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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 127 KB, 1280x720, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9577634 No.9577634 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /sci/, What does this image tell you?

>> No.9577642


places where Norwegians settled has higher IQs

>> No.9577650

That the average state IQ is much higher than expected despite the U.S. acting retarded in education and politics.

>> No.9577651

Pretty sure Wisconsin is mostly German if anything

My family is Italian and from Wisconsin tho

>> No.9577659

Germanics are superior

>> No.9577665

>no difference greater than 15 points
The images tells me we're all pretty much equal

>> No.9577666

and these numbers come from?

>> No.9577670

Northerners are more industrious

>> No.9577676

if there was a threshold for intelligence on voting Donald Drumpf would have lost

>> No.9577677

ahh yes, texas. kansas and iowa, famous Norwegian colonies

>> No.9577688 [DELETED] 

States which are richer and or have a functioning school system score better than states which have neither?

>> No.9577706

your so fucking stupid

>> No.9577709

>>9577634 (OP)
States which have a high gdp per capita and/or have a functioning school system score better than states which have neither?

>> No.9577718

States with more mexicans are the more retarded ones.

>> No.9577729

It's undeniable that there is a relationship between race and iq. People of darker skin in general have lower iq's. The "is" argument is clear.

However, from a philosophy perspective the "ought" argument is separate from the "is" argument. /Sci just concerns "is" argument, come to /his or /lit to discuss the other piece.

>> No.9577744

More or less nothing, I'm afraid, without controlling for income and education levels for starters.

>> No.9577890

I dream of the day California sinks into the ocean...

>> No.9578431

That Texas is a surprisingly gigantic outlier in average IQ despite their racial demographics and it’s well worth exploring the reason why.

>> No.9578449

blacks + mexicans = brainlet

>> No.9578459
File: 90 KB, 1014x1050, Mutt Genome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9577634 >>9578449
States with more ameriwhites and less amerimutts have higher IQ
El Goblino, La Creatura & El Ogro del las Americas

>> No.9578469
File: 384 KB, 1024x1007, amerimutt whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ inversely correlates with the amount of
Blacks, Beaners and

Obesity ... The fat Amerimutt landwhales, dweller of Mc Donalds and Wall marts

>> No.9578477

Not science, sorry. Iq and race are pseudoscience.

>> No.9578478

It tells me there is no relation between IQ amd race there are only socioeconomic differences, check your fucking privilege, just because there is data to suggest this does not mean there is a causal link, fucking white male

>> No.9578479
File: 144 KB, 1018x757, ancestry_distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9578502

Despite its reputation as being a harsh brutal conservative state, it’s education system is actually geared more towards assisting the disadvantaged than fostering the elite like California. Bush’s “No child left behind” policy that was so unpopular when he tried to employ it federally actually worked wonders for closing the average divide between white and hispanic test scores in Texas when he was governor.

>> No.9578520
File: 3.89 MB, 7129x3833, E346DA37-11B9-4BDD-83DF-ADDF93E683EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people STILL insist on posting this outdated map when there’s been a more accurate one out for a long time now based on the 2010 census.

>> No.9578526

The muttening of america.

>> No.9578603

Less than that. The graph clearly indicates an average IQ of 100 +/- 4 IQ points. A standard deviation of 4% is nothing.

Canadians, on the other hand, must be geniuses.

>> No.9578656

Question that may be off topic if someone is say English,Welsh Scottish and Irish can that person just say they are British or would that be inaccurate?

>> No.9578666


Low iq detected

Blame mestizos you dumb nigger

Why should a hispanic of spanish blood be blamed for the shortcomings of those with aztec blood?

>> No.9578668

>Mexican or Spanish

Why are spaniards lumped with mexicans

I'm spanish and I don't have anything in common with mexicans

>> No.9578701

do you know what a std dev is, nigger?

>> No.9578724

>I'm spanish and I don't have anything in common with mexicans
You have at least half of genes in common.
Latin America is the Spain's bastard kids

Mexicans descend from Mayas and Aztec girls raped by Spaniards colonizers.

