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9556160 No.9556160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Play PUBG (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds)
>Get into the top 10% of all players

Do video-games correlate with IQ?

>> No.9556166

If you habitually play video games you probably have a casual iq

>> No.9556171

Give me the source on this

>> No.9556182

>Do video-games correlate with IQ?

certain games, probably

>> No.9556184


>> No.9556187


>> No.9556206

No but if you play a game a lot and don’t get top 10% it would correlate with extremely low iq

Also gamers have lower iq relative to others in their same generation ignoring women

>> No.9556207

>Watching video-games is the same thing as playing them

I don't agree.
I can't even watch professional game-play unless it's a fighting game without thinking about committing suicide.

>> No.9556215

Where does this statistic come from?

>> No.9556225

Regularly giving in to time-wasting temptations suggests poor self-control and lack of long-term planning abilities, so yes, I'd guess the average gamer, although not necessarily below average, is probably not particularly intelligent.

>> No.9556226

My brain

Basically everyone is an idiot, people who think they’re smart for playing video games are even bigger idiots, and being good at pubg after sinking ungodly amounts of hours into it is just called neuroplasticity — it means nothing in the way of iq

>> No.9556253

You have to 18 to post here, anon

>> No.9556255

>tfw masters in sc2 w/ 165 IQ

>> No.9556258

yes, everything correlates with everything brainlet

>> No.9556263

>poor self-control
This relates more to discipline than it does intelligence.

>> No.9556275

>You're wasting time
>You're retarded

Most people have nothing to do other than waste time. Not everyone is a "Get up! Get out! and Get something!"

>> No.9556287

Still related to intelligence.

Source: https://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/304392818.html?FMT=ABS

>> No.9556302

Strawman. Self-indulgence is fine from time to time, but regularly choosing to spend energy on mind-numbing, meaningless activities does suggest at best average intelligence.

>> No.9556315

wow u really proved it definitely correlated, gm sc2 player is a genius

desrow was NUTS, deezer damn that dude is gonna do big things, stephano holy shit

also grats on your online iq test, you pay for it too?

>> No.9556329

The issue is that mind-numbing, meaningless activities are easily accessible after 8-10 hours of labor.

People that have designed missiles in the past literally and unironically drink their entire life away.

>> No.9556355

Unless you're smart enough to recognize that life itself is meaningless, and sitting in school so you can then sit in an office while saving for retirement isn't appealing or worthwhile. Games are fun and they're stimulating for a high-functioning mind.

>> No.9556362

>You have to be intelligent to realize that life is meaningless

No you don't.
You just have to be irreligious.
There are Christians that are way smarter than you.

>> No.9556367

there are definitely other factors, like depression, which can cause this. probably not a hard and fast correlation.

>> No.9556371

>There are Christians that are way smarter than you.
Deceased ones yeah, none that are alive though.

>> No.9556376

I think depressed people outside of people with chemical issues are more likely to be unintelligent.

Being miserable isn't very smart.

>> No.9556379

Honestly, if after contemplating the meaning of life you decide the best way to live it is playing video-games made for teenagers you're probably not even close to having a 'high-functioning' mind.

>> No.9556380

Smart people don't fall into brainlet fad "ideologies" like unironic nihilism, if you can even call it that.

>> No.9556381

You should go communicate with religious people before you make such an asinine statement.

You'll find they rely more on intuition than fact.
There are probably geniuses that are devout believers in a god because they're so good at distorting reality into what they want it to be.

>> No.9556382
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Most likely you're not smart enough to be miserable.

>> No.9556389

If your intuition tells you that something like the Christian God is real, then you aren't smart. If you're smart, your intuition tells you the exact opposite.

>> No.9556394

>Posting lifehack quotes from Ernest Hemingway to feel intelligent

"Depressed" people are just human-beings deprived of something important that they would receive in a hunter-gatherer environment, and they can't get to it because they can't figure out how to get it/lack the drive to go and get it.

That's all depression in the modern world is.

>> No.9556399

If this is true, why do run into so many intelligent people that don't believe in racism? Leftist with IQ's of 130 and that don't want to acknowledge something that's right in their face because to do so is to admit that people aren't made equally.

