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File: 402 KB, 1431x2540, dumbHumans2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9531137 No.9531137 [Reply] [Original]

We are literally behaving like a mouse with brain injury that presents itself at full daylight in the middle of an open area, squeaking as loud as it can. When you see such a mouse, you know immediately that it will be taken by next fox or hawk within minutes.
We are in the exact same situation, we shoot radar, radio and laser beams out as if Earth was a fanfare. Only difference is it takes hundreds or thousands of years until our squeaking has reached them and until they come to take us. But why is anyone fine with it? Why does nobody care? Why are governments not taking laws in place that forbid this stupidity?

>> No.9531184

Because every planet within earshot seems to be dead.
We are so alone it hurts, and because we can't explore the stars maybe the stars will explore us.


>> No.9531196

>Because every planet within earshot seems to be dead.
We are not even sure if there's a 9th planet with 2-15 times the mass of Earth in our own solar system. It's possible that there is a planet around Proxima Centauri that's inhabited by a comparable civilization to ours and we would have no fucking clue.

>> No.9531200
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>> No.9531208

>literally behaving like a mouse with brain injury
I'm getting real fucking sick of people using the word literally in a non-literal sense.

>> No.9531238

What's so special about earth that would make an advanced civilization want to invade and eradicate us?

>> No.9531242

he literally used the word literally literally correctly but it was literally redundant, literally

>> No.9531257

Maybe they are afraid that our advancement eventually overtakes theirs and see us as a potential thread. So they kill everything that looks remotely interesting. Or they want to study us, so we and/or the whole planet Earth become an experiment. Or they think the fact that there’s intelligent here is a good proof that Eath is life friendly and they want to inhabit Earth as well.

Just think what would happen if we found out there is a civilization compared to our stoe age living under the surface of Mars (it’s just a hypothetical example). We would immediately go through the topics “are they a thread to us? We should never let them get to a point where they have the same technology as we have”, “can I colonize this? There must be nice things under the surface of Mars given that intelligent live could emerge and live there”, “Are they resistent to radiation? Let’s send them some ICBM’s, if they survive, that could allow us for better cancer research”, ...

Admittedly, some very negative examples, but you can be sure about the first point, we would never allow any situation where they might be a threat to us

>> No.9531259

No. We are literally behaving like humans.

But yeah, the redundant literally also annoys me.

>> No.9531297

If the mouse squeaks as loud as it can for decades with no response from predators, do the predators exist?

Let us assume that humanity is not alone in the universe.
The following may be concluded:
1 Others have not heard anything from us because...
1.1 They are so far away
1.2 They don't have the technology to understand
1.3 Being alien as they are, they are incapable of hearing
2 Others have heard from us but...
2.1 They don't understand what they're hearing
2.2 They understand but don't care (they are aliens - an interest in others or a desire for conquest is not necessarily universal)
2.3 They understand, but don't want to contact us
2.4 They understand the message as something else - if there is religion, perhaps Reruns of "I Love Lucy" has religious significance to them
2.5 They are already here, but are more apparently more interested in other things

In all these cases, point 1.1 and 2.1 (and 3) are the only concerns. Even then, it must be a hostile race that both hears us and understands that the message is artificial, and thus must have come from an alien race. Then, they must consider it worth their while to travel to Earth to attack.

>> No.9531319
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You forgot one possibility.

2.6 They heard and they are on their way.
2.7 They heard, they cloaked and they are on their way.

>> No.9531329
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3 They were here before. They left to explore the cosmos...

3.1 They are coming back.
3.2 They died.
3.3 They went further than we could ever imagine and will never return.
3.4 They are watching over the world.

>> No.9531356
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>It's possible that there is a planet around Proxima Centauri that's inhabited by a comparable civilization to ours and we would have no fucking clue.
I hope they're a species of yiffy animal people. My poor dick is starving.