>> No.9578728

What's the uncertainty (STD, IQR, whatever) on each mean I assume it's the mean.

>> No.9578731
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, 1_Bd2N9abTYdld64d_RIgvbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I care about in this image is

C a l i f o r n i a
i s
f u l l
o f
p s e u d s
c o n f i r m e d

(pic unrelated because it's not true)

>> No.9578748

Spaniards are such a tiny percentage of the US population, there’s no reason to include an option.

>> No.9578751

that Harvard is in Massachusetts

>> No.9578765

California (IQ 95.5) has the 3rd lowest IQ in USA after Louisiana (IQ 95.3) and Missouri (IQ 95.2)

California, #1 in marijuana usage, largest SJW population, most leftist communist state, #1 in illegal immigration from Mexico.

That makes you think

>> No.9578786

nigger where is your source. How are you faggots even replying with anything more then jokes when it could just be made up.

>> No.9578793

California, the most liberal state, happens to be the stupidest.

>> No.9578804

Massachusetts is the 2nd most liberal state, it happens to be the smartest.

>> No.9578814

Yeah think of the amount of hispanics taking down cali's iq

>> No.9578817
File: 16 KB, 272x331, gallup1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually its not

>> No.9578821

Excluding the Neutral Fags that don't vote, California leans heavily to left.

>> No.9578826

Incest makes you retarded

>> No.9578846

Not to defend the Left Coast, but MS and LA managed to be slightly lower.

>> No.9578858

First map Google returns is the 2000 map. The more it gets posted, the higher in the results it appears. It's a self reinforcing cycle.

>> No.9578863

I wasn't arguing if it leaned heavily to the left or not

>> No.9578866
File: 163 KB, 950x766, map of blacks in usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to defend the Left Coast, but MS and LA managed to be slightly lower.

I "wonder" why.
Pic related.

>> No.9578955

It has nothing to do with ethnicity.
It's because we are shut in for 6 months out of the year because of weather.
Why do you think all the money making TV shows air in the winter...
Also summer already?
The rest of the time we >>>/vg/catalog and when that gets old (or we age past 22) all we have is >>>/diy/catalog or >>>/lit/catalog or this shitboard.
source: IA through 25, settled in SD.
I wish I could >>>/out/ 365...

>> No.9578984

>That makes you think
that seemingly correlated yet random ass population qualities that make you personally uncomfortable must be the cause of lower average IQ?
This board complains about lefties so goddamned much you might as well be the new SJWs.

>> No.9579001

Excluding the data points that make my assertions a crock of shit my conclusion still stands.

>> No.9579034

that is a chart showing red states have higher IQ than blue states, liberal snowflakes BTFO

>> No.9579040

Pretty sure the map shows that green states have higher IQs than white states. You can't just make up data.

>> No.9579045

>being dense

>> No.9579060

>Being this colorblind.

>> No.9579063

There are two regions with very large populations that have a <100 IQ on this map, and they hold opposing political views. Really makes you think.

>> No.9579075

>pretending to be an airhead
>thinking it makes you look smart
>actually just makes you look like an air head

>> No.9579076

>I can say stupid shit with no basis but when you say other stupid shit back to me you are the dumb one.

>> No.9579078

It tells me whoever made this is either from lousiana or california since IQ isn't segmented into tenths.

>> No.9579081

What the fuck kind of scale is that? Light blue goes from ~1/8th to 1/2

>> No.9579084

>get a political map
>compare red states and blue states to this map

saying I have no basis makes you actually look retarded now.

>> No.9579087

Who said that anon feels uncomfortable? I think you feel uncomfortable about the possible correlation so you need to come defend the integrity of california.

>> No.9579091

WOW there are some really blue areas with high IQ and some really red areas with High iq and then there are some really red areas with low IQ and some really blue areas with low IQ I haven't quantified anything yet so lets just say redfags btfo and be done with it.

>> No.9579092
File: 54 KB, 680x380, 17zpe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most liberal state is only as smart as the state full of niggers

>> No.9579099

>getting this triggered when you lose
> ;)

>> No.9579108

There's a lot of complex things. You can't reduce it down to a single factor. Things like population, population density, poverty, etc can all factor into a map like this.

