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9536784 No.9536784 [Reply] [Original]

why aren’t you taking antidepressants to treat your depression /sci/?

>> No.9536796

Because I don't *think* I am depressed, and therefore it would be a waste of money to take them.

>> No.9536797

>acute depression, not chronic
>higher improvement rate than sugar pills
>people can fucking tell they haven't got the sugar pills because of the side effects and because they're psychotropic drugs, so they might as well print "Not Placebo" on them
>the sugar pills still have a bigger difference of improvement rate compared to no treatment than the real drugs have over the sugar pills

>> No.9536808

The word prove doesn't appear anywhere in that image, anon.

>> No.9536809

because i don't wanna turn into a vegetable

>> No.9536812

How about you actually read the article.

>> No.9536815

Unlikely, although it might increase risk of alziemers

>> No.9537225

Vitamin D + light therapy changed my life without them thankfully.

Not even shitting you, I dropped out of uni and became a NEET for 6 years. Constant mood swings then major depression in the winter. Couldnt hold a job. Barely got out of bed.

Then I got a therapy light. Use it every morning for an hour + 2500UI vit D daily. Havent been depressed since, moods are stable, I feel normal again. Back in uni for math. Exercise almost daily. Most importantly, I have desire again.

Also I recommend eating loads of veggies and kerping calories around you daily recommended intake

>> No.9537226

Because fucking ugly girls is cheaper.

>> No.9537236 [DELETED] 

you posted this on exact same thread on /pol/ yesterday. I'll say it again here.

Any article that has "scientists say" or "study finds" in the headline is poised to misrepresent the data in a non-factual way.

>> No.9537238

>>9536784 (OP)
you posted this same thread thread on /pol/ yesterday so I'll say it again here.

Any article that has "scientists say" or "study finds" in the headline is poised to misrepresent the data in a non-factual way.

>> No.9537256

What kind of light did you get??? Is there any reason you don't just take vitamin D supplements?

Solid advice witht he veggies and exercise, too. You'd be surprised how many people don't know why they are depressed, but their bodies are not getting basic support.

>> No.9537258

cool now if only science could prove the existence of half the shit we consider "mental illnesses" including depression.

>> No.9537262

Sounds legit desu. SSRIs have too many side effects.

>> No.9537266


Because society should be treating the cause and not shill for drug companies to produce products which mask the symptoms but keep a person indefinitely hooked on drugs.

>> No.9537448

Carex bright therapy light. its upper end of cost for therapy lights but it works

i do take vit d supps now. i didnt even think about it for years. once i started taking them, it was a different me

agreed. i tried prozac for a month but it made things worse. also tried risperdol but got 900 side effects so noped the fuck out after a week

>> No.9537460
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>> No.9537487

This whole thread makes me feel like shit for taking anti-depressants and ADHD meds now, though the hang ups of just stopping medication I’ve taken for years would probably be catastrophic. I’m worried about the long term effects it might have on my overall health and brain function.

>> No.9537508

>Drugs that stop depression stop depression

Isn't that the whole point though?

Also because I can't be bothered going to a doctor and also because my depression is based on my life, not some vague chemical imbalance, so at best all I can do is retard myself enough to get through each day.

>> No.9537846

Not saying you are wrong but what makes you say this? That your depression is not chem imbalance but life circumstance?

ADHD and anti depressants are perfectly normal. This is 4chan, its a bunch of losers trying to gain some sense of self worth by sperging out online. Dont listen to the anti medication circlejerk

There are a lot of successful people on the same meds as you. Including high functioning people like lawyers and scientists. Look to the real world, meds arent anything to be ashamed of.

>> No.9537874

I was in the same boat a few years ago. Getting off of them was hard, but it was worth it. It is not something to be taken lightly and you will want to have your shit together before you do. It is a liberating thing to do.

Also, you never notice all the little side-effects of these meds while you're taking them. They mask the underlying pathology and cause other issues, sometimes.

