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9564906 No.9564906 [Reply] [Original]

>Quiz/Exam isn't anything like the homework/Study guide

>> No.9564941

>needs word for word homework/study guide to not flunk a test

>> No.9564944

Right! When the professor makes you think instead of just regurgitating vocabulary words. It's like I'm supposed to be learning instead of getting A's.
Two of my favorite biochem exam questions:
Study guide/material: know the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation
exam: mix two chemicals to get desired pH, pKas given, what is the final concentration of sodium?
2 more steps is too much
study material: know z-scheme and inhibitors
exam: what happens to ATP synthesis and NADP/NADPH ratio
student: but I didn't memorize that I have to use my knowledge to draw conclusions
I guess that's what med school is for

>> No.9564949

Learn to think for yourself you big dumbo
Don't take other people on faith

>> No.9564954
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>Exam is easier than the homework

>> No.9565033

Isn't this how it's supposed to be? You have access to the internet with homework, but not on an exam

>> No.9566084

>Teacher says the test will be exactly like the homework
>Its nothing like the homework including a math problem he skimmed over
Yeah thanks. Not as bad as my other teacher who fucked up a question that was worth 30 points of the test.

>> No.9566097

>prof says only to worry about streamlines in lecture
>streamlines in homework, no path or streaklines
>exam has questions on streak and pathlines, no streamlines

>> No.9566261

You are supposed to be learning in class, you are supposed to be tested on what you learned in the exam.
>Haha it's my first year in gen ed collage and don't have a job, why would anyone want to time management or want to properly use their limited time on things that will matter

>> No.9567477

Don't worry, you get partial credit for knowing the material on the exam. However, if I have taught well, then I have also taught you how to think and use your knowledge to solve problems and synthesize new ideas (to you at least) from your current knowledge. I still have to write an exam to push my best students, just because you're not one of them right now in this subject doesn't reflect poorly on you, unless you are unwilling to grow.
You should be learning how to learn and think. Eventually, the training wheels have to come off. It's just faster for some than others.

>> No.9567518
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>exam has major question about the one assigned hw problem you decided to skip

>> No.9567602
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>class is pretty manageable for most of the quarter
>sudden giant difficulty spike a couple weeks before the final
I guess I had latent brainlet tendencies just waiting for this particular week to reveal itself
Guess it's finally time to take advantage of office hours

>> No.9567672

>not knowing everything about everything just because

>> No.9567699

>Just go over your homeworks, they're pretty representative of the exam
>Entire exam focuses on one part of one homework

Why are you wasting my time?

>> No.9567767
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>exam has major question that is just the practice problem you skipped but with diffent numbers

>> No.9567797


>> No.9568371
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>> No.9569880

> 14% of the exam was on questions from assignments/mid-semester

intro to stats, easiest shit of my life. Felt good being an econometrics major surrounded by brainlets.

>> No.9570121

>Forget basic math equations on the exam
Why did I fucking work around multiplying the roots and b terms in the quadratic factors instead of add and subtract.
I don't deserve to be a math major.

>> No.9570125

>be TA
>say "this is obvious" to class
>clearly isn't obvious to even the smartest student in the class
you'll understand someday OP

>> No.9572017
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>get study guide
>"not everything on the study guide will be on the test"
>test contains chapters not from the study guide

do professors do this to fuck with people, literally all it does it deceive students who would of studied the non-included sections anyway if there wasn't a study guide

>> No.9572040

>no study guide

just fuck my shit right up

>> No.9572049

>Anyone have any questions?
>Students are so fucking confused they don't even know what to ask
>alright i'll keep going then

>You all get it? It's pretty obvious
>nobody gets it

you should be a professor if you can't explain shit for shit

>> No.9572051


>> No.9572072

>all that was done on a topic were practical calculations, it's literally headline followed by calculations in my notebook
>"and remember to take a look at the theoretical stuff as well when you prepare for the exam"

>> No.9572095

>teacher provides EIGHT DIFFERENT EXAMS from previous semesters to study off of

>> No.9572103
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>obscure topic only discussed for 2 sentences in the textbook
>"I'm sure he won't test us on this stuff, I'll just focus on the major concepts"
>exam has big question about that topic

Every single time, when will I learn

>> No.9572111


>> No.9572294
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>exam consists of four questions

>> No.9572901
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>Exam is exactly like the homework
>you acquire temporary amnesia right as you walk into the room

>> No.9572914

every fucking exam

>> No.9572916

Honestly that sounds like a pretty good professor right there, I wish mine would do that.