Most of the obvious bait explanations can be dismissed immediately. West Virginia is one of the whitest states in the country, but look at its score. In the south, Georgia has the highest black population, but it's higher than Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana. Florida also has a significant Hispanic population.

I know for one thing Minnesota has a very large liberal population in the twin cities and the surrounding hub cities.

>> No.9579109

>never loosing because you don't even know how to play
I guess a child's mind really is blissful.

>> No.9579112

>child's mind

>> No.9579122

OH man you really got me there I guess I'll just leave the internet forever.

>> No.9579135

good riddance, my work here is done.

>> No.9579139

Good, maybe you'll be inspired to read a book and learn how to use an apostrophe

>> No.9579355

>child's mind
how is this wrong?

>> No.9579475

>What does this image tell you?
... tells me California, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are full of a lot of stupid shits.

>> No.9579478

traps are gay

>> No.9579632

That might be true on an individual basis but tenths would naturally result from calculating the average value and rounding.

>> No.9579636

>Georgia has the highest black population,
Only in absolute numbers but not by percentage, which is what is important here.

>> No.9579797

>highest density of Asians in the US
>greatest tier universities
>that low of an IQ

how? is it all the illegals?

>> No.9579799
File: 123 KB, 1006x640, 8Gku3jP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9580009

majority mexican state...

>> No.9580454
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is an extremely valid question. No one ever asks where the so-called IQ stats come from. Here is a picture of the IQ based on majors. As we can see they do not even administer IQ tests to anyone. All they do is extrapolate IQ based on SAT scores. It's fucking stupid.

So yes please do tell us where these IQ numbers came from

>> No.9580464


>> No.9580473

What's /pol/ about that post?

>> No.9580475

Texas is basically gunblazing rednecks and cowboys building robots and neural tech.

Another win for Texas

>> No.9580481

What's a matter, math too hard for you, white boy? Or were you triggered because you aren't the special snowflake your momma said you were?

>> No.9580492

/pol/ larper detected.

>> No.9580496

Greek and german from Wisconsin. I love it here

>> No.9580512

Nice dodge of the question. With an ad hominem thrown in for good measure.

Why do you think that Virginia, a former Confederate state with a large black population, has an average IQ of 101?

Hint: IQ correlates to income and education level, NOT skin tone.

>> No.9580529

That Texas would be much much higher if not for the mexican hordes in the south.

>> No.9580537

I like this so euros can see that all the nigs stayed South after slavery. That "evil white redneck" Mississippi is really mostly black. ANd That The USA has much more german blood then Limy

>> No.9580549

The colors only represent the highest ancestry per county. You can change the boundary levels to manipulate the results. Mississippi is 59% white, 37% black.

>> No.9580553

IQ has nothing to do with skin tone but with race.

>> No.9580566

Dark skin is beautiful. Niggers are not.

>> No.9580595

That liberalism deceives both duller and brighter people.

>> No.9580601

>All they do is extrapolate IQ based on SAT scores. It's fucking stupid.
It´s an empirically accurate extrapolation, retard. The correlation of ASVAB (a thinly veiled IQ-test) and SAT/ACT scores is tremendous.

>> No.9580604

> IQ correlates to income and education level, NOT skin tone.
High income and educational achievement correlates with a lighter skin tone.

>> No.9580648

Because skin tone correlates with race. But skin tone per se has nothing to do with IQ.

>> No.9580761

What is an average

>> No.9581021

Massachusetts master race reporting in

>> No.9581029

>tech companies are in california
>california IQ is only as much as the state full of tech illiterate french africans
Really explains a lot.

>> No.9581033

50% Mexican beaners
3% East asian

>> No.9581034

astronomy > math
mathfags btfo

>> No.9581037

Spot on observation m8

>> No.9581038
File: 497 KB, 1969x3336, Florida Amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le *56% Anglo-Mexican
La Creatura

>> No.9581052

If flyovers are so smart, why aren't they successful?

