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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 236 KB, 1180x784, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9547301 No.9547301 [Reply] [Original]

Trump's VA has teemed up with Deepmind to do hospital prediction using 700,000 patient histories. They hope to prevent up to 11% of deaths in the VA system.

https://www.dashgenomics.com will be launching Alzheimer's prediction tests using GWAS this SUMMER.

This willow allow intelligent people to better plan for retirement and abuse insurance companies by getting more end of life coverage ahead of time.

>> No.9547306

I love the thought of massively exploiting AI for all kinds of things but I don't trust the government and I definitely don't trust Google.

>> No.9547310

Beats working on playing boardgames

>> No.9547322

Google already arbitrarily censors and bans people due to SJW butthurt what will they do with your medical records?

They are a zero-credibility company and need to be destroyed.

>> No.9547340
File: 54 KB, 933x445, donald-trump-obamacare-repeal-replace-dismantle-933x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abuse insurance companies by getting more end of life coverage ahead of time.

Not gunna work kiddo.
All non-Obamacare insurance plans have a clause where if you have foreknowledge that you're at risk for a disease and don't disclose it to them, they can deny you coverage at a later date. In other words, this could backfire on you big time if you tried it.

>use big data to determine your health risks
>buy tons of health insurance thinking you're insured
>insurance company knows you had your data analyzed and this disqualifies you but they keep quiet about it
>several years later, you get sick and make claim to insurance company
>insurance company was well prepared for from day one to deny you coverage

>> No.9547343

also, this is a very valid reason to NOT get a DNA test. Aside from privacy concerns, if the test found anything in your DNA it could disqualify you from all plans for the remainder of your life. It's a very risky thing, knowing if you're going to die of a curable disease.

>> No.9547353
