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9561066 No.9561066 [Reply] [Original]

The entire concept of ethics and morals is damaging to the progress of the true scientific community.
Nearly every ethics committee around the world is simply an elitist group of wanna-be scientists that are stroking themselves on the throne of power.

These committees are as impeding to true scientific progress as the Church was in the dark ages. We have them to thank for the lack of crucial research in disease cures, "controversial" operations, and a more aggressive approach to innovation.

Ethics are a social construct that should not have any say in determining whether an experiment should go through or not.

>> No.9561146

No shit, just look at the comments on this video.

>> No.9561155

>Ethics are a social construct
same as science.

>> No.9561343

>use science to make lives better
>use lives to make science better

>> No.9561351
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>> No.9561378
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>You right now


>> No.9561382

Allright. You're going to be the first human test subject for the new dragon dildo.
This one is shaped like a life-sized whale penis.
We're not entirely sure you'll survive, but it might hurt a bit at first.
Here's the lube.

>> No.9562355

Why do you think we have prisoners?

>> No.9562357

Such is life, world's unfair.

>> No.9562375
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>I better not see it on my table! Sickened! God is watching! How do you know if these genes pass along to the human?

>> No.9562387

Hope you enjoy people making up data to fit what they want things to be

>> No.9562598

>implying they don't already

>> No.9562602

literally wut

>> No.9562606

A lot of conplaints of bioethics are retarded because the deal with how people could potentially missuse something, but that doesn't mean the field itself is not ethical.

>> No.9562607

Why can't we just pull what the SCP foundation does into reality? America has plenty of life sentenced fellons and criminals who will do nothing but rot in prison until they either die or forget what they did wrong, so why not make them into human experiments to push science forward for everyone else? I mean, if they did something wrong enough to get in prison (which varies, you know I mean violent crime or something along the lines of that nature) who actually fucking cares if they die a painful death?

>> No.9562610

Nope. We don't get to do that. The west has positioned itself to be better than everyone else. Why do you think we used to refer to Indians, Africans etc. As savages? Because we as well mannered Europeans had adopted some sort of false sense of superiority. Now we have to hold to that. We don't get to invade multiple continents under the guise of reforming savages and bringing God to them, of we're not going to follow it ourselves. All men are created equal. All men shall be treated equal. We have due process for a reason, and I for one would fight against any type of system like yours, because we don't get to do that. We made this nation for God, we don't get to play God and decide who lives and who dies, without the proper avenues of justice being served.

>> No.9562622

does mum know what you get up to on the internet bill she pays?

>> No.9562661

And you think that letting these prisoners who do nothing but eat, sleep, and shit in their tiny little boxes are for society to bear? Is it worth housing people who will do nothing to positively benefit society - costing us as citizens around 38 thousand a pop to feed these people who, even if reintroduced into society are forever with the title of a felon on their sholders, in which bars them permanately from getting an actual job or being the same person ever again? How about that the prisoners I speak of (ones with 20+ years or so) are almost always prone to crime after they leave prison, as they know nothing else? These are not the "indians and blacks" that you speak of us saving, these are the prisoners you want to save for more or less the same meaningless reason. Of course, we can shove that under the guise of being "God's will" in which you so avantly write against that we save. Yes, men should be equals- but when someone violates another man's life, property, or right to happiness, he himself forfeits his own.

>> No.9562676


diff op - i work as a prison officer, have for about 5 years. Whilst in some very specific cases, yes you have people who are not capable of rehabilitation. That is a very very low number, true psychos. not many of them around really.

The rest are typically fucking idiots and whilst I know self determination is definitely a capability of all of us, due to the system/resources/culture/ad infinitum - the ones who you would deem as 'fit for experiment' are most definitely treatable in the future. It's a type of logical fallacy really, much like saying we should just experiment on people with cancer because we don't have a cure (but we will), or 20 years ago people who had AIDS (now with the 90/10 rule reversal in such a short amount of time).

and what do you do for a job? where do you draw the line? another person as edgy or short sighted as yourself would deem you 'fit for experimentation' because you make under 100,000k a year, dont change public and government policy, have no real impact on humanity etc.