>> No.9581054

That's just the % that votes hard left every time. They arguably have the leftist of left policies (in the US (before that starts a tangent))

>> No.9581060

because smarter people are less successful
they don't care about fame or fortune

>> No.9581150

Fun fact: the busiest airport in the world is in a "flyover" state. Might be time to rethink that terminology.

>> No.9581174
File: 212 KB, 734x489, 1520697875258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ur as cool as apples

>> No.9581190
File: 167 KB, 621x778, Google who is smarter liberals or conservatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That your data is false.

>> No.9581232 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 530x465, Wife&#039;s son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politically biased


>> No.9581239
File: 212 KB, 710x720, Wife&#039;s kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politically biased



>> No.9581244
File: 163 KB, 524x465, Wife&#039;s son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politically biased


>> No.9581248

>your so fucking stupid
The hypocrisy.

>> No.9581253

>adopted black kids

>> No.9581259
File: 44 KB, 650x400, Wife&#039;s triplets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming out from wife's vagina >>9581239

>> No.9581267

These and only these

>> No.9581525

He looks Portuguese.

>> No.9581548

interstate brain drain i would assume

>> No.9581561

>This past Sunday, my gorgeous wife – a white evangelical, like me — gave birth to our beautiful African-American triplet daughters whom we adopted as embryos.

>> No.9581617
File: 13 KB, 480x270, very angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581622

this cuck thing doesn't make any sense
so if your child turned black because of a witch doctor's magic you would kill them?

>> No.9581629


>> No.9582290

It's extremely unrigorous, just in case you needed any evidence that IQ is a pseudo science. The same very smart IQ "scientists" also extrapolated (read pulled out of their ass) IQs for all the US presidents beginning with Washington. No SAT scares back then either.

>> No.9582431

Proportion of blacks in a state

>> No.9582437
File: 283 KB, 1360x569, 1509815033506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity must be destroyed.

>> No.9583295

They're also full of a lot of blacks and hispanics.

>> No.9583297

Then explain New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada which have next to no blacks.

>> No.9583352

While a lot of that is idiotic indeed, California's biggest problem is its absolute garbage public school system.

>> No.9583364

>California has one of the lowest IQs
Can't say that i'm suprised.

>> No.9583365 [DELETED] 

you spell cuckolding wrong faggot. those beautiful black babies are laughing at you.

>> No.9583371

you spelled cuckolding wrong faggot. those beautiful black babies are laughing at you.

>> No.9583375
File: 27 KB, 800x457, iq1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread tells me that people will believe anything you show them, and sources don't matter

>> No.9583381
File: 114 KB, 400x309, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Les Français are the smartest
Germans are bunch of low IQ retards

>> No.9583414

CA has Stanford, UC Berkeley, Silicon Valley, Cal Tech, UCLA, JPL and SpaceX. But, IQ is lower than Kentucky and Tennessee? LMFAO

>> No.9583428
File: 175 KB, 824x1350, rating - false.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey check it out I can post fake news too.

>> No.9583501

This image has to be fake as hell. Connecticut 113? Mississippi at 85? That's lower than the average black IQ.

>> No.9583514

California btfo

>> No.9583572

higher population density means more people means more dumbassery per capita at an essentialy unnoticeable range

>> No.9583607

>mfw nj higher than ny

>> No.9583631

The average "i hate Trump" libtard doesn't even know who Angela Merkel is

>> No.9583710


this board is /pol/

kys faggot

>> No.9583712
File: 469 KB, 995x1183, IQ-light._Design_by_Holger_Strøm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ stands for “Interlocking Quadrilaterals”

>> No.9583754

Based New England

>> No.9583832
File: 34 KB, 333x499, 41bcXEMLAUL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not falling for this bait anymore

>> No.9583851
File: 454 KB, 1200x630, george_carlin_34256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But I will indeed enjoy watching 1.4 Billion Chinese eating America apart as it disintegrates due to the decline in average IQ, the clock is ticking and let me tell you folks I have a front row seat, it's going to be tremendous.

