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953274 No.953274 [Reply] [Original]

Is the "debate" between evolution and creationism as prominent elsewhere as it is in the U.S.?

>> No.953281


US is generally more full of creationist fucktards.

>> No.953289

yes, islamic countries and eastern europe

>> No.953306


Oh the humanity...

>> No.953311


>> No.953322

The Middle East.

>> No.953325

lol debate
more like the religious think there's a debate
and everyone just ignores them

>> No.953337

Are you guys trolling?
Creationists? Islam?
>what the fuck am i implying

>> No.953342

oh wonderful, they're spread across the planet. I was hoping that the smart Americunts would figure out a way to force them into 3 or 4 states and we could just carpet bomb those states with MOAB missiles and be done with them

>> No.953349

No. An European would laugh at you if you come up with "Hey, let's teach Creationism at school!"

>> No.953353



>> No.953359

Aren't you the angsty European.

>> No.953370

In fact we are laughing about stuff like that, all the time.
I mean, Europe is full of idiots too, but, for fucks sake...

>> No.953409

the "lets teach creationism in school" argument usually only pops up in the middle states, it came up once in Pennsylvania(disguised as intelligent design) but the court shut that shit down real quick. Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas usually have people trying to push creation/intelligent design garbage.

>> No.953421

No. Even the catholic church (the most extreme common form of christianity in westen europe) accepts evolution as fact.

Most forms of religion where people use faith to fill in the gaps of knowledge are fine. Its the radicals that reject knowledge in favor of faith, and america was founded by religious radicals.

>> No.953427
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>> No.953433
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>> No.953434
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>> No.953435

12 years of catholic school begs to differ

>> No.953442


>> No.953448
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>> No.953460

it's not a fucking debate in the us as a whole, stop thinking this
it's only in the south that creationism is common
hopefully texas will secede and the rest of the south will join them

>> No.953465

Same here. They taught me evolution, never tried to teach me "how old the earth is" or that creationism is a valid alternative to science

Catholic stance is one of theistic evolution. Feel free to google it

>> No.953472

Texas already forced its public schools to teach "alternative theories" in the next decades curriculum.

This by the way was decided on by 14 everyday people where 4 actually teach for a living.

>> No.953476
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>> No.953482


Theistic evolution is stupid. God guided evolution? Really? Do you know that natural selection favors some organisms to reproduce more, hence leading to evolution of the population?

For theistic evolution to be true, it would mean that God decided which organisms would get laid more so that humans would one day roam the earth. So for God to make the special creation, he had to micromange the sex lives of many generations of non-humans.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.953483


>> No.953489

>Worships bawwwwwwkins

>> No.953490

well, he is God. He can do whatever he wants, he's ineffable.

>> No.953491
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>> No.953495

by alternative do you mean from a creationist's viewpoint?

>> No.953502


Outside of the Bible Belt virtually no creationist exist in 1st world countries.

Then you have their Islamic extremist friends and that's pretty much it.

>> No.953506

In effect, yes. What they've done is package up the idea so that it's implicitly rather than explicitly religious and given it a makeover to sound more scientific. What they're teaching as an alternative is the idea of "Intelligent Design", where the thought is that an intelligent being is responsible for the creation of life on Earth. They claim this isn't religious since they never say who the designer /is/.

>> No.953508


america wasnt founded upon any religion, read up about it

>> No.953505


Please. It's still laughable. You're explaining something with an unknown, which isn't scientific.

I find it humorous that people will find anyway, with tooth and nail, to keep their God in the picture of humanity, even as science continues to demonstrate we are not that special.

First God created humans, now that has changed to God 'guided' evolution (literally meaning he decided what fucked what and how many times to get his 'creation').

It's all laughable. Stop throwing God into science and calling it an 'interpretation'.

>> No.953511

ofc its stupid, but the catholic church is not creationist, so not AS stupid

>> No.953528


>tries to understand the nature of God
>doesn't understand omnipotence
>doesn't understand what logic is

>> No.953536

Chilean here. We don't really care either way. Creationists and Evolutionists get along well (It's kind of a joke among us).

>> No.953540


>>Is the "debate" between evolution and creationism as prominent elsewhere as it is in the U.S.?

Rejection of evolution corresponds highly with the amount of evangelicals. Its mostly an American thing.

>> No.953544



is your naivity

>> No.953548

does it really fucking matter what someone believes in? jesus fucking christ, you athiests push your beliefs just as hard as christians do and then say there the ones pushing there beliefs on you

let people believe what they want to for fucks sake, its not your business

>> No.953551


>tries to troll
>doesn't know how to troll

>> No.953556

Canadafag here. I was taught the Biblical genesis in high school as part of an English course on mythology.

>> No.953557

original settlers were christian radicals. Read up on it

>> No.953558

That's why we agnostics are the champions

>> No.953562



Failed miserably.


>> No.953563

original settlers all starved to death looking for gold because they where stupid. only ones we got left are like the evangelicals and Amish, and maaybe a few quakers.

>> No.953565
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guys, guys. I don't think we have this thread under control anymore, we never did! What have we done?!
It's gonna get troll-raped in a matter of milliseconds.
Everyone, take cover.

>> No.953577

Uh, no, there's still creationists out of the Bible Belt. It's just moar concentrated there. Surely you've seen stats on evo vs. crea belief in the US?

I haven't read up about theistic evolution, but I'd expect it would have God as a programmer tweeking DNA code (magically), and letting nature select from there, then at some point hooking up spirits to brains, blah blah blah, instead of actually intervening in behavior and choices.

It's stupid, but it doesn't threaten to dismantle biological science like creationism.

>> No.953582


yes the original settlers were, but none of the founding fathers were religious fanatics and none of them wanted to found the US on any religion.

im not even american

>> No.953583

haven't you guys figured out yet that the only thing religion threads do is promote retardation and trolling.

get this stupid shit out of here

>> No.953590

Virginia was founded by a corporation, essentially.
Roanoke failed, but Jamestown did not.

>> No.953594
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no1 here actually believes that, why so mad?

>> No.953609


No, pointing black man, I am not mad. Thanks for your inquiry, however.

>> No.954737

> Is the "debate" between evolution and creationism as prominent elsewhere as it is in the U.S.?

There isn't any debate. Outside the US, no-one gives creationism the time of day. In the US, the creationists aren't open to debate, and the rest aren't going to waste their time trying.

No-one, and I mean no-one, *believes* in creationism. Creationism is a "totem"; the fact that people who claim to believe it don't end up in psychiatric hospitals testifies to the power of the tribe.

>> No.954758

Ausfag here.

All of the church I got to know I'm studying evolutionary biology and couldn't care less.

There is no debate. America is on par with middle eastern countries on the subject of creationism.

>> No.954885

44% of America, not all of us.

It just sucks that most of the leaders of the US are that retarded.

>> No.954896

>carpet bomb those states with MOAB missiles
No part of that makes sense.

>> No.954917


There's a "debate", but it's really just dipshits denying an obvious fact.

Really, DNA is pretty much absolute proof for Evolution.

>> No.955075

It isn't prominent in the US. Atheists just can't stand the few people that do talk about it. 4chan being nothing but atheists...

>> No.955097

>An European
>Implying European starts with a vowel sound