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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9547633 No.9547633 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post 100% true facts..

>> No.9547635

It's inevitable that someone will eventually post a non-true statement in this thread.

>> No.9547637

The earth has more than 300 trees on it

>> No.9547639

you already did

>> No.9547648

Everything is not one thing

>> No.9547650
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I think, therefore I am. Can anything else actually be known?

>> No.9547651

By saying the word ''Everything'' you just made them one thing

>> No.9547655

in a parallel universe there is

>> No.9547669

traps ARE gay

>> No.9547670

i don't think therefore i don't am

>> No.9547671

Define "facts"

>> No.9547674

Traps and OP always have at least one thing in common.

>> No.9547675

Traps are gay

>> No.9547704

what am i suppose to know from this picture

>> No.9547719

Good shit, anon!

>> No.9547775

how could you know its you who think and its you who is ? maybe its some kind of higher creature putting that idieas into ur mind
nice parrot btw

>> No.9547777


>> No.9547790

traps aren't gay

>> No.9547791


>> No.9547808

100% of facts arent true because i say so

>> No.9547816

Do you consider that a fact?

>> No.9547895

stupid OP

>> No.9547901

one must be to be manipulated

>> No.9547916

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.9547917

emptiness does not exist

>> No.9547919

but it exists into your words

>> No.9547924

If one is changing ''manipulated'' then its not one.

>> No.9547926

>I think, therefore I am.
The " I " in that statement refers to that which is perceiving. It is defined to be him.

>> No.9547932

could you give me an example of something that is not multiple things, and seemingly by your definition one thing?

>> No.9547936

[math]P(x) \Rightarrow Q(x) \equiv \neg Q(x) \Rightarrow \neg P(x)[/math]

>> No.9547939

[math]p \vee \neg p[/math]

>> No.9547941

Woah woah woah there buddy, you don't necessarily exist. I'M the only one who must exist

>> No.9547942
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You are welcome.

>> No.9547967

lol kys idiot

>> No.9547968

everything is true
nothing is forbidden

>> No.9547969


>> No.9547976


>> No.9548001

de dicto or de re?

>> No.9548004

A man with feminine fat deposits and make up is still a man, and masturbating to them is undisputedly gay.

>> No.9548210

"Slowness" has little to do with one's IQ.

>> No.9548215

In order to exist, things must be identical to themselves.

>> No.9548228

The shortest distance from point A to point B is a straight line.

Simple fact which you can use to prove the triangle inequality theorem.

>> No.9548253

It does in your head.

>> No.9548312

Traps are gay && traps aren't gay, which means p and not p is true and therefore basic logic is invalid

>> No.9548319


>> No.9548321

You are correct. The reason facts are true is not because you said so.

>> No.9548336

Bullshit only I exist.

>> No.9548338

>t. coping brainlet

>> No.9548355


>> No.9548429


>> No.9548451

God no lol

>> No.9548459

Nah its a true statement. 141 IQ here, measured by a professional. I find most things in math and science are pretty easy to deduce with logic, even with little prior knowledge. However, if someone were to watch me do math without a calculator, they would assume im retarded. I am aweful at mental math aswell. Also, i hang out on 4 chan because it allows me to be witty in conversation, as i can respond at my own pace. Im a stumbling stuttering failure at real life conversations.

>> No.9548491

Deduce Bolzano-Weierstrass
>muh 141 IQ

>> No.9548515

it's not a true statement. "slowness has little to do with IQ " implies that they are not correlated or only very weakly correlated.

Infact the speed at which you are able to solve puzzles and perform mental tasks is a very good indicator of IQ and forms part of how people measure IQ.
infact all standard IQ tests are done under a time constraint so yes being slow would negatively affect your IQ a lot .

So you are completely wrong and your counter evidence of an anecdotal sample of size 1 does nothing to refute the true statement that slowness does have much to do with IQ.

You clearly aren't very intelligent if you said something so obviously wrong.

How does it feel to be wrong, brainlet?

>> No.9548518


>> No.9548526

85 balls>100 ants.

>> No.9548533

Autism. Your iq test was one of your delusions.

>> No.9548539

fuck off

>> No.9548560

Thats the thing about having a high IQ. You tend not to give a fuck about what angry neckbeards on a mongolain basket weaving blog think about you.

Not the guy >>9548533 replied to.

>> No.9548574

In what way?

>> No.9548587

>claim something stupid
>get proven wrong and made fun of for being a brainlet
>"I-I-I-I'm smart... I'm real smart..."
lol worthless , low IQ idiot.

>> No.9548595

numberphile told me so

>> No.9548603

It's a false claim based on the wrong assumption that 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 ... = 1/2

>> No.9548616

Seems like you guys need some help with defining slowness in psychometrics. Quickness/slowness refers to things like reaction time (i.e. being able to press a button exactly when it turns it changes colors, elementary cognitive tasks, etc). These correlate well only with tests having very easy test items-- there's a ceiling on these tests for a very good reason. These attributes correlate negatively in the very high ranges (99.9th percentile and beyond).

>> No.9548620
File: 400 KB, 1800x1800, It&#039;s Flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is flat

>> No.9548626

Snozberries taste like snozberries

>> No.9548831

Do you even speak English?

>> No.9548902

There is no truth

>> No.9548929
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>> No.9548969

So the truth is there is no truth?

>> No.9549011

this is the only truth that we can be 100% certain of, everything else is just probable in varying percentages .