>> No.9537896

>Dont listen to the anti medication circlejerk
How many benzos and opiates have you been scammed into scripting already holy shit just look around. Psychology is so radically inductive you could call it a pseudoscience. "Mental illness" has severe phenomenological flaws in it's base concepts. Literally anyone can walk into an office and get a diagnosis for depression, ADHD, or ADD. Quit being retarded because you like your drugs and don't want to confront the fact that your problems are due to your poor decisions and lack of willpower and not because you were born different like the other millions of people with the same diagnosis.

>> No.9538018

Because I'm not depressed.

>> No.9538028

>quit being retarded and face the fact youre retarded

>> No.9538033

>quit being retarded by taking the first step towards nor being retarded

>> No.9538039
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you mean science at one point didn't have a conciseness on a drug they were giving people for years?

>> No.9538040

Because I'm manically depressed (is called 'borderline' nowadays, I think). If I take antidepressants, I'd be an absolute madman during my manic periods.

I take antipsychotics instead.

>> No.9538183

You're very stupid. You don't deserve credit for any of you accomplishments. You don't have "willpower" or good decision making, you just have an easy life.

>> No.9538199

also, yes, Science is one guy and he gives all the drugs to everyone

>> No.9538242

Suicide also prevents symptoms of depression.

>> No.9538254

Happiness in a pill?! Sign me up!!!! Oh wait. The science is in: people spent time and money making things, and people like money.

>> No.9538299


>> No.9538387

Of course they work, I didn't think it still needed to be proved.

Giving antidepressant to someone depressed without knowing they're bipolar will almost every time result in a manic episode.

Or giving antidepressant to a melancholic person that generally won't even get up from their bed will often give them enough energy to get out and jump in front of a train.

They work, it's just that it's not enough to "cure" someone, they just make people more able to follow correctly a real treatment like psychotherapy.

>> No.9538401

> I didn't think it still needed to be proved
You forget that some people still refuse to believe Earth is spherical and insist vaccines cause autism.

>> No.9538404

Based anon, thank you.

>> No.9538406

I'd like to try SSRIs for the numbing effects. A kind of ego suicide. I'd be dead emotionally but my parents wouldn't have to bury me.
The only negative is probably my uni would suffer. Because without the fear and guilt lapping at me I probably wouldn't study so hard. But I wouldn't care about that (that is the brilliant part)

>> No.9538724

Youve never taken prescription psychotropic drugs in your life and also apparently know nothing about clinical trials concerning side effects. People are fucking retards and will ascribe literally every piece of minutia in their lives to "muh side effects" and due to the number of variables and in some cases incomplete understanding of mechanism of action they cant be proven wrong. This is why all prescription drugs have a side effects list printed in 1/4 font longer than 4chan collective dick. Additionally I could start giving you any number of SSRIs to you without your knowledge and you very likely would have no idea.

>> No.9538731

The people in this thread and on this board are illiterate, uneducated idiots on the topic of psychiatry. At a casual glance here are some pure gold retard lines:
>i tried prozac for a month but it made things worse
One month is meaningless
>people can fucking tell they haven't got the sugar pills because of the side effects and because they're psychotropic drugs, so they might as well print "Not Placebo" on them
This guy thinks limitless the movie is real.
>cool now if only science could prove the existence of half the shit we consider "mental illnesses" including depression.
A disease suffered by 10s of millions isnt "real"

>> No.9538750

>Literally anyone can walk into an office and get a diagnosis for depression...
Not in any country with a functioning non predatory healthcare system
>Psychology is so radically inductive you could call it a pseudoscience. "Mental illness" has severe phenomenological flaws in it's base concepts
True, but its still a very real epidemic and costs a huge amount of resource so the point is moot
>your problems are due to your poor decisions and lack of willpower and not because you were born different like the other millions of people with the same diagnosis.
Apparently you didnt get the memo but:
1) We are largely not in control of our lives
2) Individuals are different by definition
3) Willpower doesnt magically solve life problems
4) Someone not conforming to your interpretation of society doesnt constitute their weakness.

How much more american can you get?

