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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9523593 No.9523593 [Reply] [Original]

What's the funniest academic paper you've read?

>> No.9523647

The length (1/2 pages) certainly makes this paper stand out:


Not funny per se, though.

>> No.9523650
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>> No.9523657
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>>9523593 .

>> No.9523662
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>> No.9523816

>per se

ei vittu make :DDDD "perse" :DDDD

>> No.9523914

Don't do this. Piper's infusion of mathematics with feminist rhetoric may be unfortunate, but by responding like a redneck klan member you only justify her approach

>> No.9524046

Sorta related:


Someone posted a link to her website in another thread. Is this real!?

>> No.9524054

your senior thesis

>> No.9524058

Doing racist edgy jokes isn't exclusive to /pol/ newfriend. It all depends on how funny/original it is and the butthurt it createa like with you :)

>> No.9524064


You clearly didn't pay attention in your Finnish classes in school. "Perse" means "ass".

>> No.9524085

To be fair, this parody is not very different from the original. Negroes and mathematics don't mix.

>> No.9524101

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.9524132

Feminist women are masculanized in terms of digit-ratio and personality

>> No.9524137

Forgot link sry friends https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4158978/

>> No.9524364

all you're doing is demonstrating that her complaints about STEM being a boy's club are valid
I don't really begrudge you the right to be stupid though, do as you see fit. but if you ever got into a debate with this girl she'd destroy you.

>> No.9524366
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>> No.9524368
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>> No.9524375
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>> No.9524376
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>> No.9524379

t. roastie

>> No.9524540
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>> No.9524577

>I think 4chan is real life
Autist, Newfag or tumbler

>> No.9524588

Fucking based.

>> No.9524598

God help me

>> No.9524602

Where were these published?

>> No.9525189

Did he really publish it?

>> No.9525243

>using tissue and throwing in the bin
>not using toilet paper and then flushing it
>putting clothes on before washing hands

>> No.9525265


>> No.9525292
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send this to my friend in place of a paper he asked me to get him a couple of weeks ago

>> No.9525299


>> No.9525393


>> No.9525429

I know this will sound fictitious. But I met a prion academic and miltary experiment historian. His theory and evidence will gain you enemies from all sides. He introduced himself as a researcher he has his own papers but I haven’t found one online. He linked AIDS virus to Scrapies and Prions. And said the only reason African Americans have aids unproportionately to the rest of society is because they were experimented with for a long time for a load of research on prions, infectious misfolded proteins. You see him as a Wacko but then he gets personal as he said his crowd was solely drafted for experimentation. He began showing me images of his youth and even adds how he liked close up images to make him look bigger and hide his height. He was around 5’0 in height in those pictures. However the person i had in presence was around 5’11. Makes you think about how we analyze height and beauty.

>> No.9525607
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>Male orthopaedic surgeons have greater intelligence and grip strength than their male anaesthetic colleagues, who should find new ways to make fun of their orthopaedic friends.

>> No.9525613

Tai's model

>> No.9526652

Of course it's in PLOS

>> No.9526688
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>> No.9526689

>African Americans have aids unproportionately to the rest of society
But they don't. The most AIDS-infected group is white gay men.

>> No.9526693

Wow very nice eks d

>> No.9526779


The people putting you under has an IQ of 98, this can't be right.

>> No.9527653

does anyone have the paper of the biologist who rediscovered trapezoidal integration?

>> No.9527664

medical researcher. "A Mathematical Model for the Determination of Total Area Under Glucose Tolerance and Other Metabolic Curves"
she named it Tai's Method

>> No.9527680


>> No.9527695

not as funny as http://www.bmj.com/content/327/7429/1459

>There have been no randomised controlled trials showing the effects of using a parachute during free fall.

>> No.9527929

She named it after her parents of course

>> No.9528805

The UN paper on /pol/. My favorite part is the pepe collection and rarity rankings.


>> No.9528929
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He almost became a meme on /pol/ when the paper was published.

>> No.9529300

Oh, hah. Show's decent, though it's been going kinda downhill.

>> No.9529315

this is actually a quality social science paper. i have not seen any other paper on 4chan that even comes close

>> No.9529320

memeworthy af