>> No.9572972

>Needs homework
>Needs school
Hahaha brainlet

>> No.9572977
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>exam is a take-home exam

>> No.9573008

Over my 3 years in university as an engineer, I've had several old professors, and they tend to be the best. One of them said "If a student does well on the homework, comes to lecture and pays attention, and studies, it's the teacher's fault if he does poorly on a test.".

I believe that's true. Homework should be difficult, and test material should be familiar and easier, given the stress and time constraint. Shitty teachers don't realize this, and think a difficult test = a good test. I promptly stop going to their lectures after the first exam.

>> No.9573231
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>Teacher tells you all week that this exam will be easy
>Still study for it everyday
>Exam day comes
>it's not easy

>> No.9573243

Are you implying this is hard?

>> No.9573302

>google all solutions with LaTeX code and get 100%

>> No.9573324

>>Quiz/Exam isn't anything like the homework/Study guide

was it, mayhap, like the assigned reading?
oh wait, you wouldn't know

>> No.9573381

>"if you do the homework then you should do well on the test!"

>test looks nothing like the homework

>> No.9573387

No. Just that it's harder than before.
Learn to read.

>> No.9573400

>Have trouble doing certain problems
>Put extra time into studying them
>Walk into class confident
>All knowledge of how to do the problem fucking evaporates the second I get the exam
>Stare at the problem for half an hour before scribbling some bullshit and turning it in

>> No.9573414
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>professor says exam is going to be hard
>look over material
>look over homework
>spend about 3 hours total looking through notes
>fuck it, even if I study a fuckload I won't do well
>exam comes
>wing it
>class average 71%
>most of the people I talked to spent around 15 hours studying and got lower or similar grades to me
>mfw I realized I wasn't going to get some of the problems only 3 hours into studying and all the normies wasted their entire weekend studying and got lower grades than me
>mfw everyone cried about how hard they studied while I fucked off and played vidia all weekend

>> No.9573462
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>professor spends the entire lecture just writing down equations and formulas on the board without bothering to explain anything
just give out a cheat sheet or something

>> No.9573468

All too common.

>> No.9573709

>You guys never ask questions so why am I even up here teaching if you all know everything. Class is over.
>Why are you asking questions on this? You should know it. What's wrong with you that you don't know what were talking about it's so simple.

Are you the kid in my class who faked a muscle spasm in your neck that you started groaning during the test and said you should go to the hospital. Then apologized that your "dumb brain wasn't worth saving" when telling the prof why you were dropping the class after spending the first hour and a half of the next lecture waiting for the halfway point break to come up?

>> No.9573716

Hello, my name is professor Blazkowicz, and I hate every single one of you. Your education means nothing to me. If you hope to pass my class, which you won't because you'll never be as smart as me, be sure to follow this advice to the letter.

1) Let your understanding of the subject rest entirely in my hands
Why would you go out of your way to attempt to learn something under your own power? You need not take the time to adapt your world view to accommodate the philosophy of this course. That's what I, the man who hates you, am here for.

2) Give up
Since you’re going to fail anyway, because are not as smart as me, it doesn’t even make sense for you to go to the trouble. Elect not to attend class, avoid buying the text book, Google the answers, use Chegg; your education means nothing to me. It makes no sense to make time for homework assigned by me, the man who hates you. If your fellows break this solidarity, it must be because they are obsessive nerds with nothing better to do.

3) Cram
If your anxiety gets the better of you and you decide at the beginning of exam week that you have a chance to pass, you don’t because you are not as smart as me. Feel free to come to my office hours, as if I, the man who hates you, will waste countless hours of my already busy day tirelessly working with you to help you learn what you should have learned at the beginning of class when I taught it.

