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9529107 No.9529107 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a teenager, a few friends called me over to a patch of concrete behind a drainage pipe and showed me where they all urinated while out playing. There was this small patch of clovers growing out of the concrete.

Would the urine have caused the clovers to grow? Was it connected, or pure chance? It was in the shade and the clovers were only on the spot they had pointed out to me. I remembered this and wanted to ask here before I forgot, as I have been wondering for years.

>> No.9529119

that's brassica pee-enisis, otherwise known as yellow cauliflower
must've been in bloom
you're lucky, their blooms only last for three weeks

>> No.9529148

Urea is an ammonia derivate. Ammonia is a basic fertilizer. Since, Urea is the main component of urine I think your hypothesis has some credibility. I will duplicate this experiment and come back with the results.

Best of luck,