>> No.9538773

I did. And it worked. Then I stopped taking them after the symptoms of depression went away.

I didn't see a doctor. I self-diagnosed and acquired the SSRIs. It wasn't fun to be on it, but it was better than feeling the full force of the depression.

I honestly never understood depression until I had it. It very apparent, and I was fully aware something very wrong was going on. Very different than I've ever felt from sadness. It is not something you can just get over.

>> No.9538791

Science also proves that ssri's, when taken for prolonged periods of time, will reduce grey matter in the brain and can cause aggressive behavior along with a slew of other negative effects

>> No.9538811

>to treat my depression

Literally taking 37.5mg venlafaxine because it makes me last FOREVER in bed.

>> No.9538828

Because the last time I took antidepressants I got anxiety and tried to kill myself.
This desu

>> No.9538835

Ah yes, the enlightened European. I bet you enjoy the smell of your own farts

>> No.9538836
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, Sidonia no Kishi - 09 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.16_[2018.02.19_21.07.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime works much better than antidepressants.

>> No.9538845

>Vitamin D
> Exercise daily
>visible adonis belt so not fat

None of this helped.
Then again, I can hold a job 100% fine. So maybe I'm just somebody destined to be bored and not depressed.

>> No.9538938

im canadian

>> No.9538959
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Working out, eating right and having a productive hobby helped me a LOT more than any drug, but I needed the drug to get me to start doing those things

So it's not that simple

>> No.9538977

Drugs are tools.
When you need leverage in your head they can give you that when used and prescribed properly.
If depression is analogous to having your legs broken from a mental inertia standpoint, antidepressants are a wheelchair. Except for LSD and Mushrooms. Those are like a tank that let you break through/down your way of thinking and rewire your entire perspective in one fell swoop.

Use your tools properly and your perspective can be shaped into a healthy and balanced asset to your life.

>> No.9538981

Of course they work
You could just ask anyone who takes them and they would say as much without hesitation
The people you should really talk to though are the ones who used to take them

>> No.9538995

>Except for LSD and Mushrooms
Woaw Joe Rogan is still browsing /sci/

>> No.9539012

Because they make me gain a ton of weight and my psych and my GP refuse to let me try any other antidepressants than the first one I tried because it did effectively help with my anxiety and depression, despite having an undesired side effect

After many attempts to explain my displeasure to them and ask to try a different med and being turned down, I said fuck you and stopped taking my meds altogether

I struggle with depression and anxiety again, not as much as before, but it feels a lot better than being an ugly fat piece of shit that I was on the meds

>> No.9539017

You really need to stick with meds that actually relieve the symptoms. Trying out other meds can be brutal, often having to wait over a month just to find out they don't work. Deal with the weight gain in other ways.

>> No.9539021

There’s no way to deal with the weight gain.
I tried everything. I had a good diet, I was exercising frequently, and no weight changes.
My GP told me that was impossible, but he’s a moron. I stopped taking the med, continued my routine, and a few weeks later what do you know, weight loss finally began to occur after a year of doing the same shit ON the med.

>> No.9539024

Weird innit. For antidepressants the internet is filled completely by the minority who have an absolutely terrible time while for lsd its the minority who love it.

Guys not everyone benefits.

>> No.9539026

>weight loss finally began to occur after a year of doing the same shit ON the med.
Literally impossible famalam. You must have been eating more or exercising less while on the meds. That's what happened to me. Just had to power through it and deal with some weight gain after getting off it.

>> No.9539032

It’s not literally impossible though, it’s a well documented side effect that some people experience on antidepressants.

>> No.9539041

if you're in calorific deficit you can't gain weight, antidepressant or no antidepressant, in fact you can only lose it

since it's always possible to be in calorific deficit what you're suggesting actually is impossible and the person you're replying to is correct

stay on the meds lad, do your time, it'll get better

>> No.9539065

You can potentially gain a few lbs water weight extra, but that's just a few lbs.

>> No.9539072


I’ll try taking them again.