4) Blame me for your failing grade
If you fail, which you will because you will never be as smart as me, be sure to give me a bad evaluation. That will both make up for your permanently damaged grade point average and help you to sleep at night. Having left your entire understanding of the subject to me, I, the man who hates you, am to blame for your ignorance. The fact that some have aced my course, though their education means nothing to me, is irrelevant.

Following all of these steps is a guaranteed path to success in this course.

>> No.9573754
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>Exam is just recycled homework questions
Jesus I wanted to kill the person responsible. Literally everyone did all the homework because you got extra points for the exam if you did.

>> No.9574506

>Professor purposely skims over important applications of concepts so he can surprise you with them on the test
>Purposely designs problems to include so much algebra you have to spend at least 40 minutes just slogging through equations and variables while praying you don't make an algebra error
>Exam comprised of two questions as a result
>"Gee why did half the class fail?"
I don't really care since I passed but its sad seeing people with decent conceptional understanding get shafted by awkwardly worded questions, common applications that should have been gone over in class, and pages upon pages of algebra.

>> No.9574518

>all lecture material goes into so much depth and detail.
>all test questions have zero depth or detail to them
>overstudied again

>> No.9574520

>professor takes 10 slides to explain how an equation was derived.
>it's a biology class
Who is he kidding?

>> No.9574540

Hello, UC irvine CS major here. zot zot

>> No.9574546
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>ask professor for better grade
>they give it
psychology is the future brainlets

>> No.9574593
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>exam makes you do unit conversions for every value given

>> No.9574613

this has been my university career yet.
mech eng 2/4 years ive suffered from this forever.

>> No.9574614

>get formula sheet posted on our uni site.
>print the formula sheet and use it to study.
>go to quiz.
>not the same formula sheet.
>fuck off you fucking indian cock sucking prof.

>> No.9574615

hey the story of my life.
actually the story of my fluids midterm
i wanna die, by accident

>> No.9574616


>> No.9574623
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Why does this even happen?

>> No.9576079

>not doing every single question provided by the textbook on the first night of the term.
It's like you want to fail

>> No.9576519

>>Physics in a nutshell

At least for me.

>> No.9576521

>Electric fundementals this term
>2 hours for 2 questions.
fuuuuuccckkkkkkk meeeeeee.
Got a B overall. Didn't even finish the last question completely.

>> No.9577707


>He thinks doing slightly above average is good

95% of the students in your class aren't going to do shit with their lives. You need to be part of the top 5% getting 90+% averages to accomplish anything.

>> No.9577950

Because you didn't really understand the material in the first place

>> No.9577972
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So, how do you know when you truly understand the material?

>> No.9578000

i'm in my first semester at college as an engineering student and i have to memorize hundreds of terms and their definition and the differences between them
i use quizlet to create practice test and then i take the practice test until i know the material so well i could teach it to the class
i have a 98 in my engineering class

my point is i don't understand how so many students fail exams when there's so many free tools on the internet that can help you learn. i think they're just lazy and don't want to the work. they'd rather shitpost while watching anime all day

>> No.9578220

>tests are just memorization
lmao engineers

>> No.9578229


I've never had an engineering class that involved memorization, and I'm a junior.

>> No.9578251
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Anyone else lucked his way to an engineering degree? I'm a blight on the profession, honestly.

>> No.9578259

a good amount of people just quit college the first year, isn't the first semester just 100 level classes?

>> No.9578268

most of my classmates were/are in their 2nd or 3rd year

>> No.9578334

this kek

>> No.9578551

This. On homework you have basically infinite time to do work so it's allowed to be hard. You shouldn't make the fucking exam, something that you have no help on with a time limit harder than the homework.

>> No.9578555

No it fucking wasn't. I read the entire fucking book faggot despite it not being necessary and only recommended.

>> No.9578560

>When you realize the amount of studying had basically 0 effect on the grade you got because the exam was either common sense or asked such stupid obscure questions that you would have never even thought to have studied it