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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9562915 No.9562915 [Reply] [Original]

Keep this in mind, brainlets.

>> No.9562918

>John D. Carmack (born August 20, 1970) is an American computer programmer, engineer, and businessman. He co-founded id Software. Carmack was the lead programmer of the id video games Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Rage and their sequels. Carmack is best known for his innovations in 3D graphics, such as his Carmack's Reverse algorithm for shadow volumes. In August 2013, Carmack took the position of CTO at Oculus VR.[2]

>> No.9562920


>> No.9562933

Bump for important PSA.

>> No.9563089

Im not even out of undergrad and wish i could tell my younger self this
I wish there wasnt so much misinfo about “you’ll probably never need this kind of math” when i was in highschool.
I also wish they started with linear algebra before calculus.

>> No.9563116

A remarkably shallow person.

>> No.9563122

Given how significant his contributions to graphics and game engine development have been, it's really too bad that he was responsible for letting id software rot after the original doom/quake

>> No.9563127

Oh wow, so he made a couple of games ages ago that no one cares about now. Also VR is a meme.

>> No.9563130

>it's really too bad that he was responsible for letting id software rot after the original doom/quake
In what way? He helped create some seriously industry changing games.

But, John is not a game maker, hes a coder.

>> No.9563133

>insulting Carmack
This is how I know you're a teenager.

>> No.9563139

Watch one of his presentations, and then you will see how he is operating on such a higher plane of existence to you, and you will never, ever, be able to comprehend the level of math he does.

>> No.9563142

The Doom engine was greatly inferior to the older Ultima Underworld engine.

>> No.9563145

Academia isn't the place for learning things like arts, which are best self-taught, that's all he's saying. He isn't saying they're worthless, but spending money and 4 years studying what should just be a hobby or passion is stupid as fuck.

>> No.9563146

>not having a well rounded education
Why do americans despise learning new languages ?

>> No.9563147
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Didnt he literally lose a lawsuit for stealing code in the past 5 years

>> No.9563151
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No shit, being a math major should be a pre-req for any other non-meme university degree. First of all, that would filter out all the brainlets who have no place in a university in the first place, second, nowadays if you don't know at least grad-level math, you're severely handicapped regardless of your field, anyone claiming otherwise is a brainlet waste of space.

>> No.9563159

yeah that guy who fucking invented multiplayer online gaming, kys

>> No.9563162

>posts animes
>calls others a waste of space

like pottery

>> No.9563183

Listen to the brainlet and do the opposite.

>> No.9563186

But that's exactly what gives me the right to do so. It takes one to know one. I don't understand what you're trying to imply here.

>> No.9563223

easy to say but being brainwashed by mathematical instruction probably would have crushed his creativity and he'd never have succeeded like he did

>> No.9563226

He's calling you a faggot.

>> No.9563245

This. I'd rather be a true patrician and have a classical education, please.

>> No.9563255

no u

>> No.9563265

I love Spanish, it's the most beautiful language I've ever heard. Especially the sound from mainland Spain where the cee sounds end up like some kind of bastard th.

Most languages are shit imo. I can't stand the sound of almost all of them. Japanese is alright, but not worth learning. I love English spoken with a French accent but I want to punch French-speakers in the face, I absolutely hate the sound of it. Complete shit tier language, I'd rather listen to some african click language than that garbage.

>> No.9563274

it's nearly useless if you're born in an anglo country, and the tendency is for it to become ever more useless.
Go to Germany try practice your German. They'll just switch to English.

>> No.9563314

You're trash.

>> No.9563333

We don't really learn any of those things to any real depth, though. Assuming he's referring to k-12 public school, the Spanish classes are virtually useless. Actually most of the classes in general are.

>> No.9563337

He developed technology that changed the industry. Are you stupid?

