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/sci/ - Science & Math

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956424 No.956424 [Reply] [Original]

why most women are bad to math?

>> No.956448

i'm not

>> No.956462

most people are bad to math

>> No.956483
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>> No.956491

How do I math?

>> No.956516

∫∫∫ (urmom) dzdydx

>> No.956538

that one diverges

>> No.956553

Women are more effective at algebraic reasoning. Men are more effective at geometric reasoning.

>> No.956568

how does a woman know what maths is?

>> No.958145

lol prooving the medians of a triangle are concurrent using vecters isnt hard

>> No.958340

bicase tehyre idiots

>> No.958392


Good one, I lol'd hard.

>> No.958397
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My ex girlfriend was pretty good at math. She was planning on double majoring in mathematics and biochemistry. She used to help me study a lot (then I took some math courses over the summer and got ahead of her). God, I wish it could've worked out. ;_;

>> No.958409

Because boys play with lego knew and those things, allowing them to figure out 100s of things. While girls play with dolls and act pretty.

No wonder there are so few engineers that are female

>> No.958413
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>> No.958416

Society: Women can't do math

girl: I'm bad at math, I can't do anything about it, why should I study? it's in my genes

boy: yeah, I've got to study harder so I'm not worse than the girls, I'm a natural mathematician, cause I've got something in my jeans.

>> No.958432


are you one of those liberalfags that thinks women could be just as good as men at sports too if society didn't want them in the kitchen?

cause its not by some random chance or society factor that made all the important mathematicians since forever be male. shit, society even tells males not to be nerdy fucks now >_>

>> No.958435

When a male does something he embraces it as his own individual achievement. When a female does something, she shoulders all women in the world and becomes a feminist immediately. Pretty sad, woman cannot think merely for themselves, they think as a collective. "Let's do something and show that men bastards!"

>> No.958470

fuck you, im a girl and i own you at maths

>> No.958499

Why most women are so delusional?

>> No.958511

>why most women are bad to math?

Maybe they are in America. They aren't in the country I live in (japanlol)

>> No.958524

You're right, but it's undeniable that the difference wouldn't be as huge as it is.

>> No.958535
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I'm British and studying maths at university. It's sad to know that all those Ruskies and Asians are better than me because of their school systems. Why they learned shit, we were thrusted into a schooling system that equates English literature and psychology to hard sciences and doing such sciences is frowned upon by your peers.
Anyway, back to solving them ODE's I go.

>> No.958536

>What do you need to be a good mathematician?

America, Europe: "You need to be talented."

Far East: "You need to study hard."

>> No.958569

1.Girls are diffrent from boys
2.If some girl actually is good at math she is convinced that math isn't "ladylike".

Two reasons, both are valid. We can't do anything about first one, but we should do something about second.

>> No.958859

They're going to end up drawing Hentai.

I don't get what's so hard about working hard.

"It's okay princess, you can use daddy's money"

>> No.958901


>working hard

It's that in general every time a good student is surpassed by an excellent student the good student accuses the brilliant student that he is a nerd who doesn't do anything but study; implying that he could be better than him if they both study the same amount of hours. Because working hard is seen as a weakness of whom needs it to keep up the pace with the others. However working hard isn't easy either. They all learn this pretty soon after they start 2/3 year in college.

>> No.958989


>> No.959557

If a girl fails a math test, all girls are useless at math.
If a boy fails a math test, he's a dumbass.

>> No.959569

OP are you implying that women are good at anything?