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/sci/ - Science & Math

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958502 No.958502 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/

Since I believe this is the most mature board on 4chan.

Why do we live if we are just going to die. ;_;

>> No.958503

To reproduce.

>> No.958504

Human biology. If we were a logical enough race that surpassed our fight to survive then we would not have survived long enough to evolve to where we are in the first place.

>> No.958512

To make the best of the time we have - and OWN by doing it.We live to experience pleasure and keep the ball rolling.

>> No.958510

Op here, so you guys are implying that until we do reproduce, we will die? So then what is the point of living for sex? That seems rather dumb.

>> No.958516

Technically, yes. I believe we have a deeper, philosophical thingy on our hands here, though. I'd hate to be trapped in a mode of thinking that said that I was just a penis with a wallet.

IMO, to learn. To ask really important questions that have near meaningless answers.

>> No.958515
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to worship the almighty ALLAH of course...

>> No.958521
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>> No.958522

Fuck man, Rugrats was a deep show.

>> No.958525

No. I'm saying that as humans it is not in us to give up living. We live, because if we didn't we would be around not to live.

>> No.958532

i tend to think like this too, i dont like to believe our only function is reproducing for the sake of making sure there is a next generation.

>> No.958533

>implying pic is related

>> No.958538

sounding a bit like the anthropic principle there

>> No.958539

/sci/ what should I do now? I am bored, it is 3 pm here, I am sort of hungry and I have a SCII beta key.

tell me wat to do

>> No.958543

an hero

>> No.958546

Have sex. That is point of living.

And watch Rugrats

>> No.958545

sorry I have to disappoint you, but that's our mere purpose... no learning, no knowing, that is just a biproduct of "reproducing".

>> No.958544

>Since I believe this is the most mature board on 4chan.

It really isn't. All it is is lolitrollu all day everyday.

>Why do we live if we are just going to die. ;_;

I don't see what being a "mature" board has to do with this. The fact is that you should live your life as you want, to its fullest, and make sure you get a good career so you can support yourself and your family. Anyone can tell you that. I know it may be a bit depressing at times, but you can only make the best of things during your stay here.

>> No.958554

Have sex with what? :(
Only thing sexable is my step sister, but she doesn't want to have sex with me.

>> No.958560


>> No.958561

I live in hope of being put in a state of suspended animation until ethics that prevent immortality research are gone.

>> No.958565

Clearly, the by-product has superseded the product in terms of importance.
Natural selection is dead. Evolution moves forward with cognitive abilities.

>> No.958568

That Rugrat's episode on Op's picture was some deep shit.

>> No.958573

wasnt tommys family jewish?

>> No.958584


Here ya go. Rugrat's picture episode.

>> No.958586

No Didi's side of the family was Jewish, the dad was .. whatever.

>> No.958591

whos father was the jew who always talked about "the old country"? was that didi's? i thought it was the dads

>> No.958595

He has a name, dick.

>> No.958619

>watching rugrats on a stream
>realize one episode was a satire on the cold war
>another court-themed episode ends with angelica scream "not the chair! not the chair!", referring to the electric chair
>sexual innuendo everywhere
>realize cartoons will never be as deep as they were back then ;_;

>> No.958626

?? what?

>> No.958639

seriously what is up with the cartoons noadays? They suck balls. No, seriously they suck nigger balls. Not only are they poorly drawn, but the content is nearly nonexisting.

>> No.958656

Because in the great old days, cartoons were made for adults.
With the realization that children will eat whatever shit you give them (I feed my kids dog food, shit is so cash), there's no incentive to try anymore.

>> No.958718
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>Since I believe this is the most mature board on 4chan.

>> No.958722

Op here. Faggot, where else am I supposed to ask this, in /x/? Those freaks will just post alien shit.

>> No.958727

This is the most scientific topic this morning.

>> No.958733
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>most mature board on 4chan.

>> No.958740

why does gravity exist?
why is there pain and suffering?
why do smart girls always date assholes?
why were we born in first world countries during a time of technological boom, when it was way more likely to be born in a shitty-ass third-world country?
why am i posting on 4chan when i have a ten page paper due in 4 hours?

the answer is we don't have a fucking clue. but we do in fact exist, so make the best of it.

>> No.958761

1. dunno
2. why not?
3. bilology
4. because our parents lived here when they fucked
5. because you are lazy

>> No.958765

Life is a journey. If you are not enjoying your life, you are doing it wrong. So go out and do things that make you happy, eat some good food, play video games, etc. Death will happen there is no escaping it, but you will only be dead on one day in your whole life. You still have many more days of life ahead of you.

>> No.958778

Because I'm having fun. If you aren't enjoying your life on a regular basis, then go ahead and kill yourself, but I'm having a good time with life.

>> No.958794

We don't have a fucking clue? Dude you're stupid.

Pain exists because the nerve system evolved to detect any harm done to the body.
Girls date assholes because they impress them.
You were born in a first-world country because that's where your parents live.