>> No.9563341

because it's a waste of time and everything worth your time is written/spoken in english
>inb4 autistic screeching about languages making you more flexible/creative/whatever
inconclusive pseudoscience, exercise does the same with stronger evidence

>> No.9563344
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not that it wasn't retarded in the first place

>> No.9563369

>spending money

>> No.9563380

If you don't study the arts under people who know what they're doing, you will likely be lead astray, but I won't pretend that it's necessary. TBF it's completely possible to self-teach mathematics as well (in fact self-study is where most of your mathematical learning comes from in the first place), it's just significantly harder

>> No.9563393

That is just not the truth.
t. Practicing my German in Germany as a PhD student

>> No.9563412

Glad I took CS and not CE then.

>> No.9563431

That is because he specialized in a profession that requires math. If you specialize in a profession that doesn't, you probably would regret ever haven taken math and not more of whatever you need for your profession.

>> No.9563437

This. He's a hack. You faggots need to fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.9563438

You don't need very high level math to program, and in any case, I think everyone should at least study the basics of algebra and analysis no matter what you specialize in

>> No.9563441

>regret taking math
I regret that we don't kill such people before they graduate high school.

>> No.9563452

>implying a salesman or a plumber needs more than the math you learn in elemantary school

>> No.9563466

they do

>> No.9563469

They don't "need" it to perform their jobs, but they need it to be human.

>> No.9563473 [DELETED] 
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Better worry about surviving the collapse of society in the communist coup when the kikes try to come for the guns. It is go time motherfuckers it ain't gonna be pink bubbles, better be ready for the call

>> No.9563502
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>anyone who isn't as autistic as me about an esoteric, useless concept isn't human

>> No.9563514


>> No.9563533

That's only the case in germany though, because english is basically a dumbed down version of german, they don't have a hard time learning it.

>> No.9563545

How will taking cal 5 and other shit like complex variables help me as a biochemist

>> No.9563570

fuck off faggot, i know 4 languages and im pretty sure i would be the exact same if i only knew english.

>> No.9563691

>valuable contributions
>video games
pick one

>> No.9563760

it's all the C++ kids shilling their trash

>> No.9563763
File: 216 KB, 556x362, german multikulti2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't regret any language course I've taken
I'm 100% sure that my experience in Latin and German in high school has helped me with logical thinking and identifying scientific terminology without needing to look the words up
Brainlet monolinguals will never understand this feel

>> No.9563903

And the way unreal handled textures ended up raping everyone's engine.

>> No.9563914

You do when you are writing engines. It's one of the most math intensive areas

>> No.9563915
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>pathetically deluded /sci/ fags twisting the personal regrets of a successful game developer into an attack on any discipline indirectly related to STEM.
t. Linguist

>> No.9563921

Yeah because data mining isnt more cancerous. At least games are entertainment

>> No.9563923

Go back to using python and your Monty memes

>> No.9564225
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>> No.9564241

99% of programmers are not writing engines though and never will

>> No.9564246
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It's kind of amusing how he is displaying a huge bias in this tweet. This could easily be Kanye West proclaiming he has no regrets for not learning how to program ray tracers but wishes he had studied more music. I don't understand the purpose of the tweet.

Languages and music are used to build social capital which I'm not surprised is over looked by a guy who embodies the archetypal nerd stereo type.

>> No.9564258

>Languages and music are used to build social capital
parasitic elements of society which we could easily do without if we could optimize production of high-IQ individuals

artists and their ilk are a degenerate solution to the problem of pacifying dumb people

>> No.9564285

t. Archetypal Nerd

>> No.9564330
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>ask me why I'm a kissless incel

>> No.9564568

Carmack should be the God of sci

>> No.9564576

>not stealing apple II

>> No.9564585
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>people aren't human unless they waste time studying concepts that are completely useless to them

>> No.9564619

John Carmack probably thinks the holocaust was a real event. He's not very smart and if he didn't make Doom, he would be completely irrelevant.

>> No.9564620

Dutch is dumbed down german. English not really, but unlike in western countries they teach second languages properly in German public schools. What you say is true though unless you're high B2 or C1 they're switching to English.

>> No.9564725

Reminder that Carmack should have succeeded and Musk failed. We're in the wrong timeline.