>> No.9583910
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1515427009509s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9585602

blacks and mexicans have lower IQs than europeans

>> No.9585667

Richard Flynn doesn't count, he is a known white supremacist who inflated the scores of Asian nations and used retarded European children for the scores of sub-Saharan Africa.

>> No.9585674

where there’s no blacks

>> No.9585693

Christcuck states and degenerate beer and drug loving states are full of idiots who knew

>> No.9585723


>> No.9585823

coincidentally also the states with the highest rates of blacks and immigrants...

>> No.9585932


States with lots of spics and niggers tend to have lower average IQs. No surprise there.

>> No.9586106

Cooler temps allow for better overclocking. Gosh, don't you guys know this?

>> No.9586144

I live in ND desu, people are not that smart here
They drink their livers away and die in car accidents

>> No.9586632
File: 285 KB, 1024x668, 9uO5eZA9V6D1dAJLA849eo87LTwy6ldipeqEOz-7dpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, OP. What does this image tell you?

>> No.9586837

don't recall there being a "montanium" or "minnesotium", but i know of livermorium, berkelium, seaborgium and californium all hailing from 95.5 IQ commiefornia.

>> No.9586886

Moynihan's law of the Canadian border
>When it comes to family arrangements, the United States has a North-South divide. Children growing up across much of the northern part of the country are much more likely to grow up with two parents than children across the South.
>It’s not just a red-blue political divide, either. There is a kind of two-parent arc that starts in the West in Utah, runs up through the Dakotas and Minnesota and then down into New England and New Jersey. It encompasses both the conservative Mountain West and the liberal Northeast.
>Single-parent families, by contrast, are most common in a Southern arc beginning in Nevada, and extending through New Mexico, Oklahoma and the Deep South before coming up through Appalachia into West Virginia.

>> No.9586963

If you don't accept the few modern scientific studies that have been done on the subject, I can only answer around the question

It's a hypothesis, like any other, and it seems majorly consistent with the way the world has turned out.

We don't see a single Subsaharan African country that isn't in perpetual crisis, with two historical exceptions (Rhodesia and South Africa) both of which were run by Europeans.

We can look at every single country with black minorities, and see that they fall short off their european counterparts in nearly every available metric. Be it income, test scores, grades, single motherhood rate, drop out rate, crime rate, et cetera. Moreover, we can begin to eliminate income as the responsible variable by cross comparing their relative crime rates/dropout rates/single motherhood rates, etc, with those of low income white/asian areas, which have markedly lower instance rates of all of those fields.

We can look at extremely interesting isolated examples, such as Haiti/Domican Republic, which are both on the same island, but the side with white admixture (the Dominican Republic) is livible, while the former is a failed state in literally every metric.

Moreover, I could make a logical step argument

1) We know with certainty that intelligence is genetically heritable

2) We know with certainty that racial groups are more closely related to in-group members than those of out-groups

3) ergo, we can infer at least some correlation of racial intelligence gap between the races. It would be mathematically extremely unlikely that it wasn't the case that these groups were all different, just as it would be extremely mathematically unlikely that the sampled IQs of different families were all the same.

Further more, it would be kind of rediculous to assume that the IQs of each racial group would be the same, given that they evolved for an untold amount of time in different climates, geographies and cultures. Comment too long to go on

>> No.9586977
File: 61 KB, 685x474, OP-scientists_say02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does this image tell you?

It tells a lot about you.

>> No.9586985

You certain? I don't have the delegate map memorized, but I think that if you drew the line at 100 IQ, ignoring which population groups that would effect, there are more red states above that line than blue ones

>> No.9587550
File: 495 KB, 814x960, 1501811811296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mexicans making their way to Washington

Hispanic president when?

>> No.9587583


I like how this entire post hinges on pretending Nigeria doesn't exist, isn't the biggest economy in the entire continent and doesn't have the highest academic scoring immigrants verified by both U.S. and British college statistics from said continent.

>> No.9587590

that i must feel lucky im didnt born in america, lived, or have plans of moving there.

