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File: 28 KB, 960x599, 020618_LG_venus_fobette_feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525911 No.9525911 [Reply] [Original]


Venus have been proven a difficult planet to visit. At first glance it seems ideal place:
it is closer than Mars
it is larger than Mars, similar to Earth in size
it has perfect gravity for mankind to feel at home

But it has problems:
the whole planet is having a massive greenhouse effect
air is made from carbon dioxide
there are acid rains everywhere

Soviet shuttle craft landed on Venus in 1976.
It was able to took some pictures and send them back to Earth before it was destroyed.

However researchers have said since 2010 that if they made a Venus craft right now, it would be able to send much better info from Venus than any device sent there in the past. But NASA has constantly been denying money for Venus exploration.

Europeans had sent a Venus Express to circle around Venus in 2014. There was no landing craft but they were able to take some measures of the planet itself.

Also the Japanese space craft named Akatsuki is on Venus right now, taking pictures of the planet itself. But there is no landing craft made by the Japanese either.

It is impossible to see through Venus atmosphere with any human designed measuring device. We really need to land there.

>> No.9525912
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planet sizes

>> No.9525913

I want to colonize Finnish anuses.

>> No.9525914

useful data is more important and has higher priority than useless data, so it's not surprise NASA and other space agencies don't want to dump their budget into Venus when they could be using it for more useful missions

>> No.9525915
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Once a year, Venus is right next to Earth with a short travel by an spaceship

>> No.9525916

terraforming when

>> No.9525917

Venus is literal hell

>> No.9525918

Impossible because of its atmosphere rich of sulfuric acid

>> No.9525919

>But NASA has constantly been denying money for Venus exploration.

Basically, Venus holds information that is less relevant than Mars. Venus could be a case study in what happens to Earth with runaway greenhouse effect in tens of thousands of years but that's more of a verbose categorical information set than actually short term useful to us.

Mars is a viable planet for more study, maybe in the future even a station or possibly even a colony. In coming decades research could be conducted on Mars itself by actual live people. The amount of shit that could get done would be incredible, remote study by limited robotics is slow.

The same effectively can never happen on Venus.

Then outside those 2, human travel is just impossible until we make massive strides in engine/thruster technology.

>> No.9525920

>I will be a jovian He-3 sheikh in the future

>> No.9525921

t. Brainlet
Venus is the best chance of finding life in the Solar System, outside of Earth that is

>> No.9525922

but how does the life survive in +400 degrees celcius temperatures?

>> No.9525923
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I'm all for living in the clouds of venus

>> No.9525924


>Finding life

So we can fuck up another species? All hunting for alien life is going to do is cause a fucking global war from Christfag sects in denial or trying to rewrite everything to compensate for not being God's little special project and a bunch of UFO nutters thinking they're vindicated and going full retard over it bombing the government for the truth to be revealed.

I'd rather focus on shit that benefits us.

>> No.9525925
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>> No.9525926


Well you've convinced me, off to Venus we go.

>> No.9525927

He's probably talking about life in the cloudtops where temperature actually is tolerable enough but who gives an immediate shit if life exists there? Especially if it takes immense effort for little gain just to prove that?

>> No.9525928
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I am so much smarter than all of you
you are all a waste of my time

>> No.9525929

Venus has no hydrogen, life is impossible

>> No.9525930

But if you suddenly fall down, you go straight to hell.

>> No.9525931
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that's why you don't fall, silly

>> No.9525932

We should probably start with our own planet, first.

>> No.9525933

nah mate
fuck them
alien pussy lmao

>> No.9525934

most organic compounds and a few metals known to man can't hold together at those temperatures mang

>> No.9525938

i want to colonize ur anus

>> No.9525939

1) Get a long tube and a pump
2) Place one end on Venus the other end on Mars
3) Turn on the pump
4) Venus and Mars both get terraformed for the price of one!

>> No.9525942

Fucking mods moved us here from /int/

>> No.9525967


Fair enough

>> No.9525979
File: 98 KB, 1720x1720, Ouranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should just rename Uranus to Ouranos. It was the original spelling of the name and it sounds a trillion times better then "Your Anus".

Better than renaming it "Urectum"

>> No.9525980

i wonder what happens to these people when they keep doing that and eventually get older and their coordination worsens.

>> No.9525985



>> No.9525988
File: 63 KB, 459x417, Prepare Uranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare UrAnus

>> No.9525990


TIL that there is currently a Japanese probe in orbit around Venus. Thanks, anon!


>> No.9525999


>> No.9526004
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>>9525911 >>9525990
>Japanese space craft named Akatsuki

>Called us back?

>> No.9526160
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Apparently, we are not smart enough to colonize the Moon. Forget Venus or Mars.

>> No.9526170
File: 402 KB, 1815x1021, WANDERERS_blue_sunset_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars first, then asteroid belt, then Venus or wherever

>> No.9526221
File: 14 KB, 263x192, Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be Luna first, then Mars, then the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter. Venus could be an afterthought, sometime after we have a good interplanetary civilization up and running

>> No.9526230

When it makes a lick of economic sense to do so. The economics of this are that when the tech becomes cheap and reliable enough and the demand becomes high enough, it will happen At the moment the tested tech we have, from the set of tech we'd need to do this, hovers slightly above zero. The demand is probably somewhat closer to zero.

