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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 300x300, stephen-hawking-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9587877 No.9587877 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you worship this man?

The only reason he achieved fame and notoriety was due to his exceptional IQ which was the result of pure genetic luck, a Deterministic fluke. His so called 'theories' were not his own as they were not the result of his own free will.

If indeed we do live in a Deterministic universe, as many of you people arrogantly surmise, then this man was no more deserving of adulation than a deformed foetus left rotting in a gutter in a 3rd word hellhole.

Explain yourselves.

>> No.9587901

what this guy could do in his head, you couldn't do with the help of calculators and a sheet of paper.

>> No.9587904

Nobody here worships Hawking, there are lots of people more talented than him to admire.

>> No.9587905


>> No.9587906

I hated him, glad he's dead

>> No.9587911

>important famous person dies
>lol he was a shit anyway
Every time. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.9587912


its another episode of /pol/ using big words again

>> No.9587918

Fake man, fake news. British rags are bullshit.

YHWH Allah
(LORD God)

>> No.9587925

If we live in a deterministic universe, I was determined to worship this man already, start thinking brainlet

>> No.9587956


And yet here I am, fully able bodied and posting on 4chan whilst he burns in hell for his sins

>> No.9587986

What sins are those?

>> No.9588021

hell doesn't real and you'll soon join him as food for worms

>> No.9588025

God! this thread is retarded.

>> No.9588033

People like him because he's a retarded looking person that is actually extremely smart, thus boosting the apparent importance of his achievements.

>> No.9588069

>Why do you worship this man?
>due to his exceptional IQ

>His so called 'theories' were not his own as they were not the result of his own free will.
I feel dumber just reading that

>> No.9588075

This. Without fail.

>> No.9588088

>deterministic fluke
what a succint oxymoron

>> No.9588110

Seeing the universum as deterministic is usually useless in normal human life. Our knowledge is so limited that we can never come close to actually determining most stuff. Seeing the world as a random mystery would be more accurate. His work should be seen more as a win at the lottery than the output from a machine or function that we understand.
Also celebrating successful people gives them incentives to do it. Peoples motivations vary but getting liked or compensation or such is usually what gets people to actually accomplish stuff.

>> No.9588144


OP full blown retard

>> No.9588186

There is absolutely nothing political about this thread. Stop blaming boogeymen for everything.
OP is a retard though.

>> No.9588201
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>> No.9588237
File: 1.14 MB, 1608x2448, 1521019356714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sci is leftypol at this point.

>> No.9588311

>provide solid arguments of my own to prove your points wrong? no lol here's some meme drawings

>> No.9588335

This man, in my country he is nothing.

>> No.9588423

>a Deterministic fluke
You could say that about every smart or successful person.

>> No.9588441


>> No.9588453

>four syllables is a big word on /sci/

>> No.9588460

If recognizing the fact that we live in a universe governed by cause and effect inhibits your ability to indulge subjective experiences and appreciations you are actually autistic and a worthless addition to any discourse.

>> No.9588480

>Famous person related to x board dies
>Half-baked "psh" who cares about this guy person anyway! Threads start showing up everywhere
>Look how unique and speshul I am to have such a divergent opinion about a famous person dying
Here's your (you), now get out of here fag

>> No.9588546

I'm curious, what makes you think I browse /pol? And what makes you think OP is from /pol?

>> No.9588580
File: 2.39 MB, 2552x5560, onceuponatimeamerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9588581

Let me give you a quick guide to 4chan
>you disagree with my left-wing views? you're a /pol/tard
>you disagree with my right-wing views? you're a redditor/jew
>you understand that politics aren't necessarily black and white? lol kys fencesitter
Pro-tip never argue politics in this website, it's 100% pointless.

>> No.9588613

Yeah, I understand that. The thing is, politics wasn't even brought up in this thread until >>9587912. When I come to /sci, the last thing I want to read about is /pol and politics. There's a board for that, you know.
OP is a teenager trying to sound deep and intelligent on the internet, that's something that predates /pol, hell it predates 4chan.

>> No.9588650

/pol/ is constantly leaking into other boards, no thread is safe from their bullshit. There's always some underage autist waiting for a chance to call someone a nigger or a jew or a trumptard or a nazi or whatever.

>> No.9588653

Here's your (you).

