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9568999 No.9568999 [Reply] [Original]

My mom thinks that a fucking project in Computer Science (a class I don't even need to graduate) is something that I actually needed to do.
She's fucking pissed boyos. She's not even paying for my education (yet) and I'm about to get fucking yelled at for something that has 0 impact on me??
What do I say to get out of this one with only minor injuries

>> No.9569028

Can you financially support yourself? If yes tell her to make like an Indian and take a dump in the street. If no then try to become self sufficient as soon as possible to free yourself from her hysterical and nonsensical whims.

>> No.9569032

Listen to your mom, anon

>> No.9569053

Skip seed planting day at school.

>> No.9569058

Why do you care what your mom thinks? You're an adult, your education is your business.

>> No.9569067

>Divorced parents
>Live with mother the entire time
I've become emotionally dependent. Already seeing a counselor about how I think everything in life revolves around my fucking mother.
I don't know what to do with this shit, this could be the end of it though.
Trying to man up her and end this bullshit.
She might even try to take my phone and computer away, both of which I payed for with my own money that I worked for because I keep the comp in her house and I'm still on her phone plan (just because it's cheaper than having 2 seperate ones).
I'm losing it guys

>> No.9569090

Explain to her that getting good with computers will benefit you largely in the future, that it's for your future sake. If she is still mad, use net cafe, if still no use then move the fuck out of the house as soon as possible.

>> No.9569110

Never post again faggot. Last warning.

>> No.9569151

Hey, are you actually in college? Your mommy can't see your grades. It's literally illegal for her to do that unless you give your professors explicit permission to communicate with her. Now, you wouldn't do that unless she was paying, would you?

>> No.9569155

Give her the dick, she's clearly obsessed with you and wants your seed.

>> No.9569163

Wtf are you going to do to me dumbass I don't even know you. Stop gatekeeping bro and ignore the post if you think I'm autistic.

She'll be paying in 2 semesters using the GI bill so I wasn't exactly in a position to decline the request seeing as I don't have a good enough job to pay for college and keep up hobbies.

>> No.9569170

It's just one fucking class stop being a baby and take it if your mom is helping pay for your college jesus fuck. I go to a liberal arts college and I've had to take so many bullshit required classes its ridiculous.

>> No.9569202
File: 189 KB, 417x273, TRINITY_+________g86khjgq23543oiui3642ddd1949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think everything in life revolves around my fucking mother.

>If she's the one who stole your inheritance
>she has a tunnel from her bathroom to her secret basement, the one that led to "Hillary's secret server" being located first in a bathroom and then later in the basement
>she's been asking you your whole life "Would you think it was crazy if I was really a spy"
>if you're the smartest person in the world and you know you got those smart genes from somewhere
>if you are very empathetic and you can feel the latent malice dripping off everything she does
>if etc
>sometimes mom is crazy
>sometimes she's a killer
>sometimes you say you recognize the alien from The Arrival as the back of your mother's hand and then she amputates her arm
>sometimes your maternal grandfather Solomon was a prominent figure in the Knights of Solomon and your mom promised him to raise the boy " as a Jew" but she doesn't do it the way he meant it when he made her promise

>> No.9569213

where the fuck is your father, faggot

>> No.9569218


>if you cut off contact with her and then, along a completely unrelated line of paranoid schizophrenia you start talking shit about Scientology and then like 15 minutes you get an email from her saying, "I'm sorry you've decided to estrange yourself from your family"
>if David Miscavige's son is one of the egotistical douche bags that comes to your gym "Ryan Aiken"

>> No.9569238
File: 557 KB, 245x250, MulderTheory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know him. Just like Helene was always saying, "What if I was really a spy" whenever Joe saw a problem he would say, "Just drill one little hole in his head."
>I don't know Joe well
>I do know Helene VERY WELL
I tried to visit Joe a few times recently. He had a body double fill in for him, that can't bode well for him or his people. Also, Joe's google+ avatar is not the Joe I know. That's some shoop chimera designed to obfuscate between him and his body doubles. Also, Joe used to take us to summer vacation in Durango, CO which is very near Dulce Base, NM where they have the underground reptiles

>> No.9569244
File: 389 KB, 614x934, TRINITY_BONA_FIDES_762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory HELENE+JOE