You're only upset that I'm threatening your stability by saying irreligion doesn't signify intelligence.

>> No.9556404

>something important that they would receive in a hunter-gatherer environment
And one of those important somethings is a distinct lack of knowledge about the world. There's nothing more disastrous to human emotion than knowledge.

>and they can't get to it because
Because they accidentally spent too much time reading and reasoning and now they can never find the idea of a normal life appealing.

>> No.9556413

They should still have the primary objective of being happy no matter what they know about reality, and they should be applying that knowledge toward that goal.

I don't know of many people that don't want to be happy.

>> No.9556433

We didn't stop being hunters/gatherers yesterday, anon

>> No.9556435

I agree that smart people will tend to figure out how to be happy in a hypothetical sense, but it's typically not actually achievable or at least not worth trying for.

>> No.9556441

How about you post some sources rather than tumblr images to support your claims? This is a science board ffs




>> No.9556445

Racism is extremely loaded, that's why. You can judge people as individuals instead and be right all the time.

>> No.9556449

>It's not worth trying to be happy
>Happiness is unachievable

I agree.
I'm not INTELLIGENT MAN, but I do know, as a race-mixed man, I need to go to Puerto Rico/Brazil if I want to be happy because I'm mixed-raced, but I also know I'll have to suffer through a shitty economy and language/cultural barrier in both places, and I'll have a hard time finding a wife and getting married, and then, I'll probably always struggle financially if I am successful in securing a wife and children.

That's true, and we have slightly changed, but we still have extreme racial schisms in American society because of tribalist mentalities.


>> No.9556454

I agree with judging people as individuals because the human species exists on a bell-curve, but I don't agree that racial differences aren't real.

You need to go to a poor Black neighborhood and see the bars on the windows, and then go to a Latino neighborhood and see the total absence of security measures.

A lot of black people are dumb. You can see it in the way they grab a pencil and communicate.

They're not all like that, but there's a large number that are. 8 kids and "god on their side".

>> No.9556456

There are studies which indicate the exact opposite is true:


Members of MENSA were twice as likely to have mental disorders compared to the general population.

Ultimately it's going to be depend signficantly on the culture being studied.

>> No.9556457

What about someone who's comatose, is their iq 0? I mean technically they're so stupid they can't even move their body.

>> No.9556458

>Top 10%
What a pleb, 1% or trash.

>> No.9556469

You could easily attribute this increase to more access to mental health care.

Also, people that sign-up for MENSA in the first place may have more insecurities/mental instabilities than the general populace.

>> No.9556470

Scientifically prove the casual relationship and you'll have something as profound as you believe your anecdotal observations to be.

>> No.9556476

There's evidence that blacks have denser bones than any other racial group, so there goes "We're all the same!"

>> No.9556486

No pop-sci links please. Post peer-reviewed studies or >>>/out/

>> No.9556490

>Do video-games correlate with IQ?
Yeah. If you play video games for more than 2 hours a week, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.9556504

There are inherent flaws in any study on this subject and numerous complicating factors and it's unclear what the truth is from a statistical standpoint. The age groups in your first two studies make them all but irrelevant to today's world. Becoming a young adult in 1980 might as well have taken place in a different universe -- the differences are that vast.

>> No.9556508


>> No.9556514

We're not arguing broad physiological differences between races, we're arguing the relationship of race with specific social phenomena. Any idiot can say "My anecdotal observations are x" and have other idiots jerk them off, but proving casual relationships between correlative factors is more work than a /pol/ shitpost.

>> No.9556525

Probably true, but who gives a shit when "making it" consists of a rat race and money waiting for you at retirement when your body no longer works and there's nothing to do with the money except recline in an expensive chair. Modern life is so fucking horrifyingly boring and tedious; might as well spend it playing video games. It's also arguably more noble to make as few contributions to society as possible, since any contribution you do make ultimately goes to making the lives of actors, models, athletes, CEOs, etc. more luxurious and effortless.

>> No.9556531

>Participants were asked to self-report prevalence of both diagnosed and/or suspected mood and anxiety disorders,

So it sounds like they asked a bunch of high-iq underachievers with inflated egos and a superiority complex if they consider themselves 'deeper' than others...