>> No.9539075

How hasn't the science proved that antidepressants create more people capable of school shootings?

>> No.9539085

>antidepressants are in use in tones of countries
>the United States is the only country that has a school shooting issue

>> No.9539090

>taking mind altering drugs is perfectly normal

Sure thing, Dr. Goldstein.

>> No.9539152

>acute depression, not chronic
The efficacy of antidepressants on chronic depression is nowhere near as contentious as the efficacy of them on acute depression.

>> No.9539176


If your doctor ever uses that word while discussing treatments with you, find another doctor.

It basically means they need 10s of thousands of participants and statistical """magicianism""" to show marginal benefits.

>> No.9539256

I was on Zoloft for many years as a child, it caused pretty terrible psychotic episodes (I have the "poor metabolizer" gene). The psychiatrist added Depakote, and increased the dose until I got jaundice and had to spend a week in an ICU for early stage liver failure (and another 2 weeks in a psychiatric facility for the Depakote withdrawal). My understanding is that the mortality rate for Depakote induced liver failure is something like 90%. The psychosis went away pretty much instantly and never returned, but I still live with depression which at times is pretty severe. Needless to say I'm pretty apprehensive about taking antidepressants ever again.

>> No.9539320

>people can fucking tell they haven't got the sugar pills because of the side effects
>implying you can't get side effects from sugar pills
It's called nocebo, brainlet

>> No.9539542

Understandably so.

>> No.9539880

ive been on zoloft for about a month for my obsessive thoughts and anxiety. Also social anxiety.

it works great. I dont care about people judging me and am no longer eye contact averse. I feel like im in control of my brain now and the negative rumination catatrophe ideation is gone. i no longer think people in my life are judging me 24/7. it sucks when you anxiety is so bad that you think babies think you are worthless.

im not depressed but the negative thoughts make me think about suicide. so glad that stopped.

im mixing in a lot of exposure therepy with this and will experiment with weening off of it after half a year.

i am probably like this because of a neglected childhood and overly critical parents and siblings. tried psychotherepy, self help books, meditation and i already wprk out 4 days a week.

so i took the plunge to medically rewire the braincase.

>> No.9539883

Oh god I need to go back on my meds
Holy fuck I forgot this was a thing

>> No.9539888

Uh, he whole description of social anxiety and eye contact being the thing.
I thought I highlighted it for an automatic quote, I guess not.

>> No.9539911


yeah man. its a bitch. i know some people that wont even go to the same stores once people recognize them they have it so bad.

sometimes i wouldnt go outside to get the mail because i figured everyone was waiting for me to come out and look at me to judge negatively.

the shit is debilitating.

>> No.9540367

I listen to meme sounds instead

>> No.9540391

>and having a productive hobby
Can't seem to do/find that, please help

>> No.9540425

because clearly some of the most intelligent advice ive ever found was on the almighty forums of 4chan

>> No.9540493

Well its good to show it on a population level. Thats generally what you want isnt it. Even if you cant guarantee it to work for a given person a goodaverage effect will be nice for the whole country... or are you fucking dense.

>> No.9540511

That's why education exists - to broaden your world so you will find what you like.

>> No.9540980

You're right anon. All you have to do is bee yourself. You figured it out!

>> No.9541512

Ah. You appear to care so very much about society. That's nice.

Despite your opinion however, given the choice, I prefer a treatment that improves my odds by more than 0.001%, and if I have to fly to mexico to get it, and avoid filling some disgusting bureaucrats' pockets in doing so, then that's exactly what I'll do.

Have a nice day.

>> No.9541521

Proven treatments that work exist, and have for many decades. Despite all your creative accounting statistics and genius new age scientists receiving billions in funding to find new ways, I'll stick to what I know, thank you so much for you concern.

And as I said before: if your doctor uses the word """efficacy""", get the fuck out and don't look back.

>> No.9541532

I mean really... doesn't the fact that they're even using treatments that literally require 10,000s of individual case studies to prove even marginal benefits, show that science seems to "scraping the bottom of the barrel".