>Armadillo Aerospace is an aerospace startup company based in Mesquite, Texas. Its initial goal was to build a crewed suborbital spacecraft capable of space tourism, and it had also stated long-term ambitions of orbital spaceflight. The company was founded by John Carmack.[2]

>> No.9564876

Quick question how do you go on measuring degeneracy and what drove you this conclusion in a meaningless Universe

>> No.9565001

>frail old man
seems about right

>> No.9565017

Italian I would say has more grace to it also Romanian is not a bad sounding language

>> No.9565342

>autists incapable of understanding the tranquil yet vivifying felicity that makes life worth living engendered by mathematical insight
We are always in the process of becoming more and more human. If you do not understand mathematics, much like if you do not understand art, then you are not fully human.

>> No.9565365

This whole idea that people are talented in different ways is largely bullshit. The more you do something and the harder you work at it the better you become. You basically have to trick kids into thinking they're good at something so they'll stick to it.

His tweet is obviously a reaction to all those motivational speakers spouting their bullshit but the truth is we HAVE to encourage boring things over more fun arty subjects or else we'll have too high a surplus of useless people.

>> No.9565481

I too think mathematics is fundamentally important and that everyone should strive to learn as much of it as time or resources permit. That said, I'm interested in why /sci/ has an obsession with letting everyone else know that math is the most important activity one could ever spend energy on. I suppose mathematicians are similar to philosophers and physicists in that they reluctantly recognize that their fascinations are limited only to a relatively tiny portion of the human population; they become aware that much of the work that they put countless hours into will go underappreciated or unappreciated completely in the eyes of the overwhelming majority of those beings which are alone potentially intelligent enough to be able to receive it. He who leaves the cave to become enlightened finds that, try as he may, he cannot convince the others to follow suit, so he contends to look down on them as a feeble method of indirect gratification.

How strange that beauty and truth perceived by one cannot be enjoyed if it cannot be shared. After all, solipsism is a frightening possibility.

>> No.9565492

>unlike western countries


>> No.9565497

That's because Kanye West is a leech who doesn't understand anything about digital signal processing despite hiring people to use it for him to make his music for him and he should kill himself for being a talent-less plagiarizing hack

>> No.9565501

>After all, solipsism is a frightening possibility
Stop scaring me anon you're reminding me of some bad acid trips

>> No.9565539

A lone, unrecognized voice of reason...

Useless people can cut your hair, cook your food, raise your children, build your houses, grow your food, and do so in a far more economically stimulating way than automations might, due to their individual needs for sustenance and support. They could make you happy, useless as they are, if it weren't for their inability to grasp simple calculus.

But yeah, I think anyone can learn. I don't think everyone needs to, though.

>> No.9565569

you cant just remove someone like kanye west from the planets psyche. the mediasphere would be completely imbalanced if kanye just drops off the map. the only way you can remove kanye from the picture entirerly is by substituting him with another person of equal genius. good luck with that friend moo haha

>> No.9565626
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>talking shit about the Greybeards.
Impudent twat. I'll thu'um yer fookin head in.

>> No.9565633

>people who perform valuable services for myself and others are to be considered useless because they never passed Calc 2.
This is what the average /sci/ poster actually believes.

>> No.9566158

>I don't understand the purpose of the tweet.
His point is that he regrets not studying more advanced topics related to his field of interest, but he doesn't regret not studying unrelated topics that are usually recommended for study by normies with the purpose of making one a "well rounded individual". He's telling people to stop following cookie cutter advice and focus on what they're actually interested in or what they actually perceive as useful.

>> No.9566161

>sold his anus to cuckerberg

>> No.9566213

t. retard who only looks at things at the surface level
UU engine lacks a plenty of things Doom engine has

>> No.9566356

He runs an aerospace company.

>> No.9567106

wasnt he one of the pioneers to 3d rendering good? pretty sure this is applicable in many areas other than games

>> No.9567190

Because he advocates for maths? If you don't comprehend maths then you are probably going to be ineffective at whatever you are trying to accomplish. That includes actual artistry.

>> No.9567191

How is he wrong exactly?

>> No.9567195

You shouldn't be studying creativity like art or music, you should be creating it. If you are merely a student of creators then you are a sham boy, at a point you are not going to learn anything else that is going to help you "understand" how to be creative, you've got to make your own shit.

Math/science on the other hand can be endlessly studied and applied.