I get what you are trying to say, and although most of it seems to come from a place of frustration/lack of understanding/edgyness, your proposal does exactly the opposite of what you want - create a culture where human life is of such low value, systems and governments wouldn't give a fuck about science anyway. Literally most of the science that you purport to enjoy comes from the sheer statistical equality that enables people to be educated and pursue scientific endeavour.

>> No.9562736

people are unethical by themselves

>> No.9562760

Yes. As a citizen of this country you agreed to pay taxes. Those taxes wte appropriated by the government for whatever they choose. It doesn't matter what they did, whom they hurt or what they stole. They are entitled to due process, and on top of that cannot be subject to cruel and unusual punishment. This is in our constitution. Just like the gun grabbing hippies, you're no different. If you don't like how this country is ran, you have 3 options.
1. Get off your ass and run it yourself.
2. Leave the country, no one is forcing you to stay here.
3. Bitch about it on 4chan.
Only 1 of those is actually going to change the status quo, and it's not the option you've chosen. Do I like the fact that my hard earned money pays for our prison system? No. But we have a constituion to uphold, and whether you like it or not I'll fight you for that constitution. Even if that means defending scumbag prisoners.

>> No.9562777

Certainly terrorists, murderers, rapists, and jews ought to be scientifically tested on.

>> No.9563519
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>> No.9563531

>le edgy fedora freethinker
until you yourself become a victim of your ideology and get injected with novel drug that makes your skin peel off while you're alive and die in indescribable agony

>> No.9563602

It's like a retard read a post of another retard who read the comment of an idiot that just got done watching a you'tube video of some moron discussing social constructivism without even bothering to know about it

>> No.9563607

t. adores ayn rand

>> No.9563665


>> No.9563730
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>social constructivism

>> No.9563786

Alright, but are you an absolutist on it? I was really pushing it with the whole "20 years+" thing, but in return what if we developed it as a form of parole?
While it does risk the life of the prisoner, and it could seriously impact them both mentally and physically, what if instead the possibility for those who have harsh sentences to be released as due to human experimentation? Hell, you could even make it easier and pay them for doing so, as it would be cheaper to have them experimented on. How about we do it like in SCP, such that there are classes of prisoner (rather than faculty) and based on harsh crime (I am talking death row innmate here) could be sentenced to a possible death by benefiting society at their own choice (and rather than certain death, they have certain chances of surviving). While less violent crimes could be relieved by volunteering to do lesser, guarenteed minor mortality rates and so on. Unlike the SCP foundation, my idea would not put a bullet in the heads of prisoners at the end of experimentation, but rather give them an extra chance. It's a possibility of restoring honor, and would provide science with the human experiments we have needed for quite a while.

>> No.9564085

I'm not a criminal so I wouldn't be concerned with being tested on.

>> No.9564130


Committees can be flawed but that doesn't have anything to do with ethics. Ethics are good policy because 1) logically, the ends don't justify the means (which is why you showed your work in elementary school math class) and 2) we value human life.

Valuing human life is important because we need human life for society to function, and that function is necessary because it fuels the infrastructure that allows scientific progress to be made at all. If you want to pretend ethics aren't important, then maybe I should just shrug when someone runs you over with a forklift for the luls

>> No.9564151

maybe not, but your are a psychopath.

>> No.9564157

>>use science to make lives better

that's engineering, not science

(medicine is a kind of engineering)

>> No.9564309

>All men are created equal
Because this statement is false, your entire arguement is trash.

>> No.9564338

you aren't considered a criminal yet

>> No.9564479

Perhaps. But I'm not a criminal and that's the point.
When men infringed on the rights of other men they lose their rights.
As such, they make viable experimental subjects that need no approval to test on.