>> No.9556538

I mean the streamers lol.

>> No.9556540

>Play dota 2
>Top 1%

>> No.9556546

>99 percentile iq in high school

>> No.9556565

Obviously you're going to interpret the results according to your agenda, in this case to the extent of creating fan fiction. I was just proving that studies on the subject can point one way or the other depending on various factors. If you google relevant terms there are other studies which present this conclusion and have nothing to do with MENSA.

Personally, I think the truth is easily arrived at through simple logic and philosophy:

>the world sucks
>the smarter you are, the more you will understand this
>the greater access to information you have, the more you will understand this
>the more you understand this, the less happy you'll be, the more emotional/psychological issues you'll develop

It's a simplification but that's the general idea. Certain realities, like that reproduction is arguably evil and entirely selfish, are simply not processed by people with common brains. Reproduction is one of the main ways people retain a sense of meaning and purpose as they age.

>> No.9556569

I will admit that success in the rat race was partially what I was referring to by claiming he wouldn't "make it," but it isn't everything. The main reason I am trying my best is because I want to answer the many questions that I have in my head and because I am bored with life thus far. I've spent an embarrassing amount of my life wasting away playing video games. I don't care about which model, CEO, or chairman benefits from my ideas and my work. I want to work and I want to produce because I have come to realize that the hedonistic lifestyle I've thus far led and the one most people on this planet live isn't a life worth living. I want to live, produce, experience hard work and toil, reward, failure, and success. I want to actually live a life that I can look back on in 60 years and be proud of. I want to learn the universe to the best of my ability. Playing video games for hours a day will not end in that goal for anyone who isn't absolutely hedonistic in their outlook and I must say I lose some respect for those kinds of people.

>> No.9556571

yeah i can't help but agree. gaming can only be about as good as any other complete waste of time a lot of people partake in. it's gotta be a really good game for me to want to spend much time at all with it. i waste time playing music and to me that is just slightly less time wastey, but at least i'm not just playin vidya

>> No.9556595

>play LoL
>bronze 3
>doing a phd in mathumatics

>> No.9556598

I'm an anti-natalist, but even I harbor hope that I'm wrong about everything and a victim of growing up mixed-raced in a homogeneous society.

A lot of white people say that life is worth living through, and I can only hope that I've missed out on everything good in this world.

I can't help but see most middle-aged men and women are, on some level, depressed.

I don't think comprehension of reality forces you to develop mental issues though. It forces you to either adopt morality or to live however you want to.

>> No.9556608

I wish I could think like you.
I can't get excited about anything in this world except escapism and hobbies like drawing/animating.

My dad is married, works all of the time, and I love him, but I don't think I want to follow his life.

>> No.9556613

>happiness is the key to life
nice try jew

>> No.9556622

>Happiness is not the key to life

Why do people keep having sex if not to feel happy?

>> No.9556625

Keep it up. Right or wrong, you're thinking about the reality you've been cast into and that's all that one could ever argue would fundamentally be asked of you.

>> No.9556634

Shit, anon....

This conclusion about reproduction is so existentially nullifying that it's practically crippled me for the past couple of months. I've paid good money to have my own offspring scraped out of women and people simply don't understand how much cognitive dissonance it causes to know you're doing the right thing for humanity even if it means the discontinuation of your own genes.

>> No.9556655

I think that, even if life eventually turns into hell, it's justified. People get to experience the good parts before it all falls apart, and that makes existing worth it. I think that I've never had meaningful connection like I should've had because I was a different race from everyone around me. I'm devastated when I see people date within their race after I've seen them with white people in high-school for decades.

I know having a job is a fundamentally evil thing, but most people have a reason beyond working to live in this world, and they're not miserable and suicidal the moment they start laboring like I am. Now that my sister is gone, I'm very alone in my life, and there's nothing where other human beings should be.

I don't like living in a world where isolation like this is possible. It's horrible, and it makes me doubt that bringing more people into it is a good thing just because I'm alone and dependent on my aging parents for companionship.