>> No.9587601
File: 72 KB, 616x400, cruzrubiotrump75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were close amigo

>> No.9587764

nigeria has the biggest economy because of its huge population, don't be silly

>> No.9587770

White privilege

>> No.9587790
File: 719 KB, 1564x996, 1514606984249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should give Mexico back the land we took from them.

>> No.9587910


And that takes away from it outperforming the rest of the entire continent how? The fact is South Africa was Europe's horse in the race in terms of economic push in Africa, cooking laws to favor trade with the EU directly and it got bested by Nigeria. This doesn't even include the fact Nigeria bested Egypt despite having oil rich neighbors next door and a much better foundation for development and trade.

>> No.9587973

>And that takes away from it outperforming the rest of the entire continent how?
Greater population = greater GDP
That should be obvious to you if you know what GDP actually is.
How does it fare if you account for population, not nearly as well indeed.

>> No.9588136

iq is the most rigorous construct in psychology, compared to what is it pseudoscience?

>> No.9588457


>Greater population = greater GDP

Not always true, If you compare by neighboring countries within the general region.

Netherlands has equal if not better GDP than Poland.
Japan has better GDP than Russia.
Israel has a better GDP than Syria or Jordan.
Qatar has better GDP than Yemen or Oman.

>> No.9588541

I'm a brainlet from a brainlet state

>> No.9588810

How does Nigeria compare to Botswana in per capita GDP?

>> No.9588842

It tells me that the average I.Q. of a state does not correlate with the percentage of workers in that state that are employed in the technology sector.

>> No.9588868


Blacks thought, are the SUPERIOR species of homo due to their MASSIVE size and musculature, not to mention their near-super human speed.

>> No.9589192

Don't worry, they're number 1 in Ebony.

>> No.9589264

not Utah, Mormons are great Americans

>> No.9589269


>> No.9590274

>I like how this entire post hinges on pretending Nigeria doesn't exist

it does?

intelligence being heritable pretends that nigeria doesn't exist?

moreover, you think nigeria is an economic powerhouse?

it has a GDP per capita of 2,100 dollars

that's 2,100 dollars a year for the average man of Nigeria

quite the powerhouse, eh?

>> No.9590284

do you fucking know what GDP is?

if I have a country with 5 people, each of which earns 10 dollars a year, my country will have a GDP of 50 dollars

if I have a country of 5,000,000 people, each of which earns 10 dollars, my country's GPD will be 50,000,000 dollars

Nigeria has the third largest population in the world you fucking nitwit, do the math yourself, they're not impressing anyone, it's a goddamn shithole that happens to have more people than any of the other shitholes

>> No.9591699

'you're gonna be stroking your cock til it's raw and nothing will happen

china has a gdp per capita of 8000-16000 by our estimates, and guess who's buying all their shit

if america collapses, china is absolutely fucked

>> No.9591726


The standard deviation of IQ tests is more than the difference among states. Plus, most people don't take IQ tests past childhood, which doesn't remain consistent in adulthood.

>> No.9591748
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, nash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is the 3rd most populous country, not Nigeria. Unless you are calling the U.S. Nigeria because it has a lot of niggers.

>> No.9591752

That I was born and raised in the best state.

>> No.9592309

Given the mental ability of the president of the considered country, this image presents numbers greatly overrated.

>> No.9592614


compared to physical science, IQ is pseud trash.

>> No.9592959

mississipi is 37% african, iq should be lower.

>> No.9592963

cold places = smart people

>> No.9592965

That I live in a pretty intelligent place (NH), one of the lowest murder rates here too...

>> No.9592972
File: 93 KB, 638x479, 36% replication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9588136 >>9582290 >>9580601 >>9580454 >>9592614
IQ is one of few areas of Psychology that replicate

>> No.9593042


No, believing in environmental determinism is pseudoscience yet its the most popular belief among leftists twats like you who scream buzzwords at things you don't like to hear. Fuck off.

>> No.9593264

Neither does the average Trump Voter

>> No.9593266

California really is weighing the rest of the US down

>> No.9593274


I know you're trying to make a point, but come on.

>> No.9593284

sounds like your country is a fucking retardedhole