>> No.9531360

kill yourself

>> No.9531361
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4.0 They are posting in this thread right now.

>> No.9531856

>If the mouse squeaks as loud as it can for decades with no response from predators, do the predators exist?

Stopped reading there. The earliest radio or radar signal with a little power may have reached like 98 stars by now (estimated). Our galaxy has 300,000,000,000 stars, you have to thing in thousands of years until our signals may have reached a very advanced civilization

>> No.9532040

All of humanity comes together to fight the aliens. America doesn't join the fight until Africas been eaten and Russia and China are on their last legs.

America uses space tech to conquer the cosmos.


>> No.9532043

>implying the aliens wouldn't go straight for America knowing they're the strongest

>> No.9532049
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>"Interstellar travel is impossible!"
>"Shut down SETI because aliens might see it and travel here!"

>> No.9532059

If I were the aliens I'd disable America's nuclear arsenal, secretly inform Russia/North Korea/Iran/China sit back and watch the carnage and wade in when both sides are at near collapse. Every alien movie showing them going straight for DC is fucking retarded, even the Spanish did not do this to the Aztecs they got support from the rest of Mesoamerica first.

>> No.9532089

One scenario could be that we are simply in the way (for example of some building-project that includes our solar system). We don't consider ant colonies special, but are willing to destroy them if needed.

>> No.9532107

What if aliens are more moral than us?

>> No.9532117

FTL travel is physically impossible, we have billions of years before they arrive, assuming they live very close
>inb4 autistic screeching about warp drive

>> No.9532122

im pretty sure you meant asia

>> No.9532124

>implying we aren't the most advanced species in the universe

>> No.9532334

As far as we can tell, Earth is the only planet nearby that has such a significant degree and variety of life on it. That makes it fairly unique. Pretty much everything else besides life can readily be found elsewhere.

>> No.9532350

>what if aliens are conquerors?
They will destroy us.
>What if aliens are more moral than us?
They will destroy us and we will deserve it.

>> No.9532649

4.1 (((They))) control us.

>> No.9532686

>send message of low tech planet
>aliens receive it after 1000 years
>come to earth a few years later (somehow idk)
>are surprised as fuck when they're intercepted around Jupiter by a space cruiser targeting them.

The message is bait.

>> No.9532694

There almost certainly exists no advanced civilizations in the entire Local Group. We should see millions of dyson spheres, but we don't.

>> No.9532783

So what? Aliens are welcome.

>> No.9532790

That's retarded m if they could disable nukes why wouldn't they just launch them instead of your retarded plan?
Actually wouldn't it make sense to disable everyone's nukes if they had any interest in the planet not as a radioactive wasteland?

>> No.9532828

Would explain the spellungv errors.

>> No.9532830


Space niggers gonna space nig.

>> No.9532841

The signal is beeping again.

This time, it is slow. Deliberate, even. It lasts just under 5 minutes, with a new bit coming in once per second. Though the computers are of course recording it, I start writing them down. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0... I knew immediately this wasn’t the same message as before. My mind races through the possibilities of what this could be. The transmission ends, having transmitted 248 bits. Surely this is too small for a meaningful message. What great message to another civilization can you possibly send with only 248 bits of information? On a computer, the only files that small would be limited to…


Was it possible? Were they really sending a message to us in our own language? Come to think of it, it’s not that out of the question – we had been transmitting pretty much every language on earth for the last 70 years… I begin to decipher with the first encoding scheme I could think of – ASCII. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. That’s B... 0. 1. 1 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. E…

As I finish piecing together the message, my stomach sinks like an anchor. The words before me answer everything.


>> No.9532849

hopefully we will elect a space Trump

>> No.9532903
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They're not sending their best and brightest, folks. They just aren't. They are probing anuses, they are abducting cattle and I assume some of them are good ayys. We're gonna build a force field to keep the ayys out and the ayys will pay for it.

