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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 407x405, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
951637 No.951637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.951638


>> No.951641


>> No.951645

I was too smart for it. lolololol

>> No.951644


>> No.951653

who the fuck even starts going to sunday school

>> No.951660

i was born a atheism

>> No.951662

"christianity? because i was too stupid to understand elementary school"

i'm biting, it had to be done...

>> No.951666

I'm not an Atheist, but...

who made us?
who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made the one, who made us?
who made...

I'm really to stupid to understand all this, you're right.

>> No.951675

>>951666 to stupid
sorry, I meant "too stupid".

>> No.951676

There never was a beginning, it's going back infinitely.

Nice get btw, very fitting.

>> No.951689

Hahaha, this has gotta be a metatroll. But seriously, OP. My dad's a minister, as is my grandfather on my mother's side. I probably know more about the bible than your everyday Christian Joe sixpack. ;)

>> No.951697

What does this have to do with Atheism?
Many religious people would agree with you.

>> No.951698

"It's turtles all the way down."

Seriously, this is actually a perfectly acceptable answer. Mathematically there's nothing wrong with the concept of an infinite series.

>> No.951703

It makes god unnecessary.

>> No.951710

well mathematically, there's no problem with "there are -5 sheep in this room", doesn't mean it actually makes sense

>> No.951716


Because you don't need a first temporal cause?

What about ontological causation?
What is creating reality itself?

"Turtles all the way down" does not even come close to ruling out the divine.

>> No.951732

i was too smart to understand sunday school. one of my earliest memories in church was asking my sunday school professor what happened to people of other religions, that they would be as unlikely to convert to christianity as i would to their religion, and how was it fair that they got condemned to an eternity in hell for being born somewhere else (something they had no control over), or for that matter what happened to people from before jesus was born (did they all go to hell), did even joseph to go hell because he died before jesus? i don't remember the exact answer i got but it was something totally wrong under the actual catholic description (and totally batshit), about how everyone would be explicitly given chances in their lives to convert and would be made aware of the truth of jesus christ (by gods will, a constant miracle of christianity being shoved in everyones face)

also the much more innocent, childish question of "Who did god pay for our sins TO?". as a child with the common misunderstanding of the fallen-angel mythology which puts the devil as a rival to god, i thought it must have been him. but the teacher knew better, and her inability to answer was the first real big failure of christian logic for me. i have yet to see this question even raised by anyone else.

>> No.951733

but it does deny the ability for there to be a creator

>> No.951743

>and her inability to answer was the first real big failure of christian logic for me
so if you have a bad science teacher who can't explain things properly to you, then "science logic" fails because of one person?

not disagreeing with you or anything, but that argument (anecdote) is shit

>> No.951744

the ancient hebrew mythology has sin more as a force like gravity. When you sin, bad things happen to you.

>> No.951746


Not really.
The creator could be outside of time eternally creating the ever-present now.

>> No.951774

One of the major arguments for theism is that we cannot conceive of something that has no beginning. If you take away the idea of something being created, there is not a need for a creator. It loses all explanatory power.

>> No.951775

no you just didn;t understand what i was saying. it was the first question i had about christianity that went unanswered. as a smallish child who would believe anything (see the previous example of totally nonsensical bullshit answers, which i did believe), the absolute lack of answer was critical to create a chink in my indoctrination.

the entire point of sunday school is to allow to teachers to deviate from the mythology-as-written to overcome these kinds of obvious 'child-like' questions (the whole reason this kind of intuitive reasoning ability has become associated exclusively with children is exactly because it has traditionally been eliminated by institutions like churches, public schooling, etc. in childhood). and also to spare them to sex and violence, but still.

>> No.951778

The Christian bible says only Jews get into heaven, so it matters not where they are born as they will not get into heaven regardless. Neither will your Sunday school teacher.

>> No.951780

i see
go on, then

>> No.951783

i knew this explanation would come, but it still doesn't answer it. it's basically the same old 'could god create a stone so heavy he couldn't lift?' question, but targeted towards the mythology of the religion itself. surely god being omnipotent could overcome the nature of sin as easily as gravity.

>> No.951789

Thanks, that's exactly what I meant by that >>951666
you just said it more beautiful

>> No.951792


>If you take away the idea of something being created, there is not a need for a creator.
As I said, causation need not be temporal.

>> No.951816


>it's basically the same old 'could god create a stone so heavy he couldn't lift?'

Such problems have long since been solved.

God is extrinsically free since He’s subject to no force or authority “outside” Himself, He’s nonetheless intrinsically obliged to act according to his essence for his will is in perfect accord with His nature.

>> No.951819

lold hard, still saging

>> No.951827
File: 62 KB, 308x290, atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in epic atheist butthurt thread

>> No.951833

the word "epic" is so overused these days

>> No.951839

Epic qft

>> No.951842

The answer to this question is yes AND no. God couldn't absolve humanities sins, so he needed a blood sacrifice.

>> No.951857
File: 59 KB, 400x302, 1270807457502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.951859

Posting because I'm disappointed /sci/ still replies to shit like this even though its been done 4048230482304823+ times.

Seriously, what the fuck guys?

>> No.951863

for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life
john 3:16

brainwashing is not cool, yo :(

>> No.951864
File: 37 KB, 251x250, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical athiest logic right here

>> No.951866

there are no other good threads right now (and most of the time), so threads like these are pretty good to waste some time

>> No.951870

>He doesn't know we're studying the evolution of trolls

>> No.951883

Makes sense I guess.

>> No.951888


I've seen this before, but I don't understand the problem.

>> No.951894

You know there are other boards right?

>> No.951927

Whats the difference between theologians and historians?
Historians study multiple books
Theologians just study one

>> No.951934

historians study history

theologists study the giant spaghetti monster

>> No.951987

>Because I was too smart for sunday school

>> No.952000

>because fuck sunday school

>> No.952020

>implying we went to sunday school

>> No.952048

>because I rather ready Harry Potter

>> No.952084

I'm not saging because troll thread, I'm saging because boring thread

>> No.953305

u goin ta hell

>> No.953321

I lol'd. Thank you.

>> No.953324
File: 24 KB, 400x365, 400px-Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]