>> No.9588729

OP, do some research before shitposting

>> No.9589157


I know all I need to know. Hawking and his 'theories' were a busted flush before the end of the 1970s. But don't blame him, blame Determinism, the nihilistic dead end of humanity

>> No.9589200

>The only reason he achieved fame and notoriety was due to his exceptional IQ
u jelly man?

>> No.9589227

This, not to say his contributions weren't great.

>> No.9589256

>Every time
didn't happen with billy, he was too good for hate

>> No.9589266


>> No.9589275

>celebrity dies
>mods sticky a thread and attention whores pretend to care
Every fucking time.

>> No.9589294

Can you name some examples, so I can counter retards saying: "he was the smartest scientist"

>> No.9589328 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 384x384, 5EFF002D-C283-4411-88AF-C1CA76A6B217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comprar esto
Sentirse estafado
Darse cuenta que realmente has sido estafado

>> No.9589407

>OP is a teenager trying to sound deep and intelligent on the internet, that's something that predates /pol, hell it predates 4chan.
OP is just saying "the emperor is naked".
People trying to look smart are the ones who don't know what Hawking did yet worship him flamboyantly. Much like the ones worshipping Bill Nye the engineer guy or Tyson le science black man, although Hawkins was a bit less of a fraud.

>> No.9589414

English, motherfucker, do you speak it? I bet you're Chilean.
Or Uruguayan, which would bring great shame to me in this English-speaking board.

>> No.9589456

>Stephen Hawking is the result of genetic luck

>> No.9589493

>"fuck that guy"

>> No.9589624

"The oyster that sings about its pearl gets it stolen."

-Leonardo Da Vinci.

>> No.9589770

>I'm curious, what makes you think I browse /pol?
Sorry, my mistake.

>> No.9589811

The only counter-point a communist deserves is a 9mm to the back of the head.

>> No.9589833

An accurate example of irony. Thanks.

>> No.9589918

This but post-ironically.

>> No.9589938

>famous person dies
>crossies and redditors invading the threads
Every time. Get the fuck out.

>> No.9590242

Your country is nothing, I bet you're not even anglo.

>> No.9590582

There's plenty of people with high IQ that didn't achieve anything

>> No.9590984

>His so called 'theories' were not his own as they were not the result of his own free will.
>I feel dumber just reading that

with evolution and no God there is no free will
you shouldn't feel dumb but then you can't help it, the universal laws of nature since the big bang caused you to be that way no matter what

>> No.9592374

Hawking Radiation doesn't even exist

Prove me wrong

>> No.9592397


>> No.9592398

>If indeed we do live in a Deterministic universe, as many of you people arrogantly surmise
No scientist who understands QM thinks that.

>> No.9592425

but anon we are the hawking radiation

>> No.9592509

>begins thread talking about steven hawking
>devolves into determinism

>> No.9592517


now a point of view in me grows stronger that wannabe parents should be testes for IQ for government to let em spawn a children. The reason is humanity improvement and not spawning trash like OP

>> No.9592522

Because it was not a faggot like you OP. And even if it was just a cripple he accomplished way more than you ever will.

>> No.9592527


lol last week i was thinking that why isnt he dead yet
so he died and now im sad

>> No.9592577

nice dubs, but who are you quoting?

>> No.9593706

After reading this thread, I feel completely disappointed of /sci/, I don't know what the hell I'm doing in 4chan, this page isn't worth it.

One of the most difficult things in current physics, and a bigger task, is to unite quantum mechanics and relativity; What makes this extremely difficult is gravity, the most difficult force to understand of all, due to how weak it is, it doesn't act at a quantum level and it is very difficult to detect.

Hawkings was the first of all to unite quantum mechanics and relativity, to open the first door to begin this difficult task possible, with the Hawkings Equation, which showed that black holes emit radiation, product of the interaction of the horizon of events and the quantum void.

If you want to know more, just read a damn book, RETARDS

>> No.9593720

I'm happy to live in a universe where it was determined that OP would be BTFO so gloriously.

>> No.9594817

I don't worship him, I don't even care about or know the guy. To me he's like a story book protagonist, but I guess that says a lot because most people aren't.

The books for plebs he wrote were compelling, provoked thought, and were beyond easy to read and understand.

>> No.9594848

The guy in your picture didn't believe in a deterministic universe so what even is your point.

>> No.9596042
File: 22 KB, 285x356, billy herrington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure?
everyone in this website loved this dude