If it doesn't show that to you, then maybe you ought to seriously consider the possibility that you are indeed a moron.

Sounds borderline homeopathic...

>> No.9541581 [DELETED] 

I don't think you were actually depressed, anon.

>> No.9541606

>comment has existed for 11 hours and sitting at no replies
>suddenly 3 comments appear on it in the span of 10 minutes
>all use reddit spacing and share the same "meds and doctors r bad :(" attitude
I'm willing to bet 5 bucks that these 3 posts are the same person who is currently off their meds

>> No.9541624

>I'm willing to bet 5 bucks that these 3 posts
wow... that's very astute of you. you must be very intelligent. you can count and everything!

say... have you heard of thing called time zones?

>who is currently off their meds

nice passive aggression their too. that's a super cool way of feigning concern for you fellow human beings while at the same time discrediting their arguments.

unfortunately for you, the vast majority of people are smart enough to see through your retarded attempts at... what exactly?... validating the status quo? or perhaps you are attempting to validate your own use of SSRI's? convincing yourself that it worked for you? that you made the right move, and it helped you immensely?

LOL.. you are such a pitiful little faggot... go off the drugs man, or just kys, whatever


>> No.9541633

>say... have you heard of thing called time zones?
>completely misses the point of the post
So, you're saying that I'm completely correct?

>> No.9541641

>So, you're saying that I'm completely correct?

um.... no

no, that's not what I'm saying. please, try again.

>> No.9541650

aren't there studies that also show that anti-anxiety and depression meds can have negative life long impacts on the brain?

>> No.9541857

Is medical (((science))) even trustworthy anymore? How do we know that the researchers weren't bribed by pharmaceutical companies?

>> No.9541859

Also, the study is only focused on short term results, not long term outcomes

>> No.9542189

Benzos will literally make you a retard if you use them long term. And long term in benzo talk is like a month.

>> No.9543742

Because I want to be depressed, obviously.

>> No.9544504

Same thing

>> No.9544518

There's this thing called "biostatistics" where schools of medicine and public health set up entire departments just to make sure everything in modern medicine is working.

t. doing my PhD in Biostats

>> No.9544535

anon, I exercise regularly and have begun meditating daily and I live in the Caribbean where you can literally get your daily dose of vitamin D if you stand next to a tinted window for 10 minutes at the right time of day yet I still get serious bouts of depression.

getting vitamin D isn't a cureall for everyone.

>> No.9545659

Leadded gasoline also works, doesn't mean you should use it.

>> No.9545662

>Science PROVES antidepressants works






>> No.9545705

I experienced an unexpected bump in my social status which improved my emotional regulation and obviated my need for them.

>> No.9545718

>1) We are largely not in control of our lives
>2) Individuals are different by definition
>3) Willpower doesnt magically solve life problems
>4) Someone not conforming to your interpretation of society doesnt constitute their weakness.
This desu

The neoliberal fetish for caricatured "self-responsibility" is unfortunately the coping mechanism of our time. A lot of us hide from and deny the reality of our own powerlessness and lash out at anyone who reminds us of it, whether they do so consciously (by criticizing the way things are) or unconsciously (by the mere fact of their existence or predicament.) We insist we have control until the very moment that our powerlessness confronts -us- because we often hate nothing more than to feel vulnerable.

>> No.9545719

LOL Ive blackout curtains on my windows for the past 8 years and I'm fine you must be a nigger

>> No.9545720

>OP posts article on how Antidepressants work more often than placebo.

>> No.9545721

>my depression is based on my life, not some vague chemical imbalance
One of these things is vague and it's not the chemical imbalance

>> No.9545737
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He was right. Apologize.

>> No.9545794




>The pooled ROR for response of two-armed trials over multiarmed trials was 1.09 (95% confidence interval: 0.96–1.24). The ROR did not materially change between types of antidepressants, publication year, or sponsorship.


1.09 guys. This is what pass for a clinically relevant study these days.


>> No.9546076

what about all the side effects?