>Discontinue your genes
>Except people will keep shitting out kids for no real reason, and the damage you would do by having children is quadrupled anyway because some dude got horny a week from now

I don't understand this mentality.
You could make the world a better place by having a child and raising them to help other human beings.

>> No.9556663
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do you watch rick and morty too?

>> No.9556673

>Being miserable isn't very smart.
generalizing isn't very smart either. most of the "intelligent" people I've known in my life have been medicated at some point. have you even experienced it before?

>> No.9556683

Actually, I do.
After I've worked and suffered for 10 hours when I should only really do so for 3 or 5, and those 3 or 5 hours should feel like play.

I don't think it's good to bring more people into this, but I've got my own issues (social isolation due to race) that instills a bias in the way I think.

Just because the Unabomber thought industrial life was bullshit doesn't mean people don't enjoy it.

>> No.9556686


There are already people suffering who need help. Creating a new sentient being that's especially prone to depression/suffering and teaching it to alleviate suffering in the future could reduce net suffering, but only if that being has the resources to help and decides to use them to that end. Chances are though that that being will just fall into the same trap of thinking it can raise its own children that'll help make the world a better place. If every smart, depressed person does this instead of simply helping people now, the world will become overpopulated AND suffering will increase. It's not rocket science, anon.

That stupid horny dude who's going around happily knocking up chicks without a care in the world is genetically predisposed to not have a care in the world. His children are not as likely to suffer as mine, so the moral threat of his reproducing is less than the moral threat of mine.

As much as I feel emotionally compelled to want children, I know the moral calculus isn't in my favor.

>> No.9556704

But intelligent people need to exist so that they can solve problems that stupid people create, or else every human being will suffer 100x fold.

On a certain level, I get the feeling that's why intelligent people exist in the first place.

They're there to care for their tribe and to make things simple.

Do you really think it's good that mentally slow people are forced to live alone?

>> No.9556707

No, but most of the intelligent people I know are miserable and struggling like everyone else.

>> No.9556708

No this is the reason people are marrying later in life and having kids later in life which corresponds to having down syndrome kids

video games are for people who have no friends in the real world that they can network and build relationships with

>> No.9556712

Well, perhaps I take back what I said a little. Think about life, surely, but don't overthink it. I don't know why you're concerned with what people around you choose to do. If they're not harming anyone, let them be. I would also argue that your race probably has little to nothing to do with your lack of success with regards to making friends or having romantic relationships thus far. I've also spent a large portion of my life alone and depressed, wondering why it was that I was in the state that I was (and partially still am). I've come to realize that it was all ultimately down to the choices I had made and that I somewhat continue to make. I began to realize that the way you read the world (and not how it is) is entirely down to you. And it doesn't matter that the world doesn't conform to your will because it doesn't conform to anyone else's either so as far as you're concerned, the world is what you want it to be. The sooner you let go of these common yet subtle preconceived notions that I believe have been piped into all our minds since we were children, the happier and more satisfied you will become as a complete person. To use an analogy, it would be absolutely asinine to begin construction of a building without first ensuring its foundations are sufficiently prepared.

>Now that my sister is gone
I'm sorry for your loss. But if the world is as horrible as I think you think it is, perhaps she's doing better now.

>> No.9556714


>> No.9556733

There are so many statistics that prove that race is isolating.


You see it on both sides of the racial divide.
I know that it's not a big deal if you let people talk to one another for a great swathe of time, but real life doesn't work like that.

You need as much congruity as you can get.

Also, my sister is still alive, but she doesn't communicate with me anymore and lives an alright life with her husband.

Just look at Chris Harper Mercer and Elliot Rodger, and you see a pattern of rejection in youth and adulthood.

I'm aware that people fear me/think I'm stupid because I'm racially ambiguous even if they don't speak of it. Life isn't easy for anyone, but racial cohesion makes it so people get along and can set aside differences.

I knew I was saying nigger as a child, but I acknowledged that I was prejudiced and it was normal to feel that way, but that didn't make it ok. Even though I ultimately thought like that, it never made the prejudice itself leave.

>> No.9556741

What if you make a lot of money off of playing video games?

Are people who play chess two hours a day usually average or lower IQ?