Believe me, I know force fields. It will be the biggest, best force field within 10,000 light years. It will make the force field they have on Tau Ceti E look like it's made out of Legos. And after we build the force field we are sending every ayy that is here illegally back to their homeworld. It's time to make Earth great again.

I spoke to their leader, their head guy the other day, and he said "President Trump, you can't build a force field and we certainly aren't paying for it." You know what I said to him? I said "Draxzlor, the force field just got 10 miles higher."

>> No.9532905

Make Space Great Again

>> No.9532958
File: 82 KB, 567x378, ss-orbs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were construct a gigantic floor what would support it? What would support that which supports the floor?

It seems to me that if you wanted to have a platform that first you would need there to be some way to suspend such a thing so that it can be observed and used.

I believe that it is of no particular coincidence that objects, like things dangling from gigantic gears, are centered around and gravitate in an ellipse around bodies beginning with the very largest on the galactic level moving downward through the size of a solar system and finally particles in motion around a nucleus.

Basically everything is falling and encircling itself, yet there is nothing to crash into. We are spinning and moving in an ellipse around gradually larger and larger objects of mass. Again I say this because if you want a platform what is it that supports the platform? The answer is to spin around a large object at a steady enough of a speed and then to have a smaller object spin around that object and so on until from the perspective of the observer everything is still yet it is a stillness manufactured by the most consistent of motion which is curtailed through huge ranges in distance, enormous variations in relative mass and a gravitational constant with a strength so precise that it compliments the rest.

In many ways it reminds me of the Pythagorean theorem. As you plug distance and mass into an equation you always get a result that is a product of the two yet not equally contributed to. In other words you could have a small planet that orbits a sun in a giant ellipse. The fact that it has enough mass to stay within the solar system is attributed to the sun itself. Just the same there are planets with very little mass that are tethered to their orbits due to their close proximity to a star.

>> No.9532974
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>> No.9533539

It's not even remotely intelligent for a civilization to bomb any other civilizations they detect. Imagine some civilization 50 light years from us detects one of our transmission and sends a bomb. Great, now they can hope we won't be multi-planetary or have other backups capable of firing back by the time the bomb reaches us, and that none of their possible neighbours detect that they fired something in our direction.

>> No.9533663
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We don't even know that there isn't a civilization under our ver feet!

>> No.9533667

We can speak. Speaking worlds are living worlds, living worlds are sexy worlds, sexy worlds are rapable worlds.

>> No.9533671

This pretty much. The only winning move is not to play for intergalactic war. There is so much energy and mass between any two civilizations that competing for those resources would be completely pointless. Even if we are ants in comparison to them, it would be like humans sending the New Horizons probe to crash into Pluto just to kill an ant pile. There are better things we can use the probe for.

>> No.9533675

What does that literally mean? We are literally mammals, as are mice. We might not literally be retarded but our behaviour might be comparable to retarded mammals.

>> No.9533723

might be comparable != literally the same behavior

That is all anon means. Our behavior being compared to mice is more of an analogy than literally. We 1, are consciously performing the action after analysing risk, and 2, have a deliberate goal we are trying to accomplish through our outreach. We explore the world by interacting with it, always have and always will. It is better than turning a blind eye to it anyway. After all, any planet that can see Earth transit the sun can get a pretty good idea that there is life on the surface. Especially if they pay attention over the last 100 years. The industrial revolution had a huge impact on our atmosphere, and thus the light passing through the atmosphere. In fact, we were more literally comparable to a mouse with a brain injury before we started broadcasting than after. Now instead of screaming, the mouse is saying "if anyone is out there, I want to talk. I want to trade information: my experiences for yours."

>> No.9533733

Warmongering civilizations cannot achieve interstellar travel because they will destroy themselves long before they reach that level of technology and industrial capacity.

The idea of "evil alien invaders coming here to harvest our DNA" is purely human fiction and projection of our own faults.

