marks?

>> No.9588862

t. White Science Man

>> No.9588934


>> No.9590613


>> No.9590628

Negroes trying to look smart are funny.

>> No.9590641


>> No.9591765

>speak like a retard

>> No.9591773

Is it not possible that black science man is a fraud and some people are racist?
>there's a vacuum
>but it's not empty
C'mon I'm a brainlet and I'm laughing. That's not poetic at all

>> No.9591823

I'm not happy he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone

>> No.9591889

>site visited mostly by predominantly-white nations
>guy with different notable feature(s) has said feature(s) noted

It's not a hard stretch, dimwit.

>> No.9593487

>black science man proposes new theory of vacuum gravity

>black science man uses passport lemma to solve map coloring problem

>> No.9593732

>What did he mean by this?

Vacuum energy = zeropoint energy from the aether/quantum soup. Space is not empty. it is full of energy as shown in various experiments. See video for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXwOkzaqzog

>> No.9593755

>hating on neil
I hesitate to call him an astrophysicist because that's not what he does - he is professionally a science popularizer and planetarium director, who has a PhD in astrophysics. But I think popularizing science is still important, at least for getting young kids interested in it early so they'll want to get in to research when they're older.

>> No.9593765

This, spergs and /pol/fag cancer get out!

>> No.9593789

>when you are on the intellectual level of an highschool physics teacher but somehow become spokesperson for black science people (world wide count: 1) .
he is always so far out of his reach its laughable.

>> No.9594149

It's a reference to Hawking's field. It would be like if Stan Lee died and a comic artists gave a commemorative Spider-man quote.

What are you complaining about?

>> No.9594992 [DELETED] 

*robots voice sparks to life*
"Get this fried chicken smelling brainlet nigger out of my office."
something like this

>> No.9595046

I watched the video of his interview with Hawking the other day and it was cringy as fuck. Tyson plays his colleagues and audience, and when his interviewee can't give any feedback it makes him look really uncomfortable.

>> No.9595876


>> No.9595891

He was refrencing hawking radiation, you cant be this dumb and post here.

>> No.9595923

when you say "white science man", even to the average pleb, it could refer to Bill Nye or stephen or newton and a bunch of other people. saying "black science man" could only possibly be referencing one person

>> No.9595961

Its almost like he was making a refrence to the man who died's work.

>> No.9595965

Welcome to the infection known only as /pol/

>> No.9595970

>>there's a vacuum
>>but it's not empty
Implying this is a contradiction ratger than refrence to stephen's scientific works
>C'mon I'm a brainlet
At least you know its true. Now you just need to stop assuming knowledge of things you clearly dont understand.

>> No.9595973
File: 25 KB, 641x530, no way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596024

hands off black science man you fucking retards from 4chan. He has achieved more in his life than you may ever dream of

>> No.9596029

Funny way of typing "I have autism"

>> No.9596051

Im sorry your so retarded, stay mad about your IQ though. Youre "white" so that makes it okay though.

>> No.9596054

They dont get it so to them is meaningless babble from a non-white race.

>> No.9596086
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>> No.9596089

>hes only pretending to be retarded

>> No.9596227

You don't know shit about physics if you think vacuums have no content. Why are you on this board if you're a brainlet?
The board has been overrun by /pol/tards who want to argue about a bunch of race-IQ relation psychology bullshit.

>> No.9596588
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 1512408850534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus Christ, just talk like a normal fucking person for once...

>> No.9596664

Calling Neil deGrasse Tyson Black Science Man is older than /pol/bait you reddit newfag niggers.

>> No.9596992

>implying americans are white

>> No.9597483

Are you actually retarded? If you have even a passing interest in physics you would understand exactly what he meant and how it's a perfectly fitting thing to say in this situation. If you don't have any interest in physics then why the fuck do you give a shit about BSG in the first place?

>> No.9597653
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>> No.9597681
File: 123 KB, 1242x1209, laDJP2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake, here's the real tweet

>> No.9598083

I think he feels insecure about his intellectual ability hence the need to make these platitudinous comments.

>> No.9598097 [DELETED] 

I'm a little bit of a casual here, so I have to ask. Has Tyson contributed anything tangible to physics or cosmology, or had he just run the administered the programs he's involved with and acts as the public face of science for the current generation?

>> No.9598102

Hes making a comparison to hawking radiation

>> No.9598118

I'm a little bit of a casual here, so I have to ask. Has Tyson contributed anything tangible to physics or cosmology, or does he just administer the programs he's involved with and acts as the public face of science for the current generation?

>> No.9598139

No dipshit. Bill Nye, Tyson, and Michio Kaku are all political whores before scientists and are rightfully hated here.

>> No.9598184


Despite /sci/'s constant bitching he has contributed to cosmology in research concerning CCD Flatfields, Luminosity Function and Photometry. But when your resume includes project scientist for a famous planetarium, presidential advisor (under bush jr) and media writer/ figure most people tend to forget your work unless it was ""noble worthy"".