>> No.9549031

females exist you know

>> No.9549034
File: 2.86 MB, 3360x2100, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 3.22.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toady I learned in my cell signaling class that a mutation on amino acid 167 of JAK2 causes it to become constitutively active. This is due to the JH1 domain becoming destabilized and thus unable to auto-inhibit the JH1 kinase domain.

>> No.9549057

It is false that nothing cannot not exist

>> No.9549066
File: 52 KB, 793x793, color test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9549256

There are no girls on the internet.

>> No.9549266

If language is how we communicate
shit is how we defecate


>> No.9549284

Dropping bars

>> No.9549311

We send these kids to mars
While entropy be stomping out stars.

Ya ya

>> No.9549486

100% true facts..

>> No.9549610
File: 177 KB, 1200x1000, infinite electricity revised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will run.

>> No.9549681


>> No.9549730


>> No.9549845


>> No.9549934

It is impossible for something to be, and not be, in the same respect, at the same time.
> t. Law of Non-contradiction

>> No.9549953
File: 942 KB, 898x674, 1514078159661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these.

Back when 4chan was good.

What ever happened to these.

>> No.9550268

My fellow bio nigger

>> No.9550318

>upper image shows stretched clouds in the foreground and compressed clouds in the background, a hallmark of a composite panorama image
>image says www.AirPano- at the bottom
Probably shitposting though.

>what is newton's third law that you can verify by pushing another person away from you
>what is the Foucault pendulum
>a = rw^2 = 6.371E6 * (72.7E-6)^2 = 0.03369 << 9.81 are you fucking insane
>do the cavendish experiment yourself if you don't believe in gravity
>the furthest that we can go [at the moment] ≠ the furthest we have ever gone
>what is antarctic tourism
The rest of your points are pseudoscience; you can't see 100 miles, and you don't need to tilt your aircraft while flying.

>> No.9550327

That's still my favourite perpetual motion machine. Most have obvious flaws or rely on really basic misunderstandings of physics, but that one actually takes a bit of thought to figure out why it won't generate power.

>> No.9550333

I think there are some slightly more refined ones that rely on buoyancy, but they're all pretty good. The free-∆v machine in KSP is also an interesting one; move all fuel into one end of spacecraft, rotate 180 degrees, transfer fuel back again, rotate again, etc. KSP doesn't move the craft as the opposite reaction when you transfer fuel but your centre of mass changes, allowing you to pick up a fair bit of ∆v.

>> No.9550629

ok you can add all of mathematics

>> No.9550709

0.9999... = 1

>> No.9550734

I didn't know this about KPS. How much fuel/how large of a craft are we talking here?

>> No.9550763

You're retarded if you think "I think therefore I am" is valid logic. Descartes is a hack and has contributed nothing to philosophy other than throwing a wrench in the works.

>> No.9550764

Black people as a race are inferior

>> No.9550791

yeah cus they smell bad

>> No.9550855
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>> No.9550932

oh commn now !! we all humans

>> No.9551051

Correct. Implying no truths implies a truth. Yes there is truth existing in many forms and types of trueness.

>> No.9551069

How can you be sure that it is "you" that is thinking, or what "you" are?

The only thing that can be known is that there is thinking.

>> No.9551086

why would the rope be taught on the ascending loop but not on the descending loop?

>> No.9551088

Miscommunication causes wars, and a tool to end wars is like a mirror stuck to the hands of the creators/destroyers of the universe. While they play with that, a new universe can be made. When you leave the mirror behind, what you pick up becomes what you are, partly. There are an infinite number of possibilities in an infinite universe. Miscommunication is the cause of war.

>> No.9551214

Got dubs both times, future as a rapper confirmed.

>> No.9551257

pointless semantics.
you are whoever is doing the thinking, whether it turns out to be a form from another dimension, a brain in a vat or something less stupid. this is not for us to speculate and not what descartes even tried to do.

>> No.9551296


>> No.9551297

Then no he didn't

>> No.9551311

some are less human than others

>> No.9551315

Yet you refer to it by a single name

>> No.9551348


>> No.9551396

ur gay

>> No.9551417

This fact is false

>> No.9551431

It can work with anything with 2 fuel tanks, but it's quickest to make two big tanks on either end of a very long but light structural pylon.

>> No.9551443

I'm practicing.

>> No.9551751

pretty good troll image

>> No.9551785


>> No.9551804

Godel, stop it.

>> No.9551852

I have a theory about different types of thinking or perceiving and their ensuing relativistic effects. Like some people who appear slower are actually processing vaster amounts of information and deliberation, and in the end produce something of great value whereas the original speedy gonzales is now apparently retarded in comparison

>> No.9551857

I've got nonlocal wormholes bro

>> No.9551990

straight lines don't exist in whatever geometry allows wormholes

>> No.9552206


>> No.9552412

But there must be a select instance in which the path through the wormhole is a straight line.

>> No.9552587

>magick is real
>ESP exists
>UFOs are real and well documented
>Premonition has been proven
>telepathy is an established fact
>/sci/ is wrong about everything

>> No.9552693

finally, a 100% true fact

>> No.9553898

its a fact

>> No.9553919


Niggers are not humans.

>> No.9553942

why the homophobia?

>> No.9554169


Black people are the original homo sapiens. White people are the dysgenic mutated hybrid offspring of neanderthals and homo sapiens who fucked each other

>> No.9554212

>White people are the dysgenic mutated hybrid offspring of neanderthals and homo sapiens who fucked each other

And the Amerindians, Asians etc?