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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 220x303, 220px-GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9566219 No.9566219 [Reply] [Original]

Was the secret to his bloody frightening IQ really semen retention?

>> No.9566242

how did he invent fluid mechanics without watching his sperm fly through the air like an apple?

>> No.9566244

He must have been hit on the head with it somehow.

>> No.9566246

he's proof that applied math is God tier
fuck I wanna be like him but I'm too stupid
curse my shit skin and bullshit upbringing

>> No.9566250

If you can get to that mans level you need no validation from anyone else except yourself.

>> No.9566269

Thanks senpai that really means a lot you have no idea

>> No.9566291

pro tip: newton probably had 165 IQ and people who fantasize about "muh 190" are brainlets who can't properly fathom true intelligence, let alone assign it to others.

Low hanging fruits are a thing, you know.

>> No.9566296

bruh even if you're trolling that shit is true
Newton was fucking animal
I honestly rate him higher than Archimedes
Archimedes is impressive for his time but not in general, Newton was so fucking smart.
Einstein's my favourite though because even though he's mainstream he's mainstream for a reason. He invented modern physics. And you now what's more fundamental than physics?


>> No.9566312

The guy lost a lot of money in a bubble and was deeply religious so I don't think he was all that smart, all things considered.

>> No.9566321

ik freud and stevie jobs did it too

>> No.9566348

He's proof that humans up to even the 99.9th percentile are brainlets. Calculus is a nifty trick but it should have been common knowledge for thousands of years. Gravity.. Holy shit man that thing that's been around since the dawn of time actually needed discovery? The basic laws of physics are also pretty fuckin clear.

>> No.9566351

That's like breakfast for Newton. He did way more shit than that.
Archimedes invented calculus, it's not that hard.

>> No.9566680
File: 31 KB, 600x721, 1507787013267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inventing a whole new branch of mathematics isn't hard
I would love to watch you invent basic geometry or algebra a few thousand years ago.
Ya it might be "easy" to do now but to literally develop an area of mathematics from scratch is a completely different level

>> No.9566691


t. biggest brainlets ive seen today

>> No.9566715
File: 46 KB, 764x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah being worried about a number that represents the number of piece of papers you have and wasting your life running after it is a sign of intelligence and according to your logic he wasn't that smart because he figured out that he would rather dedicate his life to a subject he loved/was insterested instead of wasting his time running after money

>> No.9566742

I actually doubt it was because of his high IQ. IQ just measures how good you are logical thinking, pattern recognition, etc. This dude had some god-tier scientific intuition. You can't measure that, nor learn that. You are just born with that. He kind of just knew what's the next step.

>> No.9566768

8/10 bait actually made me slightly upset

>> No.9566770

>Low hanging fruits

>> No.9566781

Sometimes I think that men like Archimedes, Euclid, Descartes, and Newton were used by God just to advance humanity in a certain direction.

>> No.9566810

meh, it's easy and did it many times as a child, just to find out it already had been done.
low hanging fruit

>> No.9566816

This. The closest thing we have is Nash with certain forms of Game Theory. And Nash Equilibrium is simple as fuck. How could no one think of it before? Because it is hard as fuck to come up with something new.

>> No.9566832

he was most likely gay, so no

>> No.9566851

Yeah, it's like we are moving too sluggish to fulfill a certain schedule so we need to get a little push every now and then. I honestly feel the same about Elon Musk.

>> No.9566886

if newton was alive today he would be the ultimate wizard browsing 4chan, destroying everyone who had a scientific opinion

>> No.9566892


>> No.9566907

>feel the same way about elon musk
kek hyperloop was GOD's idea everyone

>> No.9566928

please be bait

>> No.9566938

Money correlates with iq

>> No.9566941

Elite tier shitposting

>> No.9566969

this is how usually broke and low minded people think but the truth is that money is just a way to make people waste their time instead of focusing on the true questions of the universe such as why are we on earth, how can we explore the universe etc....

a lot of scientists were poor and im pretty sure they had high iq and couldve made a lot of money if they wanted, eg grothendieck, erdos, tesla....

>> No.9567043

What have you've done with your life

>> No.9567139

If that was true, an insanely uptight religious nut would've developed a more accurate theory of everything by now.
Genius is just a lottery won when an individual is born with just the right genetics and just the right amount of nurture and benign neglect.

>> No.9567144

Newton was definitely one of the most intelligent men to ever walk the face of earth and very few men in all of human history will be able to come even close without hardcore genetic engineering.

>> No.9567163


This. I literally thought the exact same thing. /sci/ virgins BTFO.

>> No.9567290
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-you-are-what-you-do-not-what-you-say-you-ll-do-carl-jung-34-43-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a greentext rundown on this guy.

