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File: 396 KB, 543x543, Flat_earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9517458 No.9517458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Convince me the Earth isnt flat.

>> No.9517461


Shut up, go away.
Do not feed. Do not help shit up the board. SAGE goes in very field.

>> No.9517464

Why is it that hard to defend your round earth theory?

>> No.9517470
File: 13 KB, 480x357, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9517481

How do you explain sunsets on a flat earth? Earth is round, sage.

>> No.9517508

Convince me that Spain exists.

>> No.9517509

Convince me the earth isn't round

>> No.9517511

Because it's been done so many times that all the explanations have coalesced and warped until the only answer left is, "Why would you assume it's flat in the first place, you fucking moron?"

Also, basic trigonometry. Like, really, really basic. Like "you shouldn't even be on here if you haven't learned it yet" basic.

>> No.9517512

The sun moves in circles around the North Pole. When it is over your head, it's day. When it's not, it's night. The light of the sun is confined to a limited area and its light acts like a spotlight upon the earth.

>> No.9517516
File: 151 KB, 774x543, 1509865485225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop pretending to be retarded, nobody is this dumb

>> No.9517522

1. The moon has a round shadow when the earth blocks it from the sun (Ancient humans knew this and no one was stupid enough to think the earth was flat)

2. When something comes close to you from the horizon it emerges upwards and doesn't just appear as it would if the earth was flat (ancients knew this)

3. If you know what gravity is, then the earth couldn't possibly be flat with that much mass.

Now go return to tumblr.

>> No.9517531

you came in here making claims of something, the burden of proof goes onto you to explain why the earth is flat, and we'll make our rebuttal based on your info, and what we know
also get the fuck out, this shit is getting old

>> No.9517535

>If you know what gravity is
You should know by now that unironic flat-earthers have never entertained the thought that gravity might follow some logical pattern.

>> No.9517542

>1. The moon has a round shadow when the earth blocks it from the sun (Ancient humans knew this and no one was stupid enough to think the earth was flat)

That is caused by the anti-moon.

>> No.9517544

I don't see the curvature.

>> No.9517545

>2. When something comes close to you from the horizon it emerges upwards and doesn't just appear as it would if the earth was flat (ancients knew this)

On the sinking ship, Rowbotham describes a mechanism by which the hull is hidden by the angular limits of perception - the ship will appear to intersect with the vanishing point and become lost to human perception as the hull's increasingly shallow path creates a tangent on which the hull is so close to the surface of the ocean that the two are indistinguishable. The ship's hull gets so close to the surface of the water as it recedes that they appear to merge together. Where bodies get so close together that they appear to merge is called the Vanishing Point. The Vanishing Point is created when the perspective lines are angled less than one minute of a degree. Hence, this effectively places the vanishing point a finite distance away from the observer.

This finite distance to the vanishing point is what allows ships to shrink into horizon and disappear as their hulls intersect with the vanishing point from the bottom up. As the boat recedes into the distance its hull is gradually and perceptively appearing closer and closer to the surface of the sea. At a far off point the hull of the ship is so close to the sea's surface that it is impossible for the observer to tell ocean from hull.

>> No.9517549

>3. If you know what gravity is, then the earth couldn't possibly be flat with that much mass.

Gravity as postulated by Newton does not exist. Instead we have what it's called the Universal Acceleration which states that the Earth is falling at around 9.8m/s^2.

>> No.9517553

You actually believe that?

Here's more evidence, we've seen the fucking earth from space and it's round. But let me guess... you don't believe that humans have EVER made a craft that can go into space or land on the moon?

>Gravity as postulated by Newton does not exist. Instead we have what """"it's"""" called the Universal Acceleration which states that the Earth is falling at around 9.8m/s^2


>> No.9517558
File: 486 KB, 5120x2880, xZ7txRq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9517561

>Here's more evidence, we've seen the fucking earth from space and it's round. But let me guess... you don't believe that humans have EVER made a craft that can go into space or land on the moon?

Images can be tampered and yes we have not ever gone to the moon.

>> No.9517562

lol the Newtonian concept of gravity as wrong as heck, the flat earth theory is technically closer, since gravity is actually the result of our mass falling into the curvature of space time, we experience the same effect as accelerating at a constant speed

>> No.9517567

Australia is smaller than Russia

>> No.9517568

Not a compelling arguement.

>> No.9517571

People who are smart were able to engineer craft that can fly to the moon. Stop being jealous of actual engineers. You are setting science back 3000 years in time with this schizophrenic """theory"""

Every proof for round-earth is provable and every "proof" for flat-earth is made-up and not provable. Because one is false the other is true.

>> No.9517574

If that were true then we would have exceeded the speed of light within my life time alone, try again.

>> No.9517666
File: 391 KB, 800x430, bemused_buzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructing an entire worldview around the ramblings of a 19th century charlatan and conman
Well, it worked for the Mormons I guess

>> No.9517704
File: 129 KB, 900x729, 1518654707872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me that eating poo is bad

>> No.9517708

What's past Antarctica?

>> No.9517718

We don't know what's outside the icewall.

>> No.9517724

If the earth were flat you wouldn't be able to dig a hole to China.

>> No.9517736


>> No.9517739

Not a proof. Sage.

>> No.9517743

Fucking kek!


>> No.9517744
File: 2 KB, 186x124, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]