>> No.9526231

Orbits do not work that way.

>> No.9526233

Interesting collection of assumptions pulled from your ass, ending with a piece of idiocy that has to be bait.

>> No.9526241


It has hydrogen, but not much compared to Earth.

>> No.9526243

That's actually a bad idea -- if you fuck up while terraforming Mars or Venus, you stop what you are doing, take a deep breath, figure out what you were doing wrong, and try again.

Starting with Earth would be more a case of if you fuck it up, blarg we're all ded.

>> No.9526245

Ho is "prepare our anus" an improvement? The "Your/our/his/her" art is not the part that causes the mirth..

>Better than renaming it "Urectum"

Hey. guys, this guy watched Futurama too.

The answer is to rename it "Ursphincter." Sphincters aren't that funny.

>> No.9526258

Venus - Named after a goddess of love and beauty
>quite large in size
>Looks quite peaceful above atmosphere
>One of the brightest objects in the sky all times.
>Under the atmosphere is literal hell.
>Surface seems purposely trying to kill life with acid rain, extreme atmosphere pressure, temperatures hot enough to melt lead.

Mars - named after god of war
>Manlet planet.
>literally cold dead lifeless planet, barely any atmosphere, dust everywhere, a slight gust of wind happens now and again.
>craters and a massive zit mountain.
>solidified core (almost like it has given up living).

Is it time to change the names?

>> No.9526276

>It is impossible to see through Venus atmosphere with any human designed measuring device.

Then how was >>9525912 taken?

Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOSxb3CMZcQ
Note: vertical heights exaggerated 22-fold for dramatic effect. Venus is actually terribly flat. At those temperatures, rock gradually softens and deforms so you can't have steep slopes or high mountains.

There was another thread running recently about colonizing Venus. Maybe it's still up.
Same offbeat (mostly wrong) ideas of how physics and chemistry work.
A Venus colony, floating in the clouds, would have to import EVERYTHING since you can't mine all that close-at-hand material.
Cloud cities may look nice (and would be a lot easier to build if we had antigravity) but they're not terribly practical.
If you want to live in a totally artificial environment, build O'Neil habitats and save yourself the cost of lugging stuff in and out of a gravity well.

>> No.9526302

Its pronounced "Or-an-os"

>> No.9526305

Kepler's first law of planetary motion states that planets orbit the Sun in ellipses, not circles, but I get what you're trying to say

>> No.9526349

>Uranus to Ouranos
These were pronounced the same way except for the final vowel so you can't blame it on the Romans. The y at the beginning is much later Anglo fuckery.

>> No.9526374
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>> No.9526382

It's pronounced, "yer-i-nus."

>> No.9526383
File: 26 KB, 651x201, space weapons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long before this is violated?

>> No.9526417


>> No.9526420

It will be renewed to fix the private monopoly issue. International oversight will be required for all space operations and resource utilizations so as to guarantee fair and equal benefit for all of humanity.

>> No.9526422

As soon as some one sees an advantage in doing so.

Why do you think the traditional "3 mile limit" around a nation was set? That was the range of cannon fire back then; hence, the range at which you could enforce your sovereignty.

As I understand the OS treaty, anyone is entitled to mine the asteroids or the moon. You just can't claim the entire body and shoot anyone else who tries to land with similar money-making intentions.

>> No.9526446

"Fair and equal" was inserted to placate 3rd world countries which depend on exporting gold or chromium or whatever. They're scared someone will find an ore deposit in the sky and undersell them. So they demanded a "fair" percentage of the profits since they can't exploit space resources on their own.

Very similar to the issues involved in scooping manganese modules off the ocean floor. Sharing the profits means no one wants to undertake the investment.

>> No.9526799

Stopped reading kek

>> No.9526801

>right next to
Uh ok

>> No.9526806
File: 463 KB, 913x913, Europa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans should try to explore Europa (Jupiter's moon)

>> No.9526822

Venus can be colonised, just not how we assume it would be.

Venus' upper atmosphere is the most Earth like place in the solar system being 1 bar and a tad above 0c which is more than manageable for current technology, you just need oxygen mask, no pressurised suit required, some even think that the sulphuric acid saturation at this level wouldn't cause immediate concern.

We'll have to treat the clouds as our surface and the actual surface as the "ocean floor".

>> No.9526830

>Manlet planet
Mighty KEK
>literally cold dead lifeless planet, barely any atmosphere, dust everywhere, a slight gust of wind happens now and again.
But it's conditions are decent and we can send robots there for years without some high pressure high temperature turning them into oxo cubes within 30 minutes
>craters and a massive zit mountain.
Keking again
>solidified core (almost like it has given up living).
It actually has a molton core.

>> No.9526847

the sheer amount of stuff in the Venusian atmosphere is orders of magnitudes greater than that of Earth
it is true that Venus is a case study in greenhouse effects gone mad but nothing we can do can even enter that order of magnitude

>> No.9526855

at that height it doesn't matter what's below you if you fall

>> No.9527417


Sorry reality doesn't mesh with your pseudo-intellectualism.