>> No.958795 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 15
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 9

>> No.958800
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We're here not to enjoy ourselves.

>> No.958807
File: 89 KB, 500x375, 1273921246870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask myself that same question every day when I wake up in the morning OP

>> No.958808 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 91
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 70

>> No.958813

>when it was way more likely to be born in a shitty-ass third-world country?

but I am born in a shitty third world country and I always ask why I wasn't born in a less shitty one

>> No.958814

Fuck man, Rugrats was a deep show.

>> No.958817

I feel you.

>> No.958819

The truth is that the definition of life, or that which harbors experience, is completely human and arbitrary. Essentially, there is no such thing as life and death.

We see someone die and assume that is the end because we see that with our eyes -- but brothers, when you look up at the sky do you know that as the end of the universe because you cannot actually see past it?

You do not live to die because you are not alive in the first place.

>> No.958830

An immortal, bored with all-mighty power, strips himself of it and fears death for entertainment. God cannot die, and in some respect, this limits his power -- you must consider life as an answer to the paradox.

Life is an answer to a question -- not a question to answer.

>> No.958847

ITT: Fags that don't realize that the odds of time being now instead of some other time in the future is very small.

Life is most likely a game of some sort.

You people really think that billions of years have gone by so that evolved monkeys can sit around on the internet jerking off and posting random shit? Thats fucking crazy.

Yea and conspiracy theories are crazy...? An illogical world supported by a simple logical algorithm to justify it.

>> No.958853

Fuck man this guy speaks truth.

Also, Rugrats is deep shit.

>> No.958860

Your body is in fact a hyperspace-time traveling quantum computing carbon-based automatron.

>> No.958879

whole religion thing makes no fucking sense to me, babies are supposedly born without sin, then they live they're lives and inevitably sin and have to be forgiven and all kinds of shit to get into heaven. Why don't they just fucking kill babies and they automaticly get into heaven eh? makes sense from a stupid religious stand point. Why waste 90 years when you can earn your spot in heaven in 5 minutes, its the christianity of the future!

>> No.958882

Your life is scripted besides small decisions you make. The biggest decisions are if you want to have a child or not, your career choice, and who you decide to screw over. The funny part is that most of that seems automated on 99% of the NPCs in this game.

>> No.958888

To develop a Ghost-Shell so we can live forever in a hyper futurisitic Tokyo and fight crime with big tits.

>> No.960382

Hey I liked that Rugrats episode.

>> No.960796
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were not supposed to know we die, just live life and enjoy it man

>> No.960847

But dude, you are also implying that living a life of happiness is a lie, because death is inevitable.

>> No.960871

Because there's nothing better to do.

>> No.960909 [DELETED] 

To increase disorder.

>> No.960917

To act as a catalyst for the increase of disorder.

>> No.960918
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Amen to that.

>> No.960925


Opposite: To delay development of entropy.

>> No.960936


What? Life acts as a system that increases the disorder around it while decreasing the disorder in itself. Effectively it increases net entropy and catalyzes reactions that cause an increase in net entropy.

>> No.960938

lrn to physics dumbshit

>> No.960948


I have been shown who's the boss.

>> No.960951
File: 125 KB, 500x367, I-dunno-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ask us, ask a philosopher

>> No.960956

I dunno, OP... I dunno...
I ask myself the same question over and over again

>> No.960958

what are you, 16? Leave existentialism to the philosophers. Fuck, we have a hard enough time figuring out the mechanisms in which life potentially occurred from basic chemical replication systems in natural surroundings.

And in /sci/, the HOW more often than not is the WHY.

>> No.960961

Why do you wipe your ass if you're just gonna shit again tomorrow? Because smelling like shit sucks.

>> No.960971

The meaning of life is to not want to kill yourself

>> No.961000

The meaning of life is defined by the organism. So tell me OP, why do you live?

I believe the meaning of life itself, not my life, is to spread (reproduce), and to be fucking happy, experience pleasure, etc.

However you may accomplish these means may vary, perhaps your source of happiness is knowledge, perhaps you prefer simpler means of life, it could be anything.

>> No.961024

Oh and by the way the name of the new super computer is called earth

>> No.961029

We live to have grow up, make contributions to the world, have offspring and then die.

>> No.961047

Go read The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

>> No.961083

This is more philosophy and religion than science. The best scientific answer is >>958503

>> No.961085

It opens with
"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide."

>> No.961121

>Why do we live if we are just going to die. ;_;

because we can.

>> No.961144

Well all organisms and different personalities seem to serve a purpose in life
So I guess even though we don't know exactly what that purpose of that is, we're doing our part.

>> No.961177
File: 17 KB, 473x344, DillPickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stu, what are you doing?
>Making chocolate pudding
Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding at 4:00am?
>Because my life is a failure.

>> No.961184

fuck you

>> No.961253

to reproduce

>> No.961303

Life exists to create the ultimate lifeform, a God, if you will. We are stepping stones on that path.