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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9543294 No.9543294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate, bigots

>> No.9543296

As long as he doesn't expect me to call him a woman, why do I care?

>> No.9543300

you can't be a scientist if you don't know what XY XX (or think you can change it) is

>> No.9543576

Literally PhD is being given to anyone these years

Scientific advancement in Maths or physics has stopped since last century

>> No.9543679


anyone that has the ability to earn it. maybe in the libarts its a joke but in the hard sciences its far harder getting your doctorate these days.

>> No.9543747

not all sex characteristics are governed by xx/xy tho

>> No.9543753

He's really letting the team down

>> No.9543766

What about the name? You won't use Clara? Because that's a woman's name.

>> No.9543768


>> No.9543829


if you dont call him a woman you will be fired

>> No.9543831



>> No.9543859

Your mom has genes for beard hair. She doesn't express them because there's a network of genetic switches that keep it off. These switches can be controlled by protein expression patterns.

Transpeople have wonky genetic switches. They might have too much of a protein, or not enough. Base morphology (eg testes) might still come through because of a y chromosome but that doesn't mean the network downstream (manifesting as behavior) might not have problems.

>> No.9543865

You can't be a scientist if you think gender (boy/girl) and sex (XY/XX) are the same thing. You're trying to argue with the entire field of psychology.

>> No.9543880

>why do I care?
Because LGBTs use the persecution narrative to justify abusing whatever positions they gain to promote each other, often in league with other designated victim class members.

These sorts of people have largely taken over academia (and a surprising amount of large corporations), and they prioritize position on the progressive stack far above competence. It's getting to the point where a straight white man has no chance, and even straight asian men are starting to feel the pinch.

>> No.9543882

There's absolutely nothing wrong with 'transpeople' genetically. Any geneticist will tell you that genes are reactive to the environment. Physical pathology on the other hand is supported by research on the effects of certain chemical pollution (xenoestrogens, atrazine)
It's entirely learned, conditioned behavior to "act female", or to perceive yourself as such, as what that means is variable based on local customs.

>> No.9543884

Reminder: there is no scientific basis for claims that being "transgender" is some sort of physical intersex condition. It is diagnosed purely by observing behavior, or the status is claimed by self-diagnosis. There are no physical diagnostics for whether someone is transgender.

>> No.9543889

I don't think you work in academia, or know much about it at all, because what you just said is ridiculous

>> No.9543892

When I grow up, I want to be a /Sci/entist

>> No.9543899

heh, not really

>> No.9543902

Why do you think that is? It's almost as if the moneyed overlords controlling these institutions value obedience over competence/imagination...

who wooda thunk

>> No.9543907

>the moneyed overlords controlling these institutions
Yeah man, leftist infiltrators are best described as "moneyed overlords". The decay of academia is capitalism's fault!

>> No.9543928

How about a guy who is so feminine from an anatomy standpoint he is better off being a trap? Is that not genetic?

>> No.9543932

when I said genetic switches I meant epigenetics. Not the genes themselves.
There's absolutely conditioning in cultures but are you saying there's no cross-talk between behavior and sex?

haven't there been observed differences in brain activity and morphology? or am I thinking of homosexuals

>> No.9543937

When you have more wealth than one could ever need, you don't think in terms of false dichotomies such as 'left vs right politics', realizing they are entirely irrelevant misinformation.

>> No.9543939

>As long as he doesn't expect me to call him a woman, why do I care?
1) He does. And if you don't, he'll do his level best to get you fired/expelled/blacklisted.
>Dr. Clara Barker
2) People are never "just transgender" or "just gay", and otherwise live normal lives. Mental illness and rejection of traditional morals have far-reaching consequences into every aspect of life.

>> No.9543943

>haven't there been observed differences in brain activity and morphology?
Just correlation-fishing-trip stuff, nothing near good enough to diagnose by.

>> No.9543949

You have probably been calling transgender people by their preferred pronouns your whole life without knowing it. Most trans people aren't visible.

>> No.9543956

>Most trans people aren't visible.

>> No.9543957

fair enough, but that seems like an area to explore to get at causal mechanism

>> No.9543960

>implying you can see trannies

>> No.9543969

I wasn't referring to people with actually genetic irregularity when I said transgender impulses aren't determined by genetics. In the case of XXY/XYY hermaphroditism, they are actually genetically between genders.
I certainly wouldn't recommend a sex change even in this case, as I believe in leaving people the way they are born is always best in such cases, regardless of 'social fit'.

>> No.9543973
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I'm not sure you know what a correlation fishing trip is. It means that you look at enough variables that it's inevitable that you'll find a "statistically significant" correlation.

