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File: 374 KB, 1717x1124, Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9561239 No.9561239 [Reply] [Original]

Is sex really a basic human need?

>> No.9561246

t. asexual (best sexual orientation possible)

>> No.9561250

Nahh, it's a biological urge but not a need
You can suppress it , or be like me and never get the chance to try it :(

>> No.9561251

>t. depressed

>> No.9561254

Probably not.

It's not like Maslow's hierarchy is some objective, indisputable truth that is accepted by all scientists.

>> No.9561260

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>> No.9561282

That's what incels like to tell themselves

>> No.9561285

>Is making sure humanity exists really a need?

>> No.9561286

Did your mom not show you enough love as a child?

>> No.9561288

t. depressed

>> No.9561292

No, it's not.

>> No.9561293

t. sane, well adjusted individual

>> No.9561299

a need for a society to maintain but not a need for yourself to live. of course someone had to fuck in order for you to be born but once youre out and about you wont die if youre forever a virgin the same way you'd die if you didn't eat/drink.

>> No.9561301

It's needed for a population to survive long term but not for the individual.

>> No.9561302

No it's what roasties tell themselves to increase the value of their holes

>> No.9561304

How long have you gone without whacking it?

>> No.9561321
File: 249 KB, 640x861, rays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would put sex in the orange category
survival/food in the red category

Sometimes I feel like maslow really just did a western translation of the eastern chakral system and maybe condensed them a bit.

the root chakra (red) would be related to the adrenals and survival. the sacral chakra (orange) is related to ovaries/testes and is more related to sex/love/intimacy.

basically, you need to find shelter and food, and not be scared before you are ready to fuck

if anyone is interested in talking about color theory in relation to either maslow's hierarchy or the original eastern chakral system that would be cool. Color theory as related to these basic emotions is definitely harnessed by advertising agencies and businesses regardless if they call it that.

the three bottom "needs" are the lower colors on the spectrum for a reason. In the eastern model, they are the "material" aspects. certainly fast food restaurants and food packaging stick to predominant use of these lower colors, red/yellow/orange being scientifically shown to stimulate appetite, whereas blue has a satiating effect.

note: blue is related to the throat and expression, it would be considered as representing a "non material" or "metaphysical" need for socializing and expression. And here we see many social media applications either knowingly or unknowingly drawn to using blue color schemes. Ancients using blue specifically to adorn the throat.

besides all that though, you do need to sex to continue your linage, unbroken throughout these millennia/ Don't fuck up what every single one of your ancestors successfully did.

>> No.9561336
File: 611 KB, 640x623, OFzjj0o[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9561389

It's not a "need" as in you will die without it. But to be mentally healthy, you need to have relationships, and as an adult that includes sex.

>> No.9561390

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9561457

This guy didn’t fulfill his basic sexual needs

>> No.9561490

>Literally everything above sexual intimacy is more important than it
Wow, never realized how full of shit Maslow was until I look at it now.

In the real world, everything in the esteem section is pretty much a bare minimum requirement for getting laid in the first place.

>> No.9561511

no but it's good for you

>> No.9561522


>> No.9561528

This is the best answer. Incels ITT claiming “asexuality” or that sex is not a need would be hilarious if it wasn’t sad. Try having an intimate relationship and see how you feel, then tell me it doesn’t belong on the hierarchy of needs.

>> No.9561542

If you include masturbation into sex, it's pretty uncontroversial that it is.

>> No.9561549

>Try having an intimate relationship and see how you feel, then tell me it doesn’t belong on the hierarchy of needs.
Over the course of the most intimate relationship I've ever had, during which I had the best sex I had in my life, I became a needy, vulnerable excuse for a man.

In the years since then I've developed a variety of skills and focused more on a variety of hobbies which have lead to an increased sense of self confidence and a better rounded worldview, the large majority of this period of time being spent without any sex or intimacy.

>> No.9561565

No, but sexual release is.

>> No.9561673

Underrated post

>> No.9561698

Biologically, you arent missing much. At least in my experience.

The satisfying part of sex is the psychological aspect. ie when things get "hot" for you and her.

But psychology is a really destructive force. I wouldve rather stayed a virgin than have fallen in love like I did.

>> No.9561881

Well from the position of Darwinian Evolution, yes.

>> No.9561897

Sex might not be a basic individual human need but it is a basic human need on the whole of the species. We gotta propagate ourselves somehow, how you gonna do it if you don't do the sex, how do you expect to avoid the apocalypse, anonfag?

>> No.9561898


Sounds to me like you just fucked up, anon. That's not sex's fault.

>> No.9561906

Well yeah, I did, but the fact that I've become a much better person without getting laid runs contrary to the idea that sex is a need.