>> No.9533737

>mammilian aliens
>humanoid aliens
>cell system aliens
for all we know they're fields of red crystal that took millions of years to develop the radiation induced chemical reactions that would lead to complex thought. For all we know the don't even have an identity like we do. For all we know they communicate by throwing waffers of etched crystal at eachother's slots.

>> No.9533739

This is honestly the best case scenario.

>> No.9533743
File: 10 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living toasters.

>> No.9533747

>implying they wouldn't immediately attack New York City.
Aliens love the big apple

>> No.9533749


Technically this covers it.

2.5 They are already here, but are more apparently more interested in other things

>> No.9533755

Like in the Expanse books. Aliens might not know anything more than the probability of life existing here. For all we know they lobbed a carbon matter reconstruction virus billions of years ago. Could get here any second.

>> No.9533759

Unless they left billions of years ago.

>> No.9533763

>Implying we're the most advanced species on our planet

>> No.9533767

If you can travel that distance that quickly then you don't care about system kingdoms.

>> No.9533772

Maybe dyson spheres are actually retarded.

>> No.9533777

>Suddenly people start getting superpowers.

>> No.9533782

>As far as we can tell
As far as wen can guess. Those are guesses based on jack shit. Any planet in the Goldilocks zone around a suitable star could have the same or greater diversity of life. We just assume that it isn't more advanced than us, because we would probably have been visited.

>> No.9533789

You don't need a bomb. Just paint rocks with something hard to see and toss them down the well. Might not kill what's at the bottom, but it will slow it down for hundreds of years.

>> No.9533790

>make sure they are not easily detected
Speak for yourself, humanoid. Just because space is vast doesn't mean we are hiding.

>> No.9533800

Well, Nazi sliens maybe. Although war to us might be exploration or gardening to them.

>> No.9533801

I guess it was a bad idea of me to use the word bomb, I meant anything capable of wiping out a planet, like a kinetic energy weapon.

>> No.9533806
File: 241 KB, 1029x779, 2f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when are you sheduled to shed your skin, George?

>> No.9533811

jews are actually aliens

>> No.9533822

>as far as we can guess.
No, tell. As far as we can guess >any planet in the Goldilocks zone around a suitable star could have the same or greater diversity of life.
As far as we can tell, none do. We continue to try to refine our measurements to detect something we have missed in the assumption there is life out there, of any level of advancement. We don't assume there is none, we just conclude nothing we have yet to find is indicative of life of any kind. So as far as we can tell, we are alone.

>> No.9533943

>Input output slots...

haha, fuck you. I can't unsee it now.

>> No.9534754


>> No.9535637

>FTL travel is physically impossible, we have billions of years before they arrive

Shut up

No star in our Milky way is further away than about 150,000 ly. And there are 300,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy. There are 14,600 stars that are 100 ly or less from us. We have no clue how scarce or abundant life is. Maybe within these 14,600 solar systems there are already 100 planets/moons that are inhabited by civilizations that are more advanced than us (they were just clever enough to not direct an Arecibo message at us). They would received our squeaking within some years or they have already received it. If they want to send us a giant laser beam or gamma ray just to make sure no other, potentially harmful, civilization could emerge, this could reach us between now and 50 years. If they want to come by ship, it takes longer, maybe 300 years?

These are real risks, I seriously don't get why people are ignoring them so much. I guess the main reason is plain ignorance. Ppl don't know that I could be at the center of the andromeda galaxy within my lifetime (because time is relative, it runs slower in the reference frame of the spaceship). Ppl have apparently 0 idea how many stars there are or how far away they are. Ppl have 0 clue about how little we know, they assume that we would already know if there were bacteria on a potential planet around our nexts stars, but in reality there could be bacteria under the surface of the moon somewhere and we would have no clue. There could be giant fish- and octopi-like creatures at Enceladus, we wouldn't know it.

>> No.9535665

everyone needs a hobby

>> No.9535696

sounds hot