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File: 78 KB, 1366x765, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9530001 No.9530001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A+ students or graduates:

Do you use social media?

>> No.9530026

No. I used to have hundreds of followers or friends on every social media available but I watched the film 'Paterson' and was enthralled by his lifestyle. Now I don't even have a cell phone.

>> No.9530032

I unfortunately would feel out of place not having a cell phone but I somewhat envy this

>> No.9530042

Define use and define social media.
I personally have no qualms about using social media in a business sense that will make me be prone to accusations of being sociopath at some point.

>> No.9530046

My cellphone enables me to shitpost on 4chan between classes. That's about it.

>> No.9530050

You lads will be happier without it, I promise.

>> No.9530054

No doubt. How do you make or receive phone calls?

>> No.9530056
File: 37 KB, 333x499, deep work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I've closed my FB and IG accounts some time ago and there's definitely feel less stress and more focus in my life...

Also, I've recently read Deep Work by Cal Newport and it boosted a bit my non-social media policy

I downgraded to a "dumb" phone for a while but then I had to go back to a smart phone, as there are some services that I couldn't replace or abandon (at least not yet)

That movie seems interesting, will check it

>> No.9530060

I figure if it is important I will get it in the mail. My little brother sends me letters from home every week, which is much, much more pleasant than...
>unlock LED addictive screen for the 9,000th time that day
>'hey fag'

It's my favorite film now. And trust me, you can get by without the cell phone. It really isn't that difficult, and you can always get a home phone if you really need to.

>> No.9530062

social media such as FB, IG or any service that aims to connect people by creating a profile, uploading photos and posting in a non-anon way

I suppose that there are some good uses for social media, but the more I think about it the more I conclude that they are time wasters (specially in the academic area)

>> No.9530066

The only thing that's keeping from killing my phone is that there could be an emergency call or some serious shit and I would not be able to respond, idk

>> No.9530079


Yeah, ofc

>> No.9530084

I've been getting more and more paranoid about social media as time goes on. I've stopped using google services, and I just deactivated my facebook account. I've uninstalled facebook off my phone ages ago. I still use instagram, but I follow very few people. Snapchat is fun to use, because of all the dumb videos me and my friends make.

>> No.9530088

I do not.

>> No.9530089


>> No.9530091

You must be a D- because you've asked this question on a social media

>> No.9530092

well IG is owned by Mark Z, so...

Also Snapchat could also be spying on you.

The only safe way is to get a notebook, run me_cleaner, install Qubes OS, run a VPN and don't cross information between your accounts

also DuckDuckGo & Firefox

>> No.9530099

Yes, I guess your reasoning is not that bad...

Also, I hope you understand that both FB and 4chan are really different in nature (not saying that 4chan is not addictive)

>> No.9530106


Do you find that social media scatters your attention all over the place and kills your focusing ability?

>> No.9530110

They're both shitholes where the owners want more clicks and don't give a shit about the "social" activities their customers engage in. It's about time you woke up son.

>> No.9530114

I wouldn't know, because I never use it. But 4chan can do the same for me if I give it opportunities, so I imagine so.

>> No.9530119
File: 72 KB, 596x444, tinfoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't mind the spying. I mind the selectivity in what they show me to push forward some hidden agenda, which is most likely for their own profits. I've accepted that I cannot escape the network effect, but I am afraid of the manipulation. I do use firefox + DDG, as well as extensions that block trackers and ads.

If I needed to do something that I don't want anyone to know about I would run a sterile OS off of a USB.

>> No.9530120

yes, i've already taken the FB redpill

>> No.9530122

Take the 4chan redpill too. They really aren't that different these days.

>> No.9530124

Indeed, you can really feel a brainlet slave when using those kind of services...

>> No.9530126

You mean other than 4chan?

>> No.9530131

True, I noticed that my addiction always has some kind of social component (such as posting here, browsing memes, using FB, mindless chatting, replying like a retard on YouTube...)

we are social animals, and companies know how to xploit that

i'm also considering banning myself from 4chan, been here for too many years, which is unironically sad

>> No.9530136


>> No.9530153
File: 9 KB, 300x300, abstractpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does 4chan profit from more clicks? And what method does it operate to garner more clicks?

4chan is community generated, and it is only as malicious as the community is. The sub communities may do this to other sub communities by race baiting, which /pol/ seems to do a lot on /sci/ and /fit/ to push their own agenda. But the agendas that are being pushed are the users' agenda, and not the platform's agenda. This is a lot different as its easier to notice and avoid being subject to those manipulative forces. This is because a platform is armed with copious amounts of data, as well as the ability to select what you see.


Personally, 4chan has been a net good for me. It connects you with like-minded individuals to discuss topics without the burden of keeping up an image. /fit/ got me a girlfriend, /g/ got me a job, /biz/ payed off my school, and /sci/ motivated me to pursue postgrad studies. I'm a little bit more sexist and racist than I was before, and I've developed a foot fetish, but I think the disadvantage of that does not outweigh the advantages I've reaped.

On the other hand, Facebook has been a complete waste of time.

>> No.9530175

I've just pressed the refresh button by accident while I was writing because I'm a bit retard, so I will write a lazy reply:

FB is toxic, destroys my focus, and is specifically designed to hook people

4chan is a time waster in a lesser degree and yours may be an exception to the rule, lots of users that i've encountered admit that this is no more than cheap entertainment

>> No.9530202

I have a twitter that I only use for news. I follow a few people but mostly organizations and news sites. I follow a few science journals and basically any program I have on my computer. I follow matlab for instance. Also follow my uni for alerts and updates.

Never use fb. I have an ig I might start using again if I get time for a gf. Only other site I have is youtube. Also have a few dating sites and tinder but havent used them in forever.

Having a cell phone or not isnt the decider of happy. It really depends on the person.

I know people who never take their phone anywhere and just check messages on it at the end of the day. I also know med students who are on social media for hours at a time and still get great grades.

eh books like these are usually 5% quality info and 95% mush. glad that downgrading your phone worked for you tho

paranoid about what?
i use extensive privacy add ons in my browsers bc i hate the way marketing companies (which is what social media sites are) use data

eh idc what people know about me. i have nothing to hide. my issue is more that these huge marketing companies take soc media data and try to shove products down my throat

surrounding yourself with like minded people is retarded. it might feel good but its harmful. it stops you from having much needed perspective from others.

im a leftie and pretty much despise rightie agenda but i still make efforts to listen to them so i can think about what they say and how to address it.

is there a more specific question you have in mind? like about social media use on attention span or something? or how it affects psychology or something?

>> No.9530212