>> No.9567397

I think he invented a light switch or someyhing

>> No.9567528

Most underrated post on this board

>> No.9567576

>And you now what's more fundamental than physics?

>> No.9567581

You don't get any respect for lying on 4chan.

>> No.9567583

This. The shitposting in this thread actually got me a little upset.

>> No.9567589

>And you now what's more fundamental than physics?

>> No.9567752

Not lying. If your IQ isn't high enough to have dabbled in some scientific ingenuity during youth then you're a relatively uncommon breed on this board. In fact I'd wager many people living today are at least as intelligent as Newton, there are simply less low hanging fruit to pick like gravity and thus a perceived lack of prominence. I have zero qualms about stating I'm probably more intelligent than Newton, as I intuited the laws of gravity long before I could even read, and many of my intelligent friends report similar experiences.

>> No.9567759

Average IQ has increased since Newton's day, and there are certainly fewer low hanging fruits, but you need to check your ego. If you can independently reinvent calculus by your mid twenties, then maybe you'd have a leg to stand on.

>> No.9567947

There is no low hanging fruit, if you were born 400 years earlier you would complain that all the low hanging fruit is already grabbed while somebody like Newton would revolutionize several fields of science.

>> No.9567958

>semen retention?
No, it's because he didn't gave a fuck about anything and loved what he was doing

And he used to have a GF, but I think he got a high IQ because his parents were cousins.

>> No.9567967

yeah sure its all about understanding a specific idea until u say its easy to find it

>> No.9567968

uhh i hate that stupid post

>> No.9567974

Why? Dude if you want a super smart pure race son you have to marry your cousin.

Even Albert Einstein did it

>> No.9568288

>and he was deeply religious
>not a sign of intelligence
brainlets never learn

>> No.9568296

It was Arianism though.

>> No.9568310

my bad never mind, lmao

>> No.9568382

Hyperloopbeing a terrible idea aside, you dont think Elon Musk is advancing the human race by significant leaps and bounds? The only people who dont see him as the most important man alive today are contrarian edgelords. He is the biggest influence on us becoming an interplanetary species by far. He may not have Newtonian levels of raw intelligence but he has advanced the human race more than anyone else in recent history, and hes not done yet.

>> No.9568790
File: 2.67 MB, 1200x1529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget Newton. This guy was the real GOAT

>> No.9569075
File: 332 KB, 878x1280, newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9569148

Pardon my ignorance but who is he?

>> No.9569174

That's Gauss.

>> No.9570339

nice one

>> No.9571262

That's pretty good

>> No.9571277


no he was just lucky to be the only non-brainlet surrounded by brainlets at a time when the population was low and nobody discovered anything important yet.

if you and I were born in his time under his circumstances we could have probably discovered most of the shit he did.

>> No.9572743
File: 42 KB, 544x499, checkemwreckemrobots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9573454

Sir Isaac Newton. Clever guy, really. Although he did believe with absolute certainty that Jesus Christ sat above the earth and operated the levers of gravity personally.
So, who knows. Maybe not all that clever after all.

>> No.9573531
File: 215 KB, 1888x1072, a376aed2f40c3123_markwahlberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at dubs in a low traffic board

>> No.9573549

>being a tripfag

>> No.9573566

an indian invented the number 0

>> No.9573611

160 is the highest on any current legitimate test. Scores above that aren't measured because they don't provide any insight that a score of 160 doesn't already. No one's going to care that you're in the 99.99999th percentile and not the 99.9999999th.

>> No.9573624


Fuck off pajeet no one cares

>> No.9573948

So what are the medical/physiological benefits of not cumming?

>> No.9573994

IQ doesnt' mean shit.

until we advance dreaming to the point where we can control it we won't be able to define true 'intelligence'.
at that point intelligence will be the ability to hold together dream spaces of ones own creation.
>what im trying to achieve

>> No.9574193

>yeah being worried about a number that represents the number of piece of papers
Reductio ad absurdum is a pretty stupid thing for a guy that is trying to call someone else a brainlet.

The piece of paper is a representation of value, it is a tool for exchange of resources, no one with two nerve cells thinks the paper itself has inherent value beyond that of the material it is made of, but that doesn't mean it has no value, as you implied with your oversimplification of paper money as a concept.

>> No.9574216

this triggered me

>> No.9574304

get a grip man.

>> No.9574608


>> No.9574629

money is just a spook

>> No.9574734

>bloody semen

>> No.9574807

this is because no one has any idea what he achieved with alchemy, his priority

>> No.9574917

> Tesla
> Could've made a lot of money if he wanted
Yeah, the only reason why he worked as a ditch digger for 2$ per day is because he wanted to explore earth.

>> No.9575725

Erdos was poor? How the hell did he afford so many amphetamines then?