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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9550662 No.9550662 [Reply] [Original]

"Researchers from Iowa State University are claiming that US versions of popular Russian-funded news media are littered with articles and links casting genetically modified organisms in a negative light. It’s an effort, say the researchers, to discredit American agricultural practices and to portray Russian crops as an 'ecologically cleaner' alternative to GMOs."

The extremely low quality of science reporting, especially on topics with political, military or economic ramifications (which means pretty much everything) may be due to more than just scientifically illiterate reporters.


>> No.9550669

Yep, and they're latching on to any 'extreme' political movement in the US in order to spread fifth columnist rhetoric, especially with regard to foreign and economic policy.

>> No.9550694

t. defenceless honest GMO lobby

>> No.9550702

Drop the 50's red scare nonsense gramps we're all friends we always were. btw fuck the kkk and the fascist usa bring down the system bro

>> No.9550704

neomcarthyism in full swing
>oh you hate monsanto you must be a russian trollbothacker

>> No.9550749
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>thread instantly swarmed by /pol/'s useful idiots
Trump colluded.

>> No.9550758

t. Monsanto shill

>> No.9550798


Russia doesn't have friends it just has vassal states in waiting.

>> No.9550806

I bet we'll find out Russians spread the "GMOs are all 100% harmless and Monsanto is a humanitarian organization" part too.

>> No.9550840

Russia has learned to weaponize the internet.
What sort of damage would be caused if every country in the world decided to block Russia from the internet?

Add up all the damages caused by Russia attacking various governments and countries through the internet and all the illegal content they share online like movies and music.

compare that it to potential consequences of walling Russia off from the internet forever. Pretty sure it'd be cheaper/safer to just ban Russia from the entire internet forever, but can we get this shit quantified so we can make an argument to congress and the rest of the world, please?

>> No.9550857
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>>9550749 >>9550662 >>9550840 >>9550806

Left wing says "it's the Russians!"

Right wing says "it's the Jews!"

Plot twist: Is it the Russians Jews!?

>> No.9550868

Damn, you figured us out.

>> No.9550884

>right wing says "it's the jews"
hahaha yeah everyone on the right is a nazi hahah

>> No.9550888


butthurt neonazionist detected

>> No.9550923

Mods, get on this.

>> No.9550924

We need flags on every board. It's the only way.

>> No.9550928

Russia is literally a predominantly white country christian country that just happens to speak a goofy language.
Hating russia is fucking retarded.

>> No.9550929

Fuck you and your entire agenda. Anonymity is the life blood of 4chan, and flags actively battle it. Arguments don't become better or worse just because they're made by a certain nationality.

>> No.9550978

Russian here, flags not needed.
The chief reason is, for some unknown reasons and thanks to our crazy-ass law-making machine, we now have a law forbidding to cultivate any GMO products inside the country. What's weird is that it's not prohibited to buy cheap GMO soy beans from (China) abroad, but trying to raise them inside Russia is a big no-no.
So, you see, our mass media have to make sacrifices at the altar of our never-faulting government, that's why all that 'GMO is evil' nonsense.

>> No.9550979

Hmm, very defensive. Might flags reveal something about you, Vlad?

>> No.9550982

Hans actually, if you like to go by retarded stereotypes.

>> No.9550994

Westernfag detected.
Vlad is short for Vladislav, not Vladimir. Vladislav as in Dracula. The short for Vladimir is (surprise) Vova or (even wierder) Volodya.

>> No.9550998

Vampires are the real threat, and you know it.

>> No.9551002

>muh flags
They can just use a VPN.
They would literally be, false flags.

This was such a big problem on /pol/ that they just decided let people choose any flag they want, and people would assume they're always lying, as anyone should assume when communicating anonymously over the internet.

>> No.9551009

GMO vampires when?

>> No.9551013

You're saying 'illegal content' as if it's something bad. BTW what happened to the Netherlands and some other European counties like Romania, don't they like to distribute pirated stuff anymore?

>> No.9551024

I don't mean ban Russia from 4chan.
I say the entire internet.

No google, no wiki. No netflix. No facebook/twitter/4chan/reddit. No online banking with foreign countries. no crypto currencies. Just cut them out and hang them to dry. The cost to them would be great, but ignore that for a second cause we don't care. Instead, calculate the cost to the rest of the world if we cut Russia out completely. Would the world suffer at all, aside from creating the dangerous precedent of banning an entire country?

>> No.9551035

also, not a perma ban. Just Russias access to the internet for a few weeks. Or even just 24 hours as a warning. Think of it as a new form of sanctions. Zero internet access for the entire country for 7 days.

>> No.9551036

And block Americans while you're at it for constantly inciting anger against Russians. Russia may strategically manipulate portions of the internet, but it's nothing compared to the sheer uncontrolled idiocy that floods into the web from Murrika.

>> No.9551038
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>Monsanto can't compete

>> No.9551040

Lol the actual state of American liberals

>> No.9551042

I dont give two shits because Monsanto here paid some of the local corrupt politicians to open a production plant.
They are as nasty as the Russian government.

>> No.9551044

Which is, by definition, almost impossible. And what would you try to achieve by doing so? Remember that sanctions harm ordinary people first. And, DESU, I'm pretty sure there're plenty of Russian troll factories operating from across the Russian border.

>> No.9551059

Russia's attacked more than America. It's just America's the 1st one to do something about it cause.....well I don't know why everyone waits and follows America's example. Maybe America is just a world leader. But off the top my head they had a hand in manipulating Brexit, they attacked Germany, France, Greece, Ukraine and god knows how many other countries. Pretty much any country with a public democratic election they've tried to tip the scales. It's a clear repeated pattern effecting every country on the planet that isn't stopping until they're forced to stop.

This the digital form of WW3, and Russia is starting it!! I say a 1 week ban is a slap on the hand and small price for preventing dangerous escalations. Also Russia is a bunch of babies tend to overreact or overcompensate. They'd probably try the same thing like you suggest, in which case Russia would be banning themselves from the internet.

>> No.9551060

>What sort of damage would be caused if every country in the world decided to block Russia from the internet?
You can have a country-size LAN as North Korea does, and won't see anything you don't want.
>and all the illegal content they share online like movies and music
Just don't send those shitty hollywood movies and shitty rap music to Russia, problem solved.

>> No.9551062

Why don't you go fuck yourself, you fat American yokel?

>> No.9551075
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>no crypto currencies
t. nocoiner

>> No.9551084

t. (((liberal))) american commie faggot

>> No.9551231

GMO debate is irrelevant soon since everyone can just use undetectable genome edited crops instead, which are impossible to prove as artificially edited.