Twin studies show the lack of a strong genetic or conditions-of-pregnancy basis for homosexuality (identical twins of homosexuals aren't usually also homosexual). They weren't "born that way".

>> No.9543977


>> No.9543981

Thanks for clearing that up.

That's an interesting perspective on it though, I hear different things from different people. I'll have to get back to reading up on it myself.

>> No.9543999

You're saying science is unreliable?

>> No.9544017

>quirky hair colors and dnd nerd shit shirt
Gonna guess it has autism too.

>> No.9544045

it's true though, transgenderism was rarely mentioned in the media 15 years ago, does that mean that there were no transgender people? No, back then only the ones that passed transitioned so you never noticed them. Transmen are basically still invisible, they are almost never mentioned in transgender hate articles. This is because it's easier for a woman to pass as a man than vice versa.

>> No.9544116

nah mate you're thinking of sociology which is about the same as Scientology in scientific veracity.

>> No.9544119

>value obedience over competence/imagination
This is actually a pretty good summation however I'm not sure it explains the rise of victimhood as a social currency.

>> No.9544153

Victimhood is wanting someone else to make something right for you, to fight your battle. It isn't always wrong, but as a mode of thought or action it certainly is flawed.
It is the motivation for obedience, appealing to and stroking the ego of the perceived master in hope that they'll serve you.

>> No.9544161

>t. someone who will literally never receive a PhD

>> No.9544166

Heh what a loser, I bet they'll never even have the gear to clear the first boss in Naxx40 either...

>> No.9544186

Had to look up what Naxx40 is to reply to this; did you just equate a PhD in math or physics to gear stats in world of warcraft?

>> No.9544201

Maybe straight white men are not just competitive enough... most of the faculty in my undergrad and post grad universities were filled with white men.

Nice projection though

>> No.9544213

Arbitrary achievement of no inherent value outside of social niche approval, meet equivalent.

Come back when you've achieved something tangible, like growing 1mil lbs of potatoes, or mining 1mil bitcoin!

>> No.9544229

She/He is right. Being trans, black, ect doesn't get in the way of being a scientists.

>> No.9544230

>most of the faculty
So you're talking about people who were hired/promoted 10+ years ago, right?

The progressive stack takeover of hard sciences didn't reach critical mass until a few years ago. Before that, there was a decade or two where you could get along just by being liberal, and before that merit still ruled.

>> No.9544241

>transgenderism was rarely mentioned in the media 15 years ago, does that mean that there were no transgender people?
15 years ago, there were almost no transgender people, and they mostly stayed in places where people were tolerant of cross-dressers.

>> No.9544251

>Sex is all culture
kek no faggot

>> No.9544262

> Thinks they don't hand out affirmative action doctorates
> He hasn't heard of the funky sum

>> No.9544266

nice comprehension
behavioral characteristics are

>> No.9544270

Looks very jewish. Ash jews have a much higher percentage of mentally ill people. They actually need to race mix.

>> No.9544350

I disagree, I'm pretty sure he's received a fantastic education from internet celebrities. Classics like "Jordan Peterson OBLITERATES transgender student" and "Ben Shapiro WRESTLES liberal snowflake TO THE GROUND and FUCKS him in the ASS" are listed his favorites, so you know he has a high IQ.

Have these people been inside a university, research facility, or corporation? In my experience, list of appearance goes like this: whites/asians>hispanics>LGBTs>everyone else.

>> No.9544364

yea, until they commit suicide

>> No.9544440

...do you know how exams work?

>> No.9544682

Sounds like you are just looking for an excuse for why you are less qualified.

>> No.9544736


>> No.9544752

who fucking cares? quit worrying about what your colleagues have in their pants.

there have been some preliminary results suggesting that trans people, like gay people, are similar to individuals at some sexually dimorphic loci in the brain. however, the sample size is so damn small it's impossible to be sure.
and remember, just because something is idiopathic doesn't mean it's not real.

>> No.9544785

>this thing goes to one of the top Universities in the world and I go to a mediocre Research Uni in America

>> No.9545002

Really? Source on this? I grew up around trans people all my life and assumed none passed - but of course I'm only going to notice the ones who DON'T.

>> No.9545006

That's because it didn't exist 15 years ago.

They were creepy homosexual crossdressers and the subject of town gossip. My neighbor was what you would call trans now, but was just regarded as a mentally ill pervert back then.

>> No.9545008

In what way do homosexuals physically look different than white or asian people?

>> No.9545014

>who cares

Trannies and liberals. Hence the aborted "Transgender Day" at my workplace in which we were going to be forced to celebrate our co-workers sexual fetish.

Luckily...I guess...the Islamic and Hindi co-workers shut it down.