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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9542350 No.9542350 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder issac newton never proved the curve of the earth when theorizing about gravity which is why it is still classified as a theory and not a fact , this is also why like half of modern science is wrong

oh yeah dont forget everything source ever admits that gravity has not been proven

>> No.9542376

>This satirical look at "only a theory" disclaimers imagines what might happen if advocates applied the same logic to the theory of gravitation that they do to the theory of evolution.
Germ theory is also only a theory.

>> No.9542382


>> No.9542393

>people are so bad at picking up satire it outright states it is satire so people will know
>"[Gravity] utterly fails to account for obesity."
I honestly hope you people don't use this page as an argument against gravity being real.

>> No.9542394


>> No.9542398

the weight of all the oxygen,carbon, nitrogen and other atoms in the air keep things down this is why gas giants like Jupiter and Neptune have more "gravity" than earth even though rocks are way denser than gas, gravity is a lie

>> No.9544099

Dr. Johnson said "this rock exists" and he kicked it. The pain in his foot was proof enough.

Proving (or disproving) the existence of Gravity is equally easy.
Jump off a cliff.

Hire a balloon. Rise above most of the atmosphere. Jump. If it's the weight (what weight?) of the air above "holding you down", you should just sort of float.

>> No.9544103

Not shit sherlock
Everyone knows GR is one of the most messiest, unsatisfactory theories to date. We don't even have a way to define mass

>> No.9544408

daily reminder that I don't give a shit