>> No.9567198
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stop posting the same shit everyday fag

>> No.9567201

>It's kind of amusing how he is displaying a huge bias in this tweet.
The truth is biased. The "arts" have been consumed with political sophistry. Zombies hate higher mathematics because it requires you to actually think.

>> No.9567204

>you've got to make your own shit
You can't become truly prolific in whatever artistic medium you choose unless you've developed some competency in it: violinists must be instructed on how to play the violin, for example. Self-taught artists otherwise develop systemically bad habits that could plague their performance for many years.

>> No.9567214


I agree but "Art Major" is like a bad joke.

Dropping $200k and 4-5 years of your life to "study" something you are probably terrible at

>> No.9567216

Does placing "arts" in quotes make you feel superior?

>> No.9567227

>implying a salesman or a plumber needs more than the math you learn in elemantary school
Mathematics much like philosophy is about empowering people.

>> No.9567228
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What pisses me off are those who can't distinguish between Art Majors and the Social Sciences/History. We hate them nearly as much as the STEMfags.
t. /his/ teacher

>> No.9567235

Art without maths and philosophy is a mistake.

>> No.9567257

>This is how I know you're a teenager.

or someone with very poor taste in games. ID's early games were amazing. what other games (individual games, not over-promoted franchises like mario or zelda) from that era still have such a dedicated fanbase?

>> No.9567324

i foos ro dah'd that fucker off a mountain like he was my bitch

>> No.9567333

yeah dumb mistake lol meant north america.

>> No.9567336

I'm not a sadistic NPC killer so I wouldn't know.

>> No.9567338
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It's probably absurdly autistic that Skyrim indirectly inspired me to go into Linguistics, huh?

>> No.9567351


>> No.9567498

>linear algebra before calculus
why? also stop dwelling on the past

>> No.9567691

t. Außengeländer

>> No.9567834

Yeah but "the Doom engine" sounds much cooler

>> No.9568213

His game engines basically drove the GPU industry for a decade.
Carmack is not really a game designer. He developed revolutionary graphics engines. Also did some important work with network code (QuakeWorld)

Most of his "creativity" came from academia
More math instruction would have meant he could understand a higher number of papers. We'd have seen even better work most likely

>> No.9568549

Linear algebra is pointless without Fourier series
But calculus has many uses, even without Fourier series
Honestly, differential equations should be taught before linear algebra, and linear algebra should have diff EQ as a pre rec, and students should learn systems of differential equations in linear algebra. Linear algebra offers no practical skills, because Numerical analysis is where students learn how to implement linear equation solvers, and Gauss-Jordan simply needs a lot more nuance to program than what is taught in linear algebra.

>> No.9568569
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>> No.9568576

>Linear algebra is pointless without Fourier series


>> No.9568597

>Gauss-Jordan doesn't take into account the limited sizes of decimal numbers
>Don't learn that until Numerical
>Basic vector operations are obvious, or can be easially taught in a later calculus class, where they could be useful

>> No.9568847

VR may be a meme but it's how every child who can afford it will waste their youth in about 10 years.
Not saying that makes him important. In fact the vast majority of computer programmers have never written anything of value to humanity.

>> No.9568853

Lots of hate but it's true. Every science (including computer science) requires grad-level math.
Thus, if you're not doing grad-level math, you're not doing real science and are therefore a waste of space. Even engineering requires graduate level numerical methods.

If you disagree, I'd be interested to know what /sci/ fields don't require grad level math.

>> No.9568929

>Dropping $200k and 4-5 years of your life to "study" something you are probably terrible at
That also describes the vast majority of STEM students though. Only a small minority of people interested in any given discipline will become actually good at it, but those ones will benefit a ton from studying it in a university environment. The only difference is that it's easier to make a living as some kind of corporate drone after getting a STEM degree, but that's beside the point.

>> No.9569120

What I find strange is how few people know this. For example, look at all the undergrad economics majors that don't know real analysis is needed for grad school. It's not hard to figure out either, just search up math needed for grad economics.

>> No.9569257

>having fun
>wasting youth
What would be a better way to spend their time, anon?