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/sci/ - Science & Math

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952119 No.952119 [Reply] [Original]

so, what were the toys you played with when you were younger /sci/? Did you ask for the microscope set or the hotwheels collection?

Did it affect your choice of field/career later on?

also. I'm asking because imma be a daddy soon.

>> No.952134

You can never go wrong with legos

>> No.952144


i'm an engineer
no not all

>> No.952153

>Be a toddler
>Dad spends all the time on 4chan
>School shooting

>> No.952154


>> No.952155

Gonna agree with legos

>> No.952145

Legos are awesome.

>> No.952164

Computer Science.
I love building computers. Relation? Possibly.

>> No.952167

best comic I fucking read

>> No.952179

law student.

I dunno wat dat meanz

>> No.952192

All these fuckheads stole my toy >:(
aerospace engineer
Effect? Perhaps.

>> No.952198

There's some programming language that was designed to teach children to code. I don't know what it's called exactly, I heard about it in the news because Apple banned the code from the app store. You can probably google it.
Can't get much geekier than that

>> No.952199
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>> No.952205

Legos, if you play too. That's the important part.

>> No.952214

Transformers and Power Rangers and Batman and Spider-Man and Legos. I am a Physicist.

>> No.952224

Aeronautical Engineer and private pilot.

I guess I liked playing flight sims a little too much. Started out with Wing Commander, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, X-wing vs. Tie Fighter, Falcon 4.0, Ace Combat, and Microsoft Flight Sim. among other things.
Never was into plane modelling/RC, didn't feel real to me. Picked up microlight flying when I was 17. Couldn't get into the Air force due to glasses. :(

>> No.952229

It's called SCRATCH, invented by some guys at MIT

>> No.952237

and people wonder why girls turn to whores.

>> No.952239

Legos, im going into biology, although my dad is an engineer, though he never got a degree or anything, just has a ton of experience in it.

>> No.952240

Legos, of course, and action figures.

>> No.952248

I played with sticks and whatever I could find in the forest.

Toys are for people without any imagination.

>> No.952257

and you are now a hobo. good for you

>> No.952274

I played with Legos and with sticks in the forest and my imagination and shit.

I do linguistics.

>> No.952293

I played with an old obsolete Apple IIc I got for Christmas one year.

I do computer science.

>> No.952288


How old are you..?

>> No.952322

>so, what were the toys you played with when you were younger /sci/?

>younger /sci/


>> No.952327

i played with legos
now i am a legos!

>> No.952346

For the love of humanity, you aren't implying transformers have only been around since the 2007 movie are you?

>> No.952352

I actually did have a microscope set as a kid, but my computer was the only thing that affected my career choices.

Don't waste too much money on useless garbage they'll just get rid of a decade or two later.

>> No.952365

I once got a chemistry set.

I disregarded the instructions and just burned the magnesium, made a bomb out of the spirit burner and burned anything else interesting in there.

I'm now an undergrad chemist and am on a final warning for messing around with dry ice in the lab repeatedly and setting my lab coat on fire with ethanol (flame burns above the spill, doesn't actually damage the coat).

Guess it was in my nature rather than the set's fault.

>> No.952373
File: 31 KB, 403x542, 1232840685730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying my father let me play with toys
My only toy was a 5th grade math workbook that had to be done before my dad got home, when I was in 1st grade.

>> No.952380

I feel super sorry for you chinese kids.

>> No.952389


Neuroscience major.

>> No.952393
File: 94 KB, 342x387, Inside the japanese mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that picture is adorable, you lucky bitch I wish i was that cute.

>> No.952402

here you go bro. the only other thing I can think of is stuff that stimulates the childs imagination. legos and such. oh, and sit down and do stuff with your kid, don't just throw some legos at him and leave him to his own devices, actually participate in his life

>> No.952420

[spoilers]Im a nigger[/spiders]

>> No.952441

Lego is great but shit gets tiresome, I was never able to build anything on the scale I wanted :(

Shit like spirograph (if they even still make it) is kinda cool, your kid'll love it then get bored then years later realize how epic it is.

>> No.952455
File: 29 KB, 320x336, lewa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legos and hot wheels were my thing. I wasn't much into action figures, but the original bionicle was really cool. Probably because it was like legos in a way that you could build them into other stuff.

>> No.952476

Seriously, no one else had k'nex? I also had legos but never played with them. K'nex were so much better. You could actually make things which did stuff, not just shitty houses or whatever.

>> No.952487

I played with lego mostly (bionicle). Toy soldiers, other action figures and blue tak.

Not anything yet, haven't decided.

>> No.952510

i had both
but knex break when you rough house
also finding instructions for old models that my brother lost the instructions for before i was born was amazing

>> No.952554

I had k'nex and legos. I preferred the legos though because k'nex took for fucking ever to take apart.

>> No.952571

op, but I am planning to do that to my kid. How did it turn for